OHV Grant Writing Assistance

The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) has staff with substantial experience with the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Division’s (CPW) Trails Program.  This statewide program within CPW provides grants for trail-related projects on an annual basis.  Local, county, and state governments, federal agencies, special recreation districts, and non-profit organizations with management responsibilities over public lands may apply for and are eligible to receive non-motorized and motorized trail grants.

The Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) (aka motorized) Program seeks to improve and enhance motorized recreation opportunities in Colorado while promoting safe, responsible use of OHVs. The grant program combines OHV registration and permit fees with federal Recreation Trails Funds (RTP) to fund the annual OHV trail grant process. OHV Grants are available for projects related to recreational use of OHVs on lands open to the public.

The TPA can provide OHV grant application review services, technical assistance, and consultation for those clubs/organizations seeking and preparing CPW OHV grants.  The TPA cannot prepare the actual grant application but will provide advice and expertise with the intent to improve a club/organization’s competitiveness of an individual grant application.  The TPA can also help mentor and coach persons preparing to make presentations to the CPW OHV Subcommittee.

OHV programmatic or competitive project grants can address the full spectrum of OHV recreation support needs in Colorado. Eligible grant-funded activities may include:

  • Construction, reconstruction or maintenance of OHV routes or multi-use trails that allow for motorized use
  • Crossing structures, bridges, railings, ramps, and fencing
  • Bank stabilization and retaining structures
  • OHV trail corridor re-vegetation and erosion control
  • Trailhead development and/or support facilities related to OHV or multi-use trails including parking areas, restrooms, and related facilities
  • Project Materials, Tools, and Supplies
  • Equipment needed to build or maintain OHV trails
  • Fleet vehicle(s) for trail crewmembers – fixed and variable expenses, fuel and fluids.
  • Normal maintenance and repairs on trail machines (trail bikes, ATV’s) and equipment (dozers, chainsaws, generators, etc.), fuel and fluids.
  • Signs – directional, regulatory, and interpretive signage for OHV routes
  • Printing – maps/guides, safety and educational materials Programs, publications and videos on safety and OHV recreation
  • OHV trail or system planning, engineering, or design
  • Land acquisition or easement projects. NEPA review and environmental compliance work required under NEPA or other statutes
  • Restoration of closed trails or damaged areas where a nexus exists between OHV misuse and needed repairs
  • Salary, compensation, and benefits for crew members or project employees
  • Employment-required immunizations, background checks
  • Law enforcement wages for enforcing State OHV Law (CRS 33-14.5)
  • OHV Education and safety programs
  • Liability and Workers Compensation Insurance required for OHV projects.
  • Insurance coverage for physical damage and theft on equipment purchased with OHV funding that is valued at over $10,000

Provided below are some useful links to the CPW OHV Grant Program:

Dirt bike, motorcycle or OHV clubs that are interested in requesting support from the TPA during the preparation of a CPW, OHV grant application can contact the undersigned at (719) 338-4106 or at info@coloradotpa.org to discuss a proposed OHV grant and needs for support.


E. Riggle
Director of Operations
Trails Preservation Alliance