2017-2018 OHV Grant Application Analysis


For the 2017-2018 Colorado Parks & Wildlife, OHV Grant application cycle, 21 individual Good Management grant applications were submitted and 44 Competitive grant applications were submitted.  For comparison purposes, during the 2016-2017 OHV Grant cycle, there were 19 Good Management applications and 36 Competitive grant applications.  A review of each of the 2017-2018 grant application was completed to see if the different grant applications cited growth in OHV recreation as a driver and or need for grant funding, and for the competitive grants an additional analysis was performed to see if it was stated within the grant application there was recognition or acknowledgment that OHV recreation was contributing to the local economy or local tourism.  The analyses included the review of all of the actual grant application narratives and the required Letters of Project Support for each grant.

Results of Analysis:

  1. Of the 21 Good Management grant applications, 13 grant applications, or 62%, specifically cited or referenced that growth or an increase in OHV recreation was a reason that the Good Management crew was needed and why the grant application should be supported.
  2. Of the 44 Competitive grant applications
    1. 27 of the 44 grant applications, or 4%, specifically cited or referenced that growth and an increase in OHV recreation was a reason that the grant funds were needed and why the grant should be supported.
    2. 31 of the 44 of the grant application, or 5%, stated in various ways that OHV recreation was indeed a contributor to the local economy, supported local tourism or was important to the economic well-being of the surrounding communities.


Review of the 2017-2018 CPW OHV grant applications shows that a preponderance of both the Good Management and Competitive grants recognize and impart that the needs and demands of OHV recreation are steadily growing and increasing in Colorado and that OHV recreation is an acknowledged and viable component of many of our local economies.  Given these results, it is interesting to note that historically and anecdotally on public lands statewide, within both of the jurisdictions of the USFS and BLM, the miles of routes open to and available for OHV use, and general opportunities for OHV recreation has been in steady decline.