Archive | December, 2010

Ride with Respect Year in Review


December 28, 2010
Ride with Respect Year in Review
By Clif Koontz

  The TPA is a major supporter of the Ride with Respect (RWR) in Moab.  The TPA BOD would like for all to see their end of year report.  RWR is doing a lot to protect our sport in the Moab area.” Keep this in mind the next time you are riding in Utah.

Email as written by Clif Koontz and reprinted with permission:

For Ride with Respect, 2010 has proven to be another productive year in a variety of ways. While maintaining Sovereign Trail and our volunteer patrol program, we’ve begun expanding our trails-conservation service to other areas.

When RwR was featured in American Motorcyclist magazine (, Dale Parriott and I figured that would be the year’s highlight. More than ever before, AMA is promoting responsible recreation along with racing and street-riding issues.

But then came the National Trails Award for Outstanding Trail Sharing ( In the work of outdoor recreation, being recognized by American Trails is like getting an Emmy! If you’ve ever contributed time or money toward RwR, then this is your award, too.
This past summer, RwR assisted Utah Trust Lands Administration (TLA) with their first comprehensive OHV travel plan ( As we proposed, the South Block of the La Sal Mountains features a singletrack loop and ATV loop. Some of you may notice that a third of the singletrack has been closed, despite being comprised of viable routes. Please bear in mind that the ATV loop is still entirely intact, and still fun on two wheels. Furthermore, the North and South blocks are set aside to benefit University of Utah and USU. TLA went out of its way to incorporate RwR’s input. As we finish marking the routes this summer, we look forward to a management partnership. Given visitor compliance, RwR predicts enhanced recreation opportunities in the South Block. Statewide, OHV riding and camping has been displaced onto trust lands. The La Sal Mountain pilot project is TLA’s good-faith effort to accommodate the public while fulfilling its fiduciary responsibility to educational institutions.

Also on the planning front, RwR participated in the BLM process to close a short-yet-connective motorized singletrack in the White Wash area. With support from Blue Ribbon Coalition and Colorado Trails Preservation Alliance, RwR persuaded BLM to pledge the addition of a motorized singletrack nearby in lieu of this closed one. In the White Wash area, BLM’s 2008 travel plan is actually quite reasonable, designating the vast majority of OHV routes. The few closures stem from legitimate concerns about riparian zones, private property, and the escape routes of bighorn sheep to higher terrain. We commend BLM on implementing this trail system, and will join the agency in the field next spring.

At the request of USFS, RwR rerouted the most erosive part of Red Ledges Trail in the Abajo Mountains. A few days and a few hundred yards later, this primitive singletrack should be more sustainable, safe, and satisfying for all. Next year, USFS will contribute labor toward a much larger reroute. Visitors to the Abajos and La Sals may have noticed newly-posted travel restrictions. Granted, the travel plans have some shortfalls, particularly in the La Sals. But they’ve been law for a couple decades. RwR hopes that frustrated visitors will channel their energy toward improving these plans. In the next few years, participate in their revision. In the meantime, get to know local USFS planners. And, please, get organized. If postmarked before the new year, your tax-deductible donation to RwR can still count for 2010.

On a more somber note, we extend sympathy and gratitude to Utah State Parks Ranger Brody Young. Ranger Young is slowly recovering from bullet wounds sustained last month while patrolling public lands. In our experience, Brody protected the land and its visitors through citations when necessary, and through education whenever possible. Brody has enforced the law for all the right reasons, and we need more rangers like him. To assist with the uncovered part of his medical bills, you can pitch in for the Young family

Next year RwR has larger on-the-ground projects planned with BLM, USFS, and TLA. It’s ambitious, so we’ll need you to match the support from Utah State Parks and Grand County. Until then, remember that snow is nature’s way of ensuring our water supply, and our thirst for trails come spring.

Clif Koontz

Program Director
Ride with Respect

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Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) End of Year Report for 2010

December 21, 2010

  The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) Board of Directors thanks everyone for their support to the TPA during 2010. This includes Colorado 500 and Rocky Mountain 400 riders and supporters; the Trails Awareness Symposium/ Colorado 600 and many other motorcycle riders who believe in what the TPA has committed to accomplish.

In our ongoing mission to preserve our sport and public access to public lands, TPA took the following actions on behalf of all motorcycle riders. The list of activities this year is extensive so this report is structured in two parts beginning with an Overview of activities. The Overview provides a quick and easily digestible review of major activities and donations. In-depth information for each item in the overview is provided in the Details section.


Additions to volunteer staff

  • Western Slope
  • South Central
  • Front Range
  • Trails Advocate
  • Marketing/Communications Representative

AMA – Support against Salazar wilderness bill
AMA, BRC, and COHVCO – sponsor Indianapolis meeting
COHVCO – attend and support actions
COHVCO – funds for a law suit
COHVCO, Texas Sidewinders Motorcycle Club, and AMA – alliances for Colorado OHV issues
Colorado 500 and Rocky Mountain 400 events – donations
Draft Environmental Impact statement/Travel Plan
White River Alliance Fund
Establish working partner relationships with FS and BLM
Gateway region – new major OHV recreation area
Petitioning Trout Unlimited to change their anti-OHV actions in Colorado
San Juan Trail Riders, and PAPA (Telluride) – support
Trails Awareness Symposium/Colorado 600
Utah/Moab area motorcycle riders – support
Wilderness Bills – detailed responses

Donations to:
Colorado OHV grant (George Gangler)
Grand Junction BLM
Gypsum Area
Joint Trail Work Days
OHV grant requests
Ouray Forest Service
Summit County Trail Riders
White River National Forest TMP
Boot Hill Motorcycle Club

An extensive four-year effort working the Draft Environmental Impact statement/Travel Plan for the Gunnison National Forest. This initiative saved a significant amount of trails scheduled for closure. The TPA/COHVCO appeal regarding closures continues to work its way through the FS/BLM system

Helping Western Slope area (MTRA) through the BLM to develop more OHV recreation areas. Specifically TPA, through local members, is working to help establish the Gateway region as a new major OHV recreation area. This BLM work also included work in the Dry Creek and Dubuque areas recreation planning

Hosting of a joint meeting with the AMA, BRC, and COHVCO during the Indianapolis motorcycle trade show in February. This meeting enhanced working relationships between all three organizations relating to ongoing public access actions in Colorado

Detailed responses to three ongoing wilderness bills being introduced in Colorado

White River Alliance funds donation in support of their attempt to stop the Hidden Gems Wilderness

Support to AMA to attend and testify against the Salazar wilderness bill, as well as the DeGette wilderness bill.

Major support to Utah/Moab area motorcycle riders as they work to protect our off-road riding in their area. The TPA made significant donations to the Ride with Respect (Moab) and the USA ALL (all of Utah) in their effort to stop the Southern Utah Wilderness Association (SUWA) attempts to close off all the BLM to OHV recreation. With BRC taking the lead, TPA joined COHVCO in filing a legal action to offset the BLM Moab area recreation management plan that would have drastically reduced OHV recreation opportunities. The TPA hosted an AMA Management trail ride in the Moab area, to bring national attention to the BLM issues in Moab, as well as introduce the AMA to the great efforts being made by the Ride with Respect organization in Moab. The TPA believes that UTAH deserves support from Colorado riders, since that area is used extensively by Colorado riders. Utah needs the support from all of the riders that use Utah lands for recreation.

Attended and supported actions taken by COHVCO regarding Colorado State Parks Board’s attempt to divert use of Colorado OHV registration funds

TPA made significant funding donations were made to many organizations in Colorado to include:

  • Grand Junction BLM – Financial support for DeBeque area work and a pledge to donate more for Gateway area work
  • Gypsum area – Financial support to a new motorcycle club
  • Ouray FS – $1000 to help maintain the Alpine Trail area
  • Summit County Trail Riders – Supporting development of an off-road riding area near Breckenridge
  • Donations to Joint Trail Work Days – Motorized and mountain bikes in Colorado
  • Funds pledges to OHV grant requests – Trail-related work in 2011/2012
  • Support for a Colorado OHV grant (lead by George Gangler) – Construction of trail barrier systems at single track trail entry points. This grant and initial work translated in to a major action endorsed by the Forest Service and BLM to perform more construction and installation of barriers in all western FS districts

Donation to Boot Hill Motorcycle Club
for their work in maintaining OHV trails in South Central Colorado

Participation in 2010 Colorado 500 and Rocky Mountain 400 events resulting in donations to TPA mission. These events are positive examples of responsible OHV recreation events. CO 500 donations went to the TPA general fund. RM 400 donations went to COHVCO.

TPA and Sidewinders Motorcycle Club hosted first annual AMA-sanctioned Trails Awareness Symposium/Colorado 600. This annual event increases awareness of issues faced in Colorado supporting the TPA mission of protecting public access to public lands. Event showed positive benefits by assisting riders from South Dakota in their efforts to build a relationship with the local FS to open more trails for motorized recreation,

Joined COHVCO in funding a law suit challenging the State Parks Board actions that appears to be in violation of Colorado state laws.

Extensive Gunnison National Forest DEIS/TMP work augmented by TPA initiative for similar work on the White River National Forest TMP. Work is ongoing for two years and continues through 2011 and 2012.

TPA is attempting to be a working partner with the FS and BLM to develop more OHV recreation opportunities in the White River National Forest area.

TPA supported major actions in the SW portion of Colorado, by working with local motorcycle clubs that lack the funding and membership strengths that the Front Range clubs have in place today. Significant work has been done in supporting work of the San Juan Trail Riders, and PAPA (Telluride) in their work in the Pagosa Springs, Delores, Rico, Silverton and Telluride area. TPA has donated funds and the use of our technical consultants to assist in this work.

TPA has supported riders in the western slope area with their ongoing issues with Trout Unlimited. TU has taken an aggressive anti-OHV recreation stand in that area, as well as other OHV actions in the state. TPA has interceded in this issue, going to the National level of TU, working to get TU to change their anti-OHV actions in Colorado.

TPA filed a detailed response to the Sante Fe National Forest SFNF DEIS/TMP document. This will be an extensive, long term project. This effort is the right course of action to take in support of an area that Colorado riders visit. The TPA also has a significant amount of supporting members that live in New Mexico.

TPA announced additions to our volunteer staff with the following Colorado representative positions:

  • Western Slope
  • South Central
  • Front Range
  • Trails Advocate
  • Marketing/Communications Representative

TPA formed strategic alliances with COHVCO; Texas Sidewinders Motorcycle Club, and the AMA to bring focused attention on all OHV issues in Colorado. This is proving to be a great benefit for OHV work in Colorado.

And finally – a reminder to all to attend the TPA-sponsored annual Trails Awareness Symposium/Colorado 600, summer 2011. See the C600 web page, for details.

The Trails Preservation Alliance Board of Directors appreciates the support and donations received on 2010. Suggestions on how to better protect our sport and increase OHV recreation opportunities are always accepted. Thank you for your dedication, interest and support.

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