Salida Ranger District Report


pdficon_large.gif October 10, 2013

Attached is the report of the first work done on the Cost Challenge Share Project on The Salida Ranger District in Colorado.

Report Date: October 10, 2013

Salida Ranger District
Route Inventory Field Work Cycle Report

Prepared by: Great Outdoors Consultants

Inventory Area Description
Motorized route inventory for the Salida Ranger District was conducted by Great Outdoors Consultants (GOC) and volunteers during a 9 day work cycle from October 2-10, which included 6 days of actual field inventory work. The inventory area is 169,000 acres in size and is roughly bounded by Buffalo Peaks Wilderness and Pike National Forest to the north; Town of Salida to the south; the Arkansas River to the west; and San Isabel National Forest Boundary to the east. Many roads and trails in the study area are very rocky and there are many site-specific features to document which affected the potential inventory rate. An inventory base camp was established in the Four Mile Area in Mushroom Gulch (Road 308) south of Highway 285/24. Camping on site greatly improved the team’s inventory access efficiency and provides shelter for staff.

Download the attached PDF (above) to read the entire document