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Rampart Timber Comments Draft EA – Lower North-South Vegetation Plan


Ryan Nehl, Forest and Grassland Supervisor
c/o Amber Wyndham
2840 Kachina Drive
Pueblo, CO 81008

RE:  Lower North-South Vegetation Plan

Dear Ms. Wyndham:

Please accept this correspondence as the input of the Organizations significant concerns with the Lower North-South Vegetation Plan Proposal (“the Proposal”).  The Organizations are intimately familiar that the planning areas is an intensely developed recreational area that has taken more than 20 years to develop and been provided millions of dollars of funding towards development and management of by the CPW OHV program. Our concerns on the Proposal include impacts to opportunities in the planning area while the fuels efforts are being undertaken, impacts to areas adjacent to the planning area while the effort is being undertaken and subsequent long-term impacts that would have to be mitigated or repaired after the fuels mitigation efforts were completed. The passing analysis of possible recreational impacts from the project to this hugely used recreational resource falls well short of the highly detailed planning we have participated in the development of in areas far less used for recreation. The Organizations continue to support the active management of forest resources through efforts such as the Proposal but we are concerned that the Proposal appears to be more an exercise in using form analysis and checking boxes in a process that has simply not engaged the public in a meaningful manner.  Better information and engagement has to be achieved as this project moves forward to ensure that subsequent planners do not simply move forward to implement a proposal that fails to address recreational concerns.

Prior to addressing the specific concerns, the Organizations have regarding the Proposal, we believe a brief summary of each Organization is needed.  The Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (“COHVCO”) is a grassroots advocacy organization of approximately 250,000 registered OHV users in Colorado seeking to represent, assist, educate, and empower all OHV recreationists in the protection and promotion of off-highway motorized recreation throughout Colorado. COHVCO is an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use and conservation of our public lands and natural resources to preserve their aesthetic and recreational qualities for future generations. The Trail Preservation Alliance (“TPA”) is a largely volunteer organization whose intention is to be a viable partner, working with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of trail riding.  The TPA acts as an advocate of the sport and takes the necessary action to ensure that the USFS and BLM allocate to trail riding a fair and equitable percentage of access to public lands. CORE is an entirely volunteer nonprofit motorized action group out of Buena Vista Colorado.  Our mission is to keep trails open for all users to enjoy.  For purposes of these comments TPA, CORE and COHVCO will be referred to as “the Organizations”.

As we have previously stated, the Organizations vigorously support the active management public lands for forest health and fuels issues, given the risk this threat poses to communities across the front range and many other values on the forests. We are also vigorous supporters of these fuels efforts occurring in conjunction with other uses of these areas to the maximum extent possible. We are also aware that this type of alignment takes significant commitment and resources to execute before any thought of cutting trees even occurs and often this commitment of resources starts early in the planning process through extensive public engagement. While the Proposal outlines various steps taken to engage the public moving forward, many of these steps have not been taken to date and there has not been a good response to the efforts undertaken to date for reasons that remain unclear.

1. The Infrastructure Act limits appeals and carries forward abbreviated NEPA process from Healthy Forest Restoration Act.

The Organizations believe a brief review of the NEPA and planning requirements around the proposal will allow us to create understanding of our concerns and how to remedy these concerns. The Organizations are aware that in several locations in the Proposal there are general outlines of the abbreviated planning and appeal process provided for forest restoration efforts that has been provided by Congress. The Organizations have supported the alteration of analysis requirements in this manner by Congress. The Organizations have also supported  previous efforts in USFS Region 2 were the response the pine beetle and poor forest health has treated as an emergency for planning purposes for extended periods of time.[1] The Organizations have also supported streamlined planning for forest health and fuels reductions, such as the Healthy Forest Restoration Act. Historically the Healthy Forest Restoration Act allowed NEPA efforts for fuels treatments to be streamlined by only needing a proposal that analyzed current management and a preferred alternative for NEPA purposes. At no point did the HFRA reduce the quality of NEPA analysis to be undertaken, it merely narrowed the scope of alternatives.  This benefit was carried forward in the Infrastructure Act as follows as the scope of the limited appeals for timber and forest health efforts is clearly identified in 40807 as follows:

“(d) ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW OF AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY ACTIONS.—An authorized emergency action carried out under this section shall not be subject to objection under the predecisional administrative review processes established under section 105 of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 (16 U.S.C. 6515) and section 428 of the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 (16 U.S.C. 6515 note; Public Law 112–74).”

While the Infrastructure Act confirmed and expanded some components of the NEPA effort §40806 specifically provides for public engagement under the Infrastructure Act as follows:

“(f) PUBLIC COLLABORATION.—To encourage meaningful public participation during the preparation of a project under this section, the Secretary concerned shall facilitate, during the preparation of each project—

(1) collaboration among State and local governments and Indian Tribes; and

(2) participation of interested persons”.[2]

The Organizations believe it is important to ensure that public collaboration is not minimized in these badly needed forest health and fuels mitigations projects simply to create and maintain partnerships in the area. Without proper engagement and meaningful planning to address concerns, immense conflict will result on these types of projects and impacts to other efforts will also result. These partnerships are of increasing value to everyone involved given the current budget and staffing challenges the agency is facing and the ever-growing demand for recreational access to public lands.

Even with the streamlined planning and analysis process, the use of an environmental assessment for a project of this scale is aggressive as the Proposal seeks to treat an entire Ranger District.   This is simply a large project that requires significant analysis and public engagement and while this project could be completed with an EA, it would have to be a large and expansive EA.  Given that the project is treating the entire Ranger District, we must ask how this was not thought to need an EIS.  The Organizations submit that the current EA is brief when compared to an average EA and falls well short of the public engagement necessary to support a project of this scale. As noted subsequently in these comments, many smaller fuels projects in less visited areas have provided far more analysis of impacts than the current proposal.

2(a). There is a deeply concerning lack of analysis regarding possible impacts to recreational impacts from the project.

The Organizations concerns around the brief nature of the Proposal start from our understanding of the immense levels of recreation that occur in the planning area. In 2023, the Rampart Range Motorized Management Committee undertook a consolidated effort to count the number of vehicles that were using the two primary access points to the Rampart Range motorized areas in partnership with USFS Recreation staff.  This effort concluded that more than 250,000 vehicles accessed the recreation area for the year. Given that most planning efforts assume between 2-3 people per vehicle trip when doing visitation calculations, this would mean that in 2023 the Rampart Range area supported more than 500,000 visitor days.

For purposes of comparison, this would mean that the Rampart Range motorized areas would rank as the 5th most used State Park in Colorado. There can be no argument that this is a significant planning issue that must be addressed. Clearly if the State was closing a State Park even temporarily that had this level of visitation, planning would have to address impacts from shifting this number of people. This number of people will want to recreate and will go someplace if the Rampart planning area is closed or restricted. The areas that will be used by this number of visitors will need to be coordinated with and engaged appropriately, such as the Rainbow Falls Trailhead north of Woodland Park. We are unable to identify this type of coordination or management response for other areas that will have to address significant increases in visitation to those areas.

While  it might be easy to dismiss this type of an issue based on a timing of cutting response, this does not resolve our concerns.  While it may be easy to assert recreational access will be minimally impacted as cutting will occur in the winter, these are the seasons where most trails are closed for a variety of other concerns, such as seasonal wildlife closures.  Many other areas  in higher altitude areas are closed due to snowfall or other issues, making any increase in usage of those areas to absorb visitation increases impossible.  Clearly the management response cannot be to push recreational usage to areas that are closed. The need for analysis of this type of issue must also include understanding of the more limited resources available to maintain and manage these other areas.  Most Districts have seasonal crews that are funded through the CPW OHV program to assist in these efforts.  Most CPW crews are not in place in the winter, compounding our concerns on impacts and the need to coordinate resources around closures that are even just temporary.

After reviewing the Proposal, the Organizations are very concerned that the Proposal entirely fails to address impacts to dispersed recreation that could occur in the planning area as the fuels efforts are being undertaken.   The Organizations have participated in large timber sales in other areas that impacted a wide range of infrastructure. When we have engaged on this type of project the recreational community has understood when areas are to be cut, how long closures were expected to last and what would need to be done to reopen areas. These discussions have occurred in a very open manner and addressed a wide range of issues from temporary reroutes of trails to permanent reroutes of trails, relocation of existing parking facilities that are going to be used temporarily as timber staging areas, need to maintain developed designated campsites and to many other impacts to recreational infrastructure to list in detail in these comments. Again, none of this engagement has occurred with the Proposal.

2(b). Significant coordination is necessary to avoid long term impacts to recreational opportunities in the planning area.

As previously noted, the planning area has been the basis of decades of planning, NEPA analysis and hundreds of thousands of dollars in OHV grants and thousands of hours of volunteer effort.  This effort has resulted in a network of 36 inch wide dirt trails weaving through the planning area. In some areas, these trails these trails are wider than 36 inches but in many areas these trails are even narrower. To those not familiar with trails issues, this may appear to be a resource easily replaced, we would beg to differ.   We are all to familiar with the inability to reopen trails in areas where an intervening action has occurred, regardless of if it is human or natural caused.  Efforts to reopen the Hayman Burn Scar to recreation remain ongoing despite the Hayman fire occurring more than 20 years ago. This is an example of a naturally created action that intervened in that area, but remains an example of a management situation that must be avoided.

Avoiding impacts like those from the Hayman Fire only occurs with good engagement and planning. The Organizations are less than optimistic about the ability to protect an existing 36 inch wide dirt path when the timber cutting process begins if there is not clear and direct requirements in place to address the issue in the planning process. Any assumption that these types of resources could survive being used as a skid road would be misplaced and it has been our experience this situation is rarely remedied after cutting has ceased.  Once the cutting crew has left the area, it will fall to the clubs to try and mitigate impacts from the cutting effort. The timber contractor is not coming back.    Without a clear understanding of what and when the impacts will be restored, we remain concerned that these impacts would not be remedied.

At the in person public meeting held on November 13, 2024 for the Proposal, representatives of the Rampart Range Motorized Management Committee were told that Appendix C of the Proposal was the answer to our concerns. Appendix C is merely a generalized summary for recreation that could be used for almost any NEPA analysis.  Appendix C falls well short of the detailed information necessary for coordination and planning to avoid impacts we have seen in other efforts.  The Organizations concerns about the somewhat boilerplate nature of Appendix C are compounded with the staffing and budget challenges that are facing the USFS currently are brought into the discussion.  We are less than optimistic that a skeleton crew of USFS managers would be available to address impacts in the future. The Organizations concerns around the insufficiency of Appendix C of the Proposal are exemplified by the USFS outreach on the Proposal to date pg. 93 outlines a public engagement process that occurred in 2021 and interdisciplinary team meetings that occurred as well.  Given the immense levels of recreation across the planning area we must ask how recreational impacts was not raised or identified in these meetings. That failure is again a concern for the sufficiency of any future efforts on the Proposal.

Our concerns compound when the exceptionally limited scale of the response to scoping for the project are reviewed as these efforts generated almost no response. The Proposal notes that scoping efforts only resulted in USFS receiving 24 comments on the Proposal.[3] This should have been a signal that the outreach was not connecting with the community rather than a message that the Proposal had  a high level of support and there were no concerns from the community. The Organizations are simply far too familiar with what we have been calling volunteer or compassion fatigue.  This  has become a major issue for partners engaging with land managers at all levels given the large number of efforts being undertaken and the growing scope of competing interests now seeking to be addressed.   Many times partners are being buried with engagement requests on issues that are unrelated or minimally related to the concerns of that Partner.  As a result, multiple meetings may be occurring at the same time and partners may not be even attending the one that is most relevant to their concerns as they have already engaged with other efforts allegedly addressing their concerns.  As a result of this compassion fatigue issues facing these groups are simply not being addressed due to the volunteer nature of these groups. This does not mean the concern is not present, only that they are unsure how to address the concern most effectively. Could this issue have appeared with the Proposal?  That answer is clearly yes.

The Organizations vigorously assert that public outreach on the Proposal implementation at the site-specific level has to be better or the Proposal will only result in significant public frustration and conflict around the project. This needs to be avoided. If the Proposal seeks to implement timber management on a trail network that has had major partner support for decades and received millions in funding, the assumption  that group is not interested in the project would not be accurate. Partnerships are a two-way street and assuming a partner is not interested without confirming that assumption makes a two-way street a one way street.   The agency needs to make a targeted outreach effort to the group to understand why there has not been any engagement on the Proposal.  Simply assuming there are no concerns from parties in the area is not acceptable.

2(c).  Alignment of competing project timelines and expectations is critically necessary.

As the Organizations noted previously, recreational opportunities in this area have come from a long and successful partnership between managers, local clubs and the CPW OHV Grant program that has existed for decades. This partnership remains on-going as there are several projects in the planning process for development in the area.  This has occurred on an almost ongoing basis over the life of the partnership, and we would expect this type of efforts to continue.  The most recent effort has led to the development of a skills training area at the end of the Rampart Range road, which took an extended period of time to construct. A copy of this grant is attached as Exhibit “A” to these comments. It is important to note that any OHV grant funded project has an almost two year window between the grant being awarded and funding becoming available for the project.  This cannot be shortened.

This situation results in a significant delay in projects and presents the situation where a project could be approved and then the project area could be identified for thinning in this two year period if there is not sufficient coordination of the parties.  Often these projects are completed using contractors and that often means more delay and expanded coordination of schedules to avoid delays even without timbre projects in the area. The Organizations would be concerned that without coordination of projects such as this and large timber sales and cutting in the area, there will be immense conflicts in completion of these projects.  That must be avoided.

The Organizations are more concerned that Project coordination has not occurred even in the short term as local partners have funding in place for projects this summer and in 2026. This is a major concern as the OHV grants that fund these projects are applied in year one but funding is not received until two years out to provide time for contracting and other approvals of the funding.  As a result of the poor coordination to date, there could be projects where timelines and expectations do not align already.  Last thing we would want to see is a project that is already funded being delayed in completion after an area has been identified for a timber sale under the Proposal and the motorized partners have sought to hire contractors for the project that cannot access the area.

2(d).  Fuels projects in other USFS areas has far more extensive analysis and engagement than the Proposal.

As the Organizations noted previously, we have participated in large and small timber sales throughout the region and have successfully addressed forest health and community safety with little to no impact to recreational access.  Some of these smaller projects have relied on a very informal management process as the managers and partners have known each other for decades and have a great relationship.  In this situation communication can be very informal. An example of this would be a winter timber/fuels project that occurred on the Parks and Sulphur Ranger District Boundary on Illinois Pass between Gould and Grand Lake Colorado that occurred in the winter while the area was open to snowmobile suage and grooming of shared routes with the snowmobile club. This was a smaller effort  in an area with lower levels of recreation that occurred with little impact given the high levels of coordination that occurred without extensive NEPA.  These types of relationships have diminished over time for many reasons, which has resulted in a more formal planning and coordination process being developed.

We have attached a copy of the 2014 planning documents for coordination of recreation and timber efforts on the Canyon Lakes Ranger District for a timber sale held on the District, that did not have this type of informal structure and was working in a higher visitation area.  Staff on this District was also more transitory in nature and would frequently be using an acting person to move the project. The Canyon Lakes project included a route by route analysis, an inventory of other resources and a map of the areas to be cut to allow the public to understand and identify possible concerns with the project. A copy of selected documents from this planning process area attached as Exhibit “B” to the Proposal.[4]  This process is simply FAR more developed than anything outlined in the proposal and even with this far more significant level of analysis there were challenges in the process.  While the Proposal makes some generalized statements that could be used to develop resources such as this, there is no outline of when this would occur or any analysis of basic resources in the area. The failure of the Proposal to address resources such as this is even more concerning given the exceptionally long timeframe expected for the Proposal implementation.

The Canyon Lakes fuels efforts on recreational analysis is by no means an anomaly in terms of the level of analysis provided  as similar planning and engagement was provided by the Laramie Ranger District in Southern Wyoming in 2010.  Despite the process being almost 15 years old, detailed maps were provided, extensive recreational analysis was provided and documented and numerous targeted meetings were provided as well.[5]  This engagement and analysis was provided in these areas regardless of the far lower levels of dispersed recreational visitation that was occurring in the planning area.  The Laramie Ranger District efforts almost 15 years ago are a serious indication of the deficiency of the current analysis.

It is also more concerning for the Organizations as the visitation to the Red Feather/Canyon Lakes  area for recreation is only a small percentage of the levels of visitation to the Rampart Range areas. Laramie Ranger District efforts were centered around recreation on the State Highway but provided far more information on dispersed recreation. Given the heightened significance of recreational opportunities in the Rampart Range area, we would submit this type of a resource would be the minimum needed for partner engagement.  Relying on the informal process relied on for the Illinois Pass Project would be a significant  mistake as  there is no comparison between the size of the projects and levels of recreational usage in these areas.  The Proposal entirely lacks any information that would allow partners to understand how fuels treatments would be occurring, when they would be occurring and timeframes to be working under.  This is basic information for this type of coordination and it has not been provided.

3(a).  USFS staffing challenges provide the need for significant additional clarity to avoid recreational impacts in the implementation of the Proposal.

The Organizations are forced to recognize that USFS staff shifts positions that are being held all the time and we do not see an end to this type of staff movement going into the foreseeable future.   Dealing with an acting person has become the norm for partners, and even if there is a permanent staff person hired employees are highly mobile. This is a major concern as there appears to be more information and planning that is to be outlined based on the discussions at the public meetings.  None of this information has been included in the Proposal. We are very concerned that after several years of staff movement, this document would appear to provide sufficient in its analysis and could be moved forward without any further engagement with partner simply due to the changes in staffing at the USFS Office. Clearly and directly outlining efforts to be completed in the future will be a major step in addressing these type of challenges and avoiding unintended impacts from the project.  While the need for these efforts may be understood at this point, we are not optimistic this understanding will be conveyed to future staff if it is not written down.

3(b). Funding challenges facing the agency will not lead to greater public engagement in implementation.

The funding situation facing the Proposal and the USFS more generally only adds to our concerns on the Proposal.  Under the current Continuing Resolution, the USFS is expected to absorb between a $500m and $750m budget shortfall for the upcoming year, which will immediately result in employees shifting positions and programs being realigned in the short term.   Candidly, the Organizations do not expect this funding trend to significantly alter for the agency given the many other challenges currently facing the Country.  The Organizations are also forced to assume that the Proposal will not be a revenue generator for the agency making budget challenges around implementation more of a concern.  If the Proposal does not clearly identify what work is left to be completed this effort could find funding and move forward at some point in the future quickly.

This factor again creates significant concern for the Organizations on the Proposal as managers will be seeking to mitigate fuels in the area with almost no outside funding to support the project.  This is in stark contrast to the funding surge that the USFS has experienced over the last several years and while the Proposal has been developed.   Even with these funding surges, public engagement has been weak. With the upcoming budget constrictions, Planners seeking to implement the Proposal will be looking for efficiencies as they will be forced to work with highly reduced funding.  It has been our experience that in these situations, public engagement is one of the first costs that are reduced, which will simply compound existing shortfalls in analysis rather than remedy these shortfalls. Without clarity in what is going to be done to protect and restore recreational opportunities in the planning area, this climate will not create new standards and requirements for public engagement on these issues.

4. NEPA becomes stale.

The Organizations concerns around the Proposal expand when the timeframe of the EA is reviewed.  The Proposal estimates that the timber cutting process will take 20 years to complete.[6]  The Organizations must question how any EA would remain ripe for management action after 20 years as it is our understanding that if project level NEPA analysis is not completed with 10 years at most it is assumed to be stale and must be updated and reviewed at a minimum. This is a major concern as well.

5. Executive Orders requiring an expansion of recreational opportunities issued by President Biden must be addressed in the Proposal.

At all points relevant to the development of the Proposal, federal land managers have been under specific guidance to address possible impacts to recreational access in projects. The recent issuance of Executive Order # 14008 by President Biden on January 27, 2021 would be an example of a decision that is specifically and repeatedly outlines this requirement.  §214 of EO 14008 clearly mandates improved recreational access to public lands through management as follows:

“It is the policy of my Administration to put a new generation of Americans to work conserving our public lands and waters. The Federal Government must protect America’s natural treasures, increase reforestation, improve access to recreation, and increase resilience to wildfires and storms, while creating well-paying union jobs for more Americans, including more opportunities for women and people of color in occupations where they are underrepresented.”

The clear and concise mandate of the EO to improve recreational access to public lands is again repeated in §215 of the EO as follows:

“The initiative shall aim to conserve and restore public lands and waters, bolster community resilience, increase reforestation, increase carbon sequestration in the agricultural sector, protect biodiversity, improve access to recreation, and address the changing climate.”

§217 of EO 14008 also clearly requires improvement of economic contributions from recreation on public lands as follows:

“Plugging leaks in oil and gas wells and reclaiming abandoned mine land can create well-paying union jobs in coal, oil, and gas communities while restoring natural assets, revitalizing recreation economies, and curbing methane emissions.”

Given the highly specific nature of these mandates, it is very concerning that the Proposal falls so short on addressing recreational access and possible impacts to recreation. This is compounded given the immense levels of recreational visitation to the Proposal areas and that this Proposal has been developed in a time frame when there has been unprecedented funding available for public outreach and engagement.

6. Economic impacts from unintended impacts of management must be addressed.

The Organizations are very concerned around the possible negative economic impacts that could result from the Proposal, not only from recreational related impacts but also the possible impacts to other activities as well.  Too many of our small communities’ struggle to provide even basic services to their residents and tourists visiting the areas. We must wonder how many small businesses in the planning area rely on recreation to support their business and if recreation access to the planning area was lost, would be forced to close.  It is very common for riders of the Rampart area to see fellow riders at the end of the day at the numerous restaurants at the intersection of US 85 and State Highway 67 in Sedalia. Without a well-rounded economic engine for the community, the community will struggle and possibly fail and this will degrade the recreational opportunities and support for them from the community and this is a concern for the Organizations.

CPW own conclusions on the economic contributions of all forms of outdoor recreation in the state of Colorado, clearly identified as a consideration to be mitigated in any NEPA analysis are as follows:

“Focusing on the state-level results below, the total economic output associated with outdoor recreation amounts to $62.5 billion dollars, contributing $35.0 billion dollars to the Gross Domestic Product of the state. This economic activity supports over 511,000 jobs in the state, which represents 18.7% of the entire labor force in Colorado and produces $21.4 billion dollars in salaries and wages. In addition, this output contributes $9.4 billion dollars in local, state and federal tax revenue.” [7]

The Organizations submit that more than $62.5 Billion Dollars of economic contribution that results in 18.7% of the entire labor force is an economic concern to warrant specific recognition of recreation both now and in the future.  Any assertion that such a massive economic contribution is insufficient to warrant inclusion in NEPA analysis simply lacks any factual basis. It would be highly frustrating to open collaborations when contributions such as this are not worthy of recognition. This type of arbitrary resolution of considerations will cause concern and frustration from the public generally, and our members more specifically, as the Proposal moves forward.

7. Conclusion.

The Organizations vigorously assert at that significantly better public engagement and clarity in the proposal must be provided. While it is uncontested that the planning area sees more than 500k motorized recreational visitors per year, the analysis provided in the Proposal for recreational issues falls well below analysis we have seen in other much smaller fuels projects in areas with much lower levels of recreational visitation.  We are concerned with the budget challenges facing the agency and the huge numbers of staff that are constantly moving that the Proposal could be picked up to implement by new staff in the future that are not aware of the challenges it is facing.   The last thing we would want is to have closures placed on important recreation areas that have not been coordinated with local partners.

The Organizations would request that the Proposal provide significant clarity on how recreational access issues will be addressed the implementation of the Proposal.  The Organizations would also ask that local clubs, such as Rampart Range Motorized  Management Committee from the Denver area and the Colorado Mountain Trail Riders Association out of Colorado Springs, and the CPW Regional Trails Coordinator for the area must be specifically identified as groups that must be engaged with prior to any implementation of the Proposal. The Organizations would be more than willing to assist in these efforts as we have periodic calls and meetings with clubs throughout the region. Please feel free to contact Scott Jones, Esq. at 518-281-5810 or via email at or Chad Hixon at 719-221-8329 or via email at if you should wish to discuss these matters further.

Scott Jones, Esq.
Authorized Representative
Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty



[1] Bark Beetles: Meeting the Challenge on a Landscape Scale | US Forest Service

[2] See, Public Law 117–58 117th Congress Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 at §40806.

[3] See, Proposal at pg. 93.

[4] A full copy of this analysis is available here: Region 2 – Home

[5] A full copy of the Laramie Ranger District effort is available here: Forest Service

[6] See, Proposal at pg. 6

[7] See, CPW 2017 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan:  Appendix F Pg. 111. Dated July 23, 2018.

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2024 Fall Newsletter – November

2024 Fall Newsletter header

Hello, Trails Preservation Alliance Supporters!

As our peak riding season wraps up and the holidays approach, it’s hard to believe 2024 is nearly behind us! We hope you had an amazing season exploring the trails we all work so hard to protect—after all, that’s why we do what we do!

Before the end-of-year hustle takes over, we wanted to share some highlights from the TPA and our Partner Clubs across the state. No wonder the year flew by—we hosted the 5th Annual TPA Partner Club Meeting, completed our 4th TPA Sweepstakes, and held our flagship event, the 13th Colorado 600 Trails Awareness Symposium.

And when we weren’t busy with those major projects, we stayed active by joining Club gatherings, workdays, conferences, workshops, and other important meetings.

Read on for more information and as Riggle would say… we hope you all “ride safely and more often”!

Chad Hixon
Trails Preservation Alliance
Executive Director


Recent Highlights

Club Meeting

The TPA extends a heartfelt thank you to everyone who made our 5th Annual TPA Partner Club Meeting a success—attendees, sponsors, presenters, panelists, and representatives from local land management agencies.

We were thrilled to have welcomed 50 attendees and 26 organizations from across Colorado and Southeast Utah.

The ride day in Bangs Canyon was the biggest turnout ever, with 20 riders coming to check out the ongoing progress in this awesome riding area.

This meeting brings together clubs and individuals from across Colorado and eastern Utah who are making a positive difference in riding opportunities. Your dedication, support, attendance, and active participation are what make this event truly impactful. Here’s to all the amazing clubs!

2024 Club meeting group of riders on bikes

New Resource: Interactive Club Map

At the 2024 Partner Club Meeting, there was broad agreement that a map showing the regions each affiliated club manages would be a valuable resource. We’re excited to announce that this interactive Google-based map is now live!

The map highlights each club’s stewardship area and includes links to their websites and social media pages. You can find it on our website’s Affiliated Clubs page or view it directly on Google Maps. It’s a fantastic way to see the impact of our clubs and connect with them.

2024 TPA Moto Adventure Sweepstakes

The Sweepstakes is one of the TPA’s largest annual fundraisers. This year we went bigger and better than ever with the Moto Adventure Sweepstakes Grand Prize package which included the Haulin’ Summit Hybrid Camp Trailer and a decked-out 2024 KTM 300 XC-W.

Thank You to all the donors and Sweepstakes supporters for making this fundraiser a huge success and congratulations to our winners!

2024 TPA Sweepstake winners!

Grand Prize – Eric Balzhiser
Second Prize – Doug Wills
Third Prize – George Bielinski

2024 Sweeps Grand Prize - Eric Balzhiser

The 2024 Colorado 600 Trails Awareness Symposium: A Huge Success!

This year’s Colorado 600 returned to the beautiful town of South Fork, and it didn’t disappoint! Riders were treated to stunning fall weather and a fresh event format, midweek-to-Sunday, offering three unforgettable days of riding before heading home. The welcoming community of South Fork and the ongoing upgrades to the LOGE facilities made this year’s event even more memorable—many of us are already looking forward to our next stay!

2024 Colorado 600 Group photo

While the rides are always a highlight, what truly sets the Colorado 600 apart are the daily discussions. These gatherings offer a chance to hear updates from the TPA, exchange ideas, and collect valuable feedback from our dedicated riders.

A standout moment this year? A special appearance by none other than Ty Murray, “The King of the Cowboys”! Ty, a passionate dirt bike enthusiast and TPA supporter, joined us this year for the event and an incredible Q&A session at the rider banquet—an evening that won’t soon be forgotten.

Ty Murray and Chad Hixon at the 2024 Colorado 600

Ty Murray and Chad Hixon at the 2024 Colorado 600

Save the Date:

Missed out this year? Don’t worry—mark your calendars for the 2025 event, happening Wednesday, September 17th through Sunday, September 21st. We can’t wait to see you there!

Club Spotlight

Colorado Motorcycle Trail Riders Association (CMTRA)

Since 1972, the Colorado Motorcycle Trail Riders Association (CMTRA) has been the leading advocate for motorcycle trail riders in the Pikes Peak and Southern Colorado region. This passionate group works tirelessly to maintain and expand access to multi-use trails while promoting responsible trail stewardship.

CMTRA collaborates with the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on trail projects that benefit riders and the wider recreation community. Notable efforts include ongoing work in the Captain Jacks/Jones Park and 717 trail systems, as well as the Penrose Commons and Seep Springs areas managed by the BLM. These projects have been made possible through the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) OHV program, from which CMTRA has secured over $250,000 in grants. Every dollar has gone toward tools, materials, and labor to construct and maintain motorized trails in the region.

Trail workdays are a cornerstone of CMTRA’s mission. They not only improve trail systems but also foster a sense of community among riders who share a love for Colorado’s diverse landscapes. Regular monthly meetings provide members with opportunities to connect, plan rides, and discuss ongoing advocacy efforts.

CMTRA’s active involvement is vital to keeping motorcycle trails open in Colorado. Ready to get involved? Visit to learn more or join their next meeting.

Thank you CMTRA for all that you do!

P.O. Box 38006
Colorado Springs, CO 80937



Supporting trails and preserving access is truly a team effort! Recent fundraising events, made possible by the generosity of our donors and partners, highlight the incredible dedication of the off-highway motorcycle community. Thanks to your support, we’re making great strides in protecting and enhancing the trail systems we all love. Here’s a look at the highlights and impacts of our partners recent efforts!

David Pierce – Museum Open House

David Pierce of Farmington, NM, a longtime supporter of the TPA and the San Juan Trail Riders, hosted an incredible open house at his Motorcycle Museum this past April. The event was a huge success, drawing roughly 100-150 motorcycle enthusiasts who enjoyed raffles, silent auctions, great food, and a day filled with camaraderie.

Gary Wilkinson, David Pierce and Don Riggleat the Pierce Museum open house along with the donated bike.

Gary Wilkinson, David Pierce and Don Riggle at the Pierce Museum open house along with the donated bike.


Thanks to David’s generosity, the event raised significant funds, including an extraordinary donation of a fully refurbished 1997 Kawasaki KX 500 from his collection. This special bike was sold, with all proceeds benefiting the TPA and SJTR. In total the event and bike sale raised $9248!

The TPA and SJTR cannot thank David Pierce enough for his unwavering dedication to our sport and his commitment to supporting our mission. Thank you, David, for making a lasting impact!

Moto Coffee Fundraiser

In June, we partnered with Moto Coffee to support the Trails Preservation Alliance.

Throughout the month, 20% of all coffee and merchandise purchases from Moto Coffee were donated directly to the TPA. Based in Wyoming, Moto Coffee shares our passion for keeping trails open and supporting causes riders care about. We love their mission and philosophy—here’s an excerpt from their website:

Protecting the Freedom to Ride. Together.

“We created Moto Coffee to fuse our passion for coffee with our love of motorcycles in a way that allows us to truly support and give back to the riding community. A portion of profits go back to two-wheeled causes like protecting our trails, helping injured riders to recover from accidents, education initiatives, and more.”

moto coffee and tpa

Colorado 500 Donation

Colorado 500 logo

Thank you to the Colorado 500 for their initiative in securing a $15,000 Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative grant. The “Colorado 500 Trail Preparation Project” enabled the CO500 to donate $2,500 to each of the following clubs, supporting their efforts to preserve, enhance, and improve OHV access opportunities:

1. Colorado Off-Hwy Coalition (COHVCO)
2. Trails Preservations Alliance (TPA)
3. Western Colorado Riders and Enthusiasts (WESTCORE)
4. Gunnison Valley OHV Alliance of Trail Riders (GOATS)
5. San Juan Trail Riders (SJTR)
6. Colorado Backcountry Trail Riders (CBTRA)

28th Annual Colorado Gold Rush

A special thank you from all of us at the TPA to Merve Davies and all the Gold Rush riders and supporters. For the 28th year riders enjoyed a week of riding in Colorado filled with great trails, good meals, and the joy of reconnecting with old friends while welcoming new ones. This year, the event had 36 riders, including 8 first-timers from Tennessee, Colorado, and California!

Thanks to everyone’s participation, we raised $6K for the TPA! Special thanks to the Widener family for hosting a wonderful lunch at the cabin and to Dennis Larratt for the memorable mine tour.

Mark your calendars for next year’s ride, happening August 10-15, 2025. Let’s aim for 50 riders—start spreading the word now! Invitations will go out in February.

2024 Gold Rush

Corporate and Private Donations

The TPA is blessed with numerous corporate and private donors both large and small. It is energizing to the entire TPA team to have all of your support and we thank each and every one of you for your generous support – we couldn’t do it without you!

Land Use

Jerry Abboud: The Father of Colorado’s OHV Program

Chapter 9 of At Home in Nature by Colorado Parks and Wildlife highlights Jerry Abboud, the “Father of Colorado’s OHV Program,” for his visionary leadership in creating and advancing the state’s Off-Highway Vehicle Program.

Abboud’s efforts led to the passage of House Bill 1329 in 1990, establishing the Colorado State Trails OHV Program, which has since directed $80 million in registration fees to improve motorized recreation across the state. This September, Jerry was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition as he retires from his role as Executive Director of COHVCO.

Thank you, Jerry, for a lifetime of dedication to our sport and community!

Jerry Abboud

TPA News page – Busy, Busy, Busy!

2024 has been a whirlwind of activity for the TPA! We’ve submitted a total of 26 letters and comments on various land use issues, ensuring that the voice of off-highway motorcycle recreation is heard loud and clear.

Together with our partners, the TPA has been actively involved in a diverse range of topics—from federal employee hiring and wildlife conservation to forest health and National Monument planning. These efforts reflect our commitment to preserving and expanding access for our community.

For a full breakdown of the issues we’ve tackled this year, visit the TPA News page!

New Trail Stuff

Riders working on the trails

Porter Gulch

The Central Colorado Mountain Riders (CCMR), in partnership with the Salida Ranger District, completed a NEW 1.6-mile motorized, multi-use trail in Howard, Colorado. They constructed a 1.6-mile motorized, multi-use trail providing access to the Rainbow Trail from County Road 4 in western Fremont County. This new trail greatly benefits both motorized and non-motorized users by improving access to the Sangre de Cristo Wilderness trails for non-motorized activities and creating new loop options for mountain bikers, e-bike riders, and motorcyclists. The project was entirely funded through generous private donations to the TPA and CCMR.

Penrose Commons

Collaboration is at the heart of the effort to improve Penrose Commons, a popular winter riding destination near Colorado’s Front Range. The Colorado Mountain Trail Riders Association (CMTRA) and Rampart Range Motorized Management Committee (RRMMC), in partnership with the BLM Royal Gorge Field Office, have taken a significant step by officially opening 3 miles of previously user-created trails. This marks the beginning of a broader effort to enhance the riding experience in the area.

CMTRA has also secured CPW OHV grant funds to develop a comprehensive plan for Penrose Commons, aiming to create additional trails and improve amenities. These initiatives will make this important off-season riding destination even more enjoyable for Front Range riders.

Soldier Stone Trail and Signage

The Soldier Stone Vietnam War Memorial on Sargents Mesa, located near the Colorado Trail and Continental Divide National Scenic Trail, now features a dedicated non-motorized hiking trail. This safe, stable, and accessible path provides a direct route from the nearby road, allowing visitors to honor this remarkable memorial.

Riders at Soldier Stone

The Trails Preservation Alliance, in partnership with the Saguache Ranger District, collaborated to establish this single trail and install interpretive signage to enhance the visitor experience. If you’re riding in the Sargents/Saguache area, be sure to take the time to visit this special and meaningful place.

Partners & Sponsors

We couldn’t do it without these folks. Their donations to the TPA of time, money, and goods keep us all on the trails.








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Shoutout for Jerry Abboud: The Father of Colorado’s OHV Program

Scott Jones presents Jerry Abboud lifetime achievement award

Scott Jones presents Jerry Abboud lifetime achievement award

Chapter 9 of Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s recent publication At Home in Nature prominently features Jerry Abboud, hailed as the “Father of Colorado’s Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Program.” Abboud’s pioneering work, leadership, and vision are spotlighted for their monumental contributions to outdoor recreation in Colorado.

Jerry Abboud’s efforts were instrumental in partnering with state parks staff, federal agencies, and the motorized community to draft legislation that led to the creation of the Colorado State Trails OHV Program. His leadership brought about the passage of House Bill No. 1329, which became effective on April 1, 1990.

Under Jerry’s guidance, the OHV program has seen tremendous growth and impact. Since its inception, the program has allocated $80 million from OHV registration fees directly to “on-the-ground” improvements for motorized recreation, benefitting Colorado’s outdoor enthusiasts and ensuring sustainable recreation for future generations.

Here you can see Jerry Abboud receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award from Scott Jones, Chairman of the Board for the Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition, this past September. Abboud is retiring as Executive Director of COHVCO this year and we can’t express our gratitude enough for what truly has been a lifetime of service to our sport and community.

Thank you Jerry!

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UPDATE: USFS Seasonal Hiring and Budget Guidance Comments

Attached is the letter from Lisa Northrop, Associate Deputy Chief, Business Operations at US Department of Agriculture in response to our letter: USFS Seasonal Hiring and Budget Guidance Comments

USDA response letter

United States Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
Washington Office
1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250

File Code: 6130 (8975436)

Date: November 18, 2024

Scott Jones, Esq.
Vice Chair
United Snowmobile Alliance

Dear Mr. Jones:

Thank you for your letter of September 30, 2024, cosigned by your colleagues to U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service Chief Randy Moore regarding the Agency’s fiscal year 2025 temporary and seasonal hiring practices. Chief Moore has asked me to respond.

The Forest Service is facing unprecedented budget challenges in fiscal year 2025. Due to current budget constraints, we cannot hire non-fire seasonal, temporary employees except in limited circumstances. This decision is based on the intention to focus limited resources on current workforce and infrastructure needs.

The safety and enjoyment of our visitors remain top priorities. We understand this loss for the Nation’s forests and grasslands may impact visitor experiences. However, we will do everything we can to limit those impacts. We are working with partners to fill gaps, including maintaining trails, campgrounds, recreation areas, and other important services.

Over the past two years, the Forest Service has increased our permanent workforce by over 20 percent. The Agency has hired more than 1,200 permanent seasonal employees instead of a similar number of temporary (1039) employees. Hiring permanent seasonal employees provides the Agency with greater stability. It also improves workforce retention by affording health and retirement benefits to many employees previously hired in temporary (1039) positions year after year without those benefits.

If additional funding becomes available, we hope to have better hiring options in the coming year. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we navigate these challenges.

Again, thank you for writing and your interest in the Nation’s forests and grasslands. If you have further questions, please contact Human Resources Management at 1-877-372-7248 or We encourage you to share this response with your colleagues.



Associate Deputy Chief, Business Operations

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South Sand Wash OHV Area Recreation Area Management Plan


Little Snake Field Office
Attention: South Sand Wash Open OHV Area Recreation Area Management Plan
455 Emerson St.
Craig, CO 81625

RE:  South Sand Wash OHV Area RAMP

Dear Sirs:

Please accept this correspondence as the support of the Organizations for Alternative A of the Proposal. While we support Alternative A of the Proposal, the Organizations are concerned with some portions of the Proposal, which starts to alter the direction and intent of the SRMA as defined in the RMP. While the Organizations are concerned with a possible redefinition of the SRMA characteristics, the Organizations have also attached new research that we have undertaken that we hope will be valuable to planners moving forward with the recreational management in the area outlined in the Proposal.

Prior to addressing the specific concerns, the Organizations have regarding the Proposal, we believe a summary of each Organization is needed.  The Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (“COHVCO”) is a grassroots advocacy organization of approximately 250,000 registered OHV users in Colorado seeking to represent, assist, educate, and empower all OHV recreationists in the protection and promotion of off-highway motorized recreation throughout Colorado. COHVCO is an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use and conservation of our public lands and natural resources to preserve their aesthetic and recreational qualities for future generations. The Trail Preservation Alliance (“TPA”) is a largely volunteer organization whose intention is to be a viable partner, working with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of trail riding.  The TPA acts as an advocate of the sport and takes the necessary action to ensure that the USFS and BLM allocate to trail riding a fair and equitable percentage of access to public lands. CORE is an entirely volunteer nonprofit motorized action group out of Buena Vista Colorado.  Our mission is to keep trails open for all users to enjoy.  For purposes of these comments TPA, CORE and COHVCO will be referred to as “the Organizations.”

1. The Organizations support the provided level of analysis for the Proposal.

The Organizations were somewhat surprised to see several questions in the Proposal regarding the sufficiency of an EA to support the Proposal for NEPA purposes.  Given that the Proposal is addressing an existing SRMA designation in the newly updated Field Office RMP and is analyzing changes on less than 200 acres of lands, the use of an EA would be highly cautious level of NEPA analysis.  Much of the goals and objectives outlined in the Proposal could be undertaken with the use of a Categorical Exclusion or Categorical Exclusion with a file if an aggressive posture was taken on NEPA interpretation and compliance. We support the use of an EA to avoid any future assertion that the management decisions in the planning area was not undertaken and reviewed in a strategic and thoughtful manner.

While the Proposal seeks input on issues such as wild horses and possible amendment of the exiting RMP to alter the characteristics of the SRMA, these are factors that are outside the purpose and need of the Proposal.  If the decision would be made to amend the existing RMP to address these issues, then the existing level of analysis would be insufficient.  The Organizations would oppose the revision of the RMP in this manner as the RAMP plan is basically seeking to implement the RMP that was recently completed.

2. Scope of Proposal should not alter the SRMA characteristics and values.

In several locations the Proposal approaches discussions about possible reallocation of values in the SRMA, and this is concerning for the Organizations as the SRMA is one of the few targeted areas for motorized usage in the RMP or the western portions of Colorado more generally.  These characteristics are highly valuable to the motorized community.  The characteristics of SRMA are clearly defined in the following provisions in the RMP:

“South Sand Wash (35,510 acres) will be managed as a SRMA to provide OHV experiences in the Yampa Valley. Management of the SRMA is summarized in the table below, with additional management direction following (Map 17).

South Sand Wash Management Table

Management Applicable to Both Zones

Marketing will be coordinated with local OHV groups, commercial motorized vehicle suppliers, BLM community partners, and Moffat County to provide maps, brochures, interpretation opportunities, and road/trail planning and development. The area will be available for mineral location, oil and gas leasing, and nonenergy leasables. ROWs will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Zone 1 Management

Zone 1 is the open play area. The niche will be community, where Yampa Valley residents depend on public lands primarily for OHV recreation. Objectives will include off-road motorized vehicle recreational experiences.

Experiences will include enjoying risk-taking adventure, enjoying the closeness of family, and developing riding skills and abilities. Benefits will include an enhanced sense of personal freedom, a restoration of mind from unwanted stress, a greater sense of adventure, improved maintenance of physical facilities, and positive contributions to the local economy. The physical, social, and administrative prescribed setting character will be rural. The area will be on or near improved country roads and a highway. Group sizes will range from 26 to 50 people and people would seem to be everywhere. There is conspicuous and large-scale landscape alteration from OHV use. Area maps and brochures, and occasional regulatory signing will be present. Enforcement and staff presence will be routine. Under the activity-planning framework for management, a comprehensive management plan will be developed. Management will be geared towards providing family-oriented and skill developing  activities for visitors to the area. Main access roads and trails through the area will be identified and signed. Monitoring will determine if or when open recreation use approaches or exceeds resource capacity. OHV use will be open. Developed recreation sites will be closed to all mineral actions. The area will have a Class IV VRM designation.

Zone 2 Management

Zone 2 is the designated roads and trails area. The niche will be community, where Yampa Valley residents depend on public lands primarily for OHV recreation. Objectives will include single-track and double-track OHV riding, from novice to expert levels. Experiences will include enjoying risk-taking adventure and new challenges and temporarily escaping from everyday responsibilities. Benefits will include greater retention of desired recreational experience; a reduction in the negative impacts from such things as litter, trampling of vegetation, and unplanned trails; positive contributions to the local economy; and an enhanced sense of personal freedom. The physical, social, and administrative prescribed setting character will be middle to front country. Recreation will be on or near improved country roads and contact with people will be eminent, but still intermittent. There will be from 7 to 29 encounters expected a day during peak season and users may be unnerved but may not necessarily move off routes, areas, or sites to accommodate others. Area maps and brochures, occasional regulatory signing, and a designated marked trail system will be present. Four-wheel drives, all-terrain vehicles, dirt bikes and some two-wheel drive vehicles will be predominant. Enforcement and staff presence will be routine. Under the activity planning framework for management, a comprehensive management plan will be developed. Management will be geared towards enhancing OHV trail riding activities for visitors to the area. Together with user groups and local government, there will be a system of designated trails identified and signed to accommodate a wide range of vehicle types and riding levels. Crucial winter range and other seasonally limited wildlife habitat areas will be closed to surface disturbing activities. Monitoring will ensure that user experiences and expectations are being met and that resources are being protected. The area will be available for mineral location, but it will not be available for coal leasing. OHV use will be limited to designated roads and trails. The area will have a Class III VRM designation.”[1]

The Organizations would note that the concerning provisions of the Proposal about realigning the values of the SRMA to align with larger goals of the entire RMP would include:

“Goal A – Provide a diversity of outdoor recreational opportunities, activities, and experiences for various user groups, unorganized visitors, and affected communities, which will impact their residences, economies, and the environment. Objectives for achieving this goal include:

    • Increase managed motorized and non-motorized use trails;
    • Focus the development of non-motorized and non-mechanized trails in backcountry areas or where public demand warrants;
    • Provide legal public access opportunities for recreational uses;

Manage for special recreation permit (SRP) services;

    • Identify strategies and decisions that may be applied to protect or preserve primitive and semi-primitive areas that provide solitude and backcountry opportunities; and
    • Manage motorized recreation to reduce impacts on big game hunt quality and harvest success on BLM-administered lands.”[2]

The Organizations are concerned that if these values of the general Field Office planning effort were applied without recognition of the values identified for protection and expansion in the SRMA, this would undermine the value of the RMP as many of these general planning values of the RMP are achieved outside the SRMA planning area.  It should be noted that the SRMA area encompasses only 35,000 acres on a Field Office that covers more than 1.3 million acres.  By focusing recreational activities in smaller areas of the FO, other values can be improved throughout the planning area.

The Organizations remain open to multiple uses of any public lands for all forms of recreation regardless of the particular SRMA designation as the SRMA designation elevates particular values in these areas but the SMRA at issue also does not exclude any recreational uses.  The Organizations would be highly concerned if the Proposal sought to realign the SRMA values in a manner that created exclusive use areas for values that are not protected in the SRMA.  This would be a significant alteration of the RMP and we submit outside the scope of the RAMP plan. We would also note that since the 2011 RMP, the mountain bike community has seen extensive expansion of opportunities on the Emerald Mountain SRMA.  There has been no expansion of motorized usage in the Emerald Mountain area.  While the Emerald Mountain area is not immediately adjacent to Craig, this is a short bus ride away and easily available for users of the planning area.   Any asserted imbalance in access to desired opportunities is equally relevant as the motorized community in and around Steamboat often is coming to the South Sand Wash area to ride.

When the value of the South Sand Wash open area is addressed at the state level, the value of motorized opportunities in this area only expands. Only 8% of all trails in the State of Colorado are open to motorized single track.[3] We are aware that often this imbalance is not recognized when more localized planning in undertaken. As the Organizations noted in their scoping comments, open motorized riding areas, such as South sand Wash are almost unheard of in Colorado, making motorized access to the area highly valuable currently and of growing value into the future.  As noted in the survey of motorized desired opportunities submitted as Exhibit B of these comments, many opportunities being sought, such as a designated trials riding area or OHV rock crawling area cannot be supported in any area outside an open area. This only increases the value of the existing SRMA designations and values being protected in the RMP.

3. Support for development of trail head facilities and recreational infrastructure.

The Proposal seeks to address trailhead type facilities and allows the development of fee sites at some point in the future at these locations.  While the Organizations are often concerned about fees being charged for areas with minimal infrastructure, increased trailhead infrastructure and types of infrastructure developments have been a growing question for the motorized community. Lower-level trailhead improvements are intended to be supported by the good management crews provided to the FO in partnership with the CPW OHV grants but our users are often willing to pay more for more services as well.  In order to understand how these requests could be addressed, COHVCO undertook a survey of the motorized community to develop a more complete understanding of the opportunity and needs and possible support for various aspects associated with the development of these resources.  As a result of these generalized types of questions from various managers about what the motorized community would be willing to pay for particular levels of services, COHVCO undertook a survey of the motorized community as part of the 2023 update of the Economic Contribution study that has been a strategic resource developed with USFS, BLM CPW and funded with an OHV grant.  A copy of this newly released 2023 Economic Contribution Study is attached as Exhibit “A” to these comments.

Since the 2016 Economic Contribution study was completed, one of the most common questions and issues we have faced is understanding the recreational services the public was willing to pay additional monies to support, such as maintained parking areas, designated camping infrastructure with limited improvements or fully developed camping opportunities with hook ups and showers and other heightened levels of support facilities.   These questions expand beyond general recreational infrastructure to include targeted recreational opportunities that are inconsistent with a designated trail network area, such as a rock crawling or trials motorcycle area or a tot/training area.

COHVCO was able to obtain responses from approximately 2700 motorized users as part of the economic contribution study update around questions and topics such as this. Many similar questions and concerns area raised in the Proposal in its planning for the future of the area.   The Organizations have also provided a complete copy of the full survey results as we believe these results will be highly valuable for the Proposal, given the overlap of many of the questions and issues being addressed. This full report of the survey is attached as Exhibit “B”.  the Organizations would welcome further refinement of these types of questions as the planning for the area moves forward.

4. Wild Horses

The Organizations had the opportunity to review the comments provided in the preliminary scoping for the effort. It did not surprise us that wild horses appear to again be a major concern raised in the comments.  This issue appears in almost any planning effort that BLM undertakes throughout the Western United States.  We cannot overlook the almost consistent identification of by many comments made by the public that the planning area should prioritize wild horse management. This is at best a horrible over simplification of the challenges BLM is facing with Wild Horse management as removing the SRMA designation would not alter the challenges that have faced wild horses and burros throughout the western US.  10% of the SRMA is also identified as a wild horse area and this is the area that is designated as existing routes only for recreational usage.

The Organizations would also vigorously assert that the planning area is one of the shrinking number of locations that wild horses can be viewed easily by the public in a nature habitat area. The access to the planning area provided by the existing trails and recreational infrastructure is a critical part of this unique recreational experience.  This ability is an important tool for the management of wild horses given the ability to interact in this way builds public awareness of the issues facing wild horses and would exemplify how recreation and conservation are aligned in achieving important goals on this issue.

5. Conclusions

Please accept this correspondence as the support of the Organizations for Alternative A of the Proposal. While we support Alternative A of the Proposal, the Organizations are concerned with some portions of the Proposal, which starts to alter the direction and intent of the SRMA as defined in the RMP. While the Organizations are concerned with a possible redefinition of the SRMA characteristics, the Organizations have also attached new research that we have undertaken that we hope will be valuable to planners moving forward with the Proposal.

Please feel free to contact Scott Jones, Esq. at 518-281-5810 or via email at or Chad Hixon at 719-221-8329 or via email at if you should wish to discuss these matters further.



Scott Jones, Esq.
Authorized Representative
Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty



[1] See, Little Snake FO RMP at pg. 48

[2] See, Proposal at pg. 3.

[3] Colorado Off-Highway Trail Opportunity Plan  (COTOP) | Trails Preservation Alliance

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Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Comments

Michelle Kerns, Superintendent
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
P.O. Box 1507
Page, AZ 86040

RE: Glen Canyon National Recreation Area; Motor Vehicles (NPS-2024-0005-0001)

Dear Superintendent Kerns:

Please accept this correspondence from the above organizations as our official comments regarding the National Park Service (NPS) proposal to amend special regulations for the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (the “recreation area”) to update rules about the use of motor vehicles on roads and off roads on designated routes and areas (the “proposed rules”).

1.  Background of Our Organizations

In our comments, the “Organizations” will refer to the following four groups:

Colorado Off Road Enterprise (CORE) is a motorized action group based out of Buena Vista Colorado whose mission is to keep trails open for all users to enjoy. CORE achieves this through trail adoptions, trail maintenance projects, education, stewardship, outreach, and collaborative efforts.

Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO) is a grassroots advocacy organization of approximately 2,500 members seeking to represent, assist, educate, and empower all OHV recreationists in the protection and promotion of off-highway motorized recreation throughout Colorado.  COHVCO is an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use and conservation of our public lands and natural resources to preserve their aesthetic and recreational qualities for future generations.

Ride with Respect (RwR) was founded in 2002 to conserve shared-use trails and their surroundings. Since then, over 750 individuals have contributed money or volunteered time to the organization. On state and federal lands including the boundary with Arches National Park, RwR has educated visitors and performed over twenty-thousand hours of high-quality trail work on public lands.

Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) is an advocacy organization created to be a viable partner to public lands managers, working with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of motorized trail riding and multiple use recreation. The TPA acts as an advocate for the sport and takes necessary action to ensure that the USFS and BLM allocate a fair and equitable percentage of public lands to diverse multiple-use recreation opportunities.

2.  Introduction

Since before the recreation area was established in 1972, it has been important for recreational travel by 4WD vehicles and off-highway vehicles (OHVs) from motorcycles to dune buggies, and its importance has grown as OHVs have become more popular and capable of covering greater distances.

3.  Purpose of the Recreation Area

Congress established the recreation area in 1972 “to provide for the public outdoor recreation use and enjoyment of Lake Powell and lands adjacent thereto in the states of Arizona and Utah and to preserve the scenic, scientific, and historic features contributing to the public enjoyment of the area” (emphasis added). Congress clearly intended to meaningfully accommodate motorboats on Lake Powell and motor vehicles on land.

The proposed rules contradict this recreational purpose, and they would manage the recreation area like a national park, apparently to satisfy the demands of groups seeking to vastly expand the designation of wilderness and its proxies. The October 26th blog of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA) states:

To be precise, it sits between Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument to the west, Capitol Reef National Park to north, Canyonlands National Park to the northeast, and Bears Ears National Monument to the east.

Each of these surrounding areas are renowned for their stunning scenery, diverse flora and fauna, cultural sites, and outstanding recreation opportunities. They are also managed to protect these objects and qualities. Glen Canyon possesses very similar landscapes and values, and yet the National Park Service (NPS) has not always managed the Area in a manner similar to its neighbors.

The recreation area should be managed differently than the parks because it’s not a park.

4.  History of OHV Use

The recreation area was open to cross-country OHV use until 2021. Then the NPS limited nearly all of the area to designated routes, which the Organizations support, but the resulting travel plan is extremely sparse. The 388 miles of designated routes, assuming an average route width of 20 feet, occupies 940 acres. When combined with the 450 acres of Lone Rock’s OHV open area, the drivable portion is 1190 acres of a 1,254,117-acre recreation area. In other words, the drivable portion is 0.0009% of the recreation area, which is less than 1% of 1% of 1% of the recreation area. Thus further restricting OHVs is simply unacceptable.

5.  No Justification for Further Restrictions

The NPS has demonstrated no need for the proposed rules to prohibit OHV use of any designated routes. Given the infinitesimal footprint of the 388 miles of route, we see no significant adverse impacts, let alone impacts that could be minimized only by prohibiting OHV use.

In fact, the routes benefit not only motorized recreation, but also non-motorized recreation (as motorized routes are needed to reach most of the recreation by day-hiking or even by a weekend backpacking trip) and management (as active management requires visiting areas efficiently).

Further, for all kinds of recreation and management, OHVs are the most suitable way of traveling on rugged routes. They’re designed for this kind of terrain, so they’re more likely to negotiate an obstacle rather than bypassing it off-trail, and they’re less likely to get stuck or require search and rescue.

Where mitigation is needed, minimum-impact education and route maintenance (or reshaping or relocating routes) are quite effective. Every year, the Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation offers millions of dollars of OHV grants for this purpose.

6.  No Analysis of Consequences to Recreation and Local Economies

The NPS has failed to take a hard look at the negative consequences of its proposed rules to recreation and the economy of nearby communities like Hanksville, Ticaboo, and Blanding. The rationale that prohibiting OHVs on 25 miles of routes leaves 94% of routes open is of no consolation because it would still reduce the carrying capacity of the route despite the exponential growth of OHV recreation. Further, the subject 25 miles includes many of the most important routes in the recreation area for connectivity and for their own recreational value. Whether for a short jaunt from one’s campsite, or for a multi-day overlanding type of trip, these routes provide memories that last a lifetime. They enrich the lives of visitors, and they diversify the economies of surrounding towns, as motorized recreationists tend to spend even more than non-motorized recreationists per day.

7.  Connectivity to surrounding BLM Lands.

The subject 25 miles of route provide critical access to the surrounding BLM lands. The recreation area extends 135 miles northeast to southwest, and extends 80 miles southeast to northwest, so it needs to accommodate through-traffic. For example, Big Ridge, Upper Flint Trail, and Sunset Pass (to North Hatch Point as part of the Poison Spring Loop) are spectacular routes that provide the only north-south travel for OHV opportunities that are primarily on BLM land.

The route up Cove Canyon provides the only access to the BLM route GABD0499, which is open in all four alternatives of the BLM’s draft Henry Mountains/Fremont Gorge Travel Management Plan, thus the BLM has no intention of closing it in the coming years.

The road to Johns Canyon accesses incredible terrain for all kinds of recreation on BLM land and in the recreation area all the way up to Slickhorn Canyon.

8.  Value of the Routes Themselves

The subject 25 miles of route have great recreational value in their own right. Routes that don’t reach BLM land still lead to points of interest like views from Ticaboo Mesa, Muley Point, and Dry Mesa. Then there’s the recreational value along the way, providing the only means of access for those with limited mobility, even providing physical engagement for those with full mobility. OHV riding and driving can provide a sense of flow with the trail and connection to its surroundings, plus some degree of physical and mental challenge negotiating obstacles. Of course it also enables people to see more within their limited free time.

9.  State and County Interests

The subject 25 miles of route existed prior to establishment of the recreation area, and some of them are even maintained to an improved standard by the counties and State of Utah (e.g. Big Ridge, Flint Trail, Sunset Pass, Ticaboo Mesa, and Johns Canyon). The R.S. 2477 bellwether case in Utah District Court recently favored Garfield and Kane counties, putting onus on federal land managers to refute R.S. 2477 claims rather than operating as if the claims are unaffected by closing more routes. The NPS would be wise to avoid closing such routes to what is arguably the most suitable and most popular class of vehicle, the OHV.

10.  Conclusion

Some rules may be fine, such as quiet hours from 10pm to 6am at Lone Rock Beach, but prohibiting OHVs on the subject 25 miles of route is unwarranted and would harm the public interest. The Organizations urge you to maintain OHV access and engage us to assist your management of recreation across this inspiring area.



Clif Koontz
Executive Director
Ride with Respect

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty
Colorado Off Road Enterprise

Scott Jones, Esq.
Authorized Representative
Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition

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National Park Service Glen Canyon Recreation Area Comments


Michelle Kerns, Superintendent
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
P.O. Box 1507
Page, AZ 86040

RE: Glen Canyon National Recreation Area; Motor Vehicles (NPS-2024-0005-0001)

Dear Superintendent Kerns:

Please accept this correspondence from the above organizations as our official comments regarding the National Park Service (NPS) proposal to amend special regulations for the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (the “recreation area”) to update rules about the use of motor vehicles on roads and off roads on designated routes and areas (the “proposed rules”).

1. Background of Our Organizations

In our comments, the “Organizations” will refer to the following four groups:

Colorado Off Road Enterprise (CORE) is a motorized action group based out of Buena Vista Colorado whose mission is to keep trails open for all users to enjoy. CORE achieves this through trail adoptions, trail maintenance projects, education, stewardship, outreach, and collaborative efforts.

The Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO) is a grassroots advocacy organization of approximately 2,500 members seeking to represent, assist, educate, and empower all OHV recreationists in the protection and promotion of off-highway motorized recreation throughout Colorado.  COHVCO is an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use and conservation of our public lands and natural resources to preserve their aesthetic and recreational qualities for future generations.

Ride with Respect (RwR) was founded in 2002 to conserve shared-use trails and their surroundings. Since then, over 750 individuals have contributed money or volunteered time to the organization. On state and federal lands including the boundary with Arches National Park, RwR has educated visitors and performed over twenty-thousand hours of high-quality trail work on public lands.

The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) is an advocacy organization created to be a viable partner to public lands managers, working with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of motorized trail riding and multiple use recreation. The TPA acts as an advocate for the sport and takes necessary action to ensure that the USFS and BLM allocate a fair and equitable percentage of public lands to diverse multiple-use recreation opportunities.

2. Introduction

Since before the recreation area was established in 1972, it has been important for recreational travel by 4WD vehicles and off-highway vehicles (OHVs) from motorcycles to dune buggies, and its importance has grown as OHVs have become more popular and capable of covering greater distances.

3. Purpose of the Recreation Area

Congress established the recreation area in 1972 “to provide for the public outdoor recreation use and enjoyment of Lake Powell and lands adjacent thereto in the states of Arizona and Utah and to preserve the scenic, scientific, and historic features contributing to the public enjoyment of the area” (emphasis added). Congress clearly intended to meaningfully accommodate motorboats on Lake Powell and motor vehicles on land.

The proposed rules contradict this recreational purpose, and they would manage the recreation area like a national park, apparently to satisfy the demands of groups seeking to vastly expand the designation of wilderness and its proxies. The October 26th blog of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA) states:

To be precise, it sits between Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument to the west, Capitol Reef National Park to north, Canyonlands National Park to the northeast, and Bears Ears National Monument to the east.

Each of these surrounding areas are renowned for their stunning scenery, diverse flora and fauna, cultural sites, and outstanding recreation opportunities. They are also managed to protect these objects and qualities. Glen Canyon possesses very similar landscapes and values, and yet the National Park Service (NPS) has not always managed the Area in a manner similar to its neighbors.

The recreation area should be managed differently than the parks because it’s not a park.

4. History of OHV Use

The recreation area was open to cross-country OHV use until 2021. Then the NPS limited nearly all of the area to designated routes, which the Organizations support, but the resulting travel plan is extremely sparse. The 388 miles of designated routes, assuming an average route width of 20 feet, occupies 940 acres. When combined with the 450 acres of Lone Rock’s OHV open area, the drivable portion is 1190 acres of a 1,254,117-acre recreation area. In other words, the drivable portion is 0.0009% of the recreation area, which is less than 1% of 1% of 1% of the recreation area. Thus further restricting OHVs is simply unacceptable.

5. No Justification for Further Restrictions

The NPS has demonstrated no need for the proposed rules to prohibit OHV use of any designated routes. Given the infinitesimal footprint of the 388 miles of route, we see no significant adverse impacts, let alone impacts that could be minimized only by prohibiting OHV use.

In fact, the routes benefit not only motorized recreation, but also non-motorized recreation (as motorized routes are needed to reach most of the recreation by day-hiking or even by a weekend backpacking trip) and management (as active management requires visiting areas efficiently).

Further, for all kinds of recreation and management, OHVs are the most suitable way of traveling on rugged routes. They’re designed for this kind of terrain, so they’re more likely to negotiate an obstacle rather than bypassing it off-trail, and they’re less likely to get stuck or require search and rescue.

Where mitigation is needed, minimum-impact education and route maintenance (or reshaping or relocating routes) are quite effective. Every year, the Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation offers millions of dollars of OHV grants for this purpose.

6. No Analysis of Consequences to Recreation and Local Economies

The NPS has failed to take a hard look at the negative consequences of its proposed rules to recreation and the economy of nearby communities like Hanksville, Ticaboo, and Blanding. The rationale that prohibiting OHVs on 25 miles of routes leaves 94% of routes open is of no consolation because it would still reduce the carrying capacity of the route despite the exponential growth of OHV recreation. Further, the subject 25 miles includes many of the most important routes in the recreation area for connectivity and for their own recreational value. Whether for a short jaunt from one’s campsite, or for a multi-day overlanding type of trip, these routes provide memories that last a lifetime. They enrich the lives of visitors, and they diversify the economies of surrounding towns, as motorized recreationists tend to spend even more than non-motorized recreationists per day.

7. Connectivity to surrounding BLM Lands.

The subject 25 miles of route provide critical access to the surrounding BLM lands. The recreation area extends 135 miles northeast to southwest, and extends 80 miles southeast to northwest, so it needs to accommodate through-traffic. For example, Big Ridge, Upper Flint Trail, and Sunset Pass (to North Hatch Point as part of the Poison Spring Loop) are spectacular routes that provide the only north-south travel for OHV opportunities that are primarily on BLM land.

The route up Cove Canyon provides the only access to the BLM route GABD0499, which is open in all four alternatives of the BLM’s draft Henry Mountains/Fremont Gorge Travel Management Plan, thus the BLM has no intention of closing it in the coming years.

The road to Johns Canyon accesses incredible terrain for all kinds of recreation on BLM land and in the recreation area all the way up to Slickhorn Canyon.

8. Value of the Routes Themselves

The subject 25 miles of route have great recreational value in their own right. Routes that don’t reach BLM land still lead to points of interest like views from Ticaboo Mesa, Muley Point, and Dry Mesa. Then there’s the recreational value along the way, providing the only means of access for those with limited mobility, even providing physical engagement for those with full mobility. OHV riding and driving can provide a sense of flow with the trail and connection to its surroundings, plus some degree of physical and mental challenge negotiating obstacles. Of course it also enables people to see more within their limited free time.

9. State and County Interests

The subject 25 miles of route existed prior to establishment of the recreation area, and some of them are even maintained to an improved standard by the counties and State of Utah (e.g. Big Ridge, Flint Trail, Sunset Pass, Ticaboo Mesa, and Johns Canyon). The R.S. 2477 bellwether case in Utah District Court recently favored Garfield and Kane counties, putting onus on federal land managers to refute R.S. 2477 claims rather than operating as if the claims are unaffected by closing more routes. The NPS would be wise to avoid closing such routes to what is arguably the most suitable and most popular class of vehicle, the OHV.

10. Conclusion

Some rules may be fine, such as quiet hours from 10pm to 6am at Lone Rock Beach, but prohibiting OHVs on the subject 25 miles of route is unwarranted and would harm the public interest. The Organizations urge you to maintain OHV access and engage us to assist your management of recreation across this inspiring area.


Clif Koontz
Executive Director
Ride with Respect

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty
Colorado Off Road Enterprise

Scott Jones, Esq.
CSA Executive Director
COHVCO Authorized Representative

Continue Reading

Bears Ears National Monument RMP Protest


BLM Director
Attention: Protest Coordinator (HQ210)
Denver Federal Center, Building 40 (Door W-4)
Lakewood, CO 80215

RE: Bears Ears National Monument RMP (DOI-BLM-UT-Y020-2022-0030-RMP-EIS)

Also see:
July 1, 2024 Bears Ears National Monument Resource Management Plan Comments (06/11/24 comments can be found here)

Dear BLM Director:

Please accept this protest from the above organizations regarding the Bears Ears National Monument (BENM) Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement (PRMP/FEIS).

1. Background of Our Organizations

In our comments, the “Organizations” will refer to the following four groups:

Colorado Off Road Enterprise (CORE) is a motorized action group based out of Buena Vista Colorado whose mission is to keep trails open for all users to enjoy. CORE achieves this through trail adoptions, trail maintenance projects, education, stewardship, outreach, and collaborative efforts.

Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO) is a grassroots advocacy organization of approximately 2,500 members seeking to represent, assist, educate, and empower all OHV recreationists in the protection and promotion of off-highway motorized recreation throughout Colorado.  COHVCO is an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use and conservation of our public lands and natural resources to preserve their aesthetic and recreational qualities for future generations.

Ride with Respect (RwR) was founded in 2002 to conserve shared-use trails and their surroundings. Since then, over 750 individuals have contributed money or volunteered time to the organization. Primarily in the Moab Field Office, RwR has educated visitors and performed over twenty-thousand hours of high-quality trail work on public lands.

Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) is an advocacy organization created to be a viable partner to public lands managers, working with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of motorized trail riding and multiple use recreation. The TPA acts as an advocate for the sport and takes necessary action to ensure that the USFS and BLM allocate a fair and equitable percentage of public lands to diverse multiple-use recreation opportunities.

2. Interest of Our Organizations and Issues

The Organizations have an interest in the BENM RMP and would be adversely affected by the PRMP/FEIS. As the Organizations stated in our DRMP comments (enclosed):

“In addition to advocating access for responsible OHV riding, the Organizations have spent countless hours partnering with agencies to effectively manage motorized recreation, which cannot be substituted by other stakeholders. Of course we also recognize the contributions of other OHV groups such as SPEAR, the input of local government such as San Juan County, and indigenous Americans particularly when it comes to managing cultural sites. Specific to BENM, RwR and its contributors have spent several-hundred hours maintaining motorized singletrack like Vega Creek, Shay Mountain, and Indian Creek, on ATV trails like Gooseberry and Shay Ridge, and on primitive roads like Chicken Corners. We are one of the many stewards of BENM that the Lead Agencies should encourage rather than marginalize.”

In multiple ways, all of these recreational interests would be adversely affected by the PRMP/FEIS.

3. Parts of the Plan being Protested and their Adverse Effects

In addition to five other parts of the plan that are listed in Section 5, the Organizations primarily protest the thin analysis and extreme outcome of the:

  1. OHV Area designations as well the underlying designations, specifically the
  2. Remote Zone and
  3. Lands with Wilderness Characteristics (LWC) that would be managed to protect or minimize impacts to wilderness characteristics.

The PRMP/FEIS appears to deny adverse effects of these three designations by stating that only 32 miles of motorized routes would be closed. However, relatively few motorized routes are designated open across the 1.36 million-acre planning area, and most routes greatly contribute to the overall network’s quantity, quality, and variety.

These three designations would hobble management of the motorized routes that are currently designated open. For example, the OHV Closed area boundaries run up to the sides of many routes, thereby preventing reroutes that could otherwise be done to reduce resource impacts or increase public safety. Another example is LWC management to protect wilderness characteristics that may prohibit using heavy equipment to maintain routes. Even the LWC management that merely minimizes impacts to wilderness characteristics, and even the mere proximity to the Remote Zone or similar designations, would set the stage for more route closures during subsequent travel planning if history is any guide.

These three designations would obstruct the due consideration to re-open many other existing routes, including hundreds of miles of primitive roads claimed by San Juan County and the State of Utah. For one thing, the R.S. 2477 bellwether case in Utah District Court recently favored Garfield and Kane counties, putting onus on the BLM to refute R.S. 2477 claims rather than operating as if the claims are unaffected by closing more routes and areas in southern Utah. For another thing, even when it comes to existing routes not claimed by the counties or state, such routes were not necessarily given a fair shake by the travel management plan (TMP) that was wrapped into the 2008 Monticello RMP. Persistent controversies could be partly resolved by more thorough travel planning, but such planning would be precluded by the designation OHV Closed, Primitive Zone, or LWCs to be managed for wilderness characteristics.

Finally these three designations would prematurely prevent future planning of a single mile of new route across 637,615 acres that would be OHV Closed. Granted, new routes are rarely approved in national monuments, especially BENM given that 381,920 acres is comprised of Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs) and 46,430 acres is comprised of Dark Canyon Wilderness. However the monument and WSA status ensure that route proposals would have to meet an especially-high standard, which is all the more reason to let such proposals be addressed rather than being preemptively denied. The fact is that motorized access facilitates the enjoyment of monument resources and the appreciation of monument objects. Across most of the monument, planners should retain the option of adding a route as technology, society, and environmental conditions change. This managerial flexibility should extend to mechanized travel such as mountain biking. Designating 587,582 acres as a Remote Zone “for non-motorized and non-mechanized recreation” would prevent bicycling from ever being considered in nearly half of the planning area.

These adverse effects add up to an offensively grim outlook for recreation that depends upon motorized or mechanized access, not just in the WSAs, but across the other hundreds-of-thousands of acres that would be engulphed by the designations of OHV Closed, Remote Zone, and LWCs managed for wilderness characteristics.

4. Explanation of how the PRMP/FEIS is Flawed

The most extensive part of the Organizations’ DRMP comments is Section 11, “Preserve OHV Area zoning that have worked well for decades,” which begins:

The DRMP/EIS fails to justify drastically expanding OHV Closed area zoning. Similar to ROS, OHV Limited zoning does not require a minimum density of routes, and designated routes in OHV Limited zones occupy far less than 1% of the ground. It gives lead agencies flexibility to add a route which, in the case of BENM, would have to meet the threshold of being for the purpose of public safety or protecting monument objects. This threshold is plausible when it comes to major reroutes, e-bike trails, or campground loops to concentrate impacts.

Although the proposed plan spared over 200,000 acres of LWC from becoming OHV Closed, it still would manage nearly all of those acres to minimize impacts to wilderness characteristics, which greatly constrains motorized recreation and management. Further there’s also over 200,000 acres of LWC that the proposed plan would convert from OHV Limited to OHV Closed. This sweeping action was done in spite of the many substantive points raised in Section 11 of our DRMP comments, which weren’t addressed by the BLM response to comments.

A. Regulatory Context

Consider the statutory authority for OHV area designations, which the BLM identifies through Executive Order 11644 as amended by Executive Order 11989. These orders, issued before FLPMA had been implemented, were intended to further the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). Recent Supreme Court decisions such as Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, June 28, 2024 reaffirmed the judicial review of an agency’s legal interpretation. When invoking fifty-year-old executive orders, agency actions should firstly remain grounded by the underlying legislation, and secondly employ executive orders and agency rules conservatively.

Executive Order 11644 as amended states:

Each respective agency head shall develop and issue regulations and administrative instructions, within six months of the date of this order, to provide for administrative designation of the specific areas and trails on public lands on which the use of off-road vehicles may be permitted, and areas in which the use of off-road vehicles may not be permitted…

When issuing the orders, did presidents Nixon and Carter regard “areas in which the use of off-road vehicles may not be permitted” to include a 637,615-acre area prohibiting all mechanized travel by the public? When passing NEPA in 1969, is this the extent of authority that Congress intended to delegate? Even BLM Manual MS-1626, “Travel and Transportation Management” states:

OHV Closed Areas. OHV use is prohibited in a closed area. Areas should be designated closed when limitations on OHV use will not suffice to protect resources, promote visitor safety, or reduce use conflicts.

This BLM guidance calls for designating OHV Closed areas when an OHV Limited designation “will not suffice.” For each of the 637,615 acres that would become OHV Closed, the PRMP/FEIS hasn’t even asked the question of whether an OHV Limited designation will not suffice, let alone answered it affirmatively.

NEPA and FLMA require the BLM to invite meaningful public participation, and Executive Order 11644 as amended states “The respective agency head shall ensure adequate opportunity for public participation in the promulgation of such regulations and in the designation of areas and trails under this section.” Accordingly 43 CFR § 8342.2(a) Public Participation states:

The designation and redesignation of trails is accomplished through the resource management planning process described in part 1600 of this title. Current and potential impacts of specific vehicle types on all resources and uses in the planning area shall be considered in the process of preparing resource management plans, plan revisions, or plan amendments. Prior to making designations or redesignations, the authorized officer shall consult with interested user groups, Federal, State, county and local agencies, local landowners, and other parties in a manner that provides an opportunity for the public to express itself and have its views given consideration.

For each of the 637,615 acres that would become OHV Closed, the PRMP/FEIS doesn’t provide analysis of the current and potential impacts of specific vehicle types on all resources and uses, which is needed for the public to meaningfully participate.

One might argue that OHV Closed designations and other layers of “protection” are justified merely by virtue of the national monument status, but it’s another example of the executive branch going out on a limb, as BENM wasn’t established through legislation. Regardless of monument status, RMPs in this planning area should be moderate in order to provide lasting guidance, and the current Monticello and BENM RMPs wisely relied on existing “protections” such as WSA and national-monument status covering half the planning area rather than piling additional layers onto hundreds-of-thousands of additional acres. If natural and social resources have suffered, it’s only because managerial resources have been diverted to satisfy a heavy-handedness of the executive branch, not because the current RMPs lack the designations of OHV Closed, Remote Zone, or LWCs managed for wilderness characteristics.

B. Purpose, Need, and Analysis of Environmental Impacts

Since the OHV Closed area would cover the WSAs, Primitive Zones, and roughly half of the LWCs managed for wilderness characteristics, its purpose is presumably to further the purposes of these designations. The purpose and boundaries of the WSAs are clear but, given that the WSAs already cover 381,920 acres, the need for a Remote Zone and LWCs managed for wilderness characteristics is highly unlikely. In any case, the PRMP/FEIS doesn’t make the case for LWCs managed for wilderness characteristics or a Remote Zone covering nearly half of this massive monument.

i. Remote Zone

The proposed plan would place 587,582 acres into a Remote Zone, which is one of four recreational zones the agencies created to zone BENM. These zones don’t come from agency guidance documents, but the most applicable guidance seems to be BLM Handbook 8342, Recreation and Visitor Services Planning. The Remote Zone is most equivalent to the Primitive Zone in this handbook. The handbook’s example characteristics for the Primitive Zone state that it’s at least 1/2-mile from any motorized route, while the Remote Zone in BENM would be as little as 1/8-mile from any motorized route, which greatly expands the Remote Zone while encroaching on motorized routes. The encroachments upon motorized routes wouldn’t be as problematic if the Remote Zone weren’t exclusively non-motorized, and in fact the DRMP didn’t specify that the Remote Zone would be non-motorized. However the PRMP/FEIS inserts that the Remote Zone is explicitly “for non-motorized and non-mechanized recreation.”

The PRMP/FEIS mentions the recreation zones deriving from a mapping exercise and Outcomes-Focused Management (OFM) surveys conducted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, but it doesn’t meet the OFM goal found in BLM Handbook 8342 that “Visitors, partners, and stakeholders are a primary source of information to determine which recreation opportunities to offer and which outcomes to target.” The recreation zones of the proposed plan haven’t adequately incorporated the input of visitors (most of which are motorized when one considers the entire planning area), partners (including the Organizations and local OHV groups like SPEAR), and stakeholders (many of which depend upon motorized use and/or somewhat developed settings).

The PRMP/FEIS appears to assume that the Remote Zone designation would benefit natural resources even though it would be less accessible for active and adaptive management. It appears to assume that the Remote Zone designation would benefit solitude seekers and primitive opportunities even though most of those acres can only be reached by an overnight backpacking trip. While a much higher density of routes may indeed detract from solitude and primitive opportunities, such a low current density of routes makes most of the acres inaccessible for typical day hiking, yet this tension is not handled by the PRMP/FEIS.

ii. LWCs Managed for Wilderness Characteristics

Likewise managing LWCs for wilderness characteristics could wind up hampering their very purpose. For example, BLM Manual MS-1626, “Travel and Transportation Management” states:

6.5 Travel and Transportation Management within Presidential and Congressional Designations or Similar Allocations

F. BLM Manual 6320 – Management of lands with wilderness characteristics, the following apply:

1. In lands managed for wilderness characteristics, the BLM will not designate primitive roads and motorized/mechanized trails and will not classify them as assets within lands managed for wilderness characteristics protection in land use plans.

Therefore converting more LWCs to manage for wilderness characteristics would prevent managers from ever adding a route even for the purpose of public safety or protecting monument objects.

In addition to undermining their very purposes, designating a huge Remote Zone and managing nearly all LWCs for wilderness characteristics simply isn’t needed. The PRMP/FEIS hasn’t demonstrated that demand for such things isn’t met by the current RMPs, let alone identifying why the demand is unmet, as the answer could be a lack of motorized access among other things. The PRMP/FEIS on Page 3-75 asserts:

OHV use can impact the naturalness of LWC due to vegetation loss, increased erosion, wildlife disturbances, degraded water quality, introduction of noxious weeds, and damage to cultural resources. Outstanding opportunities for solitude and primitive and unconfined recreation can be degraded by the noise and dust of motor vehicles and increased presence of other visitors.

All of these impacts can be minimized through good management, and the impacts are almost entirely confined to the vicinity of the designated routes, which occupy anywhere from 1% to 0% of a given LWC unit. Further, as San Juan County and the State of Utah have repeatedly shown, most of the planning area that hasn’t already been designated as wilderness or a WSA indeed doesn’t qualify.

Even if a purpose and need were established to designate a huge Remote Zone and managing nearly all LWCs for wilderness characteristics, changing those areas to OHV Closed isn’t needed. Albeit uncommon, it’s possible to add existing routes to the TMP in those areas, and eliminating that possibility altogether isn’t needed.

iii.  OHV Closed

Leaving the Remote Zone and LWC status aside, the OHV Closed designation isn’t needed to cover 637,615 acres, and the PRMP/FEIS doesn’t adequately demonstrate otherwise. Granted, the wilderness and WSA acreage would remain OHV Closed, which presumably went through a process that addressed specific resources in specific locations. For the rest of the 637,615 acres that would be OHV Closed, no such specificity is provided, other than the apparent request of Canyonlands National Park that will be covered later in this document.

Beyond the Remote Zone, LWC, and WSA designations, the purpose and need for an enormous OHV Closed designation is claimed by statements like “the management of these areas as closed to OHV uses is consistent with the requirement at 43 CFR 8342.1, which includes minimization of impacts to cultural resources, soundscapes, wildlife, wilderness characteristic policy for the BLM, and limit recreational conflicts.” However the PRMP/FEIS lacks details. The agencies’ response to comments includes that the “effects of those area designations are addressed in several sections of the EIS including, but not limited to the Paleontological Resources and Geology, Water Resources, Terrestrial Habitat, Lands with Wilderness Characteristics, Wildlife and Fisheries, Recreation and Travel and Transportation Management sections in Chapter 3.” However the sections merely make generalized assertions, many of which pertain to misuse that is clearly not a matter of managerial designations, rather one of law enforcement, education, and perhaps trail work. The PRMP/FEIS must become far more specific about the problems and potential solutions in each location of the planning area. If major negative impacts are occurring, demonstrate them as well as a comprehensive analysis of alternative actions along with their positive and negative effects, as it would be far more fruitful than simply converting nearly half of the planning area from OHV Limited to OHV Closed. The Organizations are aware of the four criteria from Executive Order 11644 as amended, but the PRMP/FEIS hasn’t even begun to show the BLM’s work of applying these criteria to the 637,615 acres that would become OHV Closed, especially the hundreds-of-thousands of acres beyond the WSAs.

As with the huge Remote Zone and managing LWC for wilderness characteristics, OHV Closed designations could actually lead to more negative impacts upon natural and social resources. As the PRMP/FEIS acknowledges, motorized recreation has grown and is on track to continue. For this and other forms of recreation on motorized trails, the carrying capacity is a function of the motorized trails, themselves. This recreational use is likely to be displaced when additions to a TMP are prohibited from being considered due to OHV Closed designations, and when subtractions to a TMP are made virtually inevitable by new restrictive layers of management such as a huge Remote Zone and LWCs managed for wilderness characteristics. Therefore these three designations of the PRMP/FEIS would increase the likelihood of motorized and mechanized travel that’s unauthorized across the entire planning area and, on the routes that remain open after the subsequent TMP revision, would increase the likelihood of crowding, conflict, and degradation of the routes.

C. National Park proximity as justification for widespread restrictions

The only geographically-specific justification that the PRMP/FEIS provides for choosing OHV Closed and LWC managed for wilderness characteristics is that parts of BENM are within several miles of Canyonlands National Park. Specifically it argues that OHV Closed and LWC management is needed to provide continuity with the national park. However one could argue that the national park should be OHV Limited instead. Regardless, the distinction between OHV Closed and OHV Limited is irrelevant to visitors because they just need to know that motorized travel is limited to designated routes, which is already the case in both BENM and the national park. Further, although the goal to effectively expand Canyonlands National Park was a major motivation for wilderness-expansion groups to parlay the proposed Cedar Mesa National Monument into a much larger Bears Ears National Monument, the actual proclamations for Bears Ears do not direct the agencies to buffer around Canyonlands. In fact, Proclamation 9558 doesn’t even mention Canyonlands, and Proclamation 10285 only mentions it when listing all boundaries of BENM. Congress certainly didn’t direct a buffer, but Congress did establish the Canyonlands boundary, thus it should be honored by the agencies.

D. Travel Management Planning

The PRMP/FEIS essentially dismisses concerns about travel management planning since it will be done subsequently, but the PRMP/FEIS would in fact make travel planning decisions that would be irreversible without amending the RMP. It would close 32 miles of routes that may be of lower use levels but are also of higher recreational value to motorized trail enthusiasts due to their more primitive characteristics. The Organizations’ DRMP comments carefully provided descriptions and photographs of two of these routes, specifically the winter access road to Beef Basin northwest of Boundary Butte (D1870) and John’s Canyon western overlook road (D0053), yet the agencies have provided no response.

The PRMP/FEIS seems to imply that thorough travel planning of these routes is unwarranted because the agency proposes to close the entire area rather than closing just the routes. However, the area of closure includes the designated routes (along with other existing routes, along with proposed ones), so the fact that the BLM proposes to close more than just the routes doesn’t justify shortchanging the meaningful public participation of these proposed actions. The PRMP/FEIS provides no analysis because it provides no route reports. Far beyond the 32 miles of route, the PRMP/FEIS makes major travel planning decisions by removing hundreds of thousands of acres from any further discussion. This enormous area goes far beyond the WSAs and wilderness area. It contains county-claimed roads, other existing routes, and locations where a new route may become entirely appropriate for some kind of mechanized use over the lifecycle of an RMP. Aside from the areas that are currently OHV Closed, only by leaving most areas OHV Limited can the BLM truly leave travel planning decisions to the subsequent TMP revision. Sticking with the current OHV Limited acreage will allow travel planning to genuinely occur, while existing parameters such as WSA status will ensure the protection of BENM objects and resources.

5. Additional Points of Protest


Over 200,000 acres of LWCs that would be managed to protect wilderness characteristics would also prohibit SRPs for all motorized or mechanized use. One of the DRMP alternatives would’ve prohibited SRPs for commercial motorized or mechanized use, but now the proposed plan extends to SRPs for non-commercial use as well. This change is excessively strict given the wide variety of potential commercial and non-commercial uses, many of which are entirely consistent with the protection of monument objects. Further, the decision to prohibit even non-commercial SRPs is outside the decision space of the DRMP.

B. Soundscape Management Plan

The PRMP directive to develop a soundscape management plan appears to be based on an unjustified goal of virtually guarantying that visitors won’t hear even the faintest of motor sounds for their entire day across hundreds of thousands of acres.

C. DRMP inaccuracies of ROS zones and currently designated routes

The PRMP/FEIS finally shows the current ROS zones and current designated routes accurately and completely for the first time in the Bears Ears planning process, but the fact that these things were portrayed inaccurately (in both text and maps) during all of the comment periods should compel the agencies to initiate another round of public comments before the protest period. Accurately portraying the status quo is fundamental to NEPA compliance.

Granted, the PRMP/FEIS wouldn’t zone the national forest OHV Closed (other than in the Dark Canyon Wilderness), but the public comment period was still based on widespread inaccurate information in the DEIS about the current network of routes designated open for motorized use. Further the PRMP would effectively zone much of the forest as OHV Closed via the Remote Zone, thereby straitjacketing routes like Shay Mountain Trail that could benefit from rerouting.

D. Recognizing recreation as instrumental to conservation

The proposed plan seems to fundamentally regard recreation as more of a nuisance than a key tool to promote the health of visitors and ultimately the health of the surrounding resources because recreationists value public lands. As Section 5 of the Organization’s DRMP comments explained, Monument objects simply cannot be protected without the RMP providing an ample quantity, quality, and variety of recreational opportunities.

In fact IMBA’s DRMP comments may have said it best:

Providing access, and public appreciation to the objects contained within the boundaries that warrant this monument is just one of them but likely the most important method of how these landscapes relate and create value for the public. Without diverse, sustainable and compatible recreation, the public might cease to support these designations. Therefore, we provide our comments as a perspective that is shared by many across the country and as a desire by our members to experience wild places via the efficient and sustainable transportation by bicycle. This perspective is that bicycle use on trails and rural remote dirt and gravel roads on public lands is an appropriate and sustainable activity that should be provided for in ample supply due to its inherent sustainability. Recreational trails, such as those authorizing bicycle use, are effective tools for conservation of natural resources. Trails direct people onto planned and managed linear features that have been designed to avoid and minimize impacts to the extent possible and minimize unauthorized off trail impacts that might occur where demand exists yet trails may lack.

E. The PRMP/FEIS has not adequately defined monument objects along with other concepts such as Traditional Indigenous Knowledge and tribal co-stewardship

The PRMP/FEIS repeatedly asserts that recreation is secondary to monument objects, yet it doesn’t clearly establish those objects, most notably cultural landscapes. Proclamation 9558 asserts that “Bears Ears” is “one of the densest and most significant cultural landscapes in the United States.” Proclamation 10285 reiterates this assertion about “the Bears Ears landscape.” Then it describes one part of BENM, the South Cottonwood Canyon region, as an isolated area that “contains intact cultural landscapes of early Ancestral Pueblo communities.” Thus is describes multiple cultural landscapes within the Bears Ears cultural landscape.

The proposed land management plan (LMP) of the Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition (BEITC), which was wholly adopted by the Bears Ears Commission (BEC), doesn’t formally define the term cultural landscape, nor the Bears Ears cultural landscape in particular. It states that “The cultural landscape comprises both the natural and built environments.” In addition to the Bears Ears cultural landscape, the BEITC LMP refers to multiple cultural landscapes within BENM, specifically “the sacred and cultural landscapes of BENM.” It also refers to the Navajo cultural landscape and Zuni cultural landscape, “which covers all of the territory crossed by their ancestors during migrations to the center place.” The BEITC LMP refers to other cultural landscapes that extend beyond BENM, such as “the cultural landscape the Bear’s Ears region.” Another instance is the BEITC LMP statement “This mill is outside of BENM but does affect the broader cultural landscape of the region.”

Likewise the PRMP/FEIS doesn’t define the term cultural landscape, nor the Bears Ears cultural landscape in particular. Likewise it refers to a single BENM cultural landscape, multiple cultural landscapes within BENM, and cultural landscapes that extend beyond BENM. It does appear consistent in pertaining to indigenous cultural landscapes and not to other ethnicities, nor to other aspects of culture beyond ethnicity. The PRMP/FEIS doesn’t explain this focus on ethnicity or the specific ethnicities of indigenous cultures.

The semantics of monument objects such as cultural landscapes have serious ramifications to management due to the claimed primacy of monument objects, the reliance on Traditional Indigenous Knowledge, and the commitment to tribal co-stewardship. For example, Page 3-284 of the PRMP/FEIS states “Close coordination between federal land managers and the BEC on the development and implementation of management of BENM will allow for active and appropriate management of holistically defined cultural resources including cultural landscape use and its traditional cultural and religious underpinnings.” Further Page 3-429 describes Alternative E, which is the basis for the proposed plan, stating:

The management outlined in Alternative E is centered on the perspective of the Tribal Nations of the BEC, who do not view many forms of recreation as an appropriate use of the BENM cultural landscape (BEC 2023). Traditional Indigenous Knowledge represents the Bears Ears cultural landscape as a sacred place. Culturally appropriate ways of visiting should therefore be practiced, and recreation should be managed to preserve and protect the cultural values of this landscape (BEC 2023).

The Organizations’ concerns are not alleviated by PRMP/FEIS assertions such as the agencies’ response to our comments on Page U-149:

See the Proposed Plan under the Recreation and Visitor Services section in Chapter 2. There is no prohibition on off-trail hiking in the Proposed Plan. Additionally, there is no prohibition on off-trail hiking under any alternative in the Draft Resource Management Plan. The language under Alternative E reads, “the public would be encouraged to stay on trails when hiking in the Monument.”

Actually the Proposed Plan under the Recreation and Visitor Services section in Chapter 2 states “The agencies, working collaboratively with the BEC, would identify whether specific areas need to be closed to cross-country hiking to protect BENM objects, including cultural resources and wildlife, as informed by Traditional Indigenous Knowledge.” While this idea may be reasonably applied to discrete archaeological sites, the BENM objects include one or more cultural landscapes, thus an extensive restriction on off-trail hiking is clearly within the parameters of the proposed plan.

Another example of potential consequences from co-stewardship based on Traditional Indigenous Knowledge of ill-defined monument objects pertains to seasonal closures or other time-based restrictions, which the PRMP/FEIS modestly refer to as resource rest. The PRMP/FEIS on Page 2-116 states “Agencies would collaborate with the BEC to identify seasonal motorized use area closures as needed to provide for resource rest.” Presumably seasonal closures would undergo a public review process, which is key since the Organizations believe we have as much expertise about managing motorized use as any other stakeholder. Even with public review in place, the proposed plan still alarms us given its basis for “resource rest,” such as the Page 2-80 statement “Traditional Indigenous Knowledge provides that the cultural landscape of the Monument requires rest during certain seasons of the year.” Given that the cultural landscape(s) encompass BENM and beyond, the Organizations wonder not just about the seasons in question, but about the Traditional Indigenous Knowledge and tribal co-stewardship as they are slated to affect motorized recreation. Rather than clearly establishing these concepts, the PRMP/FEIS combines them, which compounds the scope of problems that would result from the proposed plan.

6. Conclusion

In all of the aforementioned ways, the Organizations urge BENM planners to more fully develop an RMP.


Clif Koontz
Executive Director
Ride with Respect

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty
Colorado Off Road Enterprise

Scott Jones, Esq.
CSA Executive Director
COHVCO Authorized Representative

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2024 Gunnison Public Lands Initiative (GORP 2024) Preliminary Thoughts

Senator Michael Bennett
261 Russell Building
Washington DC 20510

Senator John Hickenlooper
SR 374 Russell Building
Washington DC 20510

RE:  Preliminary thoughts on GORP 2024

Dear Senator Bennett and Senator Hickenlooper:

Please accept this correspondence as the ongoing opposition of the above Organizations to the Gunnison Public Lands Initiative/ GORP 2024 Proposal. We believe it is important for us to note that the Organizations have previously supported community efforts for legislation of public lands management, such as the Hermosa Creek Watershed Proposal that was passed into law in 2016.  The GORP proposal is simply not the Hermosa Creek proposal when they are compared. Our Organizations were vigorously involved in the development of the recently completed GMUG National Forest Resource Management Plan. The Organizations continue to support the management Alternative that was the result of this effort.  During this effort, we are also aware of the almost complete opposition of the public to Alternative D of the draft RMP. The Organizations cannot overlook that GORP almost directly reflects what the USFS proposed under Alternative D of the Plan which was based on numerous citizen management proposals for the forest. Why would the motorized community resurrect an Alternative of the RMP that was soundly defeated in the RMP development?  While the Proposal asserts to have strong community engagement, we cannot overlook the fact the USFS RMP draft proposal received more than 10k comments alone.

1. Long term impacts to multiple use.

The Organizations are very concerned that the Proposal is seeking to significantly alter the multiple use mandate.  This Proposal would essentially allow counties to opt out of the multiple uses or redefine multiple uses on federal public lands in that county in the manner the locality finds acceptable.  This is a concept that would directly undermine the value of the multiple use mandate entirely as this would remove the public from public lands. The Organizations would also be very concerned that the cumulative impacts of this decision could be immense if numerous counties took this route of management. Over the passage of time, every county that had public lands in the State could have pursued similar legislation to the Proposal and a functionally made the multiple use concept irrelevant.  This challenge from the Proposal cannot be overlooked and would be vigorously opposed by the Organizations.

2. Three year window for travel planning is of no value.

While the press releases and many letters of support assert that there will be significant recreational benefits from this legislation passing, the Organizations are simply unable to locate these benefits.  The Proposal requires a travel management plan within 3 years of passage, we are simply unable to identify how this is a benefit of the Proposal. This is directly evidenced by the efforts of the USFS to commence winter travel planning in the Proposal area within the next several months.  This means winter travel issues could be resolved before the 3 year window in the Proposal was reached even without passage of the legislation.  We fail to understand how these provisions could be a benefit for recreation.

3. No new roads and no future travel management.

We have concerns about the 3 year mandatory planning requirement in the Proposal for summer usages as well. These concerns explode as the Proposal clearly states there will be no new trails developed that are not identified in the Proposal or in the TMP adopted as a result of the Proposal.  The loss of the ability to do travel management in the future is immensely problematic. This seems short-sighted as we are intimately aware that in the future there could be a need to address issues like camping access and developed camping infrastructure. We are also aware one of the most compelling needs we face in the planning area is a lack of trailhead access points.  These critically needed resources would be prohibited in the future as TMPs are often necessary to connect campsites or to push parking and trailhead facilities off existing roadways.  Again, the Organizations are unable to support an assertion that a limitation such as this would be a benefit for recreation in any form.

We are even more troubled with the Proposal prohibits this critically needed infrastructure such as campsites and trailheads cannot be built as §11 Paragraph H of the Proposal entirely prohibits the construction of any new roads in most planning areas designated as follows:

(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in paragraph (2), no road shall be constructed in a covered area.”

The Organizations believe the exceptionally short-sighted nature of this standard is immediately apparent when comparing the photos below that were provided to a local newspaper and made the rounds on social media of the current parking situation at a Wilderness Trail head outside Crested Butte.

Wilderness trailhead outside of Crested Butte

The Organizations would agree with the major sentiment from the public that this situation was not acceptable and should be corrected.  Rather than streamlining resolution of this type of problem, the Proposal would force this type of situation to be the new management model for issues of this type.  People would be forced to park on shoulders and block access while impacting resources as roads could not be created to access new planned and managed parking infrastructure.  The Organizations submit these photos are evidence of a compelling need for management and not the preferred management response to the issues being faced. Again this is not a recreational benefit.

4. EO 14008 and EO 2020-008 has not been complied with

The direction of the Proposals management areas also conflicts with President Biden’s EO 14008 and research conducted by CPW in the development of the 2024 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan and recent mandates from Governor Polis in EO 2020-008. President Bidens EO 14008 specifically identified the strategic goal of improving recreational access and economic contributions from recreation to local communities for agency three different times.  §214 of EO 14008 clearly mandates improved recreational access to public lands through management as follows:

“It is the policy of my Administration to put a new generation of Americans to work conserving our public lands and waters. The Federal Government must protect America’s natural treasures, increase reforestation, improve access to recreation, and increase resilience to wildfires and storms, while creating well-paying union jobs for more Americans, including more opportunities for women and people of color in occupations where they are underrepresented.”

The clear and concise mandate of the EO to improve recreational access to public lands is again repeated in §215 of the EO as follows:

“The initiative shall aim to conserve and restore public lands and waters, bolster community resilience, increase reforestation, increase carbon sequestration in the agricultural sector, protect biodiversity, improve access to recreation, and address the changing climate.”

§ 217 of EO 14008 also clearly requires improvement of economic contributions from recreation on public lands as follows:

“Plugging leaks in oil and gas wells and reclaiming abandoned mine land can create well-paying union jobs in coal, oil, and gas communities while restoring natural assets, revitalizing recreation economies, and curbing methane emissions.”

The Organizations are aware significant concern raised around the 30 by 30 concept that was also memorialized in EO 14008. While the EO does not define what “protected” means, the EO also provided clear and extensive guidance on other values to be balanced with. From our perspective the fact that large tracts of land in the planning area are Congressionally designated or managed pursuant to Executive Order far exceeds any goals for the EO. While there are overlap between these categories that precludes simply adding these classifications together, this also does not alter the fact the planning area has achieved these goals of 30% of acreages being protected.

Governor Polis EO 2020-008 clearly identifies the need to create recreational opportunities moving forward that are sustainable as follows:

DNR, in consultation with CPW and the CO-OP, shall develop the Initiative to achieve the following goals:

  1. Ensure that Colorado’s land, water, and wildlife thrive while also providing for equitable and safe access to quality outdoor recreation experiences;
  2. Convene voices from different outdoor interests, races, cultures, ages, and sectors through the Regional Partnerships to identify regional priorities and strategies;
  3. Collaborate with Regional Partnerships to develop a State-level vision and Plan for conservation and recreation; and
  4. Identify stable and long-term funding from multiple, sustainable sources to provide for the critical investments needed to conserve Colorado’s landscapes, rivers, wildlife, sensitive habitats, and recreational opportunities.

Again, given the strategic and long-term nature of this requirement, we must express concern on the single opportunity to plan and provide sustainable recreation provided in the Proposal.  The Strategic nature of the need for expanded sustainable recreational infrastructure in an ongoing manner is again highlighted in the manager research survey conducted by CPW in relation to the most recent SCORP. Overwhelmingly the most sought after resource is expanded sustainable recreational access. A copy of this research is attached as Exhibit “A” to these comments. Again, this type of demand does not align with the single planning opportunity provided in the Proposal.

5. Funding challenges.

The Organizations would be remiss if we did not state our concern that any planning could be undertaken within the 3 year window given the immense cuts to USFS operational budgets that was just provided in the Continuing Resolution just passed.  Even with 128 Forests in the Country absorbing $500m to $750m in additional cuts is problematic.  Future budgets look even more grim for land managers. Our Organizations were immediately contacted by several managers to help understand what could and could not be funded by the OHV grants provided through CPW as they were struggling to provide basic services. In this type of climate asserting the UFSFS can do anything is problematic, and this assertion would open the discussions to a situation where the motorized community is supporting basic forest operations with OHV grants and then federal money is being used to close trails rather than support basic operations.  This would be entirely unacceptable but a real possibility as this version of GORP has no budget or funding designations or streams identified in a financial note.

In a troubling development much of the language proposed mirrors much of the language that is being implemented in the Bears Ears Monument and numerous other special designations throughout Utah.  We have been very involved in this effort and can tell you that many of the interests in Utah are deeply opposed to the standards once they have the ability to see these standards applied on the ground. These efforts have directed large sums of existing money away from site specific projects and towards updating various plans that were recently completed.

6. Conclusion

The Organizations must oppose the Proposal given the long term impacts to the multiple use mandates that have proven highly successful in developing large scale public support for public lands.  The loss of the benefits of multiple use mandates cannot be overlooked. The Organizations are also very troubled that many of the asserted benefits from the proposal, such as three-year windows to start travel planning, are not benefits but rather simply reflect an effort the USFS has already started.  We are also deeply concerned that the Proposal immediately prohibits road construction in any subsequent planning and then requires this round of planning to be the last on the forest. The Organizations believe this is hugely short-sighted.

The Organizations must voice our support for current management of the planning area, which is the result of years of effort and tens of thousands of comments. The Organizations and our partners remain committed to providing high quality recreational resources on federal public lands while protecting resources and would welcome discussions on how to further these goals and objectives with new tools and resources. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Scott Jones, Esq. (518-281-5810 /, Chad Hixon (719-221-8329 /

Respectfully Submitted,

Scott Jones, Esq.
CSA Executive Director
COHVCO Authorized Representative

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty
Colorado Off Road Enterprise

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Henry Mountains and Fremont Gorge TMP Comments

Bureau of Land Management
Richfield Field Office
150 East 900 North
Richfield, UT 84701

RE: Henry Mountains and Fremont Gorge TMP (DOI-BLM-UT-C020-2018-0006-EA)

Also see:
June 10 2024: Henry Mountains and Fremont Gorge TMP Comments

Dear BLM Planning Team:

Please accept this correspondence from the above organizations as our official comments regarding the Draft Environmental Assessment (DEA) of the Henry Mountains and Fremont Gorge (HMFG) Travel Management Plan (TMP).

1. Background of Our Organizations

In our comments, the “Organizations” will refer to the following four groups:

Colorado Off Road Enterprise (CORE) is a motorized action group based out of Buena Vista Colorado whose mission is to keep trails open for all users to enjoy. CORE achieves this through trail adoptions, trail maintenance projects, education, stewardship, outreach, and collaborative efforts.

The Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO) is a grassroots advocacy organization of approximately 2,500 members seeking to represent, assist, educate, and empower all OHV recreationists in the protection and promotion of off-highway motorized recreation throughout Colorado.  COHVCO is an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use and conservation of our public lands and natural resources to preserve their aesthetic and recreational qualities for future generations.

Ride with Respect (RwR) was founded in 2002 to conserve shared-use trails and their surroundings. Since then, over 750 individuals have contributed money or volunteered time to the organization. Primarily in the Moab Field Office, RwR has educated visitors and performed over twenty-thousand hours of high-quality trail work on public lands.

The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) is an advocacy organization created to be a viable partner to public lands managers, working with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of motorized trail riding and multiple use recreation. The TPA acts as an advocate for the sport and takes necessary action to ensure that the USFS and BLM allocate a fair and equitable percentage of public lands to diverse multiple-use recreation opportunities.

2. Introduction

The DEA doesn’t resolve any of the concerns that the Organizations raised in our June 10th letter, so we have enclosed it to incorporate as part of our October 26th comments, thus we ask the BLM to respond to all comments from both letters. Both letters follow the same section headings (1 through 6), so please review each section from the June 10th letter followed by reading the same section from our October 26th comments.

The June 10th letter stressed that the HMFG planning area is huge, with thousands of miles of valuable routes that should be fully assessed to develop a satisfactory TMP. The Organizations now add that motorized recreation has increased here in the past couple decades, and that the extensive route network is increasingly important as places like Moab and even the San Rafael Swell become crowded.

3. The route inventory must be completed in order to reach a sound decision.

The Organizations’ June 10th letter outlined the critical nature of a thorough route inventory, and provided six examples of existing routes missing from the inventory, explaining why less-established routes are often the most valuable ones for OHV recreation, and pointing out that the 2017 settlement doesn’t require Class III cultural surveys for routes to be merely included in the inventory or an action alternative. The Organizations now add that, when it comes to designating a route open, the 2017 settlement deadline could be further extended so there’s time to survey additional routes for designation, as extensions are permitted to ensure that travel planning is done properly. When it comes to HMFG, the 2017 settlement’s clear purpose was to survey the designated routes, not to prevent consideration of existing routes merely because of the survey requirement.

Nothing in the 2017 settlement relieves the BLM of its duty to develop a thorough route inventory. The 2008 RMP on Page A9-1 states:

“The RFO is aware that the current inventory of roads and trails being used for the route designation process is not 100 percent correct or complete.”

“BLM will collaborate with affected and interested parties in evaluating the designated route network for suitability for active OHV management and envisioning potential changes in the existing system or adding new trails that would help meet current and future demands.”

“The Approved RMP completes the initial route designation component of the Travel Management Plan and implementation process. These routes would be the initial basis for signing and enforcement.”

Indeed the route inventory wasn’t “100 percent correct or complete,” nor 90% or 80% complete, especially in the HMFG planning area. While the BLM has added 146 miles to the inventory, hundreds of miles of existing routes remain excluded, despite the passage of sixteen years. And it’s no wonder why, as the BLM hasn’t come close to following through on the RMP’s pledge to “collaborate with affected and interested parties in… adding new trails that would help meet current and future demands.” Thus the BLM hasn’t progressed from the RMP’s “initial route designation component of the Travel Management Plan and implementation process,” and thus the BLM wisely hasn’t implemented the current TMP by and large because the BLM doesn’t have a complete TMP because it never completed its route inventory.

The 2008 TMP is based on a grossly incomplete route inventory yet, in the subsequent sixteen years, the BLM has not invited the public to submit route data during any formal comment period, and the DEA refuses to add such routes to its inventory. A route inventory should’ve been completed during RMP scoping in 2003, and the fact that it’s still not done over twenty years later is unacceptable. The Organizations’ June 10th letter provided a half-dozen examples of missing routes, and half of them (specifically #3, #4, and #5) were within ten miles of Hanksville that’s far easier for inventory workers to reach than the rest of the planning area, which speaks to the extent of missing routes. Those three routes near Hanksville provide key connectivity, yet they’ve never been added to the BLM’s inventory, which again speaks to the extent of missing routes.

Of these hundreds of miles of missing routes, the vast majority of them have been continuously used for decades, and they should not be closed as if they never existed. Prior to 2008, the HMFG planning area was open to cross-country travel, with the exception of WSAs that were either limited to existing routes or closed. Such routes should be left open unless route-specific analysis demonstrates a need for closure.

4. At least one alternative must propose to open many of the currently-inventoried routes in order to provide an adequate range of alternatives.

The Organizations’ June 10th letter stressed that many inventoried routes are excluded from every preliminary alternative despite having great recreational value and having resource impacts that are low or can be greatly mitigated, and the letter provided three examples. The DEA continues to exclude from every draft alternative these three routes and many others, and it doesn’t update the route reports or provide any clear reason why such routes would be excluded from the scope of analysis, thus it’s completely unresponsive to the Organizations’ June 10th letter. The 2017 settlement requires the BLM to invite public input on its scoping report / preliminary route reports / preliminary alternatives for the purpose of meaningfully considering such input. The Organizations’ June 10th letter detailed comments on these three routes among others, yet the BLM’s new draft route reports and alternatives are identical to its preliminary ones, so there’s simply no indication our comments were meaningfully considered.

Regarding all of the alternatives, sound planning must clearly articulate the rationale for each proposed decision. The information set forth in the DEA, including the route reports (however voluminous they may be), is NEPA deficient when it comes to explaining the basis or rationale for the various proposed route closures in the range of alternatives. The information amounts to little more than route-by-route conclusions as to what will be closed, with little to no underlying data, and no analysis and application of data or other criteria to explain any of the proposed route closures. The NEPA deficiencies here include (a) failure to take a hard look at the routes and the conditions in support of or against closure, (b) a failure of transparency, (c) failure to inform the public, and (d) arbitrary and capricious governmental decision making.

5. When developing TMP alternatives, the 2017 settlement does NOT require an alternative to close routes in lands with wilderness characteristics, only in natural areas and WSAs.

The Organizations’ June 10th letter explained why the draft alternatives should not propose to close any routes outside of natural areas (NAs) or WSAs for the purpose of minimizing impacts to wilderness characteristics (WC). Unfortunately now the draft Alternative B continues to close virtually every route within lands with wilderness characteristics (LWCs) other than those that form cherry-stems or other boundaries of LWCs, which is inconsistent with the 2008 RMP and 2017 settlement.

6. When making the TMP final decision, impacts to wilderness characteristics should not be minimized outside of areas that the RMP directs to manage for wilderness characteristics.

The Organizations’ June 10th letter stressed that, outside of WSAs and natural areas (where the BLM chose to manage for WC), the BLM should not restrict recreation for the purpose of minimizing impacts to WC, nor should it manufacture other purposes. Unfortunately now the DEA does exactly that in all of its action alternatives by disproportionately closing routes in LWCs that are not NAs. While the targeting of LWC routes for closure is wholesale in Alternative B, it exists in Alternative C, and is even clear in Alternative D. To varying degrees, all of the action alternatives would essentially manage the LWCs as NAs without going through the required process of amending the 2008 RMP, which is inconsistent with the 2008 RMP and 2017 settlement.

The DEA in Section 3.4.10 “Affected Environment” on Page 92 states:

“Similarly, the 2017 Settlement Agreement stipulates that “For purposes of minimizing damage to public lands with BLM-inventoried wilderness characteristics, the BLM will consider the potential damage to any constituent element of wilderness characteristics, including naturalness, outstanding opportunities for solitude, and outstanding opportunities for primitive and unconfined recreation, for each alternative route network.””

Where the 2017 Settlement Agreement refers to minimizing damage to public lands with BLM-inventoried wilderness characteristics, it refers to minimizing damage to those public lands, not minimizing damage to the WC themselves. Furthermore the 2017 settlement refers to considering the potential damage to any constituent element of WC, it directs the BLM to consider such damage, but it doesn’t direct the BLM to minimize such damage. If the 2017 settlement were to direct the BLM to minimize impacts to WC, it probably wouldn’t have been approved by the court, which cautioned against creating de facto wilderness in its 2018 dismissal of Utah’s appeal.

The Organizations urge the BLM to comply with the RMP decision to not manage for WC outside of NAs and WSAs particularly in light of recent Supreme Court rulings. This year even more reasons have emerged for the BLM to avoid promoting WC in the HMFG planning area, specifically recent Supreme Court decisions such as Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, June 28, 2024 that reaffirmed the judicial review of an agency’s legal interpretation. The draft TMP in Section “Affected Environment” on Page 34 asserts “Distinct from any planning decisions, under 43 CFR §8342.1 the BLM has the obligation to minimize impacts to resources, including wilderness character, when designating OHV routes.” The BLM should be cognizant of the extent to which such agency guidance is actually grounded in legislation. When clear authorization is lacking, administrative actions are now more likely to be ruled a bypass of requirements such as the Section 603 release and Section 202 multiple-use mandate of FLPMA. The argument that the BLM is merely conducting minimization pursuant to the 2017 Settlement Agreement could be unavailing if that exercise is wholly or partially beholden to administratively-created special designations that wind up no longer holding under the glaring Congressional authority of the Section 603 release and Section 202 multiple-use mandate of FLPMA.

7. The recreation and socioeconomic analyses fail to recognize major negative impacts of every alternative.

The DEA claims few negative impacts to motorized recreation or local economies by claiming that motorized use levels would not be significantly different, which is absurd. First of all, due to the gross incompleteness of the 2008 route inventory, TMP, and its implementation, motorized use has continuously occurred on hundreds of miles of routes that continue to be missing from the inventory and aren’t accounted for anywhere in the DEA. These missing routes tend to be primitive and prized by OHV riders. Thus actually implementing Alternative A—let alone the action alternatives—would greatly reduce the quantity and quality of opportunities for motorized trail enthusiasts.

To prove the BLM’s claim that motorized recreation and local economies would be unharmed by every alternative’s closure of these hundreds of miles of missing routes plus hundreds of miles of inventoried routes, the DEA sites Leaver 2024, which is a high-level summary of tourism in Utah. The Leaver 2024 report doesn’t even attempt to address the question of how motorized access affects visitation, thus the BLM’s claim is completely unsubstantiated.

Not only would implementing any of the DEA alternatives reduce the enjoyment of current OHV riders, it would reduce the potential for growth in this prominent form of recreation, as the quantity and quality of motorized routes determines the carrying capacity of this planning area. The network of existing routes is important now, and even more so in future as places like Moab and the San Rafael Swell become crowded. The communities of Hanksville and Ticaboo are increasingly depending on OHV visitation, and such recreational opportunities improve the quality of life for residents, which could draw new residents so long as the BLM leaves the vast majority of existing routes open.

Another way that the DEA greatly underestimates socioeconomic impacts is by estimating $34.38 per visitor day of economic output (see Table 43 on Page 123). Motorized recreationists often spend that amount on fuel alone, particularly in this remote planning area. Suffice it to say that analyzing socioeconomic impacts is needed, along with a more realistic analysis of impacts to motorized recreation.

8. Conclusion

The Organizations do not expect the BLM to permit cross-country travel outside of small open areas, nor do we necessarily expect every existing route to remain open. Nevertheless we expect travel plans to be developed upon a foundation of thorough route inventory, explanation of any negative impacts to natural or social resources, and accounting of the impacts to motorized recreation and local economies. It’s worth getting these things right given the incredible trails in this incredible landscape.


Clif Koontz
Executive Director
Ride with Respect

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty
Colorado Off Road Enterprise

Scott Jones, Esq.
Authorized Representative
Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition


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CPW Draft Outdoor Strategy Comments

Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Att: Jody Kennedy
Via email only

RE: Preliminary Thoughts on Outdoor Strategy

Dear Jody:

The Organizations would like to supplement our original comments on the SCORP and Outdoor Strategy previously submitted July 27, 2024.  When our original comments were provided on the SCORP, we had not had the opportunity to review the Outdoor Strategy in any detail. After having the opportunity to review the Outdoor Strategy more completely we can simply say we are disappointed and frustrated with the Draft Outdoor Strategy (“The Proposal”).  Our disappointment centers around several general issues including: strategic recreation planning has simply been largely disregarded in the Proposal despite it being a cornerstone of the effort; the Proposal is silent around the huge success Colorado has had in providing sustainable recreational opportunities for decades; many CPW partner groups and their successes and challenges in providing sustainable recreational opportunities simply not mentioned in the Proposal;  and often third party information is relied on instead of CPW data.  The need to accurately understand and recognize challenges facing Colorado will be critical in crafting an accurate and effective response in furtherance of mandates of EO 2020-008.  While we are aware that data we hope will be developed  from the effort will be highly valuable to the recreational community moving forward, the first usage of this new data cannot be to correct poorly directed management efforts that resulted from foundational failures in the Proposal.  Much of the public and land managers failed to understand that the motorized community has been legally required to balance recreation and conservation on federal public lands since 1972 with the issuance of Executive Order 11644 by Richard Nixon. The Organizations are very concerned that the cumulative impacts of the challenges of the Proposal reliance on imperfect information and failing to recognize the success that has already been achieved will result in poor management decisions.

In several locations the Proposal asserts large concerns for wildlife populations based on public perceptions, such as climate change or growth of state populations. The Organizations don’t contest this perception exists in Colorado, as we have been addressing this issue for years in various federal NEPA efforts and had numerous discussions with CPW leadership on this issue. We do not contest that vocal minority of the public appear to have the perception wildlife populations are plummeting and closures are necessary.  When these perceptions are compared to CPW data, these public perceptions are immediately identified as less than accurate. These types of conflicts based on incorrect or incomplete information are exactly the type of situation the Outdoor Strategy was designed to address. As a recent example of the challenge that may result from poor data being relied on is the planning effort undertaken on the GMUG NF in 2021, where many in the public asserted wildlife populations on the GMUG were plummeting.  When this assertion was compared to CPW herd specific data on the GMUG  it was determined that elk populations were 35% above goals and deer populations were only 10% below goal due to recent winter kill situations on the forest. Unfortunately, this example is not the only time we have encountered this issue. Building awareness of this success in conservation and recreation would be a major step towards the goals of EO 2020-008 as repetitious efforts could be avoided and other users could use this model moving forward. Failing to recognize success does not foster future success.

This growingly systemic lack of public awareness and understanding on the current balance in conservation and recreation values forces us to ask a basic management question: “What is the proper management response to the situation?” Is this a situation that needs an on-the-ground management response or is this an issue addressed with an educational effort regarding before any on the ground response is undertaken?  This situation highlights our concerns as any management response must include education of the public and not just tighter management restrictions and closures to achieve a goal that may have already been achieved.  Accurate information from CPW has been published for years on what these goals for wildlife populations are and challenges in achieving these goals. CPW has consistently stated that recreational activity is often a nonexistent threat to these resources.  If there is a desire to change these conclusions on the proper level of any resource,  then the public should be educated what the process is and how to engage in the process. The Proposal simply moves past this critical step, as education is not recognized, and success is not highlighted.

We continue to struggle with understanding how the Proposal is to be coordinated into other planning efforts and are very concerned that the effort will result in minimal benefit to anyone but immense conflicts between users being fostered.   Regardless of where the distinction and focus of the SCORP and Outdoor Strategy ultimately falls, recreation must be addressed in the Outdoor Strategy as required in Governor Polis EO 2020-008 and various mission requirements for CPW identified in the Colorado Revised Statutes. We are disappointed that the Proposal fails to even recognize that everyone and everything wins when there is a healthy ecosystem for the public to enjoy.   A healthy and vibrant ecosystem is a critical step providing all recreational opportunities, even for those that will only experience these opportunities through a picture on the internet.  Building  well planned and maintained trails and other infrastructure when they are needed contributes to a healthy ecosystem. This is simply never addressed.

These comments are troubling for us to even write as the Organizations have partnered with CPW for more than 50 years. Over this time there have been good times and less than good times throughout this partnership over this time. Recreation has always been an important component of CPW efforts as many in the State did not pursue consumptive wildlife activities.  Recreational opportunities like State Parks have been a critical tool for CPW to engage the public on different issues and this critical tool is simply not addressed at all in the Proposal. CPW has recently led efforts that have been nationally recognized for their groundbreaking collaboration to proactively balance trails and wildlife but are not mentioned in the Proposal.  The silence in the Proposal is deafening.  The Proposal could be an important step in creating balance for the public and furthering the decades of success in achieving these goals.  Educating the public on this success could unify interests in the outdoors and move both conservation and recreation forward. Rather than uniting the communities, the Proposal divides further. For many in the public, CPW has become the agency reintroducing wolves in Colorado despite this effort only being  a small portion of what CPW is mandated to do, and has been successfully doing for a long time. The wolf reintroduction has already created numerous unforeseen challenges such as having to relocate packs already and loss of sources for more wolves. We remain concerned that when wolves impact ungulate populations, motorized  recreation and trail usage will be blamed.  The Proposal will only expand existing conflicts around recreation and wildlife as the Proposal does not address that well planned and managed recreation will further recreation and conservation.  The Proposal should unite interests and move forward with success rather than further divisions and conflict.  This type of result simply will not happen as recreation benefits are not mentioned at all.

1(a) The Proposal fails to reflect the balanced agency mission and objectives identified by the Legislature.

This document should be a celebration of success on issues where there is an immense amount of successful planning and effort already in place. The Organizations are very concerned that if this Proposal was provided to someone unfamiliar with CPW, this document would not assist them in understanding the long history of success in Colorado on the issues being addressed or help them to understand challenges that are being faced.  It falls well short of that goal despite the overlap of many of the planning documents on both their goals and objectives, which gives the Organizations concerns about how the document would be used in the future.

The erroneous and troubling direction and scope of the Outdoor Strategy is immediately apparent when the statutory mission of CPW is reviewed. Article 9 Title 33 of the Colorado Revised Statutes clearly lays this mission  as follows:

“SECTION 1. Legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that:

(a) The people of Colorado value and seek to preserve the state’s unique park, wildlife, and outdoor recreation heritage;

(b) Maintenance of a healthy outdoor recreation program is vital to local, regional, and state economies;

(c) It is important to leverage existing fiscal, personnel, and capital resources to achieve the greatest accountability, efficiency, and customer-focused service delivery possible;

(d) Combining similar or overlapping programs and functions has the potential to reduce costs, streamline processes, and provide a net benefit to state budgets;

(e) Coloradans and visitors to the state will benefit from the preservation of important programs, such as the aquatic nuisance species program, the recreational trails program, and the natural areas program, that would otherwise need to be scaled back or eliminated under current budget proposals;

(f) Policies, procedures, and accounting methods to ensure transparency, to prevent the unauthorized commingling or impermissible use of moneys in distinct funds, and to ensure that moneys are expended consistent with the purposes for which they are received, collected, or appropriated are fundamental to any successful effort to realize efficiencies;

(g) Preserving the missions of the division of wildlife and division of parks and outdoor recreation is a priority, as is transparency of the process for combining functions, streamlining processes, and reducing costs; and

(h) The board of parks and outdoor recreation and the wildlife commission have created strategic plans that identify goals and objectives for the division of parks and outdoor recreation and the division of wildlife for the next five to ten years, and combining divisions so that resources are shared and allocated toward the achievement of shared and mutually beneficial goals will further these objectives, including:

(I) Protecting, restoring, and enhancing habitats;

(II) Providing and protecting opportunities for hunting, fishing, and wildlife-viewing opportunities;

(III) Enforcing regulations that protect fish and wildlife;

(IV) Increasing public knowledge of agency missions;

(V) Increasing public awareness of, and participation in, a variety of outdoor activities;

(VI) Attracting and retaining a diverse workforce and promoting excellence within that workforce;

(VII) Creating and strengthening outreach and partnerships; and

(VIII) Maximizing funding.”[1]

It is important to note the CPW has had a statutorily balanced mission since the merger of Division of Wildlife and Parks in 2012.  Contrary to much of what we continue to hear in public meetings, this balancing of interests and protection of all values is not a new concept in Colorado but one that CPW has been required to do for more than a decade.  While this merger was a huge effort for the Organizations, it is astonishing how quickly this nuance has been lost.  Again, this decade of effort working towards balance should be highlighted and celebrated in the Proposal rather than simply overlooked.

A similar balance of interests between recreation and conservation is again highlighted in Governor Polis’ EO 2020-008. This EO refined and updated these basic goals in the Statute as follows:

“A. DNR, in consultation with CPW and the CO-OP, shall develop the Initiative to achieve the following goals:

    1. Ensure that Colorado’s land, water, and wildlife thrive while also providing for equitable and safe access to quality outdoor recreation experiences;
    2. Convene voices from different outdoor interests, races, cultures, ages, and sectors through the Regional Partnerships to identify regional priorities and strategies;
    3. Collaborate with Regional Partnerships to develop a State-level vision and Plan for conservation and recreation; and
    4. Identify stable and long-term funding from multiple, sustainable sources to provide for the critical investments needed to conserve Colorado’s landscapes, rivers, wildlife, sensitive habitats, and recreational opportunities.”

The Organizations would be remiss if our concerns around the relationship of the Proposal and the goals and objectives mandated by Colorado Revised Statutes and refined with EO 2020-008 was not addressed.  Our concerns expand as the Proposal delves into many topics that are outside the Statutory CPW mission and values.  Are these issues important?  Absolutely. Should the Proposal seek to align with these other planning resources that specifically address these topics?  Absolutely.  Should these other planning resources be used instead of CPW resources to address these challenges?  Probably.  The Organizations would request that the Proposal balance the two overarching goals within their statutory mission and in the EO before adopting a higher level of focus on more refined topics that CPW may not be well suited to address. At best, this is mission creep for CPW and that is never a good thing.

1(b) CPW needs a balanced message moving forward and the Proposal could be a major step in this direction.

The Organizations had hoped and advocated for this document to be balanced and reflect the strategic multi-faceted roles that CPW is fulfilling.  This type of messaging is critical to the long-term success of CPW given the challenges that CPW is facing especially regarding the limited public understanding of CPW operations as a whole. This balanced message is more important due to the public perception that CPW is overly focus on wolves. While Proposition 114 mandated wolf reintroduction, it did not alter the mission of CPW.  Prop 114 merely identified CPW as the lead agency for this effort. This change has created significant challenges for the agency that have not gone unnoticed. The challenges that the wolf reintroduction has created for CPW were recently highlighted in a Summit Daily news article addressing the perceived imbalance of CPW efforts and the stress it is placing on the agency as a whole.[2] While CPW representatives attempted to put a good face on the wolf issue, outlining the balance of CPW efforts in the Proposal would be a significant indication of where CPW is going and the success that CPW has had on these issues  beyond wolf reintroduction already.  The value of the Proposal only expands when the upcoming reintroduction of the wolverine are undertaken by CPW in the next several years.

While the Proposal could be a major resource for CPW to use in responding to public concerns such as those presented by the wolf and wolverine reintroductions, this opportunity is simply not pursued.  The Proposal could provide a balanced message to the public and as a roadmap to address management challenges that are identified. With efforts of these scale and stature, tools and resources such as the Proposal should be identified and fully utilized. This document could easily provide a balanced vision of CPW does wolves, wildlife, recreation and it benefits everyone in the state.   The Proposal could also provide guidance on how CPW will work to balance and educate the public on the wide range of efforts that CPW has successfully undertaken since the merger.  Failing to use this document in this manner is at best a missed opportunity.

1(c) The Proposal highlights existing imbalances in strategic planning resources but does not address how to correct this imbalance.

The impacts of the  failure of the Proposal to strategically address recreation in balance with other values is not just limited to CPW ability to respond to wolf and upcoming wolverine management issues. The Organizations welcome that the Proposal highlights the existing imbalance in strategic planning available on the values of recreation and conservation which highlights the critical need for data and strategic planning on recreational issues.  Simply recognizing this situation is important so strategic planning for recreation can be undertaken to address the imbalance.  The Proposal fails to highlight the need for this resource to be developed and expanded in any of the milestones proposed.  The failure of the Proposal to address this type of systemic imbalance in strategic planning values is perplexing given the target of this effort has been to identify imbalances and resolve them.

The Proposal is the first effort we are aware of that identifies the list of statewide conservation or recreation plans, which is provide on page 9 of the Proposal.  After a cursory review, it is immediately apparent that the number of recreation plans is simply dwarfed by the number of conservation plans.  The Proposal clearly identifies 13 conservation plans and only 8 recreation plans currently in place in the State. The Proposal provides an additional itemized list of statewide conservation and recreation plans on pg. 25 of the Proposal.  This chart again highlights the imbalance in existing statewide plans as this chart clearly identifies 27 conservation plans and only 15 recreation plans.  While merely counting the number of plans is not dispositive of the issue as plans address many topics and not all plans are created equally, these initial imbalances cannot be overlooked.  The imbalance becomes much worse when the nature of the plans is addressed as almost all conservation plans are highly strategic in nature and overwhelmingly the recreation plans are single issue driven plans. The Organizations submit this is a challenge that must be recognized and addressed. Rather than addressing this imbalance, the Proposal carries this highlighted imbalance of existing resources forward into strategic milestones for the effort.  After a brief review of these milestones, it appears only 3 milestones relate to recreation and 10 are related to conservation and another 18 are not directly related to either issue. Again, the Organizations vigorously assert this falls well short of the balance required in the agency mission and also the requirements of EO 2020-008. This must be corrected.

The Proposal does highlight the historical imbalance in planning resources that have been directed towards conservation issues and recreation issues. Even under the most broad interpretation of recreation plans, conservation plans outnumber recreation plans almost 3 to 1 in terms of the number of plans. While recognizing this situation has value, the Organizations submit this situation has been present for an extended period of time even if no one has identified the problem. The Organizations submit at least part of the problem being presented is that Planners simply assumed recreation infrastructure was sufficient in size and types of opportunity provided.  This assumption in strategic planning was never confirmed and as a result, in many areas recreational issues lag far behind other issues in strategic planning. The Organizations are aware that the data goals in the SCORP and Proposal will be of significant value in the long term, these long-term goals cannot be the only benefit as these tools will take years to bring on-line.

While the recreational community lacks the data to define objectives and factors impacting access and quality of experience that is available for many other issues, this does not mean recreation planning can be ignored until new data is available. We are aware there are rapidly growing challenges for recreational access in many areas and avoiding these known problems will not resolve them.  Creating a plan that undervalues recreation simply because this activity is not as easily defined as other efforts would be a mistake. The recreational community hopes that data developed at some time in the future will not need to be used to return recreational opportunities that were lost as the data was developed.  There are challenges facing recreation such as population growth and increases population concentration along the Front Range and ignoring these issues will not make them go away. These are strategic challenges that should be balanced in CPW efforts and messaging moving forward. The Proposal fails to do this entirely.

This itemized list is helpful in identifying how few state recreation plans are currently in place as there are almost twice as many wildlife/climate plans in place when compared to recreation plans.  This only compounds our request for balance in the Proposal. Rather than addressing this imbalance, the Proposal appears to contribute to it further as milestones from the Proposal exhibit the same imbalance in values as has been highlighted previously. While the Organizations vigorously support the need for expanded data on recreation, we are also concerned that significant portions of the data being developed is only in the early stages of development. The Proposal estimates some of data collection efforts  will not be completed until 2030.  We should not wait this long to start to address challenges. Implementation of plans to address this new data development could take years to complete and even more time for planners to understand and implement locally to provide a benefit.  Recreation will need to adapt and expand over these years but the Proposal fails to address this issue.

1(d) Strategic recreation plans are different than issue specific recreation management plans.

The strategic nature of the Proposal and the poor alignment of the existing issue driven plans identified as recreation compounds our concerns around the Proposal as we have a mismatch in the desired results of the Outdoor Strategy and scope of many of the plans identified as recreational in the Proposal.   The challenges presented from the imbalance of existing planning resources identified compounds when the overly optimistic scope of the limited number of recreation plans is reviewed. Simply comparing the number of conservation plans with recreation plans makes a fatal assumption, mainly that each plan is reasonably comparable in terms of scale and development.  This assumption would be incorrect.  Most recreation plans simply are not strategic recreation plans but rather are plans attempting to manage specific recreation issues or an issue only incidentally related to recreation.  Unlike most of the wildlife or conservation plans that are identified which develop strategic goals and objectives, most recreation plans identified are simply not strategic in nature and some plans are identified as recreational in nature but fail to address recreational issues.

The overwhelming portion of the recreation plans identified target recreation management issues and entirely fail to ask basic strategic questions around recreation supply and demand generally.  Many recreational plans simply seek to manage recreational issues and fail to answer foundational questions around recreation in all forms or any specific information on particular uses or opportunities that could be developed to address these challenges.  We are not aware of planning efforts that approached addressing strategic recreational questions like: “Do we have areas of the state that are currently facing shortages of recreational access?”.  For too long recreational management has been driven by pictures such as these of a Wilderness Trailhead outside Crested Butte.

Wilderness trailhead outside of Crested Butte

After pictures like this appear, everyone agrees there is a need for more parking at the location.  No one ever asks “How did we not see this issue coming?” and a parking lot hopefully gets built.  After the parking lot hopefully gets built no one ever asks a question like “What can we do to avoid this situation in the future?” Asking strategic questions like this could address failures such as this in the future and protect wildlife resources and improve recreation.

We are not aware of strategic questions like “Could we put a public golf course at a state park?”  being asked either. These types of questions could lead to State Parks being a more valuable resource for the public and CPW expanding its recreational role in the state while making the State Park System more financially sustainable. Rather than understand possible  future demand for State Parks the Proposal simply does not talk about them at all despite many State Parks seeing similar situations on busy weekends as is reflected in the trailhead pictures above.  These questions are not answered without significant effort and data, most of which is not available.  This basic information for what the recreational community needs to be sufficient is the equivalent to identifying the necessary herd size and habitat zones for wildlife management and sustainability. It is the first step in planning. Conservation has addressed these foundational questions decades ago, the larger recreation community is only starting to understand there could be a need to address usages at this level. While cellular based data will be critical in resolving these questions, we simply cannot wait for this data to be obtained and understood. Recreational interests will simply be further behind by that point and questions will remain unresolved.

Our concerns around the narrow scope of recreation analysis is exemplified by the focus of existing plans being issue driven management in nature and scope. The first plan highlighted in the Proposal that suffers from this issue of a limited scope of analysis is the Colorado Tourism Office’s Destination Stewardship Plan.   We have worked with Colorado Tourism Office for several years in the development of the CTO plan and support the conclusions of this stewardship effort. This planning effort has targeted important issues like managing expectations of the public, the need to educate the public in the backcountry and building awareness of the recreational public to avoid impacts on a very high level. These are critical goals for recreation but are also needed for public safety, as exemplified by the fact most of the recommended needs for backcountry recreation are also highly relevant to simply traveling in Colorado in the winter. We would assert that the CTO plan is a recreation management plan rather than a recreation plan. CTO would be poorly suited to even address expanding recreational opportunities or understanding recreational demands in a planning effort.  Questions like:  “Could we build a golf course at a state park?” are simply outside the scope of these efforts as the CTO plan would address management of a golf course once built. While these are important factors to understand, these shortcomings undermine the value of this plan for strategic use.

Another planning effort generally identified as recreation which falls outside the scope of a strategic recreation plan and targets recreation management is the OREC planning effort forthcoming.  The OREC plan primarily targets economic development for the outdoor industry but is identified  as an Outdoor Recreation Plan.  We have enjoyed a good relationship with the OREC office for many years, and many of our members have been engaged in their COILS efforts and various roundtables.  We support their efforts and mission as economic sustainability is important to all activities in Colorado. While we support this effort, it does not alter the fact that this is an economic development plan that targets recreational businesses  in Colorado.  Again, this is not a strategic recreation plan but rather a planning effort that incidentally relates to recreation. With this narrow scope of the effort, many basic recreational questions will simply be outside the scope of authority for the Office and clearly outside any research that OREC might be conducting for a planning effort. While this effort is valuable, this type of issue driven effort will not address recreational balance at any scale.

While some plans have a limited strategic value for recreation, some of the issue specific plans identified entirely lack any meaningful discussion of outdoor recreation. An example of issue specific plan identified as recreation plan which really does not address recreation would be the Colorado Historic Preservation Plan. When reviewed the only mention of recreation in the Historic Preservation Plan is provided in the summary of the statutory scope of various agencies involved in public lands management, making any assertion of outdoor recreation problematic with the scope of the plan. Are historic resources a possible recreational opportunity sought by the public?  Of course, but this activity is more aptly summarized as tourism rather than recreation.  If the Proposal hugely broad definition of outdoor recreation is applied to the Denver Broncos, the Bronco’s  strategic planning efforts could be included in the Proposal as a recreation plan  as the Broncos are a major tourism driver and people are outside. The Organizations do not believe this is the focus of this effort and would result in the fact the Colorado Historic Preservation Plan does not meaningfully address outdoor recreation being overlooked.

When the strategic nature of the Proposal and the strategic nature of recreation plans is compared, there are only a few plans that start to address recreation, such as the CPW Strategic Plan, State Trails Plan and GOCO plan that address recreation in a strategic manner.  The Proposal must address strategic development of recreational plans to begin to address recreation challenges in a strategic manner. We would encourage the Proposal to clearly focus on outdoor recreation planning to avoid inclusion of plans only incidentally address outdoor recreation being identified as a plan highlighting recreational needs.  The Organizations are aware there are immense questions and challenges that the state faces that are simply outside the scope of the CTO, OREC and State Historic Preservation Office effort to even address and as a result they were not addressed as they were outside the mission of these offices.

2(a)  CPW has created similar strategic plans and they reasonably balanced recreation and conservation.

The Organizations have partnered with CPW for an extended period of time and it is unfortunate to note that this is not the first time that there has been significant pressure on CPW for a variety of reasons. The Organizations are concerned that unlike previously heavily pressured planning efforts, the strategic long-term benefits of recreation planning are not addressed in the Proposal.  This messaging could have significant impacts on other efforts of CPW to develop partnerships with new user groups. This type of unintended impacts of the Proposal would be exemplified by CPW discussions around the development of a mountain bike registration program similar to the OHV and snowmobile programs. Our Organizations and CPW has found exceptionally successful in achieving the goals of the EO.  The Organizations have participated in these strategic programs and discussions for almost a decade and previously a report such as the Proposal has been used to guide these efforts.  The Organizations vigorously assert that the Proposal will not further these types of strategic efforts, as there is simply nothing in the Proposal that CPW can identify to support the need for the mountain bike community to collaborate in the same manner as our Organizations have for decades.. CPW has always found a way to balance the values and move forward with its mission.  The Proposal simply fails to achieve these strategic goals and must be balanced to further the history of success that CPW has had in balancing many critical values for the state.

Historically, an example of this type of strategic planning effort would be from the merger of the old Division of Wildlife and Division of Parks, which was a massive undertaking and resulted in conflicts and divisions of interests during the merger process. Balance was achieved in this effort despite immense public pressure.   As the merger moved forward, CPW created what was known as the Path Forward document to identify major challenges and clarify planning objectives.  A copy of this document is attached as Exhibit “A” to these comments.  The Organizations must specifically address the fact that the major challenges identified in the Path Forward planning document largely mirrors the goals and objectives of EO 2020-008.  As the merger moved forward the Path Forward plan was developed.  A copy of this Plan is attached as Exhibit “B” to these comments.

CPW and partners have made major headway in resolving these strategic challenges in the decades since the Path Forward. This is clearly evidenced in the 2016 CPW Strategic Plan almost immediately after the Path Forward was completed. The Organizations were again vigorously involved in this planning effort and can say with absolute confidence that many of the same concerns and issues were present when the 2016 CPW Strategic Plan was developed as are present here.  These issues were balanced and success was achieved because of the balance in the plan.  Since the 2016 CPW Strategic Plan was finalized, species have been reintroduced, new parks have been opened, new funding streams created, visitation to all forms of recreational opportunities expanded with hundreds of millions in grants flowing to a wide range of local communities and recreational operations and wildlife operations were integrated.  This is the long term strategic success we believe must be the goal of the Proposal and simply has not been achieved. The Organizations are aware that if these historical planning documents were out of balance, strategic success such as this would not be achieved.

As a long term partner of CPW, we welcomed the issuance of EO 2020-008 as we thought this recognition was an important step in maintaining the strategic focus and  updating existing efforts around these strategic goals as these needs are always evolving and changing. We must ask why success around these existing foundations would not be highlighted in the Proposal.  If we do not periodically review these goals and celebrate success, efforts can get off track. Unfortunately after reviewing the Proposal, we must express concern that the strategic check in effort to ensure the long term goals of CPW has gotten off track.  Rather than confirming the basic course and providing basic corrections or alterations to address changes in strategic goals since the 2016 Strategic Plan, the Proposal paints a very different and more troubling picture for the relationship of the factors previously identified as priority challenges. The Organizations really hope this is incorrect as we have not seen the last decade of partnership with CPW as anything less than a major success. The model for a successful balancing of these strategic values already exists and should be used.

2(b) Newly designated State Parks and the success of the existing State Parks are not even mentioned in the Proposal.

The imbalance of analysis of values in the Proposal has led to hugely successful efforts simply being overlooked. This imbalance in analysis was immediately visible in the Proposal as the State Park system is simply not addressed in the Proposal.  While the Organizations are most commonly engaged with CPW on motorized trails issues in the State, our interests and those of our members extend beyond just motorized trails. Many of our members are passionate about our system of State Parks, and often hunt, fish, hike and experience Colorado outside the use of motorized trails. The fact that the State Park system is often the first place many youth and underserved communities able to obtain an outdoor experience in any manner cannot be overlooked. This portion of CPW operations has always been a huge  success  in achieving the goals of the Outdoor Strategy as State Parks are often reasonably accessible for the public and provide a more intensive and managed recreational opportunity for the public when compared to the self-guided type of opportunities that those more advanced obtain on Federal lands across the State.  The State Park System has also opened two new State Parks and looking at a third in the next couple of years.  While there have been challenges around the two parks opened to date, such as exceptionally low visitation to Fisher’s Peak SP,  these are major efforts and should not be overlooked. If success is not highlighted, how is success ensured in the future?

The omission of any mention of State Parks in the Proposals is simply confounding given their huge success for an extended period of time.  Even more confounding is the recent release of the CPW book celebrating the Colorado State Parks System and more specifically the strategic efforts of the Organizations in providing sustainable recreational opportunities as follows:

“Responsible motorized users, represented by the Colorado Snowmobile Association and the Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition realized that without regulation,  their access to public lands would soon be severely curtailed or possibly prohibited.  In the spirit of public/private partnership these recreationists approached State Parks and requested help in establishing the Colorado Snowmobile and Off-Highway Vehicle Programs. The premise of the programs was simple yet unique.  First, set up a registration program to track the ownership of the vehicles and create a funding base to support maintenance of existing trails and construction of new trails. Second set up safety and use regulations to help promote a family orientated sport that respected Colorado natural resources.  These two programs have been hailed as examples of how the government and the public can work together to provide new forms of recreation while protecting Colorado natural resources.”[3]

The Organizations vigorously welcome recognition of this partnership in the new State Parks book and must question why sentiments such as this have been entirely omitted from the Proposal. This book release has coincided with this Proposal is being introduced and while the book is appreciated, it is not a replacement for strategic planning. A copy of the announcement from CPW is as follows:

Given the overlap of these two efforts, the Organizations would have to believe that the newly released book could be adopted in the Proposal in some manner.  Again, why wouldn’t success such as this be highlighted?

Our concerns around the failure to mention the immense amount of strategic success that Colorado has been able to achieve with the State Park System relates to the fact there are simply no strategic questions asked to ensure the future success of the State Park System in the Proposal or most underlying planning efforts.  These strategic questions would include: “How many Parks are at or beyond existing capacity?” or “Are there opportunities for the public that could be provided on a State Park but have not been?” or “Would the public be willing to pay more to obtain these additional experience?” Strategic planning may be needed for some efforts but other responses could be developed quickly and easily to remove pressure from uses on adjacent federal lands.  Many of these strategic challenges are being more visible in certain geographic areas of the State.  Ignoring them will not make them go away.   If we are unwilling to address challenges such as this in a strategic recreation and conservation plan, the Organizations would ask what type of plan is needed and why are we not seeking to create this type of plan currently.

It is unfortunate to see a difficult financial situation looming for CPW  similar to that which faced CPW at the time of the merger.  The Organizations are expecting budgets to become exceptionally tight and the Organizations can remember merger meetings where ¼ and ½ costs of full time employees were being identified in an effort to control costs in the merger discussions.  The Organizations cannot overlook the fact that the preliminary efforts of the 2025 Joint Budget Committee have preliminarily identified a $1,000,000,000 shortfall for the State budget this year. While we are sure that the JBC will be able to minimize these impacts and CPW budgets do not look as grim as the State more generally, this situation is concerning and would cause us to express the need to be strategically addressing recreation needs in a more challenging budget situation than is currently being faced. These are simply long-term challenges that should be addressed.

2(c) Groundbreaking CPW efforts to recognize trails and conservation have been nationally recognized by partners but entirely omitted from the Proposal.

The existing imbalance in the Proposal on recreation and its possible benefits to conservation has resulted in what can only be summarized as unusual shortfalls for the Proposal. While we are frustrated that State Parks are not mentioned, the silence on trails issue is even more problematic to our Organizations.  CPW Trails embarked on a groundbreaking effort to update the Planning Trails with Wildlife in Mind Guide in 2022. This effort took two years and more than a dozen partners including conservation groups, recreation groups, local and state governmental interests and federal land managers to develop. This updated guide was heralded by all interests in Colorado as a huge success. The USFS recently issued their final DEIS on Old Growth Timber management, which specifically recognized the groundbreaking nature of the Trails and Wildlife Guide as follows:

“State wildlife agencies are responsible for managing wildlife populations. The Forest Service is responsible for managing habitat. However, the Forest Service has a unique mission with a multiple use mandate. Some state wildlife agencies are developing more interest in recreation and how to meet wildlife conservation outcomes at the same time. One example of this is the Colorado Parks and Wildlife “Guide for planning trails with wildlife in mind” (2021). The guide was developed with the participation of the Forest Service and several other agencies and organizations. Integrating conservation into recreation and trails planning is one of the guides purposes and it provides a framework for how to do it.”[4]

One of the foundations of our partnership with CPW, and other land managers, is the collective understanding that planned and maintained trails benefit recreation and conservation. The situation where partners are willing to nationally recognize Colorado success in balancing recreation and wildlife in trail development and management and CPW is not willing to address this success in any manner is awkward at best.  This is a significant indication of the failure of the Proposal to balance these values.

2(d) CPW has many other successes balancing recreation and conservation that are not highlighted.

The immensely successful CPW efforts to balance conservation and recreation extend far beyond the State Park System.  The motorized components of the State Trails Program have provided more than $100,000,000 in total funding for the balancing of recreation and conservation since the inception of the various programs. The Organizations would submit that the mere value of the program in terms of direct and unique partner funding would have made the program sufficiently important to warrant inclusion in the Proposal. The value of these programs extends far beyond the value of the program as the strategic value in recognizing these types of partnerships in a document such as the Proposal cannot be overlooked. As previously noted in these comments, the Organizations have been involved in discussions with the mountain bike community about formation of a program similar to the OHV program for mountain bikes.  Failing to recognize these benefits of existing partnerships will not encourage the development of future partnerships being formed with CPW.

While the Organizations  are certainly biased on the desire to recognize that program at any point, CPW’s OHV program has also provided millions of dollars to the Colorado Youth Corp over the last several years. The mission of the Youth Corp partnerships almost completely overlaps with the vision of the Proposal. The mission statement of the Youth Corp effort is clearly identified as follows:

“The Colorado Youth Corps Association aspires to be the leader in conservation and service and empowers corps to change lives statewide. CYCA will focus on five strategic goals through 2022:

    • Secure project work on behalf of members
    • Channel Diversity, Equity, and Inclusiveness resources to corps
    • Optimize member services and programs
    • Ensure revenues are resilient and sufficient
    • Tell the collective corps story to a broader audience

The overarching outcome of this strategic plan will be that more youth, young adults, and veterans in Colorado will experience the transformational impact of service through corps.” [5]

Again, we must question why an effort such as this would not be recognized in the Proposal.  Clearly strategic development of programs such as this should sought to be developed given the immense overlap between the goals of the Proposal and the success of this effort.   The efforts of the Youth Corp and CPW OHV program were highlighted in a video about the benefits of these efforts in restoring access to burn scar areas so additional management and resource and wildlife protection can occur.[6]

CPW partnerships through the OHV program extend far beyond Youth Corp efforts.  CPW OHV grants restored exceptional recreation opportunities in partnership with National Forest Foundation repairing the Palisade Wall outside Gunnison, Colorado. The impact of this effort was celebrated in their video highlighting this efforts and the unique benefits it has provided to individuals that may not have experienced the outdoors in this manner previously. [7] The same project has been recognized as immensely successful by the OHV community as well.[8] Each of these efforts is worthy of recognition in isolation.  When these efforts are compared to the goals and objectives sought to be achieved in the Proposal, that need for recognition only expands exponentially.  Not recognizing successes such as these sends a message as well and that message should be avoided.

Another hugely successful strategic effort which has resulted in CPW success with partners in balancing recreation and conservation is evidenced by the development of the COTREX application.  This free to the public app has been an immense step forward in balancing the desire of the public to recreate while protecting wildlife.  Now the public has  tools to understand when trails are open and when they are closed for wildlife and other reasons  Colorado is unique in providing this resource to the public and now the public can understand if a trail is open or closed and why the closure is in place. This is an immense step forward and should be recognized.

The failure of the Proposal to address the State Parks system  or other partner efforts was perplexing for the Organizations.  Even more perplexing is the failure of the Proposal to address hunting and fishing opportunities and the challenges that those activities might be facing.  These are activities that simply never mentioned in the Proposal despite the North American Model of Wildlife management being the foundation of CPW and its ability to balance recreation and conservation on hunting and fishing related issues as well.  The Proposal also fails to recognize many other partners who have worked towards success with CPW such as the farming and ranching community.  Not only has this community been integral to the success of CPW historically, this partnership is also critical to recreation as many of the winter grooming efforts are based on ranches.

3(a)  Planning documents must rely on accurate up to date information.

The Organizations frustrations with the Proposal continue beyond the mere omission of quality long term partnerships with CPW that have balanced recreation and conservation efforts for decades.   Much of the data provided as the baseline for analysis is overly divisive in both the nature of the data and how it is presented.  This situation is compounded as often much of the information is simply badly out of date.   This is exemplified by the Proposal provisions on  of climate resilience provide as follows:

“The vast majority of Coloradans (83%) support a national goal of conserving 30% of America’s lands and waters by the year 2030, and 60% believe that loss of habitat for fish and wildlife is an extremely or very serious problem.11 According to CNHP, approximately 20% of Colorado’s mammals, birds, and reptiles are at risk and 40% of fish and amphibian species are at risk.12”[9]

The impact of this at best out of date and negatively presented provision cannot be overstated as this is one of the few locations hard data is provided on issues the Proposal is addressing. The Organizations initial concerns on the above provisions would start with accuracy of the data being relied on for this position and basis for action being more than a decade old. This starting position of analysis is problematic simply because of the age of the information.  We hope that the decade of effort that has been provided by CPW and partners would have impacted these conclusions at some level.  We simply must do better from this perspective.

Taking these provisions in the order they are presented in the Proposal, we will start with the information around what has come to be known as the 30×30 concept which has been memorialized by President Bidens EO 14008.   It is frustrating to the Organizations that the Proposal opens the discussion on the 30×30 concept and then provides absolutely no information on what has been done to date to address these concerns. Data shows the immense success of efforts to date. Every acre of public lands in the State is protected from disposal or misuse as these lands have specific statutory public engagement requirements and findings of fact that must be complied with to be disposed of.  Many acres have received protections well beyond these basic levels of protection. USFS estimates that almost 60% of the lands they manage is protected at higher levels than traditional public lands. DOI has expressed similar levels of success on achieving these goals.  Why wouldn’t this information be included in the document.

The failure of the Proposal to accurately address the current status of the 30×30  issue extends beyond the presentation of inaccurate and out of date information. There are impacts from this presentation that are simply not addressed. As a result of the information and data being out of date, implementation questions around next steps for management decisions are not addressed.   If this information is updated and public understanding of these issues remains at these,  this would identify the need for a public educational effort on these issues. The scale of success is immense as  the USFS estimates that almost 60% of lands they manage in Colorado have already received some form of heightened protections (Wilderness or Roadless or other designations).   DOI is still calculating their levels of additionally protected lands and are approaching the 30% goal.  CPW lands are 100% protected.  The average of these estimated levels of  compliance with the goals identifies a huge success! Again, if the public is not aware of this success we should be starting with education and not requesting additional protection. Misguided efforts such as this will only create conflict and erode support for future management efforts.

If only 20% of species are perceived to be at risk this means that 80% of species are perceived as NOT at risk. No matter how we look at the proverbial glass in terms of ½ full or ½ empty, this is a HUGE success and should be highlighted in the Proposal. Again rather than seizing this success and educating the public the Proposal some how finds a mandate for management response.  The scale of the success in species management cannot be overstated as most species are doing historically well in terms of populations.

We are also concerned that the Proposal uses information from outside sources over information from CPW, despite the fact that CPW is the agency  with the statutory obligation to manage wildlife in the State.  The Proposal’s failure to address populations with the most accurate information possible will have profound effects on the accuracy of data being provided in the Proposal. CPW’s  own species population estimates provided in the 2023 Wolf Management Plan have widely different populations trends for the most visible species in Colorado identified from those in the Proposal. The 2023 Wolf Plan clearly estimates that elk populations are more than 30% above objective in the State as follows:

“The sum of Colorado’s post-hunt HMP population objective ranges for elk statewide is 252,000-306,000 for all 42 elk herds combined. These data indicate that Colorado’s elk population is over objective”[10]

The 2023 Wolf Plan outlines that mule deer populations  were roughly 10% below objectives. This 2023 Wolf report outlines how the challenges from the mule deer population situation presents a more complex management situation as follows:

“The statewide deer population has been more stable recently, averaging 420,000 over the last 11 years. The sum of all herd population estimates is still far below the sum of individual HMP population objective ranges of 438,000-520,000 for all 54 deer herds combined. Declines in deer populations are primarily in the largest, western most mule deer herds in the state. In 2021, 26 of 54 (48 percent) deer data analysis units were within their population objective ranges and 18 of 54 herds (33 percent) were below their population objective ranges. There is on-going interest from various constituents to increase mule deer populations; however, for many deer herds, population management is largely dictated by herd productivity and performance, winter severity, and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) prevalence.[11]

The 2023 Wolf Plan also clearly identifies that the moose population are exploding as follows:

“CPW transplanted moose into Colorado to create hunting and wildlife viewing opportunities. The first transplant occurred in 1978–1979 into North Park. Other major transplants included the Laramie River drainage (1987), Upper Rio Grande River (1990), Grand Mesa (2000), and White River drainage (2010). As a result of these efforts, moose have become an important big game hunting and popular watchable wildlife species in Colorado. Moose popula­tions are increasing, and they continue to pioneer into new habitats on their own. The statewide 2021 winter moose population estimate is 3,500.”[12]

The 2023 Wolf report accurately outline the success of wildlife efforts in Colorado, which is unparalleled and extends well beyond the wolf reintroduction and the species addressed in this report.  Since 2012 the Canadian Lynx reintroduction has been declared a success, black footed ferrets have been successfully reintroduced, many species of fish have also been successfully reintroduced to name a few successes. The Organizations are aware that there are many other species in similar situations.  These successes simply are not mentioned at all the Outdoor Strategy despite these efforts being huge successes for conservation. This  must be corrected in order to allow management efforts to move forward and build on the success in place.

The combined impacts of relying on third party data that is simply old and poorly focused has allowed the Proposal to recommend management tools that will only further divide interests and never address the challenges facing the state.  This allows badly needed management responses, like the need to educate the public about the huge successes in Colorado wildlife successes, to be overlooked.  Given the discrepancy in actual data and what the perceived situation is for the public on wildlife that the Proposal outlines, the Organizations would assert Colorado does not have a situation where radical changes in wildlife management are needed.  Rather Colorado is in a situation where the public needs  a wildlife education program that is educating the public that most species are doing well in the state.  This is a type of a strategic educational program would be vigorously supported by the Organizations and unfortunately the Proposal does not even address this but rather continues to move forward with inaccurate analysis.

3(b) The Proposal creates distinctions on terms that don’t exist and then attempts to craft responses based on these arbitrary distinctions.

The Organizations are very concerned that the limited amount of recreational information provided in the Strategy is not accurately outlined.  Compounding this concern are attempts in the Proposal to creates distinctions between concepts we have supported for decades for reasons that remain unclear.  The Proposal seeks to draw distinctions on efforts that simply cannot be distinguished or justified, such as attempting to distinguish between stewardship and maintenance.  These types of efforts are only going to create confusion of the public and direct resources that are often limited to areas and issues that are of limited value. In several locations the Proposal seeks to apply SCORP research but fails to address SCORP research accurately.  This results some priorities being diminished in favor of other challenges.  The Proposal fails to recognize that the priority concern clearly identified in the SCORP manager survey is improved access for recreation. This conclusion is simply never mentioned, while other concerns around lower priority management challenges around various recreational activities are addressed. Strategic planning efforts should not pick and choose results of supporting documents. If there is confusion in underlying documents either the confusion should be recognized and addressed or other management documents should be used.

As an example of the unique positions taken in the Proposal, is the interpretation of the SCORP data  and attempts to distinguish between the concept of stewardship and maintenance.  Both of these are concepts the Organizations vigorously support and we would submit are concepts that are poorly distinguished in the SCORP research. The Organizations would generally accept that stewardship is more of an ethic while maintenance may be focused on boots on the ground and issues being resolved.  While we might be able to distinguish between these concepts with highly detailed definitions, most of the public will not see a difference in these concepts. Rather than clarifying the accuracy of this type of distinction, the Proposal attempts to highlight these two concepts as entirely separate issues and then provides separate management responses to each.

These distinctions of efforts become academic as the Proposal then combines definitions as it identifies efforts for stewardship including picking up trash and other maintenance type activities. While this type of confusion would normally be overlooked,  the Proposal tries to assert that management responses and priorities should be different based on the distinctions between stewardship and maintenance.  The problematic nature of the Proposal compounds due to the fact that often stewardship scores significantly lower than maintenance responses in some portions of the research but this is not recognized in the Proposal.  In several locations, the Proposal creates management needs and responses that appear to be based on arbitrary distinctions of this data.  These types of distinctions are unique in nature and are presented in at best a confusing manner, which is exemplified by the discussion on pg.  57 of the Proposal that appears to assert that stewardship and maintenance are different goals as follows:

“For example, in the 2023 land manager survey conducted for the SCORP, about 70% percent of respondents identified addressing stewardship issues from increased use as a ‘high’ trail-related priority, while federal and state managers identified it as the top priority.”39

The Organizations would first have to question this summary of the SCORP survey as we are unable to identify any portion of the survey that provides the conclusion that stewardship was the largest priority for land managers. Rather the survey clearly outlines its priority for management response as follows:

“High priority new outdoor recreation sites

-Overall, survey respondents identified developing new trails or expanding existing trails as the highest priority with respect to new outdoor recreation sites (72%), followed by connecting to adjacent or regional trail systems (66%), and developing neighborhood, community, or special use parks or facilities (e.g., playgrounds) (60%).

– Local and federal respondents prioritized similar outdoor recreation sites.

– For example, developing new trails or expanding existing trails was the highest priority for both groups (Local = 73%; Federal = 82%) (Table 1).

– Connecting to adjacent or regional trail systems was the third highest priority for local (67%) and federal (72%) respondents (Table 1).

– Expanding the amount of land open to the public and obtaining access easements were also in the top five highest priorities (by percentage).

– The highest percentage priority among state respondents was expanding opportunities for hunting and fishing (92%).

– However, similar to their local and federal counterparts, state respondents also identified expanding the amount of land open to the public and obtaining access easements as high priorities.

– Similar to federal respondents, about 72% of state employees identified developing campgrounds as an important priority (compared to 77% of federal respondents) (Table 1).

– Respondents to the 2019 SCORP LMS also identified developing new trails or expanding existing trails as their highest priority (56%).

– Connecting to adjacent or regional trail systems was the second highest priority in 2019 at 49%, and developing neighborhood, community, or special use parks or facilities was the third highest priority (44%).”[13]

Our concerns around the impacts of this inaccurate presentation of information are immediate as the highest priority issue from the land manager survey simply is not addressed at all in the Strategy. This priority for most managers is developing new trails and infrastructure, which is an immense strategic planning  problem.  The Proposal then fails to even address the situation that the Survey seems to assert that stewardship and maintenance are so how mutually exclusive.  This is outlined in Table 2 of the Survey as follows:

Table 2 Highest trail related priorities

Rather than providing a clear basis for management response, the immediate question the Organizations have on this issue centers around our concern that respondents understanding of the asserted difference between stewardship and maintenance when the survey responses were collected.  The Organizations would submit this lack of clarity on this distinction is a weakness of the Survey and not the basis for different management responses.

The problematic nature of the summary in the Proposal is immediate as stewardship and maintenance are identified by some managers at similar levels of concern in the Survey, while other managers provide significantly different levels of preferences, making any distinctions problematic in nature. This conflict would be exemplified by the conclusions of local mangers that maintenance is a priority 81% of the time while stewardship is a concern only 62% of the time.  By comparison  federal managers identify stewardship as prioritized goal 96% of the time and maintenance is also identified as the top priority 96% of the time. Rather than using this data to create management responses, the Organizations submit these conclusions are inconclusive or needing further review.   These concerns are compounded as this research concludes stewardship is the #2 management concern and many managers have a strong preference towards improving access. This lack of clarity in goals and objectives will create challenges in implementation and move away from the large support that management and stewardship have received from the public and the Organizations for decades. This is a distinction that simply does not exist.

4(a). LEAN process on meetings.

As previously outlined, when any planning effort relies on inaccurate or outdated information to support its decisions this is problematic as strategic management options addressing the true challenges facing the balancing of recreation and conservation may not be addressed. Many existing challenges we are facing in achieving these goals could be made worse rather than better as a result of poorly directed or misguided management responses. An example of this type of an impact would be the meeting/volunteer fatigue we have experienced over the last several years. The Organizations are concerned that the Proposal is going to lead to more overlapping meetings with similar missions occurring across the State. It has been our experience that currently there are simply too many meetings for the public to engage with and often these meetings have overlapping goals and objectives and seek to reopen issue that were just completed.  The Organizations would note that even when there are isolated efforts to address recreational issues, they are often problematic.

Our concerns around meeting/volunteer fatigue impacts to the organized recreational community as more meetings are already identified in the Proposal.    This is exemplified by the requirement in the Proposal on Page 14 discussion on more groups and meetings being developed in 2025 as follows:

“Convene an outdoor recreation leadership roundtable among federal, state, local and private recreation executive-level leadership to drive greater coordination and alignment of goals and actions.” [14]

While we welcome more coordination of resources for recreation, we must question why more meetings and groups are thought to be needed for this effort? This is VERY concerning as there are too many meetings already and many of these efforts could easily be incorporated into existing efforts such as the COOP.  This would avoid repetition of efforts and strengthen existing partnerships and efforts and avoid situations where groups addressing similar challenges come to different conclusions. It has become an all to frequent response in meetings when there is a mention of a new series of public meetings that the entire room utters a collective groan.

As an example of the management responses that could address the meeting fatigue would be a goal in the strategic plan of reducing the number of meetings and making existing meetings more effective.  The motorized community underwent a LEAN type planning process in 2015 when there were too many steps in the grant process.  This effort resulted in a grant process that was far more effective and streamlined. This was a huge success, which probably does not warrant inclusion in the Proposal but the experiences from this effort are highly valuable and could lead to a goal of rather than more meetings we should focus on our existing meetings becoming more effective. Again, these types of impacts should be avoided as they benefit no values identified in the Proposal or EO.

4(b) Hiring of employees is a massive barrier to moving forward with all values but this is not mentioned in the Proposal.

The Organizations are concerned that one of the largest barriers currently to recreation, stewardship, maintenance and conservation efforts throughout the Country is the inability to hire employees at almost all levels of government. This challenge is simply not addressed in the Proposal at all despite this being an immense problem in Colorado. The Organizations are intimately aware that over the last several years almost 50% of the funding from the OHV program provide to federal lands managers for the hiring of seasonals is returned. As we write these comments, federal hiring and retention of seasonal employees under the Continuing Resolution has again become a problem.  These are impacting all forms of recreation on federal lands, and while CPW has performed better than federal agencies for hiring these resources fall well short of filling the need.

The Organizations would vigorously support inclusion of how to address this challenge as a goal of the outdoor strategy as this would promote all values of the effort. Is this something that could be addressed with expanded hiring of maintenance staff for federal lands through CPW? What barriers are present to allow partners to fill this void? How can other barriers in federal hiring be addressed?  This is a large multifaceted challenge that warrants discussion and may take years to resolve.  While there are many values that are elevated in the Proposal, this challenge that could be resolved and unite all interested parties simply is not addressed.

5. Guidance should be provided regarding the timing of Proposal in relation to regional plans.

In the discussions that the Organizations have participated in regarding the Proposal one of the most common questions we have heard is why is the State Plan is out before any regional plans?  The Organizations would ask the similar question. While we are aware that implementation of EO 2020-008 has proven to challenging due to the aggressive timeframes it sought to develop and the evolving nature of the regional efforts, this is a valid question and basic information and guidance should be provided. Without guidance on this issue, regional efforts may be inclined to try and align their plans developed subsequent to this with the Proposal rather than the opposite as was required by the EO.  is there an intent to align with regional plans or update at some point?

6.The public remains confused about the effort.

The Organizations remain concerned that the public understanding of the goals and objectives of the Proposal is limited and this creates concern regarding how the Proposal will be used. We recently concluded our annual OHV workshop and training in partnership with CPW, USFS and BLM, where we celebrated the numerous highly visible and successful projects of the trails community that have been achieved in partnership  with CPW.  This was attended by more than 80 people and included a targeted session on the SCORP and Outdoor Strategy.  The most common question about the Outdoor Strategy was: “Why is the State undertaking this effort and how does it relate to existing planning?”  Several more questions expressing similar concerns were provided in the feedback forms participants were asked to complete at the end of the event. Copies of these forms are available upon request. This concern cannot be overlooked and concerns such as these are made more difficult to address when the Outdoor Strategy is badly out of balance in terms of conservation and recreation. When layers of uncertainty are added to each other, the possibility of mission creep expands for CPW and the possibility of unintended impacts from the effort become more significant.  The Organizations submit that clarity and balance in the Proposal is of heightened importance in these situations to avoid these types of impacts and that has not been provided.

7. Conclusion.

We thank you for this opportunity to comment on the Proposal and hope the Proposal can be developed in a manner to allow  recreation and conservation issues to be addressed more effectively and recreation and conservation can also be balanced.  This alignment will also allow shortfalls in the recreational planning process to be addressed in the long term to allow for challenges to be most effectively addressed. The Organizations can simply say we are disappointed and frustrated with the Proposal.  Our disappointment centers around several general issues including: strategic recreation planning has simply been largely disregarded in the Proposal despite it being a cornerstone of the effort; the Proposal is silent around the huge success Colorado has had in providing sustainable recreational opportunities for decades; many CPW partner groups  and their challenges in providing sustainable recreational opportunities simply not mentioned in the Proposal;  and often third party information is relied on instead of CPW data.  The need to accurately understand and recognize challenges facing Colorado will be critical in crafting an accurate and effective response in furtherance of mandates of EO 2020-008.  While we are aware that data from the effort will be highly valuable to the recreational community moving forward, the first usage of this new data cannot be to correct poorly directed management efforts that resulted from foundational failures in the Proposal. The Organizations are very concerned that the cumulative impacts of the challenges of the Proposal reliance on imperfect information and failing to recognize the success that has already been achieved will result in poor management decisions.

The Organizations and our partners remain committed to providing high quality recreational resources on federal public lands while protecting resources and would welcome discussions on how to further these goals and objectives with new tools and resources. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Scott Jones, Esq. (518-281-5810 /, Chad Hixon (719-221-8329 /

Respectfully Submitted,

Scott Jones, Esq.
CSA Executive Director
COHVCO Authorized Representative

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty
Colorado Off Road Enterprise


[1] See, §1 SB 11-208


[3] See, CPW; “At Home in Nature A History of Colorado State Parks”;  2024 at pg. 52.

[4] See, Dept of Agriculture; US Forest Service;  DRAFT Social, Economic and Cultural Impacts Analysis Report for the Draft EIS for Amendments to LMPs to Address Old-Growth Forests Across the NFS; June 2024 at pg. 59.

[5] Strategic Plan – Colorado Youth Corps Association (

[6] Restoring impacts from the East Troublesome Fire in the Sulphur Ranger District (

[7] A copy of this video is available here: National Forest Foundation | Looking for an epic drive on the Grand Mesa Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests (GMUG)? Come along with @baratunde for the highest… | Instagram

[8]  A copy of this video is available here: Alpine Tunnel Palisade Wall Rebuild I Project Overview I Funding I Tomichi I Williams I Hancock (

[9] See, Proposal at pg. 43.

[10] See, Wolf report pg. 16.

[11] See, Wolf report pg. 17.

[12] See, Wolf report pg. 17.

[13] See, 2024 SCORP land manager survey at pg. 23. A copy of this survey is attached as Exhibit “3” to the Proposal for your reference.

[14] See, Proposal at pg. 14.

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Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Proposed RMP Protest


BLM Director
Attention: Protest Coordinator (HQ210)
Denver Federal Center, Building 40 (Door W-4)
Lakewood, CO 80215

RE: Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument RMP (DOI-BLM-UT-P010-2022-0006-RMP-EIS)

Dear BLM Director:

Please accept this protest from the above organizations regarding the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM) Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement (PRMP/FEIS).

1. Background of Our Organizations

In our comments, the “Organizations” will refer to the following four groups:

 Colorado Off Road Enterprise (CORE) is a motorized action group based out of Buena Vista Colorado whose mission is to keep trails open for all users to enjoy. CORE achieves this through trail adoptions, trail maintenance projects, education, stewardship, outreach, and collaborative efforts.

The Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO) is a grassroots advocacy organization of approximately 2,500 members seeking to represent, assist, educate, and empower all OHV recreationists in the protection and promotion of off-highway motorized recreation throughout Colorado.  COHVCO is an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use and conservation of our public lands and natural resources to preserve their aesthetic and recreational qualities for future generations.

Ride with Respect (RwR) was founded in 2002 to conserve shared-use trails and their surroundings. Since then, over 750 individuals have contributed money or volunteered time to the organization. Primarily in the Moab Field Office, RwR has educated visitors and performed over twenty-thousand hours of high-quality trail work on public lands.

The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) is an advocacy organization created to be a viable partner to public lands managers, working with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of motorized trail riding and multiple use recreation. The TPA acts as an advocate for the sport and takes necessary action to ensure that the USFS and BLM allocate a fair and equitable percentage of public lands to diverse multiple-use recreation opportunities.

2. Interest of Our Organizations and Issues

The Organizations have an interest in the GSENM RMP and would be adversely affected by the PRMP/FEIS. As the Organizations stated in our DRMP comments (enclosed):

“The GSENM encompasses a vast area with over a thousand miles of motorized routes that are of high quality for responsible riding and driving. In addition to providing access to remote places of varied geology among other resources, the motorized routes provide opportunities for exploration, a sense of harmony with nature, camaraderie with one’s group, and even some exercise or challenge from the roughest routes.”

In multiple ways, all of these recreational interests would be adversely affected by the PRMP/FEIS.

As stated in the Utah/Arizona ATV Club letter that the Organizations incorporated into our own DRMP comments (enclosed), excessive OHV Closed designations:

would limit the access to remote areas and areas that the physically impaired could not reach. With the US Census Bureau predicting that in just 35 years 25% of Americans will be 65 years and older, and that the number of 85-plus year olds will triple, having more travel routes to better accommodate our aging population is more important than ever. Any time a historically used route is closed, it limits access and is a form of discrimination against our aging and the less mobile individuals that are physically challenged.

As stated in the Travel Management section of Garfield County’s letter that the Organizations incorporated into our own DRMP comments (enclosed), motorized routes:

represent the lifeblood of connectivity for our local communities, facilitating access to our shared public lands, supporting economic activities, outdoor motorized recreational opportunities, greater access off which to base all types of recreational activities, and vital search and rescue and law enforcement activities that ensure the safety and well-being of residents and visitors alike.

The Organizations recognize that recreation is just one of many uses that would be adversely affected by the PRMP/FEIS.

Additionally motorized routes are key conduits for effective and efficient management, whether it’s performed by the BLM, Utah, local government, or nonprofits such as the Organizations. Motorized routes are particularly critical for the kind of active management and adaptability that was recommended by the BLM’s Utah Resource Advisory Council (RAC) in June of 2019 and incorporated into the GSENM and KEPA RMPs in 2020.

3.Parts of the Plan being Protested and their Adverse Effects

The Organizations protest the thin analysis and extreme outcome of the:

  1. OHV Area designations (Figure 2-36 and corresponding text) as well the underlying designations, specifically the
  2. Primitive Area (Figure 2-2 and corresponding text) and
  3. Lands with Wilderness Characteristics (LWC) that would be managed to protect or minimize impacts to wilderness characteristics (Figure 2-12 and corresponding text).

The PRMP/FEIS appears to deny adverse effects of these three designations by stating that only 7 miles of motorized routes would be closed, specifically the V-Road. However, relatively few motorized routes are designated open across the 1,865,600-acre planning area, particularly in the vicinity of the V-Road, which reaches within a mile of the remarkable “cosmic” rock formation.

These three designations would hobble management of the motorized routes that are currently designated open. For example, the OHV Closed area boundaries run up to the sides of many routes, thereby preventing reroutes that could otherwise be done to reduce resource impacts or increase public safety. Another example is LWC management to protect wilderness characteristics that may prohibit using heavy equipment to maintain routes. Even the LWC management that merely minimizes impacts to wilderness characteristics, and even the mere proximity to the Primitive Area or similar designations, would set the stage for more route closures during subsequent travel planning if history is any guide.

These three designations would obstruct the due consideration to re-open many other existing routes, including hundreds of miles of primitive roads claimed by Garfield and Kane counties and the State of Utah. For one thing, the R.S. 2477 bellwether case in Utah District Court recently favored Garfield and Kane counties, putting onus on the BLM to refute R.S. 2477 claims rather than operating as if the claims are unaffected by closing more routes and areas. For another thing, even when it comes to existing routes not claimed by the counties or state, such routes were not necessarily given a fair shake by the travel management plan (TMP) that was wrapped into the 2000 GSENM RMP. Persistent controversies could be partly resolved by more thorough travel planning, but such planning would be precluded by the designation OHV Closed, Primitive Area, or LWCs to be managed for wilderness characteristics.

Finally these three designations would prematurely prevent future planning of a single mile of new route across 1,245,700 acres that would be OHV Closed. Granted, new routes are rarely approved in national monuments, especially GSENM given that nearly half of it is comprised of Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs). However the monument and WSA status ensure that route proposals would have to meet an especially-high standard, which is all the more reason to let such proposals be addressed rather than being preemptively denied. The fact is that motorized access facilitates the enjoyment of monument resources and the appreciation of monument objects. Across most of the monument, planners should retain the option of adding a route as technology, society, and environmental conditions change. This managerial flexibility should extend to mechanized travel such as mountain biking. Designating 1,217,100 acres as a Primitive Area “without motorized or mechanized recreational access” would prevent bicycling from ever being considered in nearly two thirds of the planning area.

These adverse effects add up to an offensively grim outlook for recreation that depends upon motorized or mechanized access, not just in the WSAs, but across the other hundreds-of-thousands of acres that would be engulphed by the designations of OHV Closed, Primitive Area, and LWCs managed for wilderness characteristics.

4.Explanation of how the PRMP/FEIS is Flawed

The heart of the Organizations’ DRMP comments is our “OHV Area Designations” section as follows:

The Organizations are very concerned by the extent of areas proposed to be closed to OHV travel in all three action alternatives, which would force the subsequent travel planning to severely reduce motorized recreation opportunities that are already lacking when one considers the sheer expanse of GSENM. All three action alternatives would force the closure of some motorized routes by zoning their locations are closed to OHV travel. This enormous impact of travel planning isn’t even addressed let alone analyzed at the route-specific or cumulative scales, which violates NEPA and hampers our ability to meaningfully review and comment. Even where the route is “cherry stemmed,” boundaries are so tight that it sort of straitjackets the route and hobbles potential management actions such as a reroute. Further, the closed area designation prohibits even the mere consideration of adding a route in future. Obviously approving any additional routes has proven very difficult, as few routes have been added across the entire GSENM over the past couple decades. Nevertheless it’s important to preserve this flexibility for future planners to discover those instances when adding a route may be appropriate to benefit recreation or mitigate its negative effects. After all, such routes could be as minimal as an e-bike trail, or as useful as a short road to cluster campsites in order to close dispersed sites elsewhere. This RMP may be in effect for decades, by which time the majority of motorcycles and possibly automobiles may become electric and even quieter. The organizations accept some scrutiny when it comes to subsequent travel planning and certainly when new routes are proposed, but area designations at this highest level of land-use planning should only be closed to motorized use outright if it’s certain that the given area won’t ever become suitable for any extent of e-biking or other emerging uses. The fact that the BLM can manage more proactively than the NPS is a distinction that could help GSENM achieve the aspirations of the former BLM state director.

The PRMP/FEIS resolves none of these concerns and, despite that our “OHV Area Designations” section raised at least a half-dozen substantive points, they weren’t addressed by the BLM response to comments.

A. Regulatory Context

Consider the statutory authority for OHV area designations, which the BLM identifies through Executive Order 11644 as amended by Executive Order 11989. These orders, issued before FLPMA had been implemented, were intended to further the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). Recent Supreme Court decisions such as Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, June 28, 2024 reaffirmed the judicial review of an agency’s legal interpretation. When invoking fifty-year-old executive orders, agency actions should firstly remain grounded by the underlying legislation, and secondly employ executive orders and agency rules conservatively.

Executive Order 11644 as amended states:

Each respective agency head shall develop and issue regulations and administrative instructions, within six months of the date of this order, to provide for administrative designation of the specific areas and trails on public lands on which the use of off-road vehicles may be permitted, and areas in which the use of off-road vehicles may not be permitted…

When issuing the orders, did presidents Nixon and Carter regard “areas in which the use of off-road vehicles may not be permitted” to include a 1,245,700-acre area prohibiting all mechanized travel by the public? When passing NEPA in 1969, is this the extent of authority that Congress intended to delegate? Even BLM Manual MS-1626, “Travel and Transportation Management” states:

OHV Closed Areas. OHV use is prohibited in a closed area. Areas should be designated closed when limitations on OHV use will not suffice to protect resources, promote visitor safety, or reduce use conflicts.

This BLM guidance calls for designating OHV Closed areas when an OHV Limited designation “will not suffice.” For each of the 1,245,7000 acres that would become OHV Closed, the PRMP/FEIS hasn’t even asked the question of whether an OHV Limited designation will not suffice, let alone answered it affirmatively.

NEPA and FLMA require the BLM to invite meaningful public participation, and Executive Order 11644 as amended states “The respective agency head shall ensure adequate opportunity for public participation in the promulgation of such regulations and in the designation of areas and trails under this section.” Accordingly 43 CFR § 8342.2(a) Public Participation states:

The designation and redesignation of trails is accomplished through the resource management planning process described in part 1600 of this title. Current and potential impacts of specific vehicle types on all resources and uses in the planning area shall be considered in the process of preparing resource management plans, plan revisions, or plan amendments. Prior to making designations or redesignations, the authorized officer shall consult with interested user groups, Federal, State, county and local agencies, local landowners, and other parties in a manner that provides an opportunity for the public to express itself and have its views given consideration.

For each of the 1,245,7000 acres that would become OHV Closed, the PRMP/FEIS doesn’t provide analysis of the current and potential impacts of specific vehicle types on all resources and uses, which is needed for the public to meaningfully participate.

One might argue that OHV Closed designations and other layers of “protection” are justified merely by virtue of the national monument status, but it’s another example of the executive branch going out on a limb, as GSENM wasn’t established through legislation. Regardless of monument status, RMPs in this planning area should be moderate in order to provide lasting guidance, and the current RMPs wisely relied on existing “protections” such as WSA and national-monument status covering half the planning area rather than piling additional layers onto hundreds-of-thousands of additional acres. If natural and social resources have suffered, it’s only because managerial resources have been diverted to satisfy a heavy-handedness of the executive branch, not because the current RMPs lack the designations of OHV Closed, Primitive Area, or LWCs managed for wilderness characteristics.

B. Purpose, Need, and Analysis of Environmental Impacts

Since the OHV Closed area would cover the WSAs, Primitive Area, and LWCs managed for wilderness characteristics, its purpose is presumably to further the purposes of these designations. The purpose and boundaries of the WSAs are clear but, given that the WSAs already cover 881,100 acres, the need for a Primitive Area and LWCs managed for wilderness characteristics is highly unlikely. In any case, the PRMP/FEIS doesn’t make the case for LWCs managed for wilderness characteristics or a Primitive Area covering two thirds of this massive monument.

i. Primitive Area

In regard to Alternative C, which proposes a slightly smaller Primitive Area than Alternative E, the PRMP/FEIS on Page 3-242 states:

The majority of GSENM would be managed as a primitive area, which would benefit natural and biological uses and recreation users seeking solitude and primitive opportunities to a greater extent than would the other alternatives.

It appears to assume that the Primitive Area designation would benefit natural resources even though it would be less accessible for active and adaptive management. It appears to assume that the Primitive Area designation would benefit solitude seekers and primitive opportunities even though most of those acres can only be reached by an overnight backpacking trip. While a much higher density of routes may indeed detract from solitude and primitive opportunities, such a low current density of routes makes most of the acres inaccessible for typical day hiking, yet this tension is not handled by the PRMP/FEIS.

 ii. LWCs Managed for Wilderness Characteristics

Likewise managing LWCs for wilderness characteristics could wind up hampering their very purpose. For example, BLM Manual MS-1626, “Travel and Transportation Management” states:

6.5 Travel and Transportation Management within Presidential and Congressional Designations or Similar Allocations

F. BLM Manual 6320 – Management of lands with wilderness characteristics, the following apply:

1. In lands managed for wilderness characteristics, the BLM will not designate primitive roads and motorized/mechanized trails and will not classify them as assets within lands managed for wilderness characteristics protection in land use plans.

Therefore converting more LWCs to manage for wilderness characteristics would prevent managers from ever adding a route even for the purpose of public safety or protecting monument objects.

In addition to undermining their very purposes, designating a huge Primitive Area and managing nearly all LWCs for wilderness characteristics simply isn’t needed. The PRMP/FEIS hasn’t demonstrated that demand for such things isn’t met by the current RMPs, let alone identifying why the demand is unmet, as the answer could be a lack of motorized access among other things. The PRMP/FEIS does provide a rationale for the Primitive Area, stating on Page 3-243:

Because the majority of the primitive area is made up of WSAs, ISAs, and LWC managed to protect, this management direction is consistent with the Wilderness Act and FLMPA.

The logic appears to be that the BLM has free rein to designate a huge Primitive Area so long as it doesn’t effectively double the acreage of WSAs and LWCs managed for wilderness characteristics. The Organizations assert that, when restrictive designations such as WSAs occupy nearly half of a planning area, sparing the other half becomes essential to meeting FLPMA’s multiple-use mandate. As for the Wilderness Act, Congress intended to preserve existing wilderness, and most of the planning area that hasn’t already been designated as a WSA indeed doesn’t qualify (as indicated by county road claims among other things).

Even if a purpose and need were established to designate a huge Primitive Area and managing nearly all LWCs for wilderness characteristics, changing those areas to OHV Closed isn’t needed. Albeit uncommon, it’s possible to add existing routes to the TMP in those areas, and eliminating that possibility altogether isn’t needed.

iii.  OHV Closed

Leaving the Primitive Area and LWC status aside, OHV Closed designation isn’t needed to cover 1,245,700 acres, and the PRMP/FEIS doesn’t even attempt to demonstrate otherwise. Granted, the 1,500-acre No Mans Mesa RNA would continue to be OHV Closed “in part because on-the-ground OHV use is not feasible” and because it hosts a relict plant community, which is a specific resource in a specific location. For the rest of the 1,245,700 acres that would be OHV Closed, no such specificity is provided, other than a rather brief explanation of the V-Road closure that will be covered later in this document.

Beyond the Primitive Area, LWC, and WSA designations, the purpose and need for an enormous OHV Closed designation might be implied by the PRMP/FEIS on Page 3-253, stating:

Under Alternative E, OHV use would be limited to the 914 miles of designated routes across 648,500 acres, this is a decrease of 7 miles of designated routes compared to Alternative A. Under Alternative E, the BLM would manage 1,217,100 acres as closed to OHV travel… More so than Alternative A, B, and C, this management would limit resource damage from cross-country and other OHV travel, but to a lesser extent than Alternative D.

Limiting resource damage from cross-country travel and other OHV travel, on its own, does not justify an enormous OHV Closed designation. Outside of the Little Desert RMZ that’s currently OHV Open, cross-country travel is prohibited, and changing designations from OHV Limited to OHV Closed wouldn’t make cross-country travel any more prohibited than it already is. This issue is clearly not a matter of managerial designations, rather one of law enforcement, education, and perhaps trail work. The same matters are probably the case when it comes to the issue of “other OHV travel,” although the vague phrase makes it impossible for the public to know what the PRMP/FEIS refers to, which is why it must become far more specific about the problems and potential solutions in each location of the planning area. If major negative impacts are occurring, demonstrate them as well as a comprehensive analysis of alternative actions along with their positive and negative effects, as it would be far more fruitful than simply converting the majority of the planning area from OHV Limited to OHV closed.

On Page J-297 of the PRMP/FEIS, the BLM response to comments did provide four criteria regarding OHV Closed designations:

OHV area designations very across alternatives and were developed based on the protection of the resources and GSENM objects. In identifying area designations, the BLM applied OHV closures to areas within GSENM that 1) would minimize damage to soil, watersheds, vegetation, air and other resources, and 2) would minimize harassment of wildlife or significant disruption of wildlife habitats and 3) would minimize conflicts between off-road vehicle use and other existing or proposed recreational uses of the same or neighboring public lands, and to ensure the compatibility of such uses with existing conditions in populated areas, taking into account noise and other factors and 4) would minimize potential adverse effects to primitive areas consistent with the intent of the area designation. These alternatives were designed to meet the purpose and need of this document. Additionally, under the Proposed RMP, only primitive areas have been designated as OHV-closed.

The first three criteria are copied from Executive Order 11644 as amended, but the PRMP/FEIS hasn’t even begun to show the BLM’s work of applying these criteria to the 1,245,700 acres that would become OHV Closed, especially the hundreds-of-thousands of acres beyond the WSAs.

The fourth criterion resembles that of the same executive order, as both use the term Primitive Area, however they have very different meanings. Executive Order 11644 as amended refers to Primitive Areas designated by a higher level, such as the congressional designation of Grand Gulch Primitive Area. The PRMP/FEIS presumably refers to Primitive Areas designated at the level of the BLM’s Paria River District, and this designation is one of four types of Management Areas that are proposed to cover the entire planning area. Given that this fourth criterion of the PRMP/FEIS isn’t copied from Executive Order 11644 as amended, the other three criteria would be needed to justify expanding OHV Closed designations beyond that of the current GSENM and KEPA RMPs.

As with the huge Primitive Area and managing LWC for wilderness characteristics, OHV Closed designations could actually lead to more negative impacts upon natural and social resources. As the PRMP/FEIS acknowledges on Page 3-234, “ATV and UTV use have become one of the fastest-growing recreational activities.” For this and other forms of recreation on motorized trails, the carrying capacity is a function of the motorized trails, themselves. The PRMP/FEIS recognizes the pitfall of use displacement when it comes to an OHV Open area like the Little Desert RMZ, stating on Page 3-240 that:

Alternative B would eliminate access for cross-country OHV recreation on 100 acres when compared with Alternative A. This could result in unauthorized cross-country OHV travel occurring in the previously 100 acres OHV-open area under Alternative A, eliminating the OHV-open area near the town of Escalante, and would likely displace users of the OHV-open area, resulting in unauthorized cross-country travel.

If there isn’t a managed alternative to the use of this area, such as designating a high density of challenging routes at Little Desert RMZ or managing an OHV Open area elsewhere nearby the community of Escalante, then the use becomes more likely to occur in an unmanaged fashion. The same phenomenon is likely to occur when additions to a TMP are prohibited from being considered due to OHV Closed designations, and when subtractions to a TMP are made virtually inevitable by new restrictive layers of management such as a huge Primitive Area and LWCs managed for wilderness characteristics. Therefore these three designations of the PRMP/FEIS would increase the likelihood of motorized and mechanized travel that’s unauthorized across the entire planning area and, on the routes that remain open after the subsequent TMP revision, would increase the likelihood of crowding, conflict, and degradation of the routes.

C. Travel Management Planning

The PRMP/FEIS essentially dismisses concerns about travel management planning since it will be done subsequently, but the PRMP/FEIS would in fact make travel planning decisions that would be irreversible without amending the RMP.

On Page J-299 of the PRMP/FEIS, the BLM response to comments seems to imply that thorough travel planning of the V-Road is unwarranted because the agency proposes to close the entire area rather than closing just the route:

The BLM monitors the V-Road and has monitoring data documenting adverse impacts to the WSA that surrounds both sides of the V-Road since it was designated as open to motorized use. Consideration of these impacts informed the BLM’s alternatives and through application of an OHV area designation, the BLM would minimize impacts to the WSA by closing the area to OHV use.

However, the area of closure includes the designated route (along with other existing routes along with proposed ones), so the fact that the BLM proposes to close more than just the route doesn’t justify shortchanging the meaningful public participation of this proposed action. Further the 2020 decision to re-open the V-Road was analyzed and approved in accordance with 43 CFR 8342.1 and accompanied by robust site-specific analysis demonstrating that the opening of these routes was consistent with providing the proper care and management to monument objects. In contrast, the PRMP merely asserts on Page 3-251 that “Closure of this route would minimize adverse impacts to the adjacent WSA, as V-Road is cherry-stemmed into the WSA. The impacts to the WSA are the result of off-route incursions, unauthorized widening of the route, and user created pullouts and parking areas.” However, as stated in the Utah/Arizona ATV Club letter that the Organizations incorporated into our own DRMP comments, closure is not needed to minimize the impacts claimed by the PRMPFEIS. First of all, are things like pullouts actually impacting the WSA significantly? If so, should a modest number of pullouts be accommodated and delineated? What other measures, from trail work to education to enforcement, could be done to mitigate significant impacts? What implementation resources, from local communities to state grants, have been readily and consistently available to the BLM? None of these questions are addressed by the PRMP/FEIS.

Far beyond the V-Road, the PRMP/FEIS makes major travel planning decisions by removing the 1,245,700 acres from any further discussion. This enormous area goes far beyond the WSAs, even beyond LWCs. It contains many county-claimed roads, other existing routes, and locations where a new route may become entirely appropriate for some kind of mechanized use over the lifecycle of an RMP. Aside from properly vetted exceptions (e.g. No Mans Mesa), only by leaving areas OHV Limited can the BLM truly leave travel planning decisions to the subsequent TMP revision. After all, for TMP revision, Page 2-235 of the PRMP/FEIS states the following objective:

Establish a transportation system that provides for appropriate access, protects GSENM objects and resources, provides for appropriate access, minimizes impacts on other resources, and minimizes user conflicts.

The PRMP/FEIS would reduce the OHV Limited acreage from 1,864,000 to 619,900, yet the rationale for this change consists of a few sentences. One cannot have confidence that the remaining 619,900 acres will be adequate to meet the objective of providing for appropriate access. Sticking with the current OHV Limited acreage will allow travel planning to genuinely occur, while existing parameters such as WSA status will ensure the protection of GSENM objects and resources.

5. Conclusion

The Organizations urge GSENM planners to choose Alternative A (the no-action alternative) when it comes to OHV Closed designations, LWCs managed to protect or minimize impacts to wilderness characteristics, and the Primitive Area. The proliferation of these three designations in alternatives B through E (the action alternatives) is completely unnecessary given the other layers of management, such as the 881,100 acres of WSAs in the planning area. When it comes to these three designations, the status quo would avoid adversely affecting the Organizations’ interest in diverse recreation opportunities. The status quo is needed in order to provide a motorized route network of ample quantity, quality, and variety. Such a network is not only compatible with the protection of monument objects, but also essential to “providing visitors with an opportunity to experience a remote landscape rich with opportunities for adventure and self-discovery” as stated in Proclamation 10286.


Clif Koontz
Executive Director
Ride with Respect

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty
Colorado Off Road Enterprise

Scott Jones, Esq.
Authorized Representative
Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition

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USFS Seasonal Hiring and Budget Guidance Comments

Update: 11/18/2024
Response from Lisa Northrop, Associate Deputy Chief, Business Operations at US Department of Agriculture



US Forest Service
Att: Randy Moore, Chief
201 14th Street SW
Washington DC 20250-1124

RE: Seasonal hiring and budget guidance

Dear Chief Moore;

The above Organizations are contacting you regarding the USFS budgeting situation generally and more specifically on the somewhat ambiguous guidance around hiring of seasonal employees and prohibition on hiring of employees from external sources that is being provided across the Country. We are aware that the agency is facing unprecedented budget shortfalls in the upcoming seasons and these guidance documents are issued in response to this situation. We also believe that limiting the hiring of seasonals is often seen as low hanging fruit for a response to budget constraints. Often seasonals are hired with partner funding rather than direct agency budgets, which will limit any benefits to agency budgets from not filling these positions and could result in significant additional costs to USFS from not hiring these positions.  The Organizations are aware that current efforts appear to focus the issuance of guidance around seasonal hiring through the Regional Offices. While there is value in this Regional Office flexibility, some Regional Offices have addressed this situation in a very proactive manner.  Some Regions have chosen to address funding sources, specific positions or programs and levels of seasonals (1039, 13/13 and 18/8) while others have remained silent on these types of issues.

The silence or inconsistent messaging on funding sources or comparative values of the types of seasonals being addressed is concerning to the Organizations. Many of these positions are critical to the agency providing safe opportunities to the public in the upcoming season, such as avalanche center employees or firefighting resources in the Western US. While concerns around avalanche and fire may not be significant in the Southern Region, the use of seasonals in emergency response will be a major concern after Helene’s impact in the Southern Region.  As a result, partners have stepped up to directly fund particular positions in areas facing these challenges and partners would like to see these resources used effectively. The lack of guidance on partner funded seasonal positions is leading to inconsistency and possible long-term conflicts as many Ranger District or Forest level hiring roles continue to be unfilled or filled with employees in acting or temporary positions and they simply don’t understand the nuances of these positions.  This lack of clarity is creating confusion and alarm for the public and with many partners as well.

The Organizations are asking that you help us help you in the short and long term. The Organizations believe there is value nationally in this model of partnership, which if proven successful could be a model for many other uses as well.   This partner driven management model for public lands that has been championed by the National Office for many years and ensuring these resources are effectively used should be a national goal as mandated by the National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act. Our Organizations have championed partner efforts, through our voluntarily created OHV programs that provide significant partner funding to the agency to address previous budget shortfalls through the funding of seasonal positions.   These programs were created to partially address these types of budget shortfalls.  The Organizations are concerned that some of the hiring guidance we have seen would disproportionally impact these programs, when compared to other interests that may not have actively sought to address this type of a situation. This sends a negative message to the public that cannot be overlooked. We are hoping to mitigate this message and assist in making these partnerships as effective and responsive to the current situation as possible.

This type of staffing has been critical in providing a wide range of benefits to all the users of public lands such as seasonal trail maintenance, avalanche forecasting and these types of staffing questions have been dealt with on a regional basis. The Organizations are aware that in many areas seasonal hiring is largely a motorized issue given the large amount of funding from our programs.  It is important to note these decisions will impact all uses and the general safety of the public. Many forests are in the critical position of needing to hire avalanche forecasters for the upcoming winter. We are concerned that if seasonals are simply not hired, discussions on how to improve and refine these partner funded programs will stop as well.

If seasonals are not hired in a timely manner, many partner programs will have to adapt quickly to the unexpected return of this money to provide programmatic services to the public.  The Organizations are concerned that the current guidance prohibiting all seasonals is overly broad and could heavily impact partner programs. This will create its own unique challenges for these programs as some programs are funding seasonals that need to be hired for the current winter season. Other partner programs are accepting grants for funding seasonal maintenance crews over the next several years. If these grants are not going to be submitted, these programs should be informed sooner rather than later so other provisions can be made. If seasonals are not hired, are these funds that could be redirected away from USFS to state efforts to achieve the same goals with state employees.  While this is possible, we are also aware there are many barriers to achieving this goal and discussions would need to start earlier rather than later with this type of realignment.

The Organizations are also concerned that the current guidance could result in significant cost increases as existing USFS staff will need to unwind existing contracts and commitments to partners. Rather than saving money, this policy will cost the agency money.  The Organizations would vigorously assert that this type of impact would be more effectively used to ask questions such as: “Are there costs associated with the seasonal that are not being covered by partners?”  If the answer is yes, we should be discussing how to have these costs covered in both current and new hires.

The Organizations are concerned that if current guidance is implemented seasonals will simply cease to be a resource. We are asking for your assistance in addressing these concerns in a systemic and consistent manner so we can educate our partners on USFS concerns and guidance. The Organizations and our partners remain committed to providing high quality and sustainable recreational resources on federal public lands while protecting resources and would welcome discussions on how to further these goals and objectives with new tools and resources. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Scott Jones, Esq. (518-281-5810 / or Fred Wiley (661-805-1393/


Respectfully Submitted,

Scott Jones, Esq.
CSA Executive Director
COHVCO Authorized Representative
USA, Vice Chair

Fred Wiley
President & CEO

Marcus Trusty
Colorado Off Road Enterprise
One voice, Chairman

Steve Egbert
United 4 Wheel Drive Association, Chairman

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Sandra Mitchell
Executive Director, IRC
Authorized Representative, ISSA

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2024 Sweepstakes Winners Announced!

Hello Everyone!

The 2024 TPA Moto Adventure Sweepstakes has come to an end!  From all of us at the TPA – Thank You! We couldn’t do this without your donations, the supporters/partners who donated their time, the bikes and parts, shops who put our posters up, and the motorcycle clubs who helped get more donations!

While there are only three lucky winners, your support makes everyone a winner when trails stay open!

Congratulations to our winners:
Grand Prize – #028254 – Eric Balzhiser
600 tickets – #129410 – Douglas Wills
$1000 klim card – #018957 – G Bielinski


Drawing – Recorded Live!

Watch the video of our Executive Director Chad Hixon and Board Member Ned Suesse drawing the winners!

Thank you sponsors!

Thank you to all of our sponsors; Attack Graphics, Barspur Photography, BRPColorado RV Center,  Doubletake Mirror, Eline,  Klim, KTM,  Motion Pro, MotoProHQ,  Motominded, Nacho Offroad Technology,  Rocky Mountain ATV/MC,  Seat Concepts,  Scotts,  Trail Tech,  Tusk,  and Upshift – for making this year’s sweepstakes a huge success!

Thank you shops!

Thank you to all of our shops, who graciously put up our posters and signs; Apex Sports, Davis Service Center, Elite Motorsports, Fay Meyers, Gunnison Motorsports, Highland Cycles, Teddy Morse’s Grand Junction, Motorado, Performance Cycles, Sun Enterprises, and Sun Sports Unlimited – for making this year’s sweepstakes a huge success!

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USFS Old Growth Forest Land and Resource Management Plan Revision Comments


US Forest Service
Att: Director Ecosystem Management
201 14th Street SW- mailstop 1108
Washington DC 20250-1124

Submitted via portal only.

RE: Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) Direction for Old Growth Forest conditions across the National Forest System

Dear Sirs:

Please accept this correspondence as the comments of the above recreational interests in support of Alternative 2 of the Proposal.  The Organizations are opposed to Alternative 3 of the Proposal due to the more restrictive standards that are applied and the large amount of additional analysis that would be required to implement these standards.  The Organizations are also opposed to any expansion of the scope of the Proposal to include areas that have been identified as mature forest or any identification of areas to be designated as old growth management areas in planning.  This would be in direct conflict with the EO. This would result in significant barriers to the management of other multiple uses in a timely manner.

The Organizations welcome the concept of Alternative 4 of the Proposal and its desire to allow a larger scope of management of old growth areas but the Organizations are concerned that Alternative 4 of the Proposal removes several standards, such as NOGA-FW-STD-02b, that provide significant additional clarity around activities in old growth areas that are not related to commercial timber harvest. It has been the Organizations experience that clearly stating the desire to avoid an impact or clearly identifying that an activity, such as the maintenance of recreational infrastructure, is allowed in an area is critical to avoiding unintended impacts from any Proposal. The removal of the various provisions in Alternative 4 would limit these protections for multiple uses.  The idea that we would now need to undertake inventories for old growth timber concerns when undertaking basic management efforts simply is not appealing to us and would be a significant barrier to those management actions. These management actions unrelated to commercial timber harvest are critical in protecting all forest resources from their primary threats, which the Proposal accurately addresses as wildfires and poor forest health.   The Organizations also welcome the clarity in the Proposal that the mere presence of an isolated old tree is not sufficient to trigger the requirements of old growth timber management analysis or create a new step in review and analysis. Again, this type of implementation would be an immense barrier to the management of other multiple uses such as recreation.

1. Who we are.

Prior to addressing the specific concerns, the Organizations have regarding the Proposal, we believe a brief summary of each Organization is needed.  The Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (“COHVCO”) is a grassroots advocacy organization representing the OHV community seeking to represent, assist, educate, and empower all OHV recreationists in the protection and promotion of off-highway motorized recreation throughout Colorado. COHVCO is an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use and conservation of our public lands and natural resources to preserve their aesthetic and recreational qualities for future generations. The Trail Preservation Alliance (“TPA”) is an advocacy organization created to be a viable partner to public lands managers, working with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of motorized trail riding and multiple-use recreation. The TPA acts as an advocate for the sport and takes the necessary action to ensure that the USFS and BLM allocate a fair and equitable percentage of public lands access to diverse multiple-use trail recreational opportunities. Colorado Snowmobile Association (“CSA”) was founded in 1970 to unite winter motorized recreationists across the state to enjoy their passion. CSA has also become the voice of organized snowmobiling seeking to advance, promote and preserve the sport of snowmobiling through work with Federal and state land management agencies and local, state and federal legislators telling the truth about our sport. CORE is a motorized action group dedicated to keeping motorized trails open in Central Colorado and the region. Idaho Recreation Council (“IRC”) is comprised of Idahoans from all parts of the state with a wide spectrum of recreational interests and a love for the future of Idaho and a desire to preserve recreation for future generations. The Idaho State Snowmobile Association (“ISSA”)is an organization dedicated to preserving, protecting, and promoting snowmobiling in the great state of Idaho. Our members may come from every corner of the state, but they all share one thing in common: their love for snowmobiling. Ride with Respect (“RwR”) was founded in 2002 to conserve shared-use trails and their surroundings. RwR has educated visitors and performed over twenty-thousand hours of high-quality trail work on public lands most of which has occurred on national forest lands. Over 750 individuals have contributed money or volunteered time to the organization. Nevada Off Road Association (NVORA) is a non-profit Corporation created for and by offroad riders. NVORA was formed to specifically fill the void between the government managers and the rest of us who actively recreate in the Silver State. NVORA does this by maintaining a consistent, durable, and respected relationship with all stakeholders while facilitating a cooperative environment amongst our community. Advocates for Multiple Use of Public Lands (“AMPL”) is an organization made up of passionate recreationists, which was formed in 2017.  Our focus includes the organization of public support and the creation of a unified voice to maintain and protect broad access to our public lands for motorized and well as non-motorized recreational uses in a cooperative and cohabitant manner. We believe in the coexistence of recreation and conservation for all. Collectively, TPA, NVORA, CSA, CORE, IRC, RwR, ISSA, AMPL and COHVCO will be referred to as “The Organizations” for purposes of these comments.

The Proposal starts from a very reasonable position on the old growth timber issue as it: 1. appears to have granted a high level of flexibility to local managers to address issues; 2.  recognizes that many RMP in place have already addressed old growth timber issues and forest health more generally; 3.  Seeks to avoid new management analysis requirements; and 4. Recognizes the need to manage the forest to prevent catastrophic wildfire.  Prevention of catastrophic wildfire must be the major planning concern for any land management agency given the horribly unhealthy nature of most forests on public lands.  When public lands are impacted by wildfire the ramifications of wildfires will last decades and these impacts are often far more extensive in both the scale of impacts and scope of geographic area impacted. We support active management for this issue as when an area is impacted by fires or floods recreational access to these areas can be lost for decades. This is very concerning for the trails community and as a result we support the general theory of an ounce of prevention instead of a pound of cure for any management issue. This basic theory of management is not furthered when additional steps for analysis are required to confirm a resource is not present in the area and the Proposal appears to start from this management position.

2. The Organizations vigorously support new management standards to allow maintenance of trails and other recreational infrastructure.

The Organizations are highly supportive of the additional standards added to the draft from the scoping version to address removal of old growth timber as part of maintenance of recreational opportunities with the Proposal. The new provisions in standards NOGA – FW-STD-02 B&C will add significant clarity to the management process around recreational maintenance and avoid any unintended impacts from the effort to existing recreational infrastructure.  These provisions will also expand the ability of managers to provide safe recreational opportunities on public lands as old growth trees that present a safety issue for infrastructure can be removed in a timely manner.   Our basis for these amendments was outlined in our scoping comments and will not be reproduced in these comments to avoid repetition of information being submitted.

The Organizations are also aware that management of public lands is often a long-term multifaceted effort based on many highly localized issues and concerns.  We support any and all flexibility in management standards that would allow localized efforts and plan components to move forward, such as the Proposal identifying and reviewing the effectiveness of existing protections of various values in existing plans.  We would be vigorously opposed to the imposition of national standards for the management of old growth as the concept is hugely variable across the country and would prohibit local flexibility. This type of standard would also create confusion and ambiguity in the implementation of any local effort as managers would not have to align local standards with national goals.

The Organizations would like to recognize the value of these amendments to all forms of recreational opportunities.  While we have heard extensive concerns about the value of old growth trees, the Organizations submit that even after the issuance of EO 14072, old growth timber is simply another in many values that the agency must balance in management.  This management balance means resources must be actively managed and sometimes management means cutting trees. Passive management will not achieve these goals but will allow poor forest health and impacts from wildfire to continue to expand.   While the draft does a good job at highlighting the limited number of developed recreation sites that would be impacted by the amendments,[1] this amendment would allow flexibility for all recreational opportunities, and this is critical as well.  This clarity could be more important for dispersed opportunities as they are far more extensive in scope and usage but often as valuable to the recreational communities that are using and supporting these dispersed recreational opportunities. Any situation where old growth timber could be removed in a campground setting but not be able to be removed on trails adjacent to the campground would be very concerning to the Organizations as our members actively use both campgrounds and dispersed trail networks.

We must state our concerns regarding the fact that many of the tree diameters proposed to be the minimum for designation as old growth are small in size, even if they are measured at breast height.  The Organizations are aware that immense amounts of conflict have resulted from competing interests in timber and recreation as evidenced by the NYS litigation on tree diameter and its impact on the ability to maintain trails on NYS lands.   The Organizations vigorously assert the NYS experience must be used as a learning experience for the USFS effort and allow us to avoid the USFS effort to avoid these problems moving forward. The Organizations would also request more information in the EIS related to altered determinations on tree diameter and how this could relate to management designations and progression of forests through their anticipated lifespan.

3(a) We welcome the clarity around the proactive stewardship concept.

The Organizations welcome the consistency that has been applied around proactive stewardship as concept. Under the scoping version of the Proposal, this concept was applied to old growth timber in isolation, which could have created confusion in implementation.  While the Proposal focuses on old growth timber, the concept of proactive stewardship is a general management concept and has been effectively applied to many resources.  As an example, often our efforts address the proactive stewardship of recreational opportunities for trails, such as repairing storm damage on trails before the entire trial washes into the stream below and possibly creates significantly more management challenges.  We believe that the Proposal now reflects the concept of proactive stewardship in a more generally applicable manner, and this should aid the application of the concept in a consistent and efficient manner.

3(b) We welcome the clarity that the mere presence of old trees does not trigger old growth management requirements.

The Organizations also vigorously support the recognition in the Proposal that Old growth areas are more than just old trees.  The Proposal clearly states this as follows:

“NOGA-FW-DRC describes old-growth forests as dynamic systems that are distinguished by, but comprised of more than, old trees. NOGA-FW-DC-04 also recognizes the contributions of old-growth forests to the ecological integrity of other terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Still, unit- and regional-level old-growth criteria are generally tree-centric. Thus, even when areas continue to meet the definition and associated criteria for old-growth forest after incidental tree cutting or removal (per NOGA-FW-STD-02b), there may be impacts to understory species and other resources valued by people. These potential impacts would be evaluated in project-level environmental analysis.”[2]

It has been the experience of the Organizations that often targeted planning efforts fail to recognize these efforts create impacts on the larger ecosystem and what is more effective for all interests is the development of a healthy and vibrant ecosystem.  A healthy and vibrant ecosystem provides quality wildlife habitat, fisheries, high quality recreational opportunities and habitat for healthy trees.  As has been highlighted by efforts such as the Endangered Species Act, when planning overly focuses on a particular resource or value above the entire ecosystem, the entire ecosystem is negatively impacted. This negative impact can create far more problems than it resolves, and we are glad this symbiotic relationship of all values is recognized in the Proposal. Protecting old growth timber at the expense of all other management values makes little sense.

As the Organizations noted in the scoping comments on the Proposal, the NYS Court of Appeals Protect the Adirondacks decision from 2021 highlights how well-intentioned management decisions that lack clarity can have significant impacts on other resources and values. The Organizations support the basic direction of the Proposal in avoiding these types of situations on federal lands. Any removal or reduction in management standards providing this type of clarity and flexibility would be immensely problematic for other multiple uses of federal lands and would be opposed by the Organizations.

4. Management decisions must be kept local.

The Organizations have participated in RMP revisions and updates across the Country for extended periods of time and can confirm that old growth timber has been a major planning concern for decades. The Organizations vigorously support the movement of these local RMP updates forward in the Proposal as old growth timber has often already been resolved in the balance that these plans have struck for the management of these areas.  The last thing the Organizations would want to do is reopen all these RMP to rebalance these uses under the erroneous assumption that old growth timber was not addressed at the time of the RMP development. We are aware of several RMP and RMP Amendments that sought to balance old growth timber management with the protection of other important resources such as communities from wildfires. Reopening the balance that these existing RMP have struck could take years and generally our interests would be less than supportive of the need to update in this manner given the years to effort that has already occurred in the development of these RMP.  The Organizations are also aware that many of these RMP have adopted significantly different definitions of old growth timber, and we welcome the clarity that a definition of old growth will provide in future planning efforts.

5. Conclusion.

Please accept this correspondence as the support of the Organizations for Alternative 2 of the Proposal.  The Organizations are opposed to Alternative 3 of the Proposal due to the more restrictive standards that are applied and the large amount of additional analysis that would be required to implement these standards.  The Organizations are also opposed to any expansion of the scope of the Proposal to include areas that have been identified as mature forest or any identification of areas to be designated as old growth management areas in planning.  This would be in direct conflict with the EO. This would result in significant barriers to the management of other multiple uses in a timely manner.

The Organizations welcome the concept of Alternative 4 of the Proposal and its desire to allow a larger scope of management of old growth areas but the Organizations are concerned that Alternative 4 of the Proposal removes several standards, such as NOGA-FW-STD-02b, that provide significant additional clarity around activities in old growth areas that are not related to commercial timber harvest. It has been the Organizations experience that clearly stating the desire to avoid an impact or clearly identifying that an activity, such as the maintenance of recreational infrastructure, is allowed in an area is critical to avoiding unintended impacts from any Proposal. The removal of the various provisions in Alternative 4 would limit these protections for multiple uses.  The idea that we would now need to undertake inventories for old growth timber concerns when undertaking basic management efforts simply is not appealing to us and would be a significant barrier to those management actions. These management actions unrelated to commercial timber harvest are critical in protecting all forest resources from their primary threats, which the Proposal accurately addresses as wildfires and poor forest health.   The Organizations also welcome the clarity in the Proposal that the mere presence of an isolated old tree is not sufficient to trigger the requirements of old growth timber management analysis or create a new step in review and analysis. Again, this type of implementation would be an immense barrier to the management of other multiple uses such as recreation.

We must state our concerns regarding the fact that many of the tree diameters proposed to be the minimum for designation as old growth are small in size, even if they are measured at breast height.  The Organizations are aware that immense amounts of conflict have resulted from competing interests in timber and recreation as evidenced by the NYS litigation on tree diameter and its impact on the ability to maintain trails on NYS lands.   The Organizations vigorously assert the NYS experience must be used as a learning experience for the USFS effort and allow us to avoid the USFS effort to avoid these problems moving forward. The Organizations would also request more information in the EIS related to altered determinations on tree diameter and how this could relate to management designations and progression of forests through their anticipated lifespan.

The Organizations and our partners remain committed to providing high quality and sustainable recreational resources on federal public lands while protecting resources and would welcome discussions on how to further these goals and objectives with new tools and resources. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Scott Jones, Esq. (518-281-5810 /

Respectfully Submitted,

Scott Jones, Esq.
CSA Executive Director
COHVCO Authorized Representative

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty

Sandra Mitchell
Executive Director, IRC
Authorized Representative, ISSA

Clif Koontz
Executive Director
Ride with Respect

Will Mook
Executive Director

Matthew Giltner
Executive Director
Nevada Offroad Association



[1] See, Proposal Socio-Economic report at pg. 54.

[2] See, DEIS at pg. 117.

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San Rafael Swell TMP Addendum to Supplementary Comments from RwR TPA CORE

Bureau of Land Management
Price Field Office
125 South 600 West
Monticello, Utah 84501

RE: San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan (DOI-BLM-UT-G020-2019-0019-EA)

Also See: March 3, 2021 Comments BLM Scoping Document in the San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan


Dear SRS TMP Project Manager:

These comments on the BLM’s Draft Environmental Assessment of the San Rafael Swell (SRS) Travel Management Plan (TMP) are an addendum of the supplement to the primary comments that all three of our groups submitted earlier today along with the Colorado Snowmobile Association and Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition.

1. Background of Our Organizations

In our comments, the “Organizations” will refer to the following three groups:

Colorado Off Road Enterprise (CORE) is a motorized action group based out of Buena Vista Colorado whose mission is to keep trails open for all users to enjoy. CORE achieves this through trail adoptions, trail maintenance projects, education, stewardship, outreach, and collaborative efforts.

Ride with Respect (RwR) was founded in 2002 to conserve shared-use trails and their surroundings. Since then, over 750 individuals have contributed money or volunteered time to the organization. RwR has performed over 20,000 hours of high-quality trail work on public lands, most of which was in the Moab Field Office. In the Price Field Office, RwR has participated in the 2008 RMP and subsequent travel planning.

The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) is an advocacy organization created to be a viable partner to public lands managers, working with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of motorized trail riding and multiple use recreation. The TPA acts as an advocate for the sport and takes necessary action to ensure that the USFS and BLM allocate a fair and equitable percentage of public lands to diverse multiple-use recreation opportunities.

2. Introduction

As stated in our supplement to the primary comments, the Organizations are providing feedback on the draft TMP because the BLM requested it, but we also urge you to start with amending the Price RMP and developing an SRS Recreation Area Management Plan (RAMP) before proceeding with the TMP.

In this addendum, the Organizations also urge your agency not to close routes for the sake of minimizing impacts to wilderness characteristics (WC) in lands with wilderness characteristics (LWC) units or natural areas (NAs).

In both LWC units and NAs, Alternative B closes many routes for the express purpose of minimizing impacts to WC, as stated in Section 2.2.3 on Page 23:

Alternative B prioritizes protection of resources, including, but not limited to, wildlife habitats, natural and cultural resources, ecosystems, and landscapes. OHV use is more constrained under this alternative than under any other alternative. For example, route closures were prioritized in BLM natural areas and LWCs…

In both LWC units and NAs, Alternative C closes many routes that may not be for the express purpose of minimizing impacts to WC, but the clear correlation between Alternative C closures and LWC units or NA status suggests that it’s more than a coincidence. While Alternative C may close few routes in LWC units or NAs than Alternative A, Alternative A is based on a TMP that–in many parts of the planning area–is irrefutably incomplete in its development, implementation, and enforcement from 2008 to present. Alternative D is the baseline that most closely represents on-the-ground use patterns from 2008 to present, thus it’s what visitors would regard as the status quo. Compared to Alternative D, Alternative C closes many routes, and it closes a higher percentage of routes in LWC units and NAs than in lands without WC. Figure 3-1, “Miles of Evaluated Routes by Alternative in LWC” on Page 37, shows 56% of LWC route miles closed in Alternative C compared to just 4% in Alternative D. In the planning area at large, Alternative C closes 21% of the total evaluated route network, thus Alternative C’s closure percentage in LWC units is over 2.5 times greater that Alternative C’s closure percentage in the planning area at large. Thus, while Alternative B is more severe than Alternative C in LWC units and NAs, Alternative C nevertheless minimizes impacts to WC as much or more than it minimizes impacts to other resources. These statistics suggest that even Alternative C closes many routes for the purpose of promoting WC, albeit less expressly and less severely than Alternative B.

The promotion of WC outside the designated wilderness in this planning area is inappropriate for many reasons that go back many years, including the 2008 Price RMP, the 2017 settlement agreement, the 2019 Dingell Act, and recent Supreme Court rulings as this addendum will outline.

3. 2008 Price RMP

The draft TMP in Section “Affected Environment” on Page 34 states “LWC units are not solely managed for the protection of their wilderness character unless a BLM land use planning decision has been made to manage the unit as a BLM natural area.” This statement inaccurate in multiple ways. First, NAs are not solely managed for the protection of WC either. The BLM insists that NA designations don’t constitute a decision because they can manage for WC among other things at the agency’s discretion. If—as the draft TMP assets–NAs are solely managed for the protection of WC, then they don’t leave enough discretion to avoid recognizing NA designations as decisions. Second, LWC units are not even partly managed for the protection of WC, as the BLM insists that LWC classification is purely descriptive. Thus the SRS TMP should not prioritize route closures in LWC units because the Price RMP directs the BLM to not manage for WC in those LWC units, yet Alternative B does so expressly and Alternative C does so effectively.

4. 2017 settlement agreement

The draft TMP in Section “Affected Environment” on Page 34 states:

Similarly, the 2017 Settlement Agreement stipulates that “For purposes of minimizing damage to public lands with BLM-inventoried wilderness characteristics, the BLM will consider the potential damage to any constituent element of wilderness characteristics, including naturalness, outstanding opportunities for solitude, and outstanding opportunities for primitive and unconfined recreation, for each alternative route network.”

Where the 2017 Settlement Agreement refers to minimizing damage to public lands with BLM-inventoried wilderness characteristics, it refers to minimizing damage to those public lands, not minimizing damage to the WC themselves. Furthermore the 2017 Settlement Agreement refers to considering the potential damage to any constituent element of WC, it directs the BLM to consider such damage, but it doesn’t direct the BLM to minimize such damage. If the 2017 Settlement Agreement were to direct the BLM to minimize impacts to WC, it probably wouldn’t have been approved by the court, which cautioned against creating de facto wilderness in its 2018 dismissal of Utah’s appeal.

5. 2019 Dingell Act

5(a).  Preserving the Balance Inherent to this Compromise Legislation

The Dingell Act designated roughly half of the SRS to be wilderness and the other half to be very accessible, which is what the Organizations reminded the Price Field Office of in our Price RMP Amendments scoping letter, “2022-01-07 Price RMP comm from CCOHVA-SRMC-RwR” (which is also Exhibit 3 of our primary comments from earlier today). Specifically our Price RMP Amendments scoping letter stated:

Please remember that Emery County agreed to the massive wilderness designation so the remaining areas would continue to be managed more inclusively by the multiple-use form of conservation. Indeed, settling the wilderness debate was the spirit shared by all congressional sponsors of the Emery County bill… the packaged Emery County bill of 2019 proposed to designate over 650,000 acres of wilderness, with those additional acres encompassing 73 miles of Class D roads and at least that many other motorized routes that had not been marked “closed” on the ground, nor had they even been analyzed for closure (through a complete travel-planning process that would start with a complete inventory of existing routes). The point is that designating approximately 660,000 acres of wilderness permanently closed many well-established routes to motorized and mechanized travel.

The Organizations reiterated these points in our SRS TMP scoping letter, “2021-03-03 SanRafSwel TMP scoping comm -RwR COHVCO TPA,” which is enclosed. Our SRS TMP scoping letter concluded that “Route inventories in all parts of the TMA should include a baseline of all roads and trails, if any, that are or will be proposed to be closed as a result of the Dingell Act wilderness designation.”

5(b).  Accounting for the Permanent Closure of Existing Routes in New Wilderness Areas

Over three years later, the draft TMP fails to provide a baseline of all roads and trails that are in wilderness designated by the Dingell Act within the SRS TMP planning area. As stated, the Organizations are aware of 74 miles of Class D roads and at least that many miles of other motorized routes that were in continuous use for decades up to 2018 or later. Ten examples of such routes are enclosed. We are also aware that your agency has an inventory of these routes, so it would be easy for you to show them to the public on a planning map or at the very least acknowledge the total mileage of these routes permanently closed by wilderness designation, which is what the San Rafael Desert TMP did when acknowledging that 80 miles of existing routes were permanently closed by the Labyrinth Rims wilderness area.

5(c).  Managing Displacement due to Closures by the Dingell Act and the Draft TMP Alternatives

Given that at least 150 miles of routes were permanently closed by wilderness designation in the SRD TMP planning area, displacement of that use to other parts of the planning area is inevitable, yet the draft TMP yet again denies the existing of such displacement from these routes or the hundreds of miles of routes that would be closed by alternatives B or C. The draft TMP in Section “Affected Environment” on Page 51 states “Based on this prominent concentration of recreational use, even though the alternatives would change the route networks available for motorized recreation opportunities, they would not meaningfully change visitation to these popular areas nor would they result in visitor use being distributed differently across the TMA.” In fact, displacement has already begun through blocking off the existing routes permanently closed by wilderness designation, and it would increase greatly by alternatives B or C that would result in blocking off hundreds of miles of more existing routes. This reality must be acknowledged and handled by any environmental assessment such as the draft TMP in order to successfully manage recreation and conserve resources.

5(d).  Honoring the non-wilderness management for areas not designated as wilderness

The September 18th, 2019 Congressional Record from Senator Romney stated “The driving force for this compromise bill was the desire for countywide land use certainty.” This certainty applies to non-wilderness areas just as it applies to wilderness areas. He elaborated:

For example, it was important to not close a road, trail, airstrip, or prohibit other existing use in the legislative text or corresponding map with a wilderness designation. Further, to avoid applying more restrictive designations, such as wilderness, to areas it would limit ongoing activity, such as grazing or recreation.

Clearly if Congress had intended NAs in the SRS TMP planning area to be managed as wilderness, it would’ve designated them as wilderness. This is yet another reason not to promote WC in NAs let alone LWC units.

5(e).  Honoring continued access of the routes that comprise wilderness boundaries

The September 18th, 2019 Congressional Record from Senator Romney also stated:

On the topic of roads, stakeholders worked closely with BLM to ensure all roads in the 2008 Resource Management Plan were “cherrystemmed,” meaning they were not included in a wilderness designation. Our intent was to maintain these roads and for those designated as “open” to stay open. These cherry-stems are of various sizes and were intended to ensure an adequate corridor exists to facilitate necessary maintenance.

Given that Senator Romney’s entire statement was roughly 700 words, it’s reasonable to assume that this intent would apply to other types of routes that comprise wilderness boundaries, such as the Waterfall Trail. Yet this motorized singletrack that has been designated by the BLM and maintained by motorcycle groups for decades is closed in Alternative B. Such a closure would be a violation of the good-faith agreement that was shared among those that negotiated during this bill’s process.

6. Recent Supreme Court Rulings

This year even more reasons have emerged for the BLM to avoid promoting WC in the SRS TMP planning area, specifically recent Supreme Court decisions such as Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, June 28, 2024 that reaffirmed the judicial review of an agency’s legal interpretation. The draft TMP in Section “Affected Environment” on Page 34 asserts “Distinct from any planning decisions, under 43 CFR § 8342.1 the BLM has the obligation to minimize impacts to resources, including wilderness character, when designating OHV routes.” The BLM should be cognizant of the extent to which such agency guidance is actually grounded in legislation. When clear authorization is lacking, administrative actions are now more likely to be ruled a bypass of requirements such as the Section 603 release and Section 202 multiple-use mandate of FLPMA. The argument that the BLM is merely conducting minimization pursuant to the 2017 Settlement Agreement could be unavailing if that exercise is wholly or partially beholden to administratively-created special designations that wind up no longer holding under the glaring Congressional authority of the Section 603 release and Section 202 multiple-use mandate of FLPMA.

7. Conclusion

For all these reasons, the Organizations caution your agency against promoting WC outside of the many wilderness areas that have already been designated in the SRS TMP planning area. As for the many other natural and cultural resources, managing for them should start with completing an RMP amendment and RAMP before the TMP, as the proper order is important when planning motorized routes that are cherished by millions of Americans.


Clif Koontz
Executive Director
Ride with Respect

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty
Colorado Off Road Enterprise



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San Rafael Swell TMP Supplementary Comments from RwR TPA CORE

Bureau of Land Management
Price Field Office
125 South 600 West
Monticello, Utah 84501

RE: San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan (DOI-BLM-UT-G020-2019-0019-EA)

Dear SRS TMP Project Manager:

These comments on the BLM’s Draft Environmental Assessment of the San Rafael Swell (SRS) Travel Management Plan (TMP) are a supplement to the primary comments that all three of our groups submitted earlier today along with the Colorado Snowmobile Association and Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition.

1. Background of Our Organizations

In our comments, the “Organizations” will refer to the following three groups:

Colorado Off Road Enterprise (CORE) is a motorized action group based out of Buena Vista Colorado whose mission is to keep trails open for all users to enjoy. CORE achieves this through trail adoptions, trail maintenance projects, education, stewardship, outreach, and collaborative efforts.

Ride with Respect (RwR) was founded in 2002 to conserve shared-use trails and their surroundings. Since then, over 750 individuals have contributed money or volunteered time to the organization. RwR has performed over 20,000 hours of high-quality trail work on public lands, most of which was in the Moab Field Office. In the Price Field Office, RwR has participated in the 2008 RMP and subsequent travel planning.

The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) is an advocacy organization created to be a viable partner to public lands managers, working with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of motorized trail riding and multiple use recreation. The TPA acts as an advocate for the sport and takes necessary action to ensure that the USFS and BLM allocate a fair and equitable percentage of public lands to diverse multiple-use recreation opportunities.

2. Clarification of our Primary Comments

Regarding the primary comments that we submitted earlier today, which suggested amending the 2017 Settlement Agreement mentioned herein, please note that the Organizations (CORE, RwR, and TPA) were referring only to amending the SRS TMP deadline originally set forth in that Settlement Agreement. Specifically the deadline should provide sufficient time to complete Price Resource Management Plan (RMP) amendments related to the Dingell Act and to develop the SRS Recreation Area Management Plan (RAMP), both of which are identified in the BLM’s 2023 scoping report for RMP amendments, and then to finish the subject TMP. The Organizations (CORE, RwR, and TPA) see this deadline extension as being necessary due to the unforeseen superseding event of the Dingell Act and its wide impact on the planning area for the SRS TMP.

3. The draft TMP baseline for analysis is inaccurate.

The planning area’s current management situation under the 2008 Price RMP is not accurately described in the draft TMP’s No Action Alternative, Alternative A. That Alternative as currently drafted misstates and misinterprets on-the-ground and management conditions under the no-action scenario. For example, many routes reflected in the 2008 baseline map are not included in the 2024 Alternative A map. These routes are critical to any analysis seeking to create a new travel plan in 2024 for many reasons.

4. The TMP stepdown plan should be done after completing its foundation in the RMP and RAMP.

It is nonsensical for the draft TMP to leapfrog the Dingell Act and tether the Alternative A No-Action scenario directly to the 2008 RMP. There was no Dingell Act Congressional Wilderness in the planning area in 2008. This results in an incorrect rendering of the No-Action Alternative, particularly given the Dingell Act’s at-law and factual releases of significant parts of the planning area back into multiple use management.

The state of Alternative A as described above, shows among other things that the current San Rafael Swell travel management planning effort must be put on hold, until the Price FO RMP is properly amended under a NEPA compliant FLPMA 202 process to reflect and implement all changes brought to the planning area by the Dingell Act. Otherwise, this TMP process is “cart-before-the-horse,” premature, and unlawful under NEPA, FLPMA, and the Dingell Act itself. Examples of impacts to travel planning from general RMP amendments include WSA releases and the important consideration of potential changes to the SRMA, Natural Areas, and resulting fragmentation of such polygons here and there in the planning area as a result of implementing the Dingell Act in the 202 plan amendment process.  These weighty potential impacts to travel planning considerations point to only one rational and NEPA compliant sequence:  Amend the RMP first, consider its effects, and then and only then turn to travel planning.

The foregoing considerations apply equally to the SRS RAMP. The Dingell Act’s designation wilderness acres, release of acres from WSA status greatly impact the ability to gauge the extent and character of sufficient recreational opportunities in the area. All of this needs to be considered and implemented to provide an accurate baseline understanding of Alternative A for TMP purposes, and counsels strongly for putting the current TMP process on hold. The Swell RAMP is only at the development stage and far from complete. Any potential change in the Swell RAMP must first be considered. This sequencing problem renders the current travel planning effort out of order and thus inherently NEPA, FLPMA, and Dingell Act deficient.

Further under FLPMA Section 602 and 603, the Dingell Act’s release of certain public lands in the planning area from further WSA/ISA status, returns those lands to the default FLPMA multiple use and sustained yield management regime. The current draft TMP has failed to adequately consider and provide for this reality.

No amount of excuse-making by the BLM in the draft TMP could reasonably alter the foregoing fundamental NEPA planning requirements, but in any event, the draft TMP omits any mention of the RMP amendment process at all and makes only scant reference to the RAMP, at Section A.4 of Page 117.

In addition to halting the current TMP process, the BLM as a party to the 2017 Settlement Agreement should seek an extension of the Agreement’s TMP deadline long enough to implement the Dingell Act and do the needed plan amendments referenced above. The Dingell Act brought significant changes to conditions and controlling standards for the planning area. Those changes were unforeseen, and they render the current travel planning effort premature, out of order, and without crucial foundation in relation to the fundamental planning area changes that must first take place in light of the Dingell Act. These conditions warrant extension of the Settlement Agreement TMP deadline.

5. Sound planning must clearly articulate the rationale for each proposed decision.

The information set forth in the draft TMP, including the route reports (however voluminous they may be), is NEPA deficient when it comes to explaining the basis or rationale for the various proposed route closures in the range of alternatives. The information amounts to little more than route-by-route conclusions as to what will be closed, with little to no underlying data, and no analysis and application of data or other criteria to explain any of the proposed route closures. The NEPA deficiencies here include (a) failure to take a hard look at the routes and the conditions in support of or against closure, (b) a failure of transparency, (c) failure to inform the public, and (d) arbitrary and capricious governmental decision making.

6. Minimizing potential adverse effects to cultural sites cannot be the rationale for restricting use on more than a few of the routes that are included in any of the four alternatives.

The DEA Table 3-5, “TMP Effects on Historic Properties Under Section 106,” indicates that, of the routes in any of the four alternatives, only 6 cultural sites could potentially be adversely affected. Therefore any TMP decision that restricts use on more than a few of these routes to minimize potential adverse effects to cultural sites would. Even when it comes to routes that have the potential to adversely affect these 6 sites, closure should only be considered after other remedies such as interpretive signs, route marking, tread work, or relocating the route.

7. The socioeconomic analysis fails to recognize major negative impacts of alternatives B and C.

Alternative B and even Alternative C would greatly harm the livelihoods and lifestyles of surrounding communities. First, the analysis area should certainly include Wayne County, as Hanksville and Loa are the closest towns to the southern half of the SRS TMA. Both towns rely on dispersed recreation opportunities across the San Rafael Swell and Mussentuchit areas.

Second, the draft TMP states “On the basis of the above analysis, BLM believes there would be only minimal impacts to the planning area’s economy under any alternative, and detailed analysis is not required. There are no past, present or reasonably foreseeable actions that would alter this conclusion” (Section A.10 AIB-10 on Page 126). The idea that alternatives B and C would have only minimal impacts to the planning area’s economy is absurd. Motorized recreationists from all over the world visit this area for the network of trails that are generally uncrowded, extensive for exploration, and reaching remote areas with rugged terrain and exceptional views. All of those qualities would be more scarce in alternatives B and C, greatly reducing the effective carrying capacity of the route network, and greatly reducing its word-class nature.

For example, Alternative B would close Five Miles of Hell, VJ, and Waterfall Trail. These are not only some of the best motorized singletracks in the Temple Mountain trail system, but best in Utah, best in the United States, and best in the world. These gems couldn’t be substituted by other routes such as the Green, Blue, and Red trails. Even if they could, it’d double the crowding. These gems couldn’t even be reproduced by constructing new trails, as the high-quality terrain has been designated wilderness or a recreation area that prohibits constructing new motorized routes. Thus closing these gems could easily reduce the number of people who choose to stay in—or establish residency in—nearby towns such as Green River and Hanksville. Suffice it to say that analyzing socioeconomic impacts is needed.

8. The draft TMP route inventory is substantially incomplete.

The “total evaluated route network” is missing many existing routes that warrant analysis through a route report and consideration in draft alternatives. Some of these routes are on motorized route maps produced by Emery County as well as the Emery County Trails Committee. Others are not county roads, but are nevertheless viable worth of due consideration. Here are just a couple examples:

  1. Parallel route of UT-72 between SS6193 and SS6184 – This old constructed road, which is just west of Highway 72, is three miles long. It allows OHV riders to connect many routes without going on the highway, which benefits recreation as well as highway users. parallel route of UT-72 from middle of route looking N
  2. Old Woman Wash from SS2533 to UT-24 – This major wash connects the Reef road to the San Rafael Desert on the other side of Highway 24. It goes under a highway bridge that’s unobstructed, at which point it’s less than a quarter-mile from a route designated open in the 2022 San Rafael Desert TMP. This route, Old Woman Wash, is what most OHV riders actually use to cross Highway 24 instead of Temple Wash. Also this route, Old Woman Wash on the west side of the highway, is part of BLM-permitted motorcycle race courses including the 1987 Mail Run. Old Woman Wash from SS2533 looking E

9. Alternatives B and C would close many routes without any reasonable justification.

Alternatives B and C would close hundreds of miles of routes that are of great recreational value, that are quite feasible to manage, and that would not cause considerable adverse effects. These routes have been continuously used for decades, and should not be closed without compelling reasons. Here are just a couple of examples:

  1. Overlook of Blue Trail Canyon (SS66096) – This old bladed road reaches a great view of Blue Trail Canyon. It has a flowing alignment through gentle hills of pinion and juniper that naturally encourage OHV riders to stay on the route. The view is just a half-mile from Interstate 70, thus the setting is already quite motorized. view of SS66096 endpoint from N
  2. Farnswoth Tanks Loop (SS2540) – This old bladed road has a sinuous alignment and modest grades, providing a short but fun loop in an area with high OHV use from campers and day visitors alike. SS2540 from SS2533 looking S

10. Conclusion

We appreciate the work that your agency has done thus far to develop an SRS TMP, but it is simply premature, and the focus should be turned to amending the Price RMP and developing an SRS RAMP.


Clif Koontz
Executive Director
Ride with Respect

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty
Colorado Off Road Enterprise


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San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan Comments


BLM Price Field Office,
125 South 600 West
Price, UT 84501

Via Portal Only

Re:  San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan

Dear Sirs:

Please accept this correspondence as the request of the above Organizations for development of a meaningful manner to engage with the public regarding a single vision for the future management of this area.  Unfortunately, managers are not providing a single cohesive planning effort for the entirety of the Swell area that might be legally sufficient, such as those created by an EIS.  Rather the public has been provided a series of Environmental Assessments that are at best questionably relevant, poorly reconciled and even more poorly supported with detailed analysis or recognition of the complexity of current planning in the area.  Planners appear to want to push resolution of the many challenges in the area to the public in commenting rather than providing a range of alternatives to the public for comment under an EIS. Any assertion that the remnants of the Price RMP in the Swell area, the newly designated Recreation Area, more than 400k acres of new Wilderness can provide a cohesive vision for the management of the area is immediately undermined by the further legal issues around the Price FO efforts and that the Recreation Area plan is only in scoping.

This lack of cohesive vision reopens many of the planning failures that resulted in the settlement agreement the Proposal asserts to satisfy.  BLM has already asserted to the 10th Circuit that they could undertake meaningful planning in all the areas within the Settlement Agreement.  We would assert they have been unable to achieve this goal. Without this cohesive vision for the area, how can any argument be made that travel plan is minimized impacts in alignment with the requirements of EO 11644.  Such an assertion simply cannot be made as the RMP standards do not exist. As an example, the Dingell Act mandated that all areas identified in the §603 inventory not designated as Wilderness must be managed for multiple use. The existing Price FO RMP does not have provisions to address this situation, making RMP compliance on this issue impossible.  While this request is technically outside the scope of the Proposal, The Organizations believe development of a travel plan must start from a position of a solid vision of management goals and objectives now and into the reasonably foreseeable future. That simply has not been provided.

With regard to the current TMP Proposal ( hereinafter referred to the “Settlement TMP” or Proposal), the Organizations must voice their support for 2008 current management in the Area and concern that 2008 current management is not reflected in Alternative A of the Proposal as is mandated by the Settlement Agreement in this matter. Rather Alternative A is an updated interpretation of 2008 management where the most restrictive interpretation of any ambiguity is taken. Under the Settlement Agreement, what is presented as Alternative A cannot exist as there was no Congressionally designated Wilderness in the planning area in 2008.  Many routes were reflected in the 2008 baseline map that are not included in the Alternative A map in 2024.  Some trails such as the ebike network at the north end of the planning unit are never mentioned in the RMP at all. These routes are critical to any analysis seeking to create a new travel plan in 2024 for many reasons. The Organizations vigorously assert that Alternative A must at least start from a single point in time but has rather incorporated closures and other projects when it was suitable. The EA fails to provide even a range of alternatives on the many ambiguities in the existing RMP. Alternative A must be the baseline and only reflect the 2008 TMP effort with all its ambiguities and problems and this baseline is critical.

The motorized community vigorously objects to Alternative B of the Proposal as this entirely fails to provide any meaningful multiple use opportunities for recreation. While Alternative D of the Proposal is might be closest to something we can support as it asserts to close only 52 miles (2%) of routes, this Alternative fails to address that existing RMP/TMP decisions that were challenged already closed more than 730 miles (25%+/-) in the planning area. While a 2% closure may appear appealing, it is 27% closure rates from historical usage. Our concerns with the management baseline expand further as the management baseline fails to address the Congressionally mandated changes in the planning area, that heavily impacted public access to many areas. These were large changes; they warrant meaningful analysis in the Alternatives which simply has not been provided.

Our support for current management is also driven by a foundational failure in the Proposal, mainly that the cumulative impacts of the various planning efforts within the area are not meaningfully addressed.  The Organizations cannot overlook the fact that the Swell Recreation Area RMP is under development.  This causes concerns on how these planning efforts will be aligned and conflicts between decisions be resolved.  If there is a change in the Swell Recreation Area RMP that is inconsistent with the Settlement TMP, how would that be resolved? Is the existing 2008 Price FO RMP even a viable planning document? We are now facing many challenges that were never addressed in the 2008 Price FO RMP. The designation of 400,00 plus of Wilderness and more than 200,000 acres more where road development is capped creates problems on issues of how sufficient recreational opportunities will be provided in the area? This limitation in the Swell Recreation Area makes an accurate version of Alternative A critically important. The Price FO RMP identified many areas for expansion of recreational opportunities that are now closed to most recreational opportunities.  Where can these areas be replaced? This type of balance and analysis is critical given the numerous Statutory and Executive Orders mandating these analysis processes in planning.  We are unable to find any analysis that even arguably satisfies this requirement currently or in the situation of multiple planning efforts moving at the same time in the same planning area.

The Organizations have been involved in discussions around access to these areas for more than a decade, both in the development of travel and resources management plans. In addition to the planning efforts, our involvement has continued on behalf of recreation interests in litigation, stretching from the Settlement in SUWA v. U.S. DOI, Case No. 2:12-cv-257 DAK (D. Utah). to bringing successful jurisdictional challenges in SUWA v. Babbitt, 2000 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 22170 (D. Utah 2000), rev’d, 301 F.3d 1217 (10th Cir. 2002), rev’d and remanded, Norton v. SUWA, 542 U.S. 55 (2004). We remain committed to this presence in the ongoing management of Utah BLM lands. Many of our local partners have intervened in defense with the BLM when legal challenges were brought that has resulted from the Settlement now being implemented and have continued to be involved with planning/travel efforts throughout the region. We have worked hard to support these efforts in many ways.  We are intimately familiar with the difficulties that the BLM has encountered in the management of this area and region more generally. This makes successful management decisions critical to allowing access to the Planning area which is one of the few remaining multiple use areas in the region. Moving forward with the successful path that has been developed for this area is the only way forward in the Organization’s opinion but unfortunately that path has not been provided in the Proposal.  While the routes and opportunities at issue in the Proposal are world class, the analysis of the Proposal falls well short of aligning with that value.

Who we are.

Prior to addressing the specific concerns, the Organizations have regarding the Proposal, we believe a brief summary of each Organization is needed.  The Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (“COHVCO”) is a grassroots advocacy organization of approximately 250,000 registered OHV users in Colorado seeking to represent, assist, educate, and empower all OHV recreationists in the protection and promotion of off-highway motorized recreation throughout Colorado. COHVCO is an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use and conservation of our public lands and natural resources to preserve their aesthetic and recreational qualities for future generations. The Trail Preservation Alliance (“TPA”) is a largely volunteer organization whose intention is to be a viable partner, working with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of trail riding.  The TPA acts as an advocate of the sport and takes the necessary action to ensure that the USFS and BLM allocate to trail riding a fair and equitable percentage of access to public lands. Colorado Snowmobile Association (“CSA”) was founded in 1970 to unite the more than 30,000 winter motorized recreationists across the state to enjoy their passion.  CSA has also become the voice of organized snowmobiling seeking to advance, promote and preserve the sport of snowmobiling through work with Federal and state land management agencies and local, state and federal legislators telling the truth about our sport.  CORE is an entirely volunteer nonprofit motorized action group out of Buena Vista Colorado. Ride with Respect (RwR) was founded in 2002 to conserve shared-use trails and their surroundings. Since then, over 750 individuals have contributed money or volunteered time to the organization. RwR has performed over 20,000 hours of high-quality trail work on public lands, most of which was in the Moab Field Office region. In the Price Field Office, RwR has participated in the 2008 RMP and subsequent travel planning. Our mission is to keep trails open for all users to enjoy.  For purposes of these comments, TPA, CSA, CORE, RwR and COHVCO will be referred to as “the Organizations.”

1b. Preliminary thoughts

The Organizations vigorously assert that there is a compelling need for a coherent plan and coordinated planning process for this area.  This simply has not been provided.  What has been provided is a confusing often conflicting effort that has two management efforts in the same area occurring at the same time and often interchanging terms.  Not only is this process confusing, many of the failures in the underlying 2008 RMP/TMP process are simply never addressed.

2. Scoping was confusing as to what areas were being discussed. Should clearly identify zones accurately with names that are unrelated to designations. Management areas should be called zone 1 zone 2 zone 3. Even basic decision making such as this has been avoided.

History is complex and overlapping which only compounds the need for consistency in analysis on issues such as what is the proper planning effort to raise concerns in.  A brief summary of the planning history of this area is as follows:

Date Management Action/Document Outline
2008 RMP/TMP released Significant problems with analysis throughout – many times refers to a 2003 TMP that was partially completed
2017 Litigation settlement on TMP Settlement signed specifically requiring a new TMP for the Area
2019 Dingell Act passage Requires RMP on Swell Recreation Area created and new Wilderness and 603 released areas
2021  Feb/Mar Scoping begins on 2017 Settlement Signs of confusion of the public start to appear


Scoping begins on 2019 Dingell Act Scoping is largely the scope of geographic lands involved as map reflects lands impacted by Dingell Act and those adjacent
2023  October 2023 Dingell Act Scoping report released Report outlines what can only be significant confusion of the public regarding the various planning efforts.
2024 June EA released on Settlement Agreement Appears to encompass all lands within the settlement including Dingell Act areas.


Undated Scoping report on  2021 Settlement effort released While appears significant as it spans more than 3685 pages this document has only 3 pages of analysis and merely reproduces public comment received

– This is a reading room not a report

– Confusion of public at this point was IMMENSE – rather than addressing confusion on scope of efforts, planners open scoping on Dingell Act without addressing previous scoping


The frustration from this entire process is immediate as the Organizations and our members consistently hear from BLM about the need for substantive comments on proposals from users’ groups. Here problems are immediately apparent from scoping on the ability of the public to provide substantive comments and rather than resolving this confusion planning efforts with tools that are available to the BLM, these tools have largely ignored this confusion and on many occasions made confusion much worse.

Many issues present in the 2008 RMP/TMP remain unresolved and in many cases are worse now than ever before.  The Organizations are frustrated that confusion of issues and planning efforts should have been immediately identifiable with a basic review of public scoping from the 2021 effort on the Settlement. Our frustration from this failure stems from the fact that in the 3 ensuing years from this scoping, BLM has done nothing to resolve this conflict, such as utilizing the specific provisions of the Settlement to address unforeseen issues that arise from its implementation.  The Organizations would vigorously assert that the passage of the Dingell act would be such an unforeseen issue.  The passage of the Dingell Act made resolution of the underlying failures in the RMP/TMP only that much more important in the planning area, regardless of the name sought to be applied.

2(a) Why an EA instead of an EIS?

Prior to addressing the numerous challenges created by the Proposals failure to recognize the RMP silence on many issues critical to the TMP, the failure of the Proposal to address the numerous other planning efforts that are occurring concurrently with this effort in the planning area must be addressed.  Currently the Swell Rec Area RMP and the Settlement TMP are proposed to be separate, which is problematic on the ground and overlooks the significant changes that have been mandated as a result of Congressional actions in the TMP outside the Swell Rec Area. The BLM proposes to create an RMP for the recreation area created by the Dingell Act, which alters the management of almost 50% of the FO footprint and then manage the remaining portion of the FO under the 2008 RMP. These changes clearly alter significant portions of the assumptions and conclusions that were reached in the 2008 Price FO RMP.  This situation is simply never addressed in the Proposal, and after reviewing the Proposal, the public could easily conclude that the recreation area planning effort is not occurring, as it is never mentioned in the Proposal. This creates immense problems for the Proposal.

The project and its more than 2 decades of history of the failures in BLM attempting to manage this area clearly warrant an EIS level of analysis to resolve issues the Dingell Act created within the Swell Recreation Area and to address the management changes that the Dingell Act created outside the Swell Recreation Area as well. This only compounds the many issues and ambiguities in the 2008 Price FO RMP outside the Swell Recreation Area. Rather than structuring the basic NEPA analysis as an EIS with an RMP amendment to attempt to resolve these all issues with some level of consistency, the Proposal moves forward with several EA’s for the planning area. This EA fails to address the fact there are multiple efforts being undertaken and largely avoids any discussion of many foundational issues around the TMP or the possibility that an RMP amendment must be undertaken to resolve the challenges in the area.  This history is problematic enough and sometimes compounds failures of the BLM management that have spanned more than 50 years that the Dingell Act actually resolved.

2(b) Many Offices were challenged on the minimization criteria within similar timeframes and many have resolved these challenges and moved on.

The Organizations are aware that many planning offices across the country received legal challenges on the sufficiency of their minimization efforts from many of the same plaintiffs that challenged the Price FO RMP/TMP. Our Organizations and partners have intervened in defense of these claims, in the same manner our groups intervened in the legal challenges to the Price FO efforts.  As an example, the Pike/San Isabel NF received the same type of legal challenge from same plaintiffs at almost same time and a settlement was reached in this challenge in November 2015. This is where the planning efforts between these offices take profoundly different paths as the PSI immediately moved forward with an EIS not an EA and embraced development of an accurate and complete Alternative A.  The PSI efforts presented their own complexities as most travel planning on the PSI had been done with site specific efforts as their RMP was issued in 1984.  Much of the documentation for these EA had been lost simply due to the passage of time which compounded the challenges presented by an RMP that was at best comically out of date. A final decision was issued by the PSI on November 2020.[1]  While there are of course challenges to this decision, it has been completed.

The Organizations do not contest that the PSI effort is a far less complex management situation as there was no intervening Congressional actions involving WSA releases, WSA designation as Wilderness and Congressionally designated Recreation Areas in the PSI effort.  Despite the far more complex management situation presented, the Price FO has chosen to slowly move forward with a series of EA, that are only entering scoping after other offices have completed their obligations under similar settlement terms. This is simply a problem on many levels.

3(a) NEPA requirements for the planning situation now being faced in this area.

The challenges facing the planning area and the Proposal are significant, multifaceted and cannot be overlooked, especially since they have been the basis of a 10th Circuit Court action already almost a decade old.[2] Rather than meaningfully addressing these challenges as was recognized as necessary by the Circuit Court and providing a Range of Alternatives when there is ambiguity in current planning the Proposal draws horribly arbitrary divisions in planning. Rather than recognizing the ambiguity and addressing it with a decision at the proper level of planning and then providing a range of alternatives, absolutely no analysis is provided regarding how these decisions were made is provided in the EA. These decisions will create conflict and present an inaccurate summary of the efforts by the agency and Congress to minimize impacts in this area. The Proposal moves forward with a model that expands these conflicts by attempting to address each effort in isolation and fails to address the basic requirements of NEPA and other planning documents to resolve situations like this.

The Proposal suffers from foundational failures in analysis in the Settlement TMP process that stem from failures in the RMP and drove the Settlement Agreement originally. These foundational 2008 RMP/TMP failures were challenged by numerous parties in the various litigation underlying this matter. While we intervened in defense of claims against the BLM, we had concerns with the 2008 TMP as well. In the development of the Proposal, it appears that entirely different planning standards are interchanged without recognition that these are two entirely separate planning standards and requirements. These failures do not resolve concerns around underlying sufficiency to decisions but rather highlights them.  As an example of this interchanging of management standards would be reflected in the management of open areas the RMP specifically identifies for future management actions.  BLM admits the 2008 RMP erroneously published maps with no routes in these areas in the Proposal. We would agree that this mapping error occurred and should be fixed and would like to retain the option of future planning in these areas. This is simply not provided under any alternative.  BLM appears to assert that their compliance with EO 11644 is somehow achieved compliance for NEPA purposes. There is no such presumption we are aware of and presumptions such as this are what caused the original settlement agreement to be reached.

The Organizations must recognize the unusual path that the Office has chosen for NEPA compliance. Many other offices have faced similar legal challenges around their compliance with the minimization criteria and almost exclusively have moved into an EIS.  Often these Offices have moved forward with an EIS in management situations that are far less complex than those facing the planning area.   This decision largely aligns with the NEPA statutes that clearly and specifically requires an EIS be prepared in the following situations:

(2) all agencies of the Federal Government shall–
(A) utilize a systematic, interdisciplinary approach which will ensure the integrated use of the natural and social sciences and the environmental design arts in planning and in decision making which may have an impact on man’s environment;
(B) identify and develop methods and procedures, in consultation with the Council on Environmental Quality established by subchapter II of this chapter, which will ensure that presently unquantified environmental amenities and values may be given appropriate consideration in decision making along with economic and technical considerations;
(C) consistent with the provisions of this chapter and except where compliance would be inconsistent with other statutory requirements, include in every recommendation or report on proposals for legislation and other major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment, a detailed statement by the responsible official on–
(i) reasonably foreseeable environmental effects of the proposed agency action;
(ii) any reasonably foreseeable adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be implemented;
(iii) a reasonable range of alternatives to the proposed agency action, including an analysis of any negative environmental impacts of not implementing the proposed agency action in the case of a no action alternative, that are technically and economically feasible, and meet the purpose and need of the proposal;
(iv) the relationship between local short-term uses of man’s environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity; and
(v) any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of Federal resources which would be involved in the proposed agency action should it be implemented.[3]

The Organizations submit this entire planning effort fails to achieve these goals at any level. Rather than utilize a systematic, interdisciplinary approach which will ensure the integrated use of the natural and social sciences and the environmental design arts in planning and in decision making which may have an impact on man’s environment the public has been provided multiple over lapping planning efforts spanning decades. The lack of a systemic approach is further compounded by the Proposal failing to address why decisions were only partially implemented, decisions are altered or changed in the current management outline.

CEQ regulations specifically addresses the need update or amend existing NEPA analysis as follows:

(d) Supplemental environmental impact statements. Agencies:
(1) Shall prepare supplements to either draft or final environmental impact statements if a major Federal action is incomplete or ongoing, and:

(i) The agency makes substantial changes to the proposed action that are relevant to environmental concerns; or
(ii) There are substantial new circumstances or information about the significance of adverse effects that bear on the analysis.
(2) May also prepare supplements when the agency determines that the purposes of the Act will be furthered by doing so.
(3) Shall prepare, publish, and file a supplement to an environmental impact statement (exclusive of scoping (§ 1502.4 of this subchapter)) as a draft and final environmental impact statement, as is appropriate to the stage of the environmental impact statement involved, unless the Council approves alternative arrangements (§ 1506.11 of this subchapter).[4]

While there is ambiguity in these statutes and CEQ requirements, the failure of the BLM to provide any analysis on how this ambiguity was resolved and how the determination that multiple overlapping EAs could achieve the goals and objectives of the settlement agreement is problematic.  Rather than addressing these issues they are avoided and the Organizations are concerned that these decisions have directly impaired public comment and engagement on issues critical to the long-term success of the management of the area.  The Organizations are further concerned that ultimately this EA will be another in the long string of failed management efforts in the planning area.

3(b) Council on Environmental Quality 40 questions provide detailed guidance on the appropriate manner of supplementing an EIS.

The problematic starting position of the Proposal and its desire to resolve all the issues facing implantation of the EIS the planning area with just an EA is immediate when the guidance of the Council on Environmental Quality provided in the NEPA 40 Questions guidance is reviewed. The CEQ 40 questions guidance specifies an EIS as follows:

32. Supplements to Old EISs. Under what circumstances do old EISs have to be supplemented before taking action on a proposal? A. As a rule of thumb, if the proposal has not yet been implemented, or if the EIS concerns an ongoing program, EISs that are more than 5 years old should be carefully reexamined to determine if the criteria in Section 1502.9 compel preparation of an EIS supplement. If an agency has made a substantial change in a proposed action that is relevant to environmental concerns, or if there are significant new circumstances or information relevant to environmental concerns and bearing on the proposed action or its impacts, a supplemental EIS must be prepared for an old EIS so that the agency has the best possible information to make any necessary substantive changes in its decisions regarding the proposal.

The problematic nature of the Proposal assertions that an EA can be used to resolve the major challenges that have arisen from the 2008 EIS is immediately apparent when the Regulations are reviewed.  The decision is further drawn into question given the decisions of other planning offices that have faced similar challenges in a less complex management environment. It would have to be an exceptionally detailed EA to satisfy these challenges and the EA provided is far from exceptionally detailed.  These failures cause the EA to fall short of and sufficiency of an EA.

The Council on Environmental Quality has also explicitly addressed situations where there have been significant changes in proposals and objectives of polices and legislation impacting the analysis area. Again, the CEQ regulations clearly and directly require changes to be addressed in a systemic defensible manner as follows:

23a. Conflicts of Federal Proposal With Land Use Plans, Policies or Controls. How should an agency handle potential conflicts between a proposal and the objectives of Federal, state or local land use plans, policies and controls for the area concerned? See Sec.  1502.16(c).

A. The agency should first inquire of other agencies whether there are any potential conflicts. If there would be immediate conflicts, or if conflicts could arise in the future when the plans are finished (see Question 23(b) below), the EIS must acknowledge and describe the extent of those conflicts. If there are any possibilities of resolving the conflicts, these should be explained as well. The EIS should also evaluate the seriousness of the impact of the proposal on the land use plans and policies, and whether, or how much, the proposal will impair the effectiveness of land use control mechanisms for the area. Comments from officials of the affected area should be solicited early and should be carefully acknowledged and answered in the EIS.

Again, the Organizations are not asserting it is impossible to resolve issues such as this with an EA, however it would have to be an exceptionally detailed EA. That has not been provided and forces us to question why the guidance of the CEQ 40 Questions on the appropriate level of analysis was not followed in this situation.

3(c) NEPA regulations mandate an EIS to resolve issues such as those facing the management areas.

The planning efforts for the area have taken an unusual path of development given the many recent plan revisions, court settlements and Congressional actions that have mandated significant changes to much of this portion of the Price FO. The complexity of the situation is made even greater as a result of the Price FO failure to implement many of the changes required and failure to move forward with site specific planning for other areas as was promised in the RMP.

In many areas, recreational access was permanently lost or heavily restricted by Congressional action in areas that were identified for expansion of recreational opportunities in the RMP. The challenges presented by this situation alone are immense.  These are significant changes to current management that must be resolved and addressed to comply with NEPA, BLM regulations and relevant court cases.  This simply has not occurred in the Proposal or any related planning effort as the Proposal simply picks different particular points in time to address changes rather than addressing all changes at a single time.  Certainly, the necessity of an EIS cannot be avoided simply through the manipulation of the planning process to allow a decision that related actions are unrelated. This is improper and allows RMP provisions to be violated as exemplified by the closure of areas that were restricted to existing routes only and identified for future site-specific planning. The failure to address these basic changes in a systemic and rational manner will result in immense new user conflicts in the planning area. After review of the Proposal, we are unable to locate any portion of the Proposal that outlines challenges such as user conflicts or how they could be impacted by the various Congressional efforts impacting the planning area or how the Proposal seeks to reduce these conflicts.

Again, the Proposal avoidance of questions such as those we have raised already is contrary to the NEPA regulations addressing the proper scope of a NEPA action.  NEPA regulations clearly define the scope of any planning effort as follows:

“Scope consists of the range of actions, alternatives, and impacts to be considered in an environmental impact statement. The scope of an individual statement may depend on its relationships to other statements (§§ 1502.20 and 1508.28). To determine the scope of environmental impact statements, agencies shall consider 3 types of actions, 3 types of alternatives, and 3 types of impacts. They include:
(a) Actions (other than unconnected single actions) which may be:
(1) Connected actions, which means that they are closely related and therefore should be discussed in the same impact statement. Actions are connected if they:
(i) Automatically trigger other actions which may require environmental impact statements.
(ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless other actions are taken previously or simultaneously.
(iii) Are interdependent parts of a larger action and depend on the larger action for their justification.
(2) Cumulative actions, which when viewed with other proposed actions have cumulatively significant impacts and should therefore be discussed in the same impact statement.
(3) Similar actions, which when viewed with other reasonably foreseeable or proposed agency actions, have similarities that provide a basis for evaluating their environmental consequences together, such as common timing or geography. An agency may wish to analyze these actions in the same impact statement. It should do so when the best way to assess adequately the combined impacts of similar actions or reasonable alternatives to such actions is to treat them in a single impact statement.”[5]

If the Planners were able to achieve a plan that allows a much narrower scope that is provided for in the regulations, the Proposal must address how planners have reached decisions and determined several EA can achieve the alignment of decisions within the scope of an EA this must be addressed.  If there are safeguards that are being put in place to avoid conflicts between these decisions and how issues such as the possible need for an RMP update have been resolved with the process. None of this information has been provided and the immense problems that will result cannot be overlooked. Many of these decisions are critical to the success of the many related efforts being developed

4. The Proposed scope of analysis conflicts with BLM travel planning regulations.

As addressed previously, the Organizations have concerns regarding the positioning of this effort for successful NEPA compliance. Unfortunately, NEPA compliance is not the only standard that the Proposal fails to satisfy.   The profound conflict that results with BLM travel planning regulations is evidenced when the relationship of the goals and objectives of a TMP and the current effort are compared.  These goals and objectives are specifically outlined as follows:

“The TTM process seeks to identify and understand the use of existing transportation features (roads, primitive roads and trails), incorporate the existing and future needs for transportation, access and recreational opportunities, and use an interdisciplinary planning process to develop appropriate travel networks and recreational opportunities that reflect the environmental concerns and legal requirements of a Resource Management Plan (RMP) process.

The goal of the TTM process is to create travel networks that are logical and sustainable, as well as meet the increasingly diverse transportation, access and recreational needs of the public. The process moves from broad scale interdisciplinary planning achieved in a RMP, to more specific Activity or Area Plans, and further to specific implementation and maintenance actions for roads, primitive roads, trails, and other access and recreation related needs.”[6]

While viewing the settlement agreement in isolation might be perceived as an easy path forward, we must question that decision. The Organizations must make it clear that we are not asserting the Settlement Agreement should have foreseen the passage of the Dingell Act and the dramatic differences and revisions for the planning area that would result from its passage. The Organizations must question why the settlement agreement was not updated subsequent to the passage of the Dingell Act as this is a significant change in conditions for the planning that was unforeseen. What the public has been provided is an EA that fails to meaningfully address challenges and gaps in the RMP.  This is unacceptable as the goals of the TMP process cannot be achieved without a single vision and starting point of discussion and planning.

5. Relevant court decisions have consistently struck down attempts at structuring EA to avoid an EIS

As noted in these comments, the Proposal faces immense challenges in establishing the basic legal sufficiency of the scale and scope of the management model that has been adopted for the effort. The Organizations vigorously assert that the decision to move forward with several EA rather than an EIS for the area has allowed basic issues to remain unresolved.  Questions around the applicability of the RMP to the management situation being faced are not addressed. What is the proper starting point for the planning effort are again not addressed as these are multiple EA rather than a coordinated EIS.  Courts reviewing these requirements have strictly applied these statutory and regulatory requirements for NEPA as evidenced by the Supreme Court decisions, which clearly state as follows:

“Section 102(2)(C) requires that an impact statement contain, in essence, a detailed statement of the expected adverse environmental consequences of an action, the resource commitments involved in it, and the alternatives to it.”[7]

The conflicts with this standard are again immediate for the Proposal. Resources have been committed to developing a defensible TMP for the planning area for decades. There can be no argument that the possible commitments of resources have already begun as the Recreation Area plan scoping effort has already begun.  As the RMP for the Swell Recreation Area is mandated by federal law, recompletion of this effort will be achieved.  There are many questions of how the relationships between the settlement and intervening legislative action can be resolved. Rather than developing and resolving this situation in a coordinated and systemic manner under an EIS, planners have chosen to adopt several smaller EAs for a piecemeal analysis of issues in isolation to each other. No discussion has been provided regarding how these decisions were developed. This chosen path of issue resolution and plan development will create more conflicts than it resolves.

The model adopted for development of the settlement TMP where satisfaction of the settlement requirements and complying with various legislative requirements is achieved in this piecemeal manner has been consistently stuck down in planning efforts far less complex.  When Courts have addressed the alignment of only two planning efforts on a single area, the Courts have consistently held as follows:

Characterizing any piecemeal development of a project as “insignificant” merits close scrutiny to prevent the policies of NEPA from being nibbled away by multiple increments, no one of which may in and of itself be important enough to compel preparation of a full EIS. (See, e.g., Named Individual Members of San Antonio Conservation Soc’y v. Texas Highway Dep’t (5th Cir. 1971) 446 F.2d 1013.)[8]

There can be no argument that the nibbling of major projects with a series of smaller analysis prohibited by the Courts is exactly what is occurring with the Proposal and the numerous other factors that are involved in the management of the project area. With this clear concern from the courts on this model of NEPA compliance, Courts have refined the mandate of the Kleppe Supreme Court decision to more clearly define the definition of when an EA is sufficient and when an EIS is mandated.

“Section 102(2)(C) of NEPA requires an EIS for “major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment.” 42 U.S.C. § 4332(2)(C) (1982). While it is true that administrative agencies must be given considerable discretion in defining the scope of environmental impact statements, see Kleppe v. Sierra Club, 427 U.S. 390, 412-415, 96 S.Ct. 2718, 2731-2733, 49 L.Ed.2d 576 (1976), there are situations in which an agency is required to consider several related actions in a single EIS, see id. at 409-410, 96 S.Ct. at 2729-2730. Not to require this would permit dividing a project into multiple “actions,” each of which individually has an insignificant environmental impact, but which collectively have a substantial impact.” [9]

The Thomas Court laid out six questions for roads that courts will look at to identify when an EA is needed and when an EIS is needed. These factors review issues such as the purpose and need; the sufficiency of current management, the cost/benefit analysis of separate EA to a single EIS; When these factors are addressed there can be only one conclusion, the Proposal and planning challenges must be addressed with an EIS. This resolution also requires an RMP update or amendment to resolve many other questions.

6(a)(1).  Alternative A must reflect current management prior to the 2008 TMP and not a partially updated version of 2008 TMP provided under the guise of Alternative A.

The Organizations concerns around Alternative A of the Proposal are immediate and profound as the Settlement Agreement clearly requires an entirely new TMP for the planning area. This was the heart of the legal challenge originally raised by the Petitioners and specified by the Settlement Agreement.[10]  Paragraph 13 of the Settlement Agreement paragraph specifically mandates that new TMP will be created as follows:

“13. New Travel Management Plans subject to this Settlement Agreement. BLM will issue a new TMP for each of the following travel management areas (“TMA”) within the Richfield, Vernal, Price, Moab, and Kanab Field Offices according to the deadlines set forth below, which will start to run on the effective date of this Settlement Agreement established in Paragraph 37. Each TMP will be considered issued upon the date the authorized officer signs the decision document approving the TMP.”

It is significant to note the settlement agreement says NEW TMP not updated TMP or something similar. The efforts to develop the Settlement TMP has to be management prior to 2008, which would be the 2003 TMP as this is the ONLY TMP that has been signed by the authorized officer and not withdrawn. As result this planning effort must start with the TMP in place in 2007 immediately before the 2008 TMP was finalized as Alternative A of the Proposal. What has been provided in the Proposal as Alternative A is not this map but something else as it appears planners immediately confused an update of an approved TMP with an entirely new TMP. In this updated Alternative A, many decisions have been made without public input and engagement on issues critical to the TMP baseline. Under NEPA the 2008 baseline for management was 2003 TMP not the 2008 RMP/TMP that has been subjected to an updating process without public input in any manner. That updating process would occur in violation of NEPA.

The improper updating of the 2003 TMP decision under the guise of Alternative A violates other provisions of the Settlement Agreement.  The issuance of an entirely new TMP is further mandated in the Settlement Agreement which specifically provides that none of the various claims against the TMP can be recognized as follows:

“3. This Settlement Agreement is for the purpose of settling the above-captioned litigation. Nothing in this Settlement Agreement shall be deemed as precedent in this or any other proceeding or shall constitute an admission or concession by any party as to the validity of any fact or legal position concerning the claims or defenses in this or any other proceeding.”

Many of the decisions made in the updating of Alternative A would result in the concession of many claims of parties, including those of the Organizations, which was specifically prohibited in the Settlement.  Questions such as the OHV-7 area management, various admitted mapping errors and other concerns outlined in these comments are important and we will make no concessions on their resolution.  The Organizations had concerns in the final plan and they have been in no way resolved.  NEPA requires a full analysis of these areas and a range of alternatives for resolution of management challenges in these areas. We are seeking that in this effort admit has not been provided.

The provisions of the Settlement Agreement allowing the 2008 TMP to be applied while the Settlement TMP is developed also do not support updating Alternative A outside the NEPA process in the manner that has occurred.  The Settlement Agreement clearly defines the scope of this application as it provides that the existing TMP may remain in effect but it does not alter the baseline for creation of the new TMP as follows:

“The TMPs for the Richfield, Vernal, Price, Moab, and Kanab Field Offices that are in effect as of the effective date of this Settlement Agreement will remain in effect until BLM issues new TMPs for the TMAs identified in paragraph 13;”

The Organizations vigorously assert that the current version of Alternative A directly and materially violates Paragraph 3 of the Settlement Agreement.  The Organizations had many concerns on mapping errors, incorrect boundaries and other issues with the TMP that the BLM asserted would be corrected as some of these failures were clearly recognized in the RMP.  It is unclear if these corrections ever occurred and Alternative A does not reflect what the TMP was supposed to be based on. As a result, the current version of Alternative A of the Proposal represents an interpretation of many issues that would directly prejudice our interests.  Alternative A would constitute a concession of many claims of our Organizations on the application of standards and other management decisions that was specifically preserved in the Settlement for our interests. We cannot accept this concession.

6(a)(2). The proposed application of the Settlement Agreement would result in the Settlement being illegal and void as a matter of public policy.

When the limited number of parties to the agreement are compared to the immense number of parties that have interests in the planning area and how Alternative A questions were resolved in the updated version provided even more foundational problems are immediate. The application of any portion of the Settlement Agreement in a manner that allows Alternative A to evolve or change from the decisions in place prior to the 2008 RMP/TMP would be in direct violation of public policy that NEPA has sought to advance. These interests that are not signors to the Settlement Agreement would be prejudiced by their inability to raise concerns about the update process. This type of decision making would violate the very tenants of NEPA, the Administrative Procedures Act and dozens of other statutes.

Courts have consistently concluded that any agreement between parties that collude to violate the law is immediately null and void as a matter of public policy.  Courts have recognized this basic principle as follows:

“While there is no unanimity of opinion as to the reason for this rule, the authorities are in accord with its results. The reasons given by Courts differ depending upon the particular view taken as to whether an illegal contract is void or simply unenforceable. If an illegal contract is regarded as being void, then there is nothing to enforce after the invalidating statute is repealed…… Other authorities hold that an illegal contract is not void  but is imply unenforceable. Starting with this proposition that “no polluted hand shall touch the pure fountains of justice” (Collins v Blantern (1767) 95 Eng. Rep 850, 852) they reason that the repeal of the statute does not cleanse the stain from those hands”[11]

Any interpretation of the Settlement Agreement in a manner that would result in it being struck down as contrary to public policy would be vigorously opposed to by the Organizations as we are also signors of this Agreement. With the challenges facing this planning effort, any allegation of polluted hands touching the pure fountains of justice in the Settlement process must be avoided at all costs.

6(b)(1). The Proposal violates the Settlement Agreement signed by the Parties.

Alternative A of the Proposal also presents an interpretation of many legal issues and claims that was found deficient for other reasons and some of these were specifically recognized in the District Corut decision in this issue that drove the Settlement. While we would assert that minimization was completed and poorly documented this does not alter the fact that current management cannot be based on a TMP that was found legally insufficient by the District Court of Utah.  This is problematic from a legal perspective given the previous findings of the District Court but violates the requirements of the Settlement Agreement.

The failure to address the relationship of existing RMP decisions and how they relate to management decisions in the Settlement TMP process on issues such as minimization is explicitly and directly recognized in the 2017 Settlement Agreement as follows:

“WHEREAS, on November 4, 2013, the district court issued a merits ruling that was partially adverse to Federal Defendants. The court found that “[i]n designating 4,277 miles of routes in this case, BLM did not discuss the minimization criteria in the ROD, RMP, or any other travel planning documents,” and “therefore, there [was] no evidence in the ROD that the minimization criteria was applied or applied correctly.”[12]

With regard to minimization criteria and how compliance was thought to be achieved, NEPA requires this process to be transparent. Rather than a transparent process with public engagement, the Proposal does not address minimization in its analysis at all.  This silence is deeply problematic.  The comparison of the silence of the Proposal on minimization could not be more complete when compared to other efforts we are aware such as the PSI. In the PSI EIS minimization analysis was addressed with dozens of pages of specific discussions and then addressing this issue in the detailed discussion of alternatives. We would like to be able to resolve management of these areas at some point in the future and avoiding analysis of issues that have already been insufficiently analyzed is not a step towards final resolution of management of these areas. Again, issues like these make us request a single EIS for the area rather than the series of uncoordinated EAs we have been provided with.

While the Court specifically struck down the TMP for its failure to comply with the minimization criteria based on claims of SUWA, the Settlement Agreement protects all parties existing claims and concerns around the sufficiency of management documents for the various areas involved in the litigation as follows:

“3. This Settlement Agreement is for the purpose of settling the above-captioned litigation. Nothing in this Settlement Agreement shall be deemed as precedent in this or any other proceeding or shall constitute an admission or concession by any party as to the validity of any fact or legal position concerning the claims or defenses in this or any other proceeding. Nothing in this Settlement Agreement shall be construed to be an admission or shall constitute evidence that the commitments made by BLM in this Settlement Agreement are necessary to satisfy any requirement under any applicable law.”[13]

While our concerns are outside the minimization criteria, there can be no legally sufficient argument that the current treatment of numerous decisions, such as OH-7/ open area/existing routes designations and WSA management and other factors, exhibits the same failure to support TMP decisions with RMP decisions and standards as was previously identified as a failure by the Courts.

The Settlement Agreement provided the BLM time to resolve failures in the 2008 RMP/TMP and this requirement was confirmed by the 10th Circuit. Rather than resolving these challenges the BLM has simply chosen to try and avoid analysis of these failures, which is immensely problematic.  Given this previous Court findings on the legal insufficiency in decision making around the 2008 RMP, we must question why the same failures are thought to be sufficient in this effort. Not only is this process a violation of the Settlement it is also a violation of various NEPA regulations as well. The only way for the Proposal to preserve all claims and avoid concessions of claims is to start the planning effort with the 2003 TMP that was in place before the 2008 TMP was finalized.

6(b)(2) The Settlement Agreement specifically protects the ability to open or add new routes in the Settlement TMP.

With the intervening Congressional actions of the Dingell act in the planning area, the Organizations must question basic assumptions for multiple use recreation in the planning area.   These changes alter the management of more than 600,000 acres in a planning area of 1.1 million acres and we must ask how public access has been found to support demand after these Congressional Actions. The failure of the Proposal to meaningfully address the full scope of alternatives allowed in the Settlement Agreement for resolving management uncertainty and using a full range of options for management of the area directly conflicts with the Settlement Agreement previously reached in these matters.  The Settlement Agreement identifies the scope of BLM authority in planning as follows:

“However, subject to valid existing rights, nothing herein restricts BLM’s discretion to revise or amend the 2008 TMPs, to impose limitations or closures, as provided by 43 C.F.R. §§ 8341.2 and 8364.1, to open, close, modify, or add new routes, or otherwise consider or institute temporary management prescriptions in accordance with applicable law and regulations.”[14]

None of the Alternatives provide for the creation of a single mile of routes in the planning area. Rather than complying with the specific terms of the Settlement agreement and various NEPA regulations, the Proposal appears to embrace the same management failures on many issues despite claims around these decisions being specifically protected in the Settlement Agreement. Could trails be built in areas released from areas previously classified as WSA?  Yes.  Were some WSA areas have terrible management histories and have tried to be removed as ISA before WSA designations were even thought about? Yes. Are closures in these areas to routes that the BLM recognized existence and high levels of usage on for more than 50 years?  Yes.  Could recognition of the previous failures and confusion of the open/existing/designated routes issue have been resolved by merely carrying existing routes forward?  Yes.  For reasons that are never discussed these types of questions are resolved with the closure of all routes in these areas under alleged current management. This is simply unacceptable.

6(c) The Proposal fails to address planning deficiencies recognized in an existing Order from the 10th Circuit Court in underlying litigation.

The Proposal’s failure to resolve issues underlying the RMP and TMP creation is only made more egregious given the State of Utah appeal in underlying litigation that appears to be partially driving this planning effort. The State of Utah’s appeal to the 10th Circuit in 2018 raised concerns around the ability of BLM to resolve all various concerns under the terms and conditions in the Settlement Agreement. The State was concerned that the Settlement Agreement addressed several RMPs, spanned large portions of the state and addressed many different issues. Given the current situation in planning, this appeal appears to have raised valid concerns that simply could not be addressed by the Court.

While this Appeal was dismissed as not ripe for adjudication, it must be recognized that the 10th Circuit recognized the concerns around the State of Utah appeal and ruled that BLM has the authority to resolve the various issues involved matters within the scope of the Settlement Agreement. A copy of this decision is attached as Exhibit “2” to these comments.  Many of the underlying matters specifically raised concerns around issues such as NEPA sufficiency and analysis failures that are again coming to the front in this Proposal The failure of the BLM to resolve problems with problems in these efforts already recognized by the 10th Circuit should be concerning.  Rather than resolving these concerns in the Proposal, BLM has simply chosen to ignore them.

6(d). The Settlement Agreement specifically addresses intervening circumstances and how they should be resolved which has been addressed in the EA.

The ambiguity of the analysis on many issues is not required under the Settlement Agreement.  The ability to resolve the challenges resulting from the 2017 Settlement Agreement and the 2019 passage of the Dingell Act and its associated impacts on the requirements for planning area is addressed in the Settlement Agreement.  The Settlement Agreement specifically outlines how issues that would include unavoidable legal impediments or prohibitions must be addressed under the Agreement as follows:

“39. Deadline limitations. BLM is not obligated to meet any of the deadlines identified herein if it is prevented from doing so due to an event beyond the reasonable control of BLM that prevents BLM from fulfilling any obligation required by this Settlement Agreement despite the exercise of due diligence. Such events may include, but are not limited to……. as well as all unavoidable legal impediments or prohibitions….. In the case of such an event, BLM shall be relieved of those specific obligations directly precluded by the event, as well as those other obligations whose performance is precluded by the inability to perform, or delay in performing, the directly precluded obligations, and only for the duration of such event, as provided herein. Where BLM cannot comply with any deadlines identified herein due to such an event, it shall provide notice to the parties and, should the deadlines be one of those over which the district court has continuing jurisdiction, shall also notify the district court. Such notice shall include a new estimated date by which BLM will comply with the deadline and a description, to the extent then known by BLM, of the steps taken or proposed to be taken to prevent or minimize the event’s interference with BLM’s performance of any affected obligations under this Settlement Agreement. BLM will provide status reports to the parties at regular intervals not to exceed 90-days notifying the parties and the district court, if applicable, of BLM’s efforts to address and  resolve the event. If any party disputes BLM’s claim that it cannot comply with any of the deadlines identified herein due to an event, or the adequacy of BLM’s efforts to address and resolve such event, such party shall proceed in the manner specified in paragraph 40.”[15]

The Settlement Agreement also exclusively provides the ability to request this resolution to the BLM. The Organizations must ask why the BLM has not sought to revise and clarify the Settlement Agreement to address the Dingell Act requirements as these are clearly the type of challenges that would normally be classified as unavoidable legal prohibitions or impediments. Moving areas from open OHV designations with goals of development to Congressionally designated Wilderness would generally be sufficient to support triggering these provisions.   This type of alignment would also allow planners to comply with the mandates of NEPA.

Given the specific nature of both the Dingell Act and the Settlement, the Organizations would vigorously assert that how and why this decision was made must be included in a detailed statement of high-quality information on why a planning decision was made. This is a basic NEPA requirement and clearly would satisfy as an alternative for analysis. This resolution would avoid many of the timing issues that now are deeply problematic with the Proposal as there is a TMP occurring at the same time as an RMP development for the recreation area.  This clearly provides immense challenges and the possibly of decisions that directly contradict each other due to the separate planning efforts. Not only would this be the recommended course of action under the settlement, but the resulting clarity would also be hugely helpful in developing a plan for the area that was consistent, understandable to the public, allow the public to meaningfully engage with the process and be a decision that could be implemented rather than ties up in court for decades.

6(e) Amendments to the Settlement Agreement would resolve conflicts with added clarity.

The challenges to public engagement around this planning process and associated processes are profound as no reconciliation of the mandated changes from Congressional action and the existing 2008 Price FO RMP are provided.  This preliminary step is critical given the profound impact that these Congressional Actions had on the RMP as more than 410,000 acres have been designated as Wilderness, another 217,000 acres were designated as the Swell Recreation area.  Understanding the current baseline of management in these areas will be critical to minimization efforts and also to the development of the RMP for the Swell Recreation Area as the Swell Recreation Area is proposed to be limited to existing routes identified after planning.

Generally, the balancing of usages within a Field Office and related traits such as solitude and motorized usage areas are issues for the Resource Management Plan(“RMP”), not the travel planning process. Travel plans are used as a tool to apply existing RMP goals and objectives and are not the basis for significant landscape level changes that would conflict with the RMP.  BLM planning regulations specifically state this relationship as follows:

“The BLM must incorporate TTM into the development of all new and revised RMPs to address access needs with regard to resource management and resource use goals and objectives. Generally, an RMP only includes land use planning decisions for TTM; the development of implementation-level TTM decisions concurrently with the development of the RMP is not a viable planning approach (see section 3.6 for details on exceptions).”[16]

The Price Field Office RMP was finalized in 2008 and is highly relevant to the discussion as the RMP was outside the scope of the settlement agreement in the litigation.  This is unlike many of the other Field Offices where RMP from the 1980s are still relied on for management and at best questionably relevant simply due to the passage of time.  The Organizations vigorously assert that the motorized opportunities on the FO may appear out of balance with other resources such as 410k of new Wilderness and more than 210 acres of Swell Recreation Area that is largely closed to OHV access.

Decisions such as allowing motorized usages in WSA/WCA/ISA areas released for multiple uses are decisions for the resource management plan, not the travel plan process.  The RMP goes into reasonable detail regarding why decisions were made to allow motorized usage in WSA and WCA areas, and the Organizations submit this reasoning still remains valid at this time. Many areas have historically had higher levels of usage that has eroded over time.  These could be areas where access could be expanded to address the lost opportunities in other areas. We would ask for the opportunity to address these possible uses of these areas and that has not been provided.

7(a) The 2008 current management vs 2024 current management maps are profoundly different and these differences are critical to the planning process.

An accurate understanding of current management of this area is critical to addressing any TMP and providing detailed discussions of how minimization is achieved. This accurate baseline is only more critical given the Congressional designations that have occurred in this area since 2008.   The value of this baseline is further increased as the Settlement Agreement explicitly provides for the baseline for the development of the 2024 TMP has to be the 2008 baseline.  There is no 2008 TMP to be relied on given the foundational flaws in the TMP effort identified by the Courts and in the Settlement.

While establishing the baseline map for the area should be a point of conflict, the map provided as Alternative A of the Proposal does not align with the 2008 Baseline map. Even the 2008 baseline map is problematic as there are numerous open areas that have not been closed but are not reflected on this map.  The 2008 baseline map should largely reflect the 2003 TMP decision which is reflected as follows:

When the 2008 TMP baseline map is compared to the Proposed Settlement TMP baseline map the difference between these maps could not be more profound. The 2024 current management map provides as follows:

The factual impossibilities and challenges presented by the map are immediate and will significantly impact any expansion of opportunities and also calculations of the minimization that occurs.  Most of the Wilderness areas on this map did not exist in 2008 so we must ask why they would be on a map of current management in 2008.  After reviewing this map, the public could assert that no routes were closed in the designation of these Wilderness areas.  Again, the Settlement TMP baseline is simply factually and legally incorrect.

While we do not contest that the Dingell Act Wilderness areas closed routes subsequent to the 2008 TMP, accurate identification of the routes closed will be critical to understanding and satisfying user needs. Our proposed resolution of this situation presented from the subsequent Congressional designations would be a two-step process.  Step One.  Start with the 2008 baseline map and do not reflect any Wilderness areas as this is current management prior to the 2008 TMP. We would support the inclusion of these new Congressionally designated Wilderness areas under every Alternative as clearly we are not asking to ride in a Wilderness area. Step Two.  In conjunction with these boundaries being reflected in every Alternative, closed routes from these Congressional designations must also be reflected.  Recreational opportunities allowed under the 2008 RMP and those now available must also be reflected in another series of maps. The need to accurately understand the impacts of Congressional actions that protected access and also closed access will be critical in developing an RMP that can be legally defended. With failures in the Proposal such as this we are off to a weak start. 

The benefits of the above process will extend beyond recreational opportunities as the minimization criteria require all changes in management be addressed, not just those that are undertaken by the federal land managers.  Asserting that Congressional changes in land management must be excluded from the minimization analysis would be legally problematic at best. Not only does this improve recreational opportunities for all this also improves the BLM chances of success in defending this decision from the inevitable legal challenges that will be posed to any decision. This type of information is critical to the effective engagement of the public in supplemental comment periods that must be provided after accurate and complete information is provided.

7(b) The Organizations preserve our concerns around the 2008 RMP/TMP planning process as these concerns have directly impacted the baseline map. 

As noted in these comments previously, the Organizations have profound concerns around the sufficiency of landscape level management decisions made in the RMP/TMP process to date. [17] Previously commented on and basis of years of discussion prior to the current planning effort in areas such as OHV-7 existing/designated/ WSA issues like Link Flats. While we are discussing these areas in some detail in these comments, this input should not be assumed to be the entirety of our concerns in the area.  Our ability to meaningfully comment on our concerns is immensely impacted by the fact that the Proposal does not provide basic information on areas that planners have already admitted have failures in planning.  This would be critical in assisting us in the development of concerns for these areas or the range of alternatives for the management of these areas. Concerns over the current management situation not being reflected in Alternative A are compounded when the scope of mapping errors is addressed in the RMP and related documents.  One situation was outlined in the response to public comment as follows:

“Response: While the Chimney Rock/Summerville/Humbug Trail system was included in Alternative map 2-54 of the DEIS it was inadvertently left out of the preferred alternative map 2-56. The Proposed RMP/Final EIS has been changed to reflect this and now includes the Chimney Rock/Summerville/Humbug Trail system in all appropriate alternatives.”[18]

In order to meaningfully comment on this issue, basic information must be provided, such as the exact location of these trail networks and if Alternative A reflects resolution of these concerns.  We are concerned that Alternative A may not reflect this type of management resolution but rather simply assumes that these commitments were honored and are now resolved. We would oppose that assumption and assert that given the management history these commitments were never analyzed and are not reflected in Alternative A of the Proposal.

While the above response to comments in the RMP/TMP Rod outline specific trail networks this document A second mapping failure of a far more generalized nature is also quickly identified as follows in the FEIS:

Response: The ROS inventory was updated and corrected as a result of public comment and meetings with cooperators (Carbon and Emery Counties). There were errors in the mapping and these have been remedied. The text of the document has also been revised to remove the term, “High Use Zone,” and replace it with the more correct, “Recreation Management Zone.” SRMA goals are defined in the proposed RMP and in fact, activity plans exist for all SRMAs with the exception of the San Rafael[19]

While the FEIS asserts these problems would be resolved in the final RMP, we have to question if that was actually done.  We have concerns given the almost immediate legal challenges that resulted.  If these decisions were made, what was that process used to the correct maps in Alternative A of this effort. These are commitments made in the RMP/TMP process that must be addressed to provide any level of NEPA sufficiency.

7(c) How was the opportunity for future planning in the OHV-7 areas promised in the RMP lost?

The systemic failures of the NEPA analysis process are again highlighted with the treatment of the areas previously identified for future management efforts.  While the 2008 RMP specifically and directly provided for these opportunities, even under Alternative A of the Proposal, those opportunities have been lost. They are then also lost in every Alternative provided in the Proposal. This creates immediate conflict with the Proposal assertions that they are applying the 2008 RMP directly.  This is simply impossible. This management change for these areas also is created in violation of NEPA requirements, as NEPA requires that if planning opportunities such as this are removed planner must describe how these decisions were made.  These is simply no discussion of how this change in current management was determined to be necessary or how the underlying problems for these areas was addressed.

As noted previously conformance with the RMP is problematic for areas released from WSA but this is not the only failure of the Proposal to achieve consistency with management decisions. The complete inability of the Proposal to align with existing RMP requirements is again highlighted with the OHV-7 issue.  This issue addresses open areas that were incorrectly reflected in the 2008 RMP. While the RMP/TMP asserts a desire to move to an entirely designated route model but with assertions such as those made in the OHV-7 provisions we again must question how that was achieved in the planning area.  Again, the ability to comply with NEPA requirements has been made impossible as the Office admits that the NEPA planning for these areas has never occurred and the mapping that was provided to the public was not accurate and did not reflect the management decisions that were made. It is relevant to review the Proposal assertion that it complies with the RMP as follows:

The action alternatives described in this document are in conformance with applicable management direction, including the 2008 Price RMP and 2008 Richfield RMP, which provide overarching management decisions, goals, and guidance for this travel planning effort. RMP decisions and goals to which this project conforms are listed in Table 1-2.”[20]

The immediate conflict between the various assertions that Alternative A is made of conformity with the 2008 RMP and assertions that the failure of maps to reflect the entire management decision should result in trail loss.  A map is only a part of the management decision making process and does not reflect the whole NEPA process.  NEPA requirements extend FAR beyond merely making a map of areas. While that may be the absolute minimum required for a TMP, drawing a map in isolation is insufficient to satisfy NEPA.   While the Proposal claims to be in conformity with the 2008 RMP, the Proposal also asserts there are several areas that were not identified for future management decisions subsequent to the RMP, which is outlined in table 1-2 of the Proposal as follows:[21]

Any assertion of conformity with the RMP must start with resolving how this question was answered in the planning process for these areas. Where are these areas that were not displayed due to an oversight in management? why would we believe simply considering routes in these areas is sufficient to resolve the issue.  Are these areas that were managed under the existing routes standards? How was the decision made to move these areas from an existing route to closed standard? We simply do not know and accept the naked assertion of compliance with the RMP.  This type of assumptions and assertions in any NEPA document is simply a violation of any NEPA requirements.

The immediate contraction of the OHV -7 areas and other assertions could not be more complete, as again the Proposal fails to resolve the OHV-7 area issues as it merely asserts:

“The TMP does not alter the area designations made in the 2008 Price RMP. The entirety of the TMA acreage remains limited to designated routes.” [22]

While the BLM may have wanted to move the entire area to designated/existing routes for management, we must question how that could happen since the BLM openly admits that supporting documentation for these areas was never provided.  That by definition is insufficient to comply with NEPA. The problematic nature of this assertion is expanded in other provisions of the Proposal where the FEIS repeatedly asserted that open areas are possible in the FO as follows:

“During activity level planning or as resource conditions warrant, route designations may be changed. Open areas will be considered on a case-by-case basis under the Recreation and Public Purposes Act (R&PP) for previously disturbed areas near communities.  Several trail systems are being established for OHV use.”[23]

The application of the most restrictive interpretation of the 2008 RMP ambiguities such as these continues in Alternative A of the Proposal as there were routes and areas that were merely identified for future planning and management but permitted to continue under an existing route standard for TMP purposes. This is a completely valid step in the TMP process as we are aware that FO consistently apply the existing routes standard as a step towards designated routes.  Rather than address this ambiguity in the management process around Alternative A the Proposal simply assumes all these existing routes were closed as follows:

“Since 2008, incomplete implementation of the 2008 route designations and confusing RMP decisions (2008 Price RMP’s Map R-18 includes “other” routes which are undesignated3 (not specified as OHV-Open or OHV-Limited or OHV-Closed) and 2008 Price RMP’s OHV-7 defers route designations within approximately 5% of the TMA to future activity-level planning) have resulted in a challenging management situation involving user conflicts, resource impacts, user confusion, and public safety challenges. To address these issues, the BLM began inventorying routes in 2011.”[24]

Our opposition to this assumption could not be more complete as the process outlined for these areas specifically applies the BLM travel planning regulations for situations such as these. The erroneous nature of these assumptions in Alternative A is immediate and complete as the incremental management decision making for areas such as those identified above is the recommended course of management for areas in the BLM TMP regulations.  Those regulations specifically outline this process as follows:

B. Determine Concurrent or Deferred TTM Planning

The planning unit TTM action plan and planning schedule should indicate which areas, if any, of the LUP planning unit are to have implementation level TTM planning completed concurrently with the land use planning process and which areas, if any, are to be deferred until after the LUP process has been completed. Possible reasons for not completing the final network might be size or complexity of the area, controversy, incomplete data, or other constraints.

If sufficient travel and transportation information is available for a smaller area or sub-unit within the planning area, such as a TMA, consider completing the TTM planning as part of the RMP and deferring the remainder of the RMP planning area to an implementation level travel management plan(s).

The TTM planning can be prioritized to focus on areas that are most heavily used, or areas that have existing social conflicts, resource concerns, or a defined need for route definition or development for administrative, public access or other needs first. These areas may require consideration of new route development and/or existing route relocation in addition to route decommissioning.

In some cases, the need for TTM is in the development of a functional and sustainable transportation system that meets current and future needs. In other cases, TTM is necessary to restore areas with a proliferation of user-created routes. These areas may place greater reliance on evaluating existing routes and decommissioning undesirable routes in the TTM process. [25]

The BLM TMP regulations further mandate the management process regarding how the changes in management from open areas to existing routes to designated routes is developed, applied and the benefits and challenges of this management process as follows:

“Area designations limiting motorized use to existing roads, primitive roads and trails can only be made on an interim basis as a preliminary step leading to the selection of a designated network of roads, primitive roads and trails. This interim designation may only be used when the development of a designated road, primitive road and trail network for all, or a sub-unit, of the planning area is deferred until after the RMP is completed. The RMP must clearly identify the process leading from the interim area designation of “limited to existing roads, primitive roads and trails” to the development of a designated network of roads, primitive roads and trails. The RMP should state that the area designation will change from “limited to existing roads, primitive roads, and trails” to “limited to designated roads, primitive roads, and trails” upon the completion of a travel management plan. Even though ‘use on existing roads’ appears within the definition of ‘limited area’ in 43 CFR 8340.0-5(g), it has been determined that, due to the specific mention of ‘areas and trails’ in 43 CFR 8342.1(a)-(d), individual routes must be evaluated to determine whether they can be managed in accordance with the designation criteria; regardless of whether use is to be limited to ‘existing’ routes. This leaves little practical distinction in the evaluation process between ‘designated’ and ‘existing’ routes. A ‘designated’ route system provides more long-term management flexibility in terms of being able to add, delete or relocate routes in the transportation system.”[26]

The BLM travel management regulations continue to identify the proper application of the existing routes standard in the management system for chapters of the regulations.  These are entirely too large to address in these comments, and as a result the Organizations will simply refer to this issue as the existing trails designation management model. The failure to identify a single point in time for management only compounds this failure as the most restrictive interpretation of WSA’s currently is applied but the most restrictive interpretation of the 2008 RMP is also applied in the development of Alt A.

While the Organizations are aware that there have been numerous intervening actions since the 2008 RMP, this does not alter the fact that these routes under the existing routes standard are properly designated for future management.  The fact that the BLM never undertook this management does not alter the legal and valid management designation that was placed on these routes in the TMP.  The settlement agreement reached does not address the RMP, only the TMP.  Where are these routes in Alternative A and how was the decision made that all these routes were closed rather than designated for future management. Issues such as this are why a range of Alternatives is critically necessary for the NEPA process and is direct evidence of the complete failure of the Proposal to comply with NEPA.

7(d). Other management ambiguities such as routes in WSA are resolved with closures without analysis or recognizing previous NEPA failures.

The future management of WSA areas released by the Dingell Act is unfortunately not the only example of issues the Proposal simply avoids discussion of and seeks to apply the most restrictive alternative for management of these areas under the guise of current management. Rather than utilizing the opportunity to address deficiencies in the existing analysis provided by the Settlement Agreement, BLM has chosen to ignore these issues entirely.  Bad NEPA analysis cannot fix previous bad NEPA analysis of issues, it only compounds the problems created by previous NEPA insufficiency. The conflict of these positions is immediate as The most restrictive interpretation of the management situation as alternative A continues from page 1 of the EA which inaccurately summarizes the Alternative A position as follows:

“Throughout this EA those routes that were undesignated in the 2008 Price RMP will be included with the OHV- Closed routes in Alternative A.”[27]

This clearly directly conflicts with the information provided as Alternative A reflects not only routes closed in the 2008 RMP but also removes any routes closed in subsequent Congressional action from any analysis.  There were routes in the 410,000 acres of Wilderness that were lost and those are entirely removed from the Alternative A map. Clearly these are lost opportunities that should be addressed in the TMP but the public is not provided any information regarding how this decision was made, where these routes are located or how many miles of routes are currently managed under the existing route standard.

While the 2008 RMP/TMP have been permitted to be applied on the ground under the settlement agreement, the Settlement agreement also preserved all challenges to the RMP/TMP previously made. Issues such as this were challenged by the motorized community and BLM addressed these concerns in the Settlement Agreement by asserting that NEPA compliance would be provided.  NEPA has not been provided despite this recognition in the Settlement Agreement and creation of another TMP for the area.

8(a).  Planners must provide an accurate and consistent view of current management and simply have not.

The Proposal fails to meaningfully address the impacts of management changes when compared to the management baseline in a rather muddled and confusing partial summary of the current situation. Rather than choosing a single year to base management baselines on the Proposal often analysis chooses different points in time to address what is current management.  Different timeframes are used for different issues and often only partially reflected in the current management. This failure to identify a single point in time is immensely problematic as information is simply not consistently conveyed and this prohibits meaningful public engagement. The problems that result in any planning analysis from the failure to identify a single point for management are immense and are compounded by the fact that in certain portions of the Proposal, current management is attempted to be reflected but the concurrent development of an entirely new RMP for most of the planning are under the Dingell Act is never mentioned. At no point is there any attempt to outline the changes from the RMP that resulted from the designation of large Wilderness areas in portions of the planning area that were managed for multiple use expansion previously.

As previously noted, there are extensive provisions of the Settlement Agreement that could have been relied on for the development of a cleaner and neater starting point for public engagement on the planning area. However, the variable starting point of analysis used throughout the Proposal extends far beyond the scope of the Settlement and alignment with the Dingell Act.  As an example, several times the Proposal states there are no Wilderness Study Areas in the TMA as follows:

“There are no Wilderness Study Areas located within the TMA. The nearest Wilderness Study Areas to the TMA are as follows:”[28]

While this is technically correct currently, it was not accurate when the 2008 RMP/TMP was finalized.  If we are applying the RMP, there were five WSAs in the planning area, covering more than 200,000 acres which is reflected in the WSA Map provided with the plan as follows:

The 2008 RMP specifically provided motorized access to several of these WSA that were subsequently designated as Wilderness by Congress in 2019. This designation resulted in more than 410,000 acres of Wilderness in the planning area.  The failure to accurately address the baseline is clear when more than 200,00 acres of Wilderness was created outside existing WSA.  Many of these areas had OHV opportunities on them that were immediately lost. How was this impact addressed? Are areas outside the recreation area being developed to provide opportunities?

Even after the Dingell Act was passed, issues with WSA remained and are partially addressed in the Proposal. The Proposal cannot apply the 2008 RMP to WSA areas that were released by Congress for multiple use.  These types of decisions around uses in these areas should be Congress release these areas at some point in the future was specifically avoided in the RMP. Significant areas of planning area are in this category as reflected in the scoping maps for the RMP development for Swell Recreation Act.[29]

By operation of law, these areas can no longer be managed for their Wilderness characteristics as Congress specifically released these areas back for multiple uses. This is an issue that again appears to have been left to future management in the RMP, which identifies this as follows:

Should any WSA, in whole or in part, be released from wilderness consideration, such released lands will be managed in accordance with the goals, objectives, and management prescriptions established in this RMP, unless otherwise specified by Congress in its releasing legislation. The BLM will examine proposals in the released areas on a case-by-case basis but will defer all actions that are inconsistent with RMP goals, objectives, and prescriptions until it completes a land use plan amendment.”[30]

Per the Dingell Act areas previously managed under the §603 inventory for WSA standards are specifically released for non-wilderness uses as follows:

“SEC. 1234. RELEASE.
(a) FINDING.—Congress finds that, for the purposes of section 603(c) of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1782(c)), the approximately 17,420 acres of public land administered by the Bureau of Land Management in the County that has not been designated as wilderness by section 1231(a)has been adequately studied for wilderness designation.
(b) RELEASE.—The public land described in subsection (a)— (1) is no longer subject to section 603(c) of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1782(c));
(2) shall be managed in accordance with—
(A) applicable law; and
(B) any applicable land management plan adopted under section 202 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1712).”[31]

The release of these WSA areas is significant given the no buffer requirements of these released areas are specifically identified in the Dingell Act as follows:

(1) IN GENERAL.—Congress does not intend for the designation of the wilderness areas to create protective perimeters or buffer zones around the wilderness areas.
(2) NONWILDERNESS ACTIVITIES.—The fact that nonwilderness activities or uses can be seen or heard from areas within a wilderness area shall not preclude the conduct of those activities or uses outside the boundary of the wilderness area.”[32]

This provision of the Dingell Act does not appear to have been addressed in the Proposal, despite it being hugely relevant to the future management of the WSA areas that were released. While the Dingell Act is addressed, its application is highly arbitrary in the Proposal. Clearly resolving the future management of the released WSA areas would require an RMP amendment for areas outside the Recreation Area.  While the Proposal provides highly limited summary of the WSA release issue, the Proposal provides no analysis of other changes to what is asserted to be RMP management from the Dingell Act, such as a summary of how many acres of multiple use were lost in the Dingell Act.  How many of these WSA areas were never suitable for designation as Wilderness after the preliminary inventory of these areas in the 1970s and 1980s. We don’t know but clearly a range of Alternatives for these areas should be provided.  This has not been provided.

We are not aware of any scoping for such an RMP Amendment to have even begun for these areas outside the Recreation Area. While the RMP for the recreation area is under development, this effort is only in scoping and has not even provided a range of alternatives for possible discussion. This type of an issue highlights why an RMP must be developed prior to the TMP being attempted.  This issue simply is not discussed and clearly the most restrictive interpretation of these developments has been provided to the public under the guise of current management.

8(b) RMP specifically allowed motorized usage in WSA.

The Organizations concerns about the accuracy of Alternative A are again supported by the decision in the Objection resolution decision issued on the RMP/TMP. This clearly is stated in the decision as follows:

“Where routes would remain available for motorized use within WSAs, continue such use on a conditional basis. Use of the existing authorized routes in the WSA (“ways” when located within WSAs) could continue as long as the use of these routes does not impair wilderness suitability, as provided by the Interim Management Policy (IMP) (BLM 1995). If the Congress designates the area as wilderness, the routes may be closed, unless otherwise specified by Congress. In the interim, if use and/or non-compliance are found through monitoring efforts to impair the area‘s suitability for wilderness designation, the BLM would take further action to limit use of the routes or close them. The continued use of these routes, therefore, is based on user compliance and non-impairment of wilderness values.”[33]

Again, we must note that the RMP/TMP is problematic for many reasons. These reasons were specifically identified in repeated decisions ranging from the objection decision to decisions of the 10th Circuit. Despite the decades of recognition many of these problems remain unresolved.

8(c) How does the Proposal implement the goals and objectives of San Rafeal Swell SRMA in the RMP.

The Proposal further resolves other open management issues by simply not addressing them on larger recreation issues in the areas that will be critical to the development of the TMP.  Our request for analysis of how existing expansion areas provided for the RMP would be balanced or replaced after the Dingell Act designations.  The  2008 RMP identifies large tracts of lands that can no longer be managed to achieve their recreational goals and objectives.

Under the 2008 RMP the Swell SRMA was entirely overlapping the planning area, which is reflected in the following map of the SRMA.  The SRMA was then subdivided into smaller Recreation Management Zones with specific management goals and objectives.  Many of the specific goals and objectives were yet to be defined and implementation was to be addressed at some point in the future.  This SRMA and RMZ areas were outlined in the following map:

Under the 2008 RMP, the Swell SRMA designations outlined the following goals and objectives:

A San Rafael SRMA activity plan would be completed within 5 years. The San Rafael SRMA activity plan would include special rules for—

    • Fire—Limited fuel-wood gathering would be allowed in specified areas, and ground fires would be allowed.
    • Vehicle camping—In the high-use areas, vehicle camping would be allowed only in developed and designated sites. Vehicle camping outside the high-use areas would be allowed in developed, previously impacted, or resistant/resilient sites, except where critical resources exist. Backcountry camping would be allowed throughout the SRMA.[34]

Given this commitment to future planning that has not occurred, compliance with the RMP cannot be achieved with merely a TMP as these management efforts for site specific issues have not occurred.  The Organizations simply cannot comment on possible resolution of these issues as some of these challenges might be able to be resolved in a Wilderness areas, some might be able to be resolved in the Swell Recreation Area created by Congress and others may have to be satisfied with the remnants of the Price FO left outside the Swell Recreation area.

The RMP further identified high use zones in the San Rafael Swell SRMA which were provided to created further clarity around usage of these areas. 2008 RMP outlines goals for the recreation zone areas as follows:

Recreation management would focus on sustaining natural resources while meeting social and economic needs. Three high-use recreation areas in the San Rafael Swell SRMA (Map 2-25) would be established to facilitate the provision of recreation amenities. The following areas would be BLM operated and maintained high use areas:
Temple Mountain/Little Wild Horse/Behind the Reef
– Buckhorn/The Wedge/ Mexican Mountain
– Head of Sinbad/Swasey Cabin/Sid’s Mountain and the trail system [35]

These High Use/recreation areas were designated with the following boundaries in the RMP:


The RMP specifically identifies the goals and objectives of these RMZ areas as follows:

RMZs in the San Rafael Swell SRMA:

Recreation management will focus on sustaining natural resources while meeting social and economic needs. RMZs (Map R-15) will be established to facilitate the provision of recreation amenities. The following areas will be BLM-operated and -maintained RMZs:

– Temple Mountain, Little Wild Horse, Behind the Reef

– Buckhorn, The Wedge, Mexican Mountain

– Head of Sinbad, Swaseys Cabin, Sids Mountain, and the trail system.

At sites accessed by motor vehicles, visitors will be required to provide their own fuel-wood (Map R-15).

Gathering wood from standing trees, live or dead, will be prohibited.

At sites accessed by motor vehicles, campers without a BLM-provided fire grill will be required to use a fire pan to contain the fires, ash, and charcoal.

Vehicle camping will be allowed only in developed and designated sites.

Portable toilets will be required at designated campsites that do not have toilet facilities.

The BLM will retain overall management of RMZs to provide maximum development of recreation opportunities with minimal commercial concessionaire involvement. [36]

Again, the Proposal fails to address any of these issues in a substantive manner and avoids any challenges that might need future planning such “maximum recreational opportunities”. While some of these goals are not impacted by management changes, such as mandating portable toilets many of these, such as vehicle camping would be profoundly impacted by these management changes.  Vehicle camping is not even addressed in the Proposal.  Could campers park within 100ft of the road to vehicle camp?  We simply don’t know as this is not addressed.   While the RMP highlights the need for economic sustainability with the development of these areas, the Proposal simply brushes this concern off as follows:

“The analysis area is Carbon and Emery counties because those are the counties most affected by recreation in the TMA. The temporal scope of analysis is 20 years (see Section 3.1.1). Any impacts to the socioeconomics of the planning area (Carbon and Emery counties) would come from changes in recreation visitation to the TMA and resultant changes in expenditures by visitors to the TMA. As discussed in the recreation analysis in Section 3.3.4, PFO expects little if any change in recreation visitation from the various alternatives. Nonetheless, it is useful to describe the current contribution of visitation to the TMA to the economy of the planning area. Additionally, we can compare that impact to the overall impact of both recreation spending on BLM lands in the PFO and the overall impact of recreation and tourism to these two counties.[37]

The Organizations would assert that the Proposal entirely avoids application of the RMP requirements. Conflict with RMP and Proposal are foundationally evidenced when the RMP requirements and the Proposal analysis are compared on the SRMA and RMZ requirements. RMP speaks to meeting social and economic needs or what would now be identified as sustainability. This would entail sustainability over some period of time. Given the planning document, we would assume this sustainability would be the life of the plan. While economic sustainability of the region is highlighted as a goal of the SRMA and RMZ this concern is simply avoided.  The Proposal provides information on the anticipated economic analysis identified above and then follows with a summary of basic data provided in the IMPLAN process. Data is not analysis.

The Organizations would object to this rather dismissive analysis of economics around possible impacts to recreation from the standards in the Proposal, as there are clear challenges that the Proposals faces on this issue.  Existing BLM documentation and analysis clearly identifies that some states already have significant economic benefits from solar energy development as follows:

2021 Total Economic Output

This analysis clearly identifies that Utah is heavily reliant on recreational opportunities on BLM for huge amounts of recreational revenues [38] Simply recognizing this situation would have been highly valuable for the public and resolving maximizing recreational development to support local economies.  Failing to recognize this existing data in the Proposal is disappointing at best. Clearly this level of analysis is insufficient to comply with the specific mandate of EO 14008 or EO 14057, which the Proposal simply never mentions. This level of dismissive economic analysis falls well short of the requirements of economic analysis for NEPA compliance. This simply must be remedied.

The Organizations are concerned that the current modeling of recreation and planning requirements will result in disproportional impacts to multiple use recreation when compared to other uses.  These impacts will be more severe on developed or multiple use recreational areas, simply since the usage of these areas has been clearly identified by the Department of Commerce as the largest economic drivers of economic contributions.  Areas that are available for multiple use recreation are used much more frequently by users who spend significantly more money than those that choose to pursue recreational opportunities in areas with higher levels of protection.

The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis provided the following representation of the comparative spending of several sectors within the recreational economy.  The BEA analysis of 2022-2023 for outdoor recreational uses provides the following breakdown of the highest value contributors for recreation as follows:[39]

2021-2022 Outdoor Recreation Activities Value Added

The Organizations submit that every one of these activities would be able to be pursued in most of the areas identified as suitable for large scale solar development and would also be prohibited under most of the designations that also prohibit solar development. The immense conflict that immediately results from this situation warrants meaningful analysis of the comparative alternatives and exploration of tools or standards that could mitigate these possible impacts.  This is not only legally necessary but would bring recreational protections into alignment with the many protections of other uses that are already provided in the Proposal.

Again, the Proposal fails to address basic questions such as how was this assumption made?  What timeframe was identified to determine the assumption was correct? This is basic information and analysis required for any NEPA effort.  These requirements are only compounded in areas that are targeted for maximum development to create economic sustainability. Again, we must question how these goals and objectives for all recreational usage will be addressed as these goals largely conflict with the requirements of the Dingell Act designation of much of these areas as Wilderness or Swell Recreation Area with a capped road and trail network.  A developed campground without roads to the campsites will be of little value if there are no roads to access the campsites.  The difference economically between a tent campsite and a pull through style campsite that can accommodate a multi-million dollar RV could not be more stark and complete.

9(a). Why would a map with new lands with wilderness characteristics be included in a TMP?

While many of the foundational problems with the RMP/TMP remain unresolved despite assertions of the BLM in the Settlement and to various Courts, the Proposal appears to address issues entirely outside the scope of the Settlement as well.  The Proposal exemplifies this as it includes a map of LWC that fails to represent any portion of the existing RMP or any version of the Settlement Agreement. What is even more troubling is this inventory addresses areas outside the areas designated by the Dingell Act and includes large portions of the areas identified as now having Wilderness Character despite the fact that these were not managed for wilderness character in the existing RMP.  Large portions of the areas identified as having Wilderness character were specifically identified as not have wilderness character in the 2008 RMP.  The Organizations must ask what this map is attempting to reflect and why is it here as most of these new wilderness character areas are outside the Swell Recreation area as well.   This map is reflected as follows:

The RMP, which to our understanding is not being amended with the Proposal, provided the following map of areas that were managed for Wilderness Character.  This map also shows large areas not managed for wilderness character and areas that entirely lacked Wilderness character in the site-specific analysis that was provided in the 2008 RMP.  The 2008 RMP inventory and decision map is identified as follows:

The immensely problematic nature of the map begins with asking why would such a map be thought necessary when so much of the underlying analysis is insufficient on its face? When compared to existing designations and changes from the Dingell Act, almost all the areas identified as Natural Areas on this new map were designated by Congress as Wilderness Areas, such as Middle Horse Mesa, Wild Horse Mesa, Reds Canyon and Little Ocean Draw Wilderness areas.  This step alone makes a separate designation of Wilderness Character Protection Area entirely irrelevant to any management decision. This type of concept is never mentioned in the RMP and would immediately create problems with the no buffer standard and other releases provided in the Dingell Act. This is simply another example of the faulty management analysis that has previously been exemplified by the Link Flats ISA/WSA area that was released as it was included in FLPMA §603 for nonwilderness multiple use in the Dingell Act.

9(b). Assumptions that WSA were closed to motorized compounds BLM failures in management spanning more than 75 years.

The Proposal immediate assumption that all WSA were closed to motorized usage at some point in the past is simply not accurate as the RMP specifically allowed motorized usages in limited amounts. This is a problem in isolation.  The impacts of the Proposal assumption that WSA have been closed to motorized can also compound existing failures of BLM management and inventory of these areas previously.  The long history of BLM errors and failures in the management of these areas can be immensely problematic as evidenced by the history of the Link Flat WSA/ISA outlined in the supplemental WSA inventory provided by the BLM:

“In sum, the status of Link Flats as a bona fide Natural Area is questionable. First, the Flats were never properly studied nor designated as a Natural Area; second, the original rationale for designation appears flawed; third, the legal description as published in the Federal Register appears to be in error; and fourth, there is a discrepancy between the actual area of Link  Flats and the area described.” [40]

The completely failed history of the Link Flat area for possible further management is discussed in great detail in the history of designation of the area, which provides as follows:

“Previous Designation: Link Flats was identified as a potential Research Natural Area in 1964 to protect a reported ungrazed association of plants. Although discussed for several years as a potential Natural area, it apparently was never formally designated. However, Link Flats did appear on an official listing of Natural Areas. On October 29, 1968 it was segregated from  entry or location under the general mining laws, and surface use and occupancy under the mineral leasing laws by official notice in the Federal Register (which referenced it as “Link Flats Natural Area”). The next year the District Manager informed the State Director that the area did in fact have a history of grazing use and recommended the Natural Area listing be discontinued because Link Flats did not qualify. This recommendation was never implemented.

It is not clear what the exact extent of the Natural Area was intended to be. The total acreage mentioned for the Natural Area in 1964 was 960 acres of vacant public lands and 350 acres of State lands. Sections 28 through 32, T23S, R9E, SLM, but the exact area was unspecified. The only legal description published for the Natural Area was in the 1968 segregation notice in the Federal Register:
T23S, R9E,
Sec. 29, Sl/2 NE1/4, SEl/4, El/2 SWl/4;
Sec. 30, SEl/4 NWl/4, El/2 SWl/4;
Sec. 31, Wl/2 NWl/4, Sl/2 NEl/4, Sl/2;
792 acres
There appears to be some error in this legal description. The acreage noted totals 912 acres, not 792 acres as stated. The Wl/2 NWl/4, Section 31 is not part of the Flats, but rather contains a steep bluff; the El/2 of the NWl/4 is totally on the Flats but is not included in the legal description. When comparing the legal description with the physiographic boundaries of the Flats, about 180 acres of the described area is not on the Flats and about 220 acres of the Flats on BLM lands is not included in the legal description. There is no mention of any area in Section 28 as there was in the 1964 notation of the area.” [41]

These failures could directly impact motorized access to the Link Flat area as significant motorized usage on a small parcel that is separated from other areas designated as specifically noted in the 1991 inventory  as follows:

“Naturalness: The ISA contains approximately 4 miles or roads (one of which bisects the ISA), 1 mile of travelled way, 2 miles of visible wheel tracks (probably associated with claim assessment work), and a stock reservoir. The ISA has lost its natural character.”[42]

It should be noted that the Link Flat WSA/ISA was recommended not to be designated Wilderness in the 1991 WSA inventory. We would submit that this recommendation was a factually and legally sounds recommendation in 1991. Congress actually followed through with this recommendation in the Dingell Act and released this area back to multiple uses.  The Organizations would submit that rather than continuing the failed and erroneous management of this area outlined in the BLM inventory, the Proposal should actually correct the error in the BLM records that has spanned almost 75 years that has been provided with the Congressional release. Alternative A must recognize the routes in this area as currently open and then recognize the erroneous decision making was also corrected by Congress when they released the area from possible future designations and allow these routes to remain open.

9(c).  Link Flats is an area that was managed pursuant to §603 inventory and was released under Dingell Act

The Organizations address the Link Flats ISA/WSA area in detail as this is an example of how the failure to accurately address management designations more than 20 years ago has snowballed over time.  This effort has caused trails to be closed and these were concerns raised in the original legal challenge by many parties. Given the confusion of so many planning efforts, the Organizations must question where the correct planning effort is to address issues such as these.

Contrary to most assertions in the Proposal changes to Link Flats managed were NEVER required by Congress.  FLPMA 603(c) specifically provides for the protection of existing uses of these areas.  Management of these areas is specifically identified as follows:

“(c) During the period of review of such areas and until Congress has determined otherwise, the Secretary shall continue to manage such lands according to his authority under this Act and other applicable law in a manner so as not to impair the suitability of such areas for preservation as wilderness, subject, however, to the continuation of existing mining and grazing uses and mineral leasing in the manner and degree in which the same was being conducted on October 21, 1976: Provided, That, in managing the public lands the Secretary shall by regulation or otherwise take any action required to prevent unnecessary or undue degradation of the lands and their resources or to afford environmental protection. Unless previously withdrawn from appropriation under the mining laws, such lands shall continue to be subject to such appropriation during the period of review unless withdrawn by the Secretary under the procedures of section 204 of this Act for reasons other than preservation of their wilderness character. Once an area has been designated for preservation as wilderness, the provisions of the Wilderness Act [16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.] which apply to national forest wilderness areas shall apply with respect to the administration and use of such designated area, including mineral surveys required by section 4(d) (2) of the Wilderness Act, [16 U.S.C. 1133(d)(2)] and mineral development, access, exchange of lands, and ingress and egress for mining claimants and occupants.[43]

Link Flats ISA was included in the §603 inventory finally approved by BLM in 1991. A copy of that site specific analysis from the 1991 report is attached as Exhibit “4”to these comments.  One passing reference to Link Flats in 2008 RMP/TMP no analysis is provided as to why management would have changed in the TMP/RMP. Given this failure of the management process, we must ask how the public was expected to engage in this process.  The Dingell Act specifically released all areas identified in §603 not designated as Wilderness for non-wilderness multiple use. We would like to understand how trails were lost in this area given the decades of what BLM has specifically identified as questionable management decisions for the area spanning 75 years.  We must also ask how it was thought to be proper as establishing a credible legal baseline for existing routes at the time these areas were designated must occur prior to addressing how they should be managed in the future.

10. Minimal impacts of recreation when compared to statutory changes since RMP.

The Organizations are very concerned that even the limited information provided around the Proposal entirely lacks context but reflects a generally successful management situation.  The site-specific route inventory only notes 66 points of concern over a four-year period on more than 875 miles of routes.  This is a minimal management concern and simply does not justify any closures to existing routes.   For many of these reports we must question the nature of the damage report as the use appears highly isolated for many areas, such as a single set of tracks accessing an area. We doubt this has consistently occurred over 4 years.

Often the limited route inventory provides limited and overly conclusory determinations around what is a legal usage and what is damage.  Almost every location reference wilderness character as an issue impacted but fails to address why only sites in Wilderness managed areas were inventoried. Critical information about these areas is not provided such as if these WCA areas or WSA areas. Again, issues such as interim Wilderness Study Area management are not addressed, despite these requirements being highly relevant to any analysis as these guidelines do not prohibit any impact, they prohibit impacts that go beyond usage at the time the area was inventoried and impair the areas possible designation as Wilderness by Congress.  There are many facets to this decision that should be addressed if these site-specific reports are sought to be the basis of management decisions.

These reports further include management issues that are entirely outside the scope of the travel management process.  As an example, the Proposal inventory identifies damage is often asserted from ranchers maintaining fences (we have to assume under a permit and outside travel management).    By definition this activity is managed under the terms of a specific permit not the travel management process.  We are aware some permits require the use of horses or foot for maintenance.  We are unable to address an issue such as this as permitted activities are outside the scope of this effort. Given this situation, we must ask why route closures for public recreational usage would be relied on to address this issue. If there are problems with a permitees the permit must be the first place for management. Closing recreational access will not fix this as permitees are aware they are not bound by travel management decisions. Closures of public access will create immense amounts off conflict between the managers and the public.

Many of these site-specific reports also mention the public accessing dispersed camp sites. While these conclusions are made, there is no mention if this damage is in violation of the RMP, which provides almost no guidance on camping regulations for areas outside SRMA designated areas. Even within the SRMA areas we must question if these standards would be in conflict with the unresolved planning requirements for these areas.  We find it difficult to justify an assertion of a fire ring being damage in an area where fire rings were permitted or targeted for development.  This type of assertion only becomes more problematic in areas previously identified for maximum development for economic sustainability.  These goals and objectives, regardless of their level of implementation, would be highly relevant to this effort.

Managers accept no responsibility for their failure to provide basic information.  Several references in the inventory identify damage based on the public overshooting corners or missing turns. This is immediately identified to be damage without excluding possible legal reasons to continue on the route or asking if the route was properly marked.  These types of conflicts are exacerbated by the failure to address routes managed as existing routes designations in the RMP.  Are these routes that were managed as an existing route with the expectation of future management efforts and never closed?  This type of information would be highly relevant to discussions such as this.

11. User Conflict is created between the public and managers in their attempt to resolve possible conflict between uses.

The second reason we are compelled to address conflict is our experiences with travel management on a national level as it has been our experience that often areas can be successfully managed for decades with minimal to non-existent user conflicts.  When there is the mention of travel planning being updated immediately there are certain interests that start claiming conflicts are escalating and the only management tool that can reduce conflict is through closure.  Often these user conflicts are asserted to be occurring at large levels between that user group and others despite the group using a planning area at only very limited scales or limited times of the year.  The Organizations are always hesitant to even address user conflicts with management decisions and processes in this situation.

The Organizations believe that analysis of how best available science supports the management decisions and direction any proposal constitutes a critical part of the planning process, especially when addressing perceived user conflicts.  This analysis will allow the public to understand the basis of alleged user conflicts and why travel management has been chosen to remedy the concern.   Relevant social science has clearly found this analysis to be a critical tool in determining the proper methodology for managing and truly resolving user conflicts.

When socially based user conflict is properly addressed in the Proposal, the need for travel management closures will be significantly reduced. Researchers have specifically identified that properly determining the basis for or type of user conflict is critical to determining the proper method for managing this conflict.  Scientific analysis defines the division of conflicts as follows:

“For interpersonal conflict to occur, the physical presence or behavior of an individual or a group of recreationists must interfere with the goals of another individual or group….Social values conflict, on the other hand, can occur between groups who do not share the same norms (Ruddell&Gramann, 1994) and/or values (Saremba& Gill, 1991), independent of the physical presence or actual contact between the groups……When the conflict stems from interpersonal conflict, zoning incompatible users into different locations of the resource is an effective strategy.  When the source of conflict is differences in values, however, zoning is not likely to be very effective. In the Mt. Evans study (Vaske et al., 1995), for example, physically separating hunters from nonhunters did not resolve the conflict in social values expressed by the nonhunting group. Just knowing that people hunt in the area resulted in the perception of conflict. For these types of situations, efforts designed to educate and inform the different visiting publics about the reasons underlying management actions may be more effective in reducing conflict.” [44]

Other researchers have distinguished types of user conflicts based on a goals interference distinction, described as follows:

“The travel management planning process did not directly assess the prevalence of on-site conflict between non-motorized groups accessing and using the yurts and adjacent motorized users…. The common definition of recreation conflict for an individual assumes that people recreate in order to achieve certain goals, and defines conflict as “goal interference attributed to another’s behavior” (Jacob & Schreyer, 1980, p. 369). Therefore, conflict as goal interference is not an objective state, but is an individual’s appraisal of past and future social contacts that influences either direct or indirect conflict. It is important to note that the absence of recreational goal attainment alone is insufficient to denote the presence of conflict. The perceived source of this goal interference must be identified as other individuals.”[45]

It is significant to note that Mr. Norling’s study, cited above, was specifically created to determine why winter travel management closures had not resolved user conflicts for winter users of a group of yurts on the Wasatch-Cache National Forest. As noted in Mr. Norling’s study, the travel management decisions addressing in the areas surrounding the yurts failed to distinguish why the conflict was occurring and this failure prevented the land managers from effectively resolving the conflict.

The Organizations believe that understanding why the travel management plan was unable to resolve socially based user conflicts on the Wasatch-Cache National Forest is critical in the Price FO planning area.  Properly understanding the issue to be resolved will ensure that the same errors that occurred on the Wasatch-Cache are not implemented again on the Paunsaugunt planning area to address problems they simply cannot resolve.  The Organizations believe that the Price FO must learn from this failure and move forward with effective management rather than fall victim to the same mistakes again.

12. Executive Orders requiring an expansion of recreational opportunities issued by President Biden must be accurately addressed in the Proposal.

Our concerns around the numerous actions by Congress have directly targeted landscape level planning requirements that are not accurately summarized or entirely overlooked in the Proposal, are addressed previously. These concerns extend to various Executive Orders, several of which have been issued and refined by numerous administrations. While some Executive Orders may have been in place for more than 50 years, and as a result might be more easily excused for not being analyzed, many Executive Orders issued by President Biden are mentioned but in a woefully inaccurate manner. The recent issuance of Executive Order # 14008 by President Biden on January 27, 2021 would be an example of a decision that is partially and woefully inaccurately summarized in the Proposal.  According to the Proposal EO14008 requires the following:

“Executive Order 14008: Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad calls for quick action to build resilience against the impacts of climate change, bolster adaptation, and increase resilience across all operations, programs, assets, and mission responsibilities with a focus on the most pressing climate vulnerabilities. Section 211 of Executive Order 14008, calls on Federal agencies to develop a Climate Action Plan.”[46]

The Organizations do not contest that a climate action plan is a portion of this EO, but the EO spans more than 27 pages and addresses a wide range of other topics that must also be addressed as part of this effort. These other factors simply are ignored in the Proposal, as exemplified by the fact that EO14008 specifically addresses the requirement of expanding recreational access and economic benefits FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES in the EO. §214 of EO 14008 clearly mandates improved recreational access to public lands through management as follows:

“It is the policy of my Administration to put a new generation of Americans to work conserving our public lands and waters. The Federal Government must protect America’s natural treasures, increase reforestation, improve access to recreation, and increase resilience to wildfires and storms, while creating well-paying union jobs for more Americans, including more opportunities for women and people of color in occupations where they are underrepresented.”

The clear and concise mandate of the EO to improve recreational access to public lands is again repeated in §215 of the EO as follows:

“The initiative shall aim to conserve and restore public lands and waters, bolster community resilience, increase reforestation, increase carbon sequestration in the agricultural sector, protect biodiversity, improve access to recreation, and address the changing climate.”

§217 of EO 14008 also clearly requires improvement of economic contributions from recreation on public lands as follows:

“Plugging leaks in oil and gas wells and reclaiming abandoned mine land can create well-paying union jobs in coal, oil, and gas communities while restoring natural assets, revitalizing recreation economies, and curbing methane emissions.”

There is significant concern raised around the 30 by 30 concept and climate plans that are memorialized in EO 14008 in the Proposal. While the EO does not define what “protected” means, the EO also provided clear and extensive guidance on other values to be balanced with. From our perspective the fact that large tracts of land are Congressionally designated or managed pursuant to Executive Order far exceeds any goals for the EO. While there is overlap between these categories that precludes simply adding these classifications together, this also does not alter the fact the planning area has achieved these goals of 30% of acreages being protected.

Unfortunately, this is not the only time that new Executive Orders issued by President Biden are not accurately summarized in the Proposal. EO 14072 is also referenced numerous times in the Proposal and again the Proposal fails to reflect the scope and intent of this Order, and again this EO specifically recognizes and protects recreational usages as follows:

“Section 1. Policy. Strengthening America’s forests, which are home to cherished expanses of mature and old-growth forests on Federal lands, is critical to the health, prosperity, and resilience of our communities….We go to these special places to hike, camp, hunt, fish, and engage in recreation that revitalizes our souls and connects us to history and nature. Many local economies thrive because of these outdoor and forest management activities, including in the sustainable forest product sector.”[47]

EO 14072 specifically addresses recreational issues and opportunities as a factor to be addressed in the planning process as follows:

“Sec. 2. Restoring and Conserving the Nation’s Forests, Including Mature and Old-Growth Forests. My Administration will manage forests on Federal lands, which include many mature and old-growth forests, to promote their continued health and resilience; retain and enhance carbon storage; conserve biodiversity; mitigate the risk of wildfires; enhance climate resilience; enable subsistence and cultural uses; provide outdoor recreational opportunities; and promote sustainable local economic development….”[48]

EO 14072 continues to recognize the need to protect recreational access and related economic benefits as follows:

“(d) The Secretaries, in coordination with the heads of other agencies as appropriate, shall within 1 year of the date of this order: (iii) develop, in coordination with the Secretary of Commerce, with State, local, Tribal, and territorial governments, and with the private sector, nonprofit organizations, labor unions, and the scientific community, recommendations for community-led local and regional economic development opportunities to create and sustain jobs in the sustainable forest product sector, including innovative materials, and in outdoor recreation, while supporting healthy, sustainably managed forests in timber communities.”[49]

After a review of the Proposal, The Organizations are not able to identify any portion of the Proposal that might comply with the requirements of EO 14072 or EO 14008. The public should not be required to review every document referenced in a Proposal of this scale to ensure that the provisions of the regulations or Executive Orders are at least accurately summarized. This is disappointing to say the least.

13. Buckhorn/Wedge designations of ebike only trails.

The specialized Turbo, the first commercially viable ebike in north America was not introduced until 2012. Sales remained slow for almost another decade in North America.  This is problematic as the Proposal asserts this area was restricted to Ebike only usage prior to 2008. While we don’t oppose creation of any trail we are vigorously opposed to the closure or restriction of access to any trail for the benefit of any user group without public engagement.  Any assertion is decision is moving the 2008 Price RMP forward in alternative A is deeply problematic as the RMP entirely fails to mention ebikes.

14. Conclusion.

Unfortunately, managers are not providing a single cohesive planning effort for the entirety of the Swell area that might be legally sufficient, such as those created by an EIS.  The motorized community vigorously objects to Alternative B of the Proposal as this entirely fails to provide any meaningful multiple use opportunities for recreation. While Alternative D of the Proposal is might be closest to something we can support as it asserts to close only 52 miles (2%) of routes, this Alternative fails to address that existing RMP/TMP decisions that were challenged already closed more than 730 miles (25%+/-) in the planning area. While a 2% closure may appear appealing, it is 27% closure rates from historical usage. Our concerns with the management baseline expand further as the management baseline fails to address the Congressionally mandated changes in the planning area, that heavily impacted public access to many areas. These were large changes; they warrant meaningful analysis in the Alternatives which simply has not been provided.

The Proposal further fails to resolve many of the underlying failures in planning and analysis that resulted in the Original Settlement Agreement. These failures are exemplified by the extensive number of critically specific standards and decisions that are attempted to be resolved in this Proposal without the scrutiny of the NEPA process despite the settlement agreement in this matter specifically requiring this type of analysis.

The Organizations would welcome discussion with managers on how to provide sustainable high quality recreational opportunities in the planning areas.  We would also welcome a discussion regarding a strategy to develop meaningful plans for the area and resolve the issues underlying the numerous problems presented in these comments. The idea of further litigation in this matter, which will probably be successful simply does not appeal to us. At some point we would welcome resolution of planning issues in the area so we can move into implementation of recreational opportunities in conformity with the Proposal.   If you have questions, please feel free to contact Scott Jones, Esq. (518-281-5810 /, Chad Hixon (719-221-8329 /, or Clif Koontz (435-259-8334 /


Respectfully Submitted,

Scott Jones, Esq.
CSA Executive Director
COHVCO Authorized Representative

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty

Clif Koontz
Executive Director
Ride with Respect



Exhibit 1 10th circuit decision

Exhibit 2 suwa ex 1 settlement agreement 101718

Exhibit 3 2022-01-07 Price RMP comm from CCOHVA-SRMC-RwR

Exhibit 4 1991 Link Flats WSA report


[1] A copy of any of the documents on this effort are available upon request.

[2] A copy of this decision is attached as Exhibit 1 of these comments.

[3] See, 42 USC 4332(2)

[4] 40 CFR 1502.9

[5] See, 40 CFR 1508.25a1

[6] See, BLM Travel Management regulations at 8342-1 (I)(A)

[7] See, Kleppe v. Sierra Club, 427 U.S. 390, 96 S. Ct. 2718 (1976)

[8] See, Alpine Lakes Protection v. Schlapfer, 518 F.2d 1089 (9th Cir. 1975)

[9] See, Thomas v Pederson 753 f2d 758; 758

[10] For your convenience a copy of this settlement agreement is attached as Exhibit “2” to these comments.

[11] See, Interinsurance Exchange Auto Club of Southern California v. Ohio Casualty Insurance; 23 Cal Rprt 592, 594, 373 P.2d 640, 642 (1962)

[12] See, 2017 Settlement Agreement at pg. 2.

[13] See, 2017 Settlement Agreement §a(3) pg. 4.

[14] See, 2017 Settlement Agreement at pg. 7.

[15] See, 2017 Settlement Agreement pg. 37 para 39

[16] See DOI; Bureau of Land Management; BLM Manual 1626: TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT; 9-27-2016 at pg. 3-1

[17] A copy of these comments are attached to these comments as Exhibit “3”.

[18] See, 2008 Price FO RMP FEIS at pg. 5- 168

[19] See, 2008 Price FO RMP FEIS at pg. 5-168

[20] See, Proposal at pg. 5

[21] See, Proposal at pg. 5.

[22] See, Proposal at pg. 5

[23] See, 2008 Price FO RMP FEIS at pg. 5-168

[24] See, Proposal at pg. 1.

[25] See, BLM TMP handbook pg. 10

[26] See, BLM TMP handbook at pg. 13.

[27] See, Proposal at pg.  1.

[28] See, Proposal at pg. 17.

[29] A copy of this map is available here: San Rafael Swell Recreation Area Released WSA Lands Scoping Map (

[30] See, RMP at pg. 129

[31] See, Public Law 116-9 §1234

[32] See, Public Law 116-9 §1232

[33] See, RMP Director Objection resolution to 2008 RMP/TMP pg. 85 See also pg. 87,88

[34] See, 2008 RMP at pg. 2-76

[35] See, 2008 RMP at pg. 2-77-78

[36] See, PFO ROD at pg. 110.

[37] See, Proposal at pg. 126.

[38] See, The BLM: A Sound Investment for America 2022

[39] See, Dept of Commerce; Bureau of Economic Analysis; Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account, U.S. and States, 2022; New Statistics for 2022; Updates for 2017–2021; No 17, 2023 at pg. 5. A full copy of this report is available here: Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account, U.S. and States, 2022 | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

[40] See, BLM 1991 WSA Inventory at pg. 1027-28. A full copy of this inventory report is attached as Exhibit “4” to these comments for your convenience.

[41] See, BLM 1991 WSA Inventory at pg. 1027

[42] See, BLM 1991 Inventory at pg. 1026

[43] See, 43 USC 1782(c)

[44] See, Carothers, P., Vaske, J. J., & Donnelly, M. P. (2001). Social values versus interpersonal conflict among hikers and mountain biker; Journal of Leisure Sciences, 23(1) at pg. 58.  

[45] See, Norling et al; Conflict attributed to snowmobiles in a sample of backcountry, non-motorized yurt users in the Wasatch –Cache National Forest; Utah State University; 2009 at pg. 3.

[46] See, Proposal at pg.  19587

[47] See, EO 14072 at §1

[48] See, EO 14072 at §2

[49] See, Exec Order 14072;  Vol. 87, No. 81 Federal Register 24852 (2022)

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Proposed Dolores River National Monument Comments

Senator Michael Bennet
261 Russell Senate Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Senator John Hickenlooper
374 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert
1713 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Regional Forester Troy Heithecker
U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region
1617 Cole Blvd.-Building 17
Lakewood, CO 80401

U.S. BLM State Director Doug Vilsack
PO Box 151029
Lakewood, CO 80215

Governor Jared Polis
200 E. Colfax
Denver, CO 80203-1716

Re: Possible Colorado River Canyon Monument designation

Dear Sirs:

Please accept this correspondence as the Organizations vigorous opposition and deep concerns to the Proposed Dolores River National Monument.   Our Organizations have been very engaged with the Proposal area for decades and have been monitoring this discussion in the hope of obtaining some type of clarity of what is and what is not being discussed.  Given the confusion and conflicting messaging that is being displayed, we believe the time has come for us to state why we are opposing the Monument. Too often splashy headlines have been chosen over substantive meaningful discussions of ideas, developing understanding and possibly working towards a collaborative vision.  Discussions have failed to provide consistency on what is being discussed and the inability to start from a single coordinated point for any discussion is deeply concerning. Too frequently certain groups are speaking for other user groups that they do not represent, and basic questions, like what is wrong with current management of the area, are not addressed.

Our opposition to the Proposal starts with a question: “What has changed in the management of these areas since the close of the last collaborative efforts around management of these areas?” Our position is that nothing has changed.  Some groups assert they did not get the outcome they desired out of recently completed planning efforts and clearly this small number of groups have sought to drive this effort because they did not get what they wanted.  This is a major concern as the motorized community lost opportunities in the GJFO RMP revision and appears to be the only group that would immediately lose access in this Proposal as well. Rather than identifying areas where access could improve, these discussions seem to start with a position that all closures for multiple use remain in place, and access will be lost in many more areas as well. This simply is not collaboration in any form and for obvious reasons this is unacceptable for us.

Existing planning was completed less than a decade ago.

The Organizations have a long history of collaborations and discussions in this general planning area, including efforts around the development of the BLM Grand Junction FO RMP in 2015, the BLM Tres Rios FO RMP finalized in 2013 and the USFS GMUG RMP update completed in 2022. Our efforts to collaboratively resolve management of this area have literally spanned more than a decade.  Despite more than a decade of discussions and attempts to balance these concerns in planning with management efforts, much of the concerns raised by supporters of the Monument were found to be factually incorrect in previous planning. As an example, in the recent GMUG planning efforts, there was a narrative from some groups that wildlife populations were collapsing. This was not supported by any documentation as when the population goals for wildlife were reviewed, elk populations on the GMUG were 30% above goals and deer populations were only slightly below objectives due to heavy snowfalls during the last several years. We have little interest in collaboration to resolve issues such as these.  The information being used is often incorrect or the management solution cannot be provided in any regulatory process.

We believe that it is important recognize the almost complete overlap of the GJFO analysis areas and the current monument Proposal.  Many of the areas now sought to be made a Monument and be subjected to immediate access restrictions, were specifically reviewed for higher levels of restrictions to the public in the Grand Junction Field Office RMP development process.  Those restrictions were eventually declined to be applied by land managers. Some of these areas had important trails for all forms of recreation that were lost, while access to other areas was maintained despite citizen proposals to close the entire area.

Generally, we thought that planning documents such as the GJFO RMP struck a reasonable balance of interests in this area as no single group got exactly what they wanted. Generally, the Organizations would assert that management needs to occur in the area as the largest concern we hear in the area is poor signage and a lack of infrastructure.  There is no need for more collaboration on further restrictions to public access as RMPs have been updated. While we are aware there is legislation that would force a collaboration type effort, prior to our support for any collaborative, we must receive a reasonable answer to why any collaborative effort for the area would thought to be needed.

Once questions of why collaboration would be reopened on issues resolved in the GJFO RMP, we would like to understand how the starting point of any collaboration was established as motorized access to areas that were closed in the RMP would be outside the scope of reopening.  Several of these areas have historical access and we would like to have that access restored. If a collaborative effort were to move forward clearly everyone should start with an equal foundation and position. The Proposal fails to provide that foundation as it starts the motorized community from a double loss position as we cannot reopen discussions on access to areas closed in the RMP and motorized is the only group that would immediately lose access, with a prohibition on road construction, is the motorized community. The Organizations are further disappointed that the only motorized value recognized by many in this discussion is the Rimrocker trail. While the Rimrocker Trail is an important resource in the planning area, it is far from the only value in the area.

Collaboration fatigue.

We are also concerned that many in these discussions seem to want to force another collaborative effort despite the failure to explain the need for the collaboration in the first place. Collaboration simply to collaborate is of little value and exacerbates a consistent issue we are seeing throughout the State. There are simply too many collaboratives on too many issues and this over collaboration diminishes the value of all collaboratives.  Many of the public simply do not have time to participate in each of these efforts despite the public interest in the effort or topic being addressed.  Too often these collaboratives start with a particular target but as time passes the target of the discussion shifts to other topics, often without public notice of these changes. This only further diminishes the value of any collaboration as we should look forward rather than reopening issues.

The sheer number of collaboratives in the last several years has become overwhelming.  Colorado has collaborated on wolves, we expect to be collaborating on wolverines in the near future, the western slope has been through multiple federal forest level planning efforts, dozens of site specific NEPA efforts, the Governor’s Office is driving efforts to balance recreation and conservation through B2020-008, forest health efforts with the USFS. This creates a situation where there are too many collaboratives function at the same time as often we hear that multiple meetings are occurring on the same nights at the same times.

We must ask why another collaborative is thought to be needed for issues we see as resolved?  Often basic questions such as these are simply not addressed.  If these existing groups do not want to discuss a citizen proposal, that is a statement of the lack of support on the Proposal and not the need for another collaborative effort. It is our position that the Proposal does not have sufficient support to move forward with any effort as most communities that are near the planning area have already opposed any further efforts towards a monument.

Our partnerships with land managers.

The Organizations have taken a very different collaborative path to provide sustainable recreational opportunities in the planning area. Rather than developing another legislative effort that never gets implemented or seeking another round of planning, the Organizations have partnered with land managers to provide funding for the actual management of these areas. This effort has now spanned more than 50 years in partnership with CPW. This collaborative effort provides funding rapidly approaching $10 million in grants a year to land managers for the management of public lands. While we are proud of the benefits this program and the benefits of sustainable recreational opportunities it provides for all users of public lands, this program takes significant volunteer effort to administer and implement. Partner grants must be applied for and managed, contractors must be overseen, tax returns must be completed.  These are all done by the same volunteers that are now being asked to collaborate with those that want to close these opportunities. This request must be declined by our interests as we support current management and will not benefit from the monument designation.

We are intimately aware of the current budget situation facing federal managers and we are the only recreational group working to mitigate this situation by directly funding staff for these managers. If there are additional funding needs that are unmet, we provide some of that funding. We are aware that regardless of management prescriptions for any area, management still needs to occur and that takes money and staff on the ground.  Managers still need to monitor areas and maintain infrastructure.  If  there is a seasonal closure in place to protect wildlife, managers need to open and close gates in the area.  We often fund employees to do this.  If the agency cannot afford gates, the program will buy them as well. The Organizations are VERY disappointed that despite our decades of partnership with managers for the benefit of all uses, the motorized community is the user group that starts from a double lose position in current discussions. This is simply unacceptable to us.

The management decisions currently in place are also driven by the fact the motorized community is the only recreational group who has been legally required to balance recreational opportunities with wildlife/resource protection.  This balancing has occurred since Executive Order 11644 was issued by President Richard Nixon in 1972.   Over this 50-year span, we have worked hard to proactively address wildlife/resource needs in conjunction with recreation.  This effort has a successful partnership of interests and in most areas of the state, wildlife populations were well above goals for the species and often challenges were entirely unrelated to motorized recreation. Our Organizations have also become the single largest partner with land managers in funding sustainable recreational opportunities on public lands across the state. This partnership and its benefits have been repeatedly recognized by agency leadership. Despite this recognition by managers, motorized usage is the only group to double lose in any monument proposal. We are very concerned that while many groups have made insignificant contributions to protect resources and wildlife, their concerns are provided greater protections. Again, this is deeply disappointing.


We are forced to vigorously oppose the possible creation of the Monument as basic questions around the need to establish the need for a monument have not been resolved. Why would collaborations that spanned almost a decade and resulted in the GJFO RMP be reopened simply because a small portion of the public did not get exactly what they wanted. Even if the need for a monument was established, many of the proposed starting points for any discussion are entirely unacceptable to us. Many of these proposed starting points of discussion are not just insufficient but are insulting to our interests and the decades of funding that we have provided for the management of this area.

The Organizations and our partners remain committed to providing high quality recreational resources on federal public lands while protecting resources and would welcome discussions on how to further these goals and objectives with new tools and resources. We simply do not believe the designation of the area as a Monument achieves this goal as rather than resolving conflict, the effort would create conflict and exacerbate the overly collaborative situation we are seeing in Colorado currently. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Scott Jones, Esq. (518-281-5810 / or Chad Hixon (719-221-8329/

Respectfully Submitted,

Scott Jones, Esq.
Executive Director CSA
Authorized Representative COHVCO

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty

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Bears Ears National Monument Resource Management Plan Comments


Bureau of Land Management
Monticello Field Office
365 North Main Street
Monticello, Utah 84535

RE: Bears Ears National Monument Resource Management Plan (DOI-BLM-UT-Y020-2022-0030-RMP-EIS)

Also see:
October 31, 2022: Bears Ears National Monument Comments from Ride with Respect
November 16, 2023: Manti-La Sal National Forest Land and RMP – TPA and RWR Comments

Dear BENM RMP Project Manager:

Please accept this correspondence from the above organizations as our official comments regarding the Bears Ears National Monument (BENM) Draft Resource Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement (DRMP/EIS) that was released by the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service, which our comments will refer to as the “Lead Agencies.” Note that these comments are in addition to the June 10, 2024 letter signed by our organizations and eight others.

1. Background of Our Organizations

In our comments, the “Organizations” will refer to the following four groups:

Colorado Off Road Enterprise (CORE) is a motorized action group based out of Buena Vista Colorado whose mission is to keep trails open for all users to enjoy. CORE achieves this through trail adoptions, trail maintenance projects, education, stewardship, outreach, and collaborative efforts.

The Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO) is a grassroots advocacy organization of approximately 2,500 members seeking to represent, assist, educate, and empower all OHV recreationists in the protection and promotion of off-highway motorized recreation throughout Colorado.  COHVCO is an environmental organization that advocates and promotes the responsible use and conservation of our public lands and natural resources to preserve their aesthetic and recreational qualities for future generations.

Ride with Respect (RwR) was founded in 2002 to conserve shared-use trails and their surroundings. RwR has educated visitors and performed over twenty-thousand hours of high-quality trail work on public lands. Over 750 individuals have contributed money or volunteered time to the organization. RwR and its contributors have spent several-hundred hours maintaining trails designated for motorized use in the planning area. We have promoted minimum-impact practices including the preservation of cultural sites given their nonrenewable nature and tremendous value to our nation, particularly to indigenous Americans.

The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) is an advocacy organization created to be a viable partner to public lands managers, working with the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to preserve the sport of motorized trail riding and multiple use recreation. The TPA acts as an advocate for the sport and takes necessary action to ensure that the USFS and BLM allocate a fair and equitable percentage of public lands to diverse multiple-use recreation opportunities.

2. Introduction

Our concerns have only increased since reviewing the Analysis of the Management Situation (AMS) in 2022. The RwR October 31, 2022 letter (included) listed 21 concerns. Although #9, #10, and #12.E were resolved, and #11, #12.H, and #12.I were partially resolved, the remaining 15 concerns have persisted or worsened, therefore we are including the RwR October 31, 2022 letter as part of this submission for the Lead Agencies to review (along with the Organizations’ June 10, 2024 letter).

3. The BENM DRMP/EIS showcases the failure of the Lead Agencies to heed the legal authorities that control this process.

The Lead Agencies have failed to “to give … State, and local governments and the public, adequate notice and opportunity to comment upon and participate in the formulation of plans and programs relating to the management of the public lands.”  FLPMA Section 202(f), 43 U.S.C. § 1712(f) (Emphasis added).  The State of Utah and San Juan County (“the State,” “the County,” and/or “the State and County Cooperators”), much less the public of which the Organizations are a part, have been allowed no meaningful opportunity to  “participate in the formulationof the DRMP/EIS.  The dictionary defines “formulation” as the act or process of formulating.  The dictionary definition of “formulate” is to devise or develop.  The dictionary definition of “devise” is to contrive, plan, or elaborate; invent from existing principles or ideas.  The dictionary definition of “develop” is to bring into being or activity; generate; evolve.  In light of these well understood definitions, in no meaningful way have the State, the County, and the Organizations been allowed to participate in the formulation of the elements of the DRMP/EIS.

Despite numerous requests for the opportunity to participate in the formulation of the subject document, the most that can be said is that the State, the County, and the Organizations have been asked to comment, after the fact, on various documents produced by Lead Agencies along the way, documents which the Lead Agencies alone have formulated  – with perhaps a little help from the so-called Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition, whose members are mostly out of state or out of local area, thus making a mockery of the traditional planning area-based coordination, cooperating agency, and planning processes dictated by Lead Agencies Organic Acts, NEPA, and their associated regulations.

In short, the DRMP/EIS simply is not something that the State and County Cooperators and Organizations can say they have helped to “formulate.”  This stands as an irremediable violation of FLPMA 202(f).  Accordingly the BENM DRMP/EIS process to date should be scrapped, re-noticed and the Lead Agencies should start over and this time comply with FLPMA 202(f).

In violation of FLPMA Section 202(c) obligations, see 43 U.S.C.  § 1712(c), the Lead Agencies have made impossible the mandated coordination work among the Lead Agencies and the State and County cooperators to achieve maximum consistency with state and local plans and policies, to the maximum extent possible, while achieving the objective of protecting the relevant inventoried BENM objects.  Why has this become impossible?  Because the Lead Agencies have failed to properly inventory and reveal to the State and County Cooperators, what those Proclamation mandated objects for protection even are.  There is nothing in the hundreds of pages of the DRMP/EIS that indicates otherwise.  Thus the “coordination” work among the Lead Agencies and State and County Cooperators, necessary to uphold state and local resource management plans to the maximum extent possible while still protecting identified monument objects, is an impossible non-starter in this case.  The BENM DRMP/EIS process has utterly failed in this regard.

One can hardly make this stuff up, to think that the State, County, the Organizations and other members of the public, now have a DRMP/EIS they must comment upon, when none of the needed coordination and consistency work has even been started in order to justify the DRMP/EIS and its restrictions on travel in the Monument, as well as restrictions on other established resource uses.  Again, this is all due to the Lead Agencies’ refusal to first determine, and then share, information on the objects to be protected.  One may reasonably wonder whether the Lead Agencies themselves even have in their possession a comprehensive inventory of such objects, much less have shared them.

Consider how dysfunctional the above-described situation is while contemplating the following mandate under FLPMA  § 202(c)(9):

(9) to the extent consistent with the laws governing the administration of the public lands, coordinate the land use inventory, planning, and management activities of or for such lands with the land use planning and management programs of other Federal departments and agencies and of the States and local governments within which the lands are located, including, but not limited to, the statewide outdoor recreation plans developed under chapter 2003 of title 54, and of or for Indian tribes by, among other things, considering the policies of approved State and tribal land resource management programs. In implementing this directive, the Secretary shall, to the extent he finds practical, keep apprised of State, local, and tribal land use plans; assure that consideration is given to those State, local, and tribal plans that are germane in the development of land use plans for public lands; assist in resolving, to the extent practical, inconsistencies between Federal and non-Federal Government plans, and shall provide for meaningful public involvement of State and local government officials, both elected and appointed, in the development of land use programs, land use regulations, and land use decisions for public lands, including early public notice of proposed decisions which may have a significant impact on non-Federal lands. Such officials in each State are authorized to furnish advice to the Secretary with respect to the development and revision of land use plans, land use guidelines, land use rules, and land use regulations for the public lands within such State and with respect to such other land use matters as may be referred to them by him. Land use plans of the Secretary under this section shall be consistent with State and local plans to the maximum extent he finds consistent with Federal law and the purposes of this Act.  (Emphasis added.)

The foregoing FLPMA 202 obligations are reflected in the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ regulations) to which the Lead Agencies are subject.  40 CFR § 1507.1   The Lead Agencies have failed to “[engage] in interagency cooperation before or as the environmental impact statement [DRMP/EIS] is prepared, instead arbitrarily opting to await submission of comments State and County Cooperators on a completed document,” in violation of 40 CFR § 1500.5(d).  The Lead Agencies from the very beginning in this EIS process, have merely submitted completed documents and sections thereof and waited for the cooperating agencies to comment.

Getting together with the State and County Cooperators from the beginning and together write and construct the DRMP/EIS, have not been features of this process.  This failure to engage State and County Cooperators in preparation of the DRMP/EIS from the start, also seriously violates the Lead Agencies’ duty and obligation under 40 CFR § 1500.5(j) to “[eliminate] duplication with State, Tribal, and local procedures by providing for joint preparation of environmental documents where practicable.”  It was certainly practicable here; the Lead Agencies just chose to ignore their regulatory obligation.

“The Lead Agencies have ignored and violated their 40 CFR § 1506.2(b) obligations, namely:

“To the fullest extent practicable unless specifically prohibited by law, agencies shall cooperate with State, Tribal, and local agencies to reduce duplication between NEPA and State, Tribal, and local requirements, including through use of studies, analysis, and decisions developed by State, Tribal, or local agencies. Except for cases covered by paragraph (a) of this section, such cooperation shall include, to the fullest extent practicable:

(1) Joint planning processes.
(2) Joint environmental research and studies.
(3) Joint public hearings (except where otherwise provided by statute).
(4) Joint environmental assessments.”

Contrary to the above-quoted regulation, the Lead Agencies failed to have joint planning processes with the State and County Cooperators. The Lead Agencies failed to do joint environmental research and studies with the cooperators.

The Lead Agencies failed “with respect to [the State and County] cooperating agencies,” to “use the environmental analysis and proposals of cooperating agencies with jurisdiction by law or special expertise, to the maximum extent practicable,” in violation of 40 CFR § 1501.7(h)(2).  Virtually every proposal and analysis of the County have been ignored, almost maximally.

In violation of 40 CFR § 1501.7(i), the Lead Agencies, instead of developing an EIS schedule “in consultation with … cooperating agencies,” have one-sidedly and dictatorially forced an unreasonably accelerated EIS timeline and schedule, despite repeated requests for a lengthened EIS timeline.  Adding insult to injury, the Lead Agencies have dictated this accelerated schedule all while failing and refusing to provide State and County Cooperators with critical information about objects to be protected on the National Monument, thus depriving the State and County Cooperators of their ability to meaningfully function as coordinating partners and cooperators.

Any notion that Lead Agencies have no choice but to stick to an arbitrarily rushed EIS timetable, is contrary to 40 CFR § 1501.10(b)(2) and (c), which state:

“(b)(2) [Agencies shall complete] environmental impact statements within 2 years unless a senior agency official of the lead agency approves a longer period in writing and establishes a new time limit. Two years is measured from the date of the issuance of the notice of intent to the date a record of decision is signed.

(c) The senior agency official may consider the following factors in determining time limits:

(1) Potential for environmental harm.

(2) Size of the proposed action.

(3) State of the art of analytic techniques.

(4) Degree of public need for the proposed action, including the consequences of delay.

(5) Number of persons and agencies affected.

(6) Availability of relevant information.

(7) Other time limits imposed on the agency by law, regulations, or Executive order.”

(Emphases added)

This regulatory language puts the lie to any claim by Lead Agencies that they are somehow bound to a ROD timeline in time for the 2024 Election. They as “senior agency officials” are entitled under regulation to lengthen that timeline in consideration of factors which include the following:

–  The potential for environmental harm.  Environmental harm, or effects, as Lead Agencies well know, includes effects to the human socio economic environment.  See, e.g., 40 CFR § 1508.1(g)(4), which states: “Effects include ecological (such as the effects on natural resources and on the components, structures, and functioning of affected ecosystems), aesthetic, historic, cultural, economic, social, or health, whether direct, indirect, or cumulative. Effects may also include those resulting from actions which may have both beneficial and detrimental effects, even if on balance the agency believes that the effects will be beneficial.” (Emphasis added.)

– The potential for widespread and deep socio economic harm to local constituents and local economies, that may result from this EIS/RMP, are significant.

–  The size of the proposed action.  This factor, given the overwhelming size of the BENM calls for consideration in terms of lengthening the EIS time line.

– The degree of public need for the proposed action.  It is absurd, the notion that there is a “public need” to damage the local economies and recreational traditions.  The only “public need” is to slow down and take the time necessary to make sure this matter is studied and vetted thoroughly.

– The “consequences of delay” also weigh in favor of extending the timeline. There is no serious dire consequence that will result from a sizable time extension.

The travel management portion of the DRMP/EIS has the obvious substance and tone of a document serving to justify anti OHV decisions already made between the current administration and groups advocating the vast expansion of wilderness designation, with no or little regard for its impact on the human environment.  This runs afoul of 40 CFR § 1502.2(g), which states: “Environmental impact statements shall serve as the means of assessing the environmental impact of proposed agency actions, rather than justifying decisions already made.” (Emphasis added.)    The very idea of assessing impacts of actions, as required by this regulation, is impossible due to a lack, to date, of any credible inventory of the Monument objects to be protected, much less an assessment and analysis of why any wholesale OHV/no-OHV area designations and other motorized travel restrictions are necessary to protect such objects, despite that the Lead Agencies have yet to analyze the individual routes that they’re preemptively closing.

Collaborative efforts by the Lead Agencies should remain faithful to the congressional directive of public lands to benefit the public as a whole.  Statutory and regulatory authorities recognize the roles of States, Local Governments and Tribes as the entities to represent the public interest, particularly in the administrative phase of a NEPA process.  Yet with the BENM DRMP/EIS, the Bears Ears Commission (BEC) have abrogated center stage in the process, the BEC have been blindly following the recommendations of a private nonprofit group called Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition (BEITC), whose positions are completely in line with the wilderness-expansion groups that share the same funding sources, and the BEITC have essentially captured the Lead Agencies in that the DRMP/EIS carries forward the BEITC LMP’s emphasis on “a holistic approach to all resources that gives primacy to indigenous knowledge and perspective on the stewardship of the Bears Ears landscape.”  The legal failing with this slow-walked accretion of BEC and BEITC influence and control by winks and by nods, is to unlawfully marginalize and squeeze out the time-honored, warranted, and rightful statutory and regulatory based roles and input of the State and County coordinating and cooperating partners in the Planning Area, as well as that of other important public stakeholders, such as the Organizations.

It is discouraging that such detailed pains have to be taken to explain to the Lead Agencies in these Comments, the foregoing legal requirements and principles of inventorying and reasonably identifying monument objects to be protected, and of coordinating with State and County officials to achieve maximum consistency with State and County plans and policies while protecting those Monument objects.  You all know better; you already understand these requirements and principles.  All you need are the will and the determination to apply them instead of undermine them.

From the foregoing points, Lead Agency action items essential to salvage the legality of the BENM DRMP/EIS process include but are not limited to the following:

– Discard the current timeline, discard the current DRMP/EIS, and extend the DRMP/EIS process by at least 18 months;

– Start over and this time honor your coordinated formulation requirements and give State and County Cooperators and the Public including the Organizations where appropriate, a fair and reasonable opportunity to participate in the formulation of the DRMP/EIS, particularly the travel management plan portion thereof;

– Provide a reasonably detailed inventory of all Monument objects to be protected;

–  Strive to achieve maximum consistency with State and Local travel management plans; otherwise, justify inconsistencies between the State and County travel management plans and the travel management portion of the DRMP/EIS by objectively and rationally demonstrating why each inconsistency is necessary to protect a reasonably inventoried object to be protected;

– Discontinue the practice of waiting until release of the public draft EIS before ever informing the State and County Cooperators and Public of the different travel management alternatives.  Instead, give the State, County, the Organizations where appropriate, and the rest of the Public where appropriate, to work side by side with the Lead Agencies to formulate the travel management alternatives, to formulate descriptions of the affected environment, and to work in conjunction to assess the estimated impacts thereto.

4. Recognize our organizations as important stakeholders in BENM.

In addition to advocating access for responsible OHV riding, the Organizations have spent countless hours partnering with agencies to effectively manage motorized recreation, which cannot be substituted by other stakeholders. Of course we also recognize the contributions of other OHV groups such as SPEAR, the input of local government such as San Juan County, and indigenous Americans particularly when it comes to managing cultural sites. Specific to BENM, RwR and its contributors have spent several-hundred hours maintaining motorized singletrack like Vega Creek, Shay Mountain, and Indian Creek, on ATV trails like Gooseberry and Shay Ridge, and on primitive roads like Chicken Corners. We are one of the many stewards of BENM that the Lead Agencies should encourage rather than marginalize.

5. Recognize recreation as instrumental to appreciating and ultimately protecting monument objects.

Input from the BEITC and wilderness-expansion groups seems to have made the DRMP/EIS regard recreation as a nuisance rather than a necessity for humans to thrive and foster a sense of genuine stewardship. The draft refers to “traditional, cultural, and spiritual uses” as if they’re separate from recreation, yet activities like camping and travelling through the landscape are often how these concepts like a spiritual pursuit are actually practiced, thus recreation is instrumental. While the DRMP/EIS action alternatives apply the most excessive restrictions to motorized recreation, the Organizations note that some excessive restriction applies to non-motorized recreation, such as the preferred alternative’s prohibition on hiking off of designated trails in the Remote RMZ that covers over three-quarters of the planning area. While limiting hiking to designated routes may be appropriate in settings such as an archaeological site, doing so across more than one-million acres is just one way in which the DRMP/EIS (and especially the preferred alternative) would actually work against the values associated with traditional, cultural, and spiritual uses.

6. Recognize active and practical management as instrumental to protecting monument objects.

Just monument objects aren’t protected by excessive restrictions to recreation, excessive restrictions to management are also detrimental. Management often requires negative impacts upfront to reduce negative impacts in the long term, such as mechanical treatments as a key tool for forest health, and the same is true of recreation. Much of the DRMP/EIS (especially the preferred alternative) would only make it harder for the Lead Agencies to effectively manage visitation.

By the same token, it’s important to place certain guardrails on management in terms of the range of actions and the process of future planning. While the DRMP/EIS (especially the preferred alternative) isn’t sufficiently flexible for things like travel management, it’s too vague when it comes to concepts like a cultural landscape or processes like leaving many decisions to the co-stewardship of the Lead Agencies and BEC without clear opportunities for public review and participation.

7. Work with the state and county to manage motorized use of the road in Arch Canyon.

The BLM has recognized the historic use of Arch Canyon Road so, rather than contradicting this recognition by attempting to close the road, the Lead Agencies would be far more productive working with the State of Utah and San Juan County to more closely manage motorized use of the road given Arch Canyon’s significance for natural and social resources including the road itself.

8. Accommodate Over-Snow Vehicle Use as an important recreational use of BENM.

The Manti-La Sal National Forest portion of BENM provides valuable opportunities for snowmobiling and other over-snow vehicle (OSV) use, which is appropriate compatible with resource conservation. Other than when reciting the current LMP for this national forest, the DRMP/EIS doesn’t seem to address OSV use whatsoever, yet the action alternatives seem to restrict is severely.

The DRMP/EIS states that the following definitions for OHV area designations:

“Limited: Designated areas where motorized vehicles are restricted to existing and designated routes. Off-road, cross-country travel is prohibited in limited areas, unless an area is specifically identified as an area where cross-country, over-snow travel is allowed. Some existing routes may be closed in limited areas.

Closed: Designated areas where off-road motorized vehicle travel is prohibited year-round. Emergency use of vehicles is allowed year-round.”

These definitions suggest that OSV use would be prohibited in areas zoned as OHV closed, which the DRMP/EIS proposes to expand dramatically to cover most of the high-elevation terrain where OSV use is possible. So conserving wintertime motorized recreation is yet another reason to simply keep the OHV area designations in place, as winter ROS zones could be added to carefully restrict OSV use in a portion of the OHV Limited areas, but ROS zones could not be added to carefully allow OSC use in a portion of the OHV Closed areas.

9. Reform Recreation Management Zones to avoid essentially expanding the restrictions of other managerial layers such as ROS and OHV Area Designations.

The DRMP/EIS preferred alternative would make over three-quarters of the monument a Remote RMZ, which includes strict policies such as “New mechanized trails would not be allowed in the Remote Zone.” We’re concerned that this arrangement would hobble effective OHV management in much of the acreage that’s spared from non-motorized ROS and OHV Closed zoning. Therefore RMZ acreage and policy should be scaled back so that they assist the Lead Agencies to manage recreation rather than effectively expanding the ROS and OHV Area restrictions that are already proposed to be severe.

10. Preserve ROS zoning that has worked well for decades.

See the RwR and TPA November 16, 2023 letter to Manti-La Sal National Forest LMP planners (included), specifically parts 19 through 27, as well as the attached “ROS zoning details.”

11. Preserve OHV Area zoning that have worked well for decades.

See the attached “OHV Area zoning details.”

12. Correct Alternative A errors on the DRMP/EIS tables and figures regarding current ROS, current TMP, and OHV Area zoning.

The specific table is 3-133, and figures are 2-28, 3-40, and 2-38 through 2-42, which are described in the attached “Alternative A error details.”

13. Conclusion

Please go back to the drawing board and develop a sound DRMP/EIS for this area that’s so important to all Americans.


Clif Koontz
Executive Director
Ride with Respect

Chad Hixon
Executive Director
Trails Preservation Alliance

Marcus Trusty
Colorado Off Road Enterprise

Scott Jones, Esq.
Authorized Representative
Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition




ROS zoning details

The current Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) zones from the 1986 LMP of Manti-La Sal National Forest have worked well. In the nearly forty years since then, there has been no significant development of OHV trails that would warrant drastically expanded non-motorized ROS zones, although we are open to carefully refining the boundaries after the given areas are more closely analyzed by the Lead Agencies and the public.

The RwR and TPA November 16, 2023 letter to Manti-La Sal National Forest LMP planners (included) addressed ROS in parts 19 through 27, and those parts are applicable to the BENM DRMP/EIS, so please review them as part of our comments.

Keeping areas in a motorized zone provides the most flexibility for managers to designate routes that would occupy up to 1% of the area (as TMPs almost never exceed that density) or designate no routes (as motorized ROS zones don’t require a minimum route density).

However if motorized zones will be shrunk, they should at least provide buffers wide enough to reroute and otherwise manage motorized routes as needed. For example the DRMP/EIS action alternatives proposes a corridor that appears to be 100 meters wide for Shay Mountain motorized singletrack (Trail 098), leaving just 50 meters on either side, which is like putting the trail in a straitjacket. Since USFS planners are aware that this trail would benefit from rerouting, and they’re presumably aware that rerouting within a 100-meter corridor would require many switchbacks that are costlier, it suggests that the ROS zoning is setting the stage to close the trail. After all, RwR has implemented the construction of many reroutes with USFS on Red Ledges and Robertson Pasture Trail, several of which were up to 200 yards away from the original location, and one that was over 500 yards away. Motorized zones provide the latitude to optimally place routes through rugged terrain and away from sensitive resources.

Motorized zones typically provide great opportunity for non-motorized recreation in part because most Travel Management Plans (TMPs) have a low density of routes. Also motorized zones can be enhanced for non-motorized recreation through reducing vehicle sound, but not in the manner that the DRMP/EIS proposes. An environmental sound limit of 30 dBA, let alone 25 dBA, may require vehicles to be more than a mile away. Such low limits area easily affected by the sounds of nature, plus they require precise measurement that’s much costlier, and they’re impractical to enforce.

Excessive sound is mostly due to individual equipment and individual behavior. The equipment can be effectively regulated by stationary sound testing of vehicles such as SAE J1287 for off-highway motorcycles, J2825 for on-highway motorcycles, J1492 for automobiles, and J2567 for snowmobiles. Some behaviors like “throttle jockeying” can actually be regulated and enforced, but most behaviors are best improved through education from peer groups. The organizations have supported stationary sound testing and education to mitigate excessive sound, and we would gladly help to further resolve noise concerns, especially when they reasonable address it at the individual level rather than assuming that all vehicles are inherently loud. Also electric vehicles are projected to become the most common ones during the life of the BENM RMP.

That said, it’s important to set realistic expectations when planning across 1.36 million acres, as there will always be someone somewhere at some time who would regard a given sound as noise. The DRMP/EIS states “Hopi people believe that the spirits of their ancestors still reside at BENM, and any disruption of peace will disturb them.” It may be feasible to resolve this kind of concern at an archaeological site, and quiet may be fairly certain in portions of BENM such as primitive areas, but significant sounds periodically occur in many other portions (and not only along the highways) without disrupting the vast majority of visitors.

The Organizations caution the Lead Agencies from regulating sound to severely, not just because it’s unwarranted and impractical to enforce, but because the directive is thin. The 2016 proclamation merely mentions “natural quiet” and deafening silence” in a single paragraph, while the 2021 proclamation just mentions “solitude” in Dark Canyon, which is already designated as a wilderness area. Advocates of proclaiming a BENM emphasized healing between peoples, but the designation by executive fiat rather than congress has only caused more division. The lead agencies could moderate the situation by carrying out the proclamation more modestly instead of placing it further out on the proverbial limb.

OHV Area zoning details

The DRMP/EIS fails to justify drastically expanding OHV Closed area zoning. Similar to ROS, OHV Limited zoning does not require a minimum density of routes, and designated routes in OHV Limited zones occupy far less than 1% of the ground. It gives lead agencies flexibility to add a route which, in the case of BENM, would have to meet the threshold of being for the purpose of public safety or protecting monument objects. This threshold is plausible when it comes to major reroutes, e-bike trails, or campground loops to concentrate impacts.

Perhaps the Lead Agencies developed all action alternatives to drastically expand OHV Closed zoning because they assume it won’t be realistic to meet this threshold. In fact the DRMP/EIS states:

Alternatives aimed at increasing motorized access.
Rationale: Several commenters suggested the agencies consider and analyze increasing motorized access in BENM. Such alternatives were not carried forward for detailed analysis because they are inconsistent with management direction in Proclamation 9558, which is incorporated into Proclamation 10285. Specifically, Proclamation 9558 prohibits cross-country motorized vehicle use except for emergency or authorized purposes and prohibits the designation of new roads and trails for motorized vehicle use unless they are for the purposes of public safety or the protection of Monument objects. In other words, the agencies do not have discretion to increase motorized access within the Monument.

Actually the agencies DO have discretion to increase motorized access within the Monument, as the 2016 proclamation clearly allows such increases that are for the purposes of public safety or the protection of monument objects. To claim otherwise and drastically expand OHV Closed zoning is to decide that this threshold won’t be met in the TMP process over the life of the RMP, which is predecisional, plus it hobbles effective management.

One classification where the Lead Agencies would not have discretion to increase motorized access is in lands managed for wilderness characteristics, which is a subset of lands with wilderness characteristics (LWC).  BLM Manual MS-1626, “Travel and Transportation Management” states:

6.5 Travel and Transportation Management within Presidential and Congressional Designations or Similar Allocations

    1. BLM Manual 6320 – Management of lands with wilderness characteristics, the following apply:
    2. In lands managed for wilderness characteristics, the BLM will not designate primitive roads and motorized/mechanized trails and will not classify them as assets within lands managed for wilderness characteristics protection in land use plans.

Therefore converting more LWCs to manage for wilderness characteristics would prevent the Lead Agencies from ever adding a route even for the purpose of public safety or protecting monument objects. BENM already includes many areas that are managed for wilderness characteristics, such as natural areas, WSAs, ISAs, and designated wilderness. In the remainder of the monument, somewhat less restrictive management is needed for all kinds of uses that are compatible with monument protection.

What’s more alarming is that at least half of the routes currently designated for motorized use that are in LWCs which would be managed for wilderness characteristics in alternatives D and E are not cherry-stemmed out (i.e. the LWC boundaries are not drawn around the roads), thus it appears that these routes would be closed by alternatives D and E, yet these routes are not even highlighted (let alone analyzed) by the DRMP/EIS. It should clearly and completely address the ramifications of alternatives D and E on each one of these routes.

As with the issue of deciding to manage for wilderness characteristics in LWCs, to expand the OHV Closed zoning, the Lead Agencies would need to do far more analysis than what the DRMP/EIS presents. BLM Manual MS-1626, “Travel and Transportation Management” states:

3.1 Designation of Off-Highway Vehicle Management Areas

The decision-making process used to designate OHV areas must be thoroughly documented in the administrative record, summarized and analyzed in the NEPA document supporting the designation decisions. The BLM must specifically document how it considered and applied the designation criteria in 43 CFR 8342.1 in making OHV area designation decisions (see Section 3.3).

The Lead Agencies have not met any of these requirements, whether in general across the 1.36 million-acre planning area, or specifically at each affected location within the planning area. The DRMP/EIS would preemptively close routes, many routes in the case of alternatives D and E, and each route deserves to be analyzed before being closed. It is not the public’s responsibility to do this analysis but, to illustrate its significance, the Organizations will give you a few examples of such roads.

First are three roads that would actually be closed by every alternative if the GIS data isn’t fixed. In each case, we believe that the route data has been updated to benefit from the accuracy of modern GPS, while the OHV Closed boundaries are still based on older technology (as evidenced by their more broadly-sweeping features), thus the imprecise boundaries inadvertently cross the roads.

A. Winter access road to Beef Basin northwest of Boundary Butte (D1870)

The main road to Beef Basin skirts Horse Mountain, which can be snowy, and an alternative is this primitive road that stays below 8,000′ of elevation while providing view of the mountains above and desert below. The road is regularly used from the east end (first photo below) to the west end (third photo below) except for less than a quarter-mile section in the middle (second photo below) that’s rougher, but even that section has been used many times by two- and four-wheeled vehicles for many decades, and it’s a constructed road the whole way through. If increased use were to increase erosion, the section has plenty of potential for realignment or the installation of drainage structures.

Note:  In addition to the middle of this road being shown as inside of an OHV closed zone in every alternative, the west end of this road is in an LWC that would be managed for wilderness characteristics in alternatives D and E, which would apparently close the road since the LWC boundary isn’t drawn around it.

B. Last 300 yards of Collins Canyon Road (B260)

The last 300 yards of this graded road, from the TLA boundary (first photo below) to the hiking trailhead (second photo below), is also shown as being in an OHV Closed zone in every alternative. In addition to hiking access, the last 300 yards provides mobility-limited visitors with a modest view over Collins Canyon, while the road and parking area don’t intrude the hiking trail.

C. John’s Canyon western overlook road (D0053)

This spur goes from the TLA boundary (first photo below) to a modest overlook of John’s Canyon (second photo below) that also provides primitive camping, yet it’s shown as being inside of an OHV Closed zone in every alternative.

Second are three examples of the many roads that would preemptively be closed by the drastic expansion of OHV Closed zones in Alternative D, as well as apparently being closed by the decision to manage many more LWCs for their wilderness characteristics in alternatives D and E since those LWC boundaries are not drawn around those routes.

D. Mikes Canyon Road (D0004)

This road climbs up the Red House Cliffs (first photo below), where it passes rock towers (second photo below) and then rounds a gap before dropping into Mikes Canyon (third photo below). It’s a wonderful backcountry route that, if use increases, could easily benefit from realignment or the installation of drainage structures.

Note:  There is an LWC boundary paralleling the north side of this road, but it appears to simply separate two different LWCs rather than excluding the road from LWC, thus the decision of alternatives D and E to manage for wilderness characteristics in both of these LWCs would apparently close the road.

E. Northeast Red House Cliffs road (D0036)

This road heads east from Red Canyon Road and traverses the top of Red House Cliffs (first photo below), where it passes an antique truck (second photo below), finally turning north to reach a view of Tables of The Sun (third photo below) offering views in every direction over its four-mile length.

F. John’s Canyon overlook road west of Muley Point (D0046)

This road goes from Muley Point Road to its own overlooks of the San Juan River (first photo below), then to overlooks of John’s Canyon (second photo below), with many remarkable dispersed campsites on slickrock.

Even if the Lead Agencies were to fix GIS data of the OHV Area boundaries in order to keep roads A, B, and C open, the OHV Area boundaries of Alternative D would preemptively close roads B, D, E, and F, while the alternatives D and E decision to manage wilderness characteristics in LWCs would apparently also close roads B, D, E, and F. Again these are just examples of many routes that would be closed by the OHV Area boundaries of Alternative D or the alternatives D and E decision to manage wilderness characteristics in LWCs that don’t cherry-stem the given route. The negative effect of these closures to recreation would be enormous, yet it’s not acknowledged let alone analyzed by the DRMP/EIS, which are fundamental flaws when it comes to planning on public lands.

Alternative A error details

A table and figures of the DRMP/EIS are grossly inaccurate about the no-action alternative, which makes it impossible for the public to understand the changes being proposed, again creating a fundamental flaw when it comes to planning on public lands.

A. Current Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) zones

The current ROS zones from the 1986 LMP of Manti-La Sal National Forest place the vast majority of the Manti-La Sal National Forest portion of BENM in a motorized class. This fact is plainly reflected in the national forest’s 1986 LMP itself as well as the DLMP from 2023. However the BENM DRMP/EIS erroneously portrays only half of this area to be in a motorized class, and then it proposes the same ROS in all the action alternatives, thereby totally misleading the public into thinking that the proposed ROS zones are currently in place. This inaccuracy is in the following table:

The inaccuracy is also in Figure 2-28:

The interactive map on e-planning is inaccurate in the same way as Figure 2-28.

The same ROS inaccuracy was clearly stated in #8 of the RwR and TPA October 31, 2022 letter, yet the Lead Agencies continued to propagate the inaccuracy in the DRMP/EIS. During the April 23, 2024 public meeting in Blanding, the organizations notified multiple USFS leaders of this inaccuracy and its significance, one of whom acknowledged the inaccuracy of the ROS table and said he was already aware of it. However the Lead Agencies have yet to correct any of their planning documents, and actually later uploaded an ROS poster to e-planning that continues to propagate the inaccuracy. The persistence of the Lead Agencies to inaccurately portray the current ROS over and over suggests a complete disregard for the public to meaningfully participate.

B. Current Travel Management Plan (TMP) in terms of mis-classified routes

Figure 3-40 of the DRMP/EIS inaccurately portrays at least 15 motorized routes in the national forest as being non-motorized. In other words, it should show the routes in black instead of brown. The Organizations have highlighted the 15 routes in green:

This same inaccuracy is found in the “FS BENM Roads Draft” layer of the interactive map on e-planning. In fact the interactive map is worse, as it omits over 40 motorized routes, the same routes highlighted in our next point (C) below.

During the April 23, 2024 public meeting in Blanding, the organizations notified multiple USFS leaders of this inaccuracy and its significance. However the Lead Agencies have yet to correct any of their planning documents.

This inaccuracy should not be dismissed by the fact that a TMP will be developed later. Inaccurately portraying at least 15 motorized routes as being non-motorized hamper the public’s ability to meaningfully participate in RMP planning now. For example, USFS Trail 203 (which is the northernmost of the 15 motorized routes on Heifer Mesa) is in an Inventoried Roadless Area (IRA), and accurately portraying the route as open to motorized use could inform the public’s comments on the IRA aspects of the DRMP/EIS.

C. Current Travel Management Plan (TMP) in terms of missing routes

Figures 2-38 through 2-42 of the DRMP/EIS inaccurately omit over 40 motorized routes. The organizations have highlighted the 40 routes in green:

This same inaccuracy is found in the corresponding layers of the interactive map on e-planning (“BENM Routes in OHV Areas Alt A Draft,” “…Alt B Draft,” “…Alt C Draft,” “…Alt D Draft,” and “…Alt E Draft”).

During the April 23, 2024 public meeting in Blanding, the organizations notified multiple USFS leaders of this inaccuracy and its significance. However the Lead Agencies have yet to correct any of their planning documents.

This inaccuracy should not be dismissed by the fact that the missing routes would not be closed by the proposed OHV Area designations. Their omission from the five figures does hamper the public’s ability to meaningfully participate in RMP planning now. For example, in all of the action alternatives (B through E), the proposed OHV Closed boundaries go right up to the edge of many of these omitted routes. The presence of these routes could inform the public’s comments on the proposed OHV Closed boundaries given the potential future needs such as rerouting.

All three of these inaccuracies mask the major opportunities for motorized trail riding that have been in BENM for generations, many of which RwR has maintained, and many of which would be greatly affected by multiple geographic designations. Given these inaccuracies, plus the lack of acknowledging and analyzing LWC and OHV-Area ramifications, plus the lack of coordination (with the state, local government, and public) to formulate the draft RMP and identify all the monument objects or even define new concepts such as cultural landscapes, the Lead Agencies should start from square one with planning. In many ways, a more thorough process is likely to conclude that the current BLM and USFS rules and regulations have been adequate in most cases. What’s lacking is resources to enforce rules, educate visitors, maintain trails, and other management tools that are tried and true. There’s great potential for more resources and grassroots support so long as planners honor the tradition of diverse recreation from Mexican Hat to nearly Moab across this ninety-mile landscape.

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