TPA 2008 End of year and financial

January 1, 2009
Subject: Trails Preservation Alliance 2008 End of Year ReportThe Board of Directors (BOD) wants all TPA supporters and donors to be aware of the actions we have taken during 2008 to protect the sport of motorcycle trail riding in Colorado.

Since 2008 was our start-up year, we incurred numerous preliminary costs to establish a web site and an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) organization. These one-time costs and our ongoing costs for IRS accounting and reporting are time consuming and expensive. Be assured that your TPA BOD is making a concerted effort to reduce our overhead operating costs and to maximize donations that go towards supporting TPA goals.

Listed below are the major efforts undertaken by the TPA in 2008. It is hard to judge success in many of these areas, since measurable success may not come for some time. However, the TPA has been successful in establishing itself as a working partner with the FS and BLM on motorcycle trail riding issues. Please see our web site news section for updates on the most current issues.

• Alpine Trail Systems
Worked with Ouray FS trail crew on Alpine Trail systems
Pledged $1K in 2009 to support trail crew efforts

• BLM Grand Junction Field Office Support
One-year sponsorship of a volunteer to assist in planning for Gateway and Bangs Canyon RMP’s

• Colorado Motorcycle Clubs
Assisted with TMP issues to include state OHV grant request process
Donated several new chain saws and support awards for use in trail maintenance

• Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition ( COHVCO)
Established a formal working relationship to maximize resources for joint responses to OHV recreation plans by FS and BLM

• Correspondence with FS Chief
Submitted several letters, with legal opinions, to Chief of the FS, on the FS TMR and MVUM regarding regional implementation plans

• Fundraiser Activity Support
Supported Rocky Mountain 400 and Colorado 500 off-road events
Both activities are major TPA and COHVCO fund raising events.
TPA to conduct several fund raising “rides” in 2009.

• GNF TMP Issue
Still ongoing, expected to be a major effort in 2009

• GNF/Taylor Park Trail
TPA trail crew performed extensive trail maintenance

• Moab RMP
Submitted in-depth position paper to BLM
Currently in discussion with BRC and local Utah organizations to determine best course of action for Moab RMP

• NF FS and BLM Office Participation
Attended many meetings and submitted several position papers to five separate NF FS and BLM offices in Colorado, for TMP and RMP planning considerations

• Position Papers
Submitted extensive position papers to BLM for: Ñ Moab, Monticello, Green River, Price and Dry Creek

• RMP Protest
Submitted a protest to BLM on RMP findings

• San Juan Trail Riders Support
Assisted in TMP issues with Pagosa FS district and San Juan NF recreation planning

• SMEs – Forest Service TMP/DEIS and BLM RMP Issues
Hired three Subject Matter Expert consultants who valuably assist TPA and COHVCO responding to all trail issues

• WR TMP/SDEIS Response
Completed an in-depth 20-page document shared with all WR NF users. The TPA (and former C500 LDF) has been continuously involved in this action for over three years

• Utah Motorcycle Organization Support
Active monetary and written material support for Utah efforts in preserving OHV recreation.

The TPA BOD appreciates the support and donations from motorcycle riders throughout the United States provided to the TPA in 2008. 2009 will be a critical year in our ongoing efforts to protect our sport.

If you have any comments or suggestions on TPA plans and actions, please let us know. Thank you for your support.

*Statement of Financial Position is attached in PDF.