By Jason Elliott and Scott Bright
Jason and Scott work with the TPA and serve on CPW’s State Trails and OHV Subcommittee.

Photo: Don Riggle
Each and every year, CPW’s OHV Grant program is assembled to review grant applications and how your OHV sticker funds will be best used in the State of Colorado.
The grants come in different forms, as they can be for a new trail, equipment, supplies, or all of the above. Currently, the Forest Service and BLM have direction to put more emphasis on recreation opportunities within their designated area, both motorized and non-motorized.
OHV Stickers generate about 4.2 million dollars per year in Colorado, and that’s just for the motorized community. Approximately 1.7 million dollars of this money goes into the Good Management trail maintenance. These are trail crews affiliated with Forest Service Districts and BLM Field Offices that help maintain trails within their respective areas. This money is only for motorized or multiple-use trails. The rest is there for organizations – like clubs – to apply for and put back into your area.
Nervous? Don’t be.
You don’t have to try to get a 50-mile loop into your riding area on your first go-around. Your grant could be a section of the current trail that needs repair or re-alignment due to damage. It could also be a connector to another trail to make a loop, or extend a loop that currently exists. Clubs can also apply for equipment purchases or materials to do trail maintenance. The best way is to start with a couple of people in your club and identify what you want to get done.
Check out examples of past grants to see what is getting done around the state at Search for grants. All past grants are on this website. Work with your local land or recreational manager to identify needs as you will need these land managers involved with whatever projects you’ll want to do.
Applications are completed a year in advance. Applications for 2021-2022 are due in late November early December of 2020. The grants are reviewed for completeness and eligibility and posted for comment in early December. After the public comment period, the OHV sub-committee reviews grants and will ask for questions to be addressed during the grant application presentations.
Grant presentations are heard in March and scored by the sub-committee. The scores are then presented to the State Trails Committee and subsequently approved. Money is made available during the following next calendar year.
The TPA wants to see clubs to get more involved in how their areas are managed. It will connect you with your local land manager and help you be a better partner to the district or field office. The money you apply for and use in your area through the grant process is less money the local land managers will need from their limited agency budgets.
The TPA is here to help with questions and guidance. Get in touch if you are thinking of applying for a grant.
We are here to help.