Affiliated Clubs

This is a map of Off-Highway Motorcycle (and other) clubs associated with the Trails Preservation Alliance. The area overlays are somewhat generalized regions covered by a club, and the pins show the town where each club has it’s base of operation. To view larger and have a more interactive experience open the full map!

Motorcycle Clubs

Boot Hill Motorcycle Club (BHMC)

The mission of the Boot Hill Motorcycle Club (BHMC) is to bring together dirt bike enthusiasts to enjoy, promote, and protect dirt bike and other recreational activities in the San Luis Valley and surrounding area by partnering with the USFS and other government agencies.

We have been established since 1979 and have worked very closely with the Rio Grande National Forest Divide District in the maintenance of single track and ATV less than 50″ trails as well as volunteering with race organizations to set up and mark courses as well as many other needed duties during the events.

Attn. Chad Barr
2901 Adock Blvd
Alamosa, CO. 81101

Email: (President Daniel Hatton)

Central Colorado Mountain Riders (CCMR)

CCMR is a non-profit motorcycle club based in Salida, CO. Our mission is to preserve, maintain and create motorized trail opportunities in the central Colorado area through cooperation, education, etiquette, and stewardship.  CCMR has over 200 members and businesses who are proud landowners, recreational users, and stewards of this precious resource.

CCMR continues our good relationship with our land manager partners, the USFS Salida Ranger District and the BLM Royal Gorge Field Office.  Since CCMR’s inception in 2016, we have logged over 6,000 volunteer hours with the USFS and BLM.  We also collaborated in a USFS cost-share agreement to design, create, and install 11 signs/kiosks to educate users about trail etiquette on multi-use trails.

Additionally, CCMR formally adopted 54 miles of singletrack trails, built two new trails, and is actively working on more projects.  CCMR submitted a CPW OHV grant request for a new singletrack trail in 2018, was awarded the grant in 2019, and completed the six-mile DudBob Trail in 2020.  CCMR also submitted a CPW grant in 2020 to restore the section of the Rainbow Trail damaged by the 2016 Hayden Pass fire.  CCMR was awarded this grant in 2021 and will complete the grant and trail restoration in 2022.  CCMR submitted three CPW grants in 2021.

PO Box 454
Salida, CO 81201


Colorado Backcountry Trail Riders Alliance (CBTRA)

The Colorado Backcountry Trail Riders Alliance is based in Carbondale, Colorado. It is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization run by volunteers whose scope of interest lies in keeping trails open and sustainable within the White River National Forest and surrounding BLM lands for motorized use.

We advocate motorized rights, personal responsibility, and stewardship and as well as developing partnerships with other user groups. The club has been in existence since 2002 and currently has a membership of approximately 65 members. It began in Crested Butte and the Gunnison Basin and in 2006 expanded its scope of interest to include the White River National Forest. The club has experienced several scoping and comment periods and provided input into the current Travel Management Plans in both the Gunnison and White River National Forests. Now that both plans have been implemented the needs of both communities in those areas were far too great for the CBTRA to handle effectively. In early 2011 the Gunnison Valley OHV Alliance of Trail Riders – GOATS – formed to take on the Gunnison Basin. CBTRA now concentrates its time working directly with the Forest Service and BLM in the White River National Forest and surrounding public lands.

7025 HWY 82 Bld 1 Unit B
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601


Colorado Motorcycle Trail Riders Association (CMTRA)

Since 1972, the Colorado Motorcycle Trail Riders Association has been the premier advocate for motorcycle trail riders in the Pikes Peak and Southern Colorado region. CMTRA works with the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management to maintain access to multi-use trails and open new trails. We obtain grants through the Colorado Parks and Wildlife OHV program that provide funding for trail construction and maintenance.

Over the years, CMTRA has held numerous work days on multi-use trails in the Pikes Peak region, such as Captain Jacks/Jones Park and 717 trail systems. CMTRA has obtained over $250,000 in grants from the CPW OHV program. All of these funds have gone towards tools, materials, and labor to maintain motorized trails in our region.

CMTRA’s active involvement is critical to keeping Colorado motorcycle trails open, and your membership makes our association viable in the public arena.

P.O. Box 38006
Colorado Springs,  CO  80937


DVT Dirt Coyotes

Rifle, CO

Gunnison Off Highway Alliance of Trail Riders (GOATS)

The Gunnison Valley OHV Alliance of Trailriders’ mission is to protect your right to ride through many active campaigns. Protecting your right to ride by representing your interests with the US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management is first and foremost. Since 2010, The Gunnison Valley OHV Alliance of Trailriders has led the effort to permanently protect over 500 miles of off-highway recreational use trails. We have been at the forefront of nearly every local trail project and cause.

POB 3772
Crested Butte, CO. 81244


Mountain Trails Axxess (MTA)


Motorcycle Trail Riders Association (MTRA)

A club that represents the interests of Western Slope motorcycle trail riders through involvement in the process that makes our use possible.

Motorcycle Trail Riders Association
P.O. Box 1
Fruita, CO 81521


Northern Colorado Trail Riders (NCTR)

“We don’t stop riding because we get old, we get old because we stop riding.”

Northern Colorado Trail Riders is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to preserving motorized recreation opportunities in Northern Colorado. During the riding season, the club organizes trail rides nearly every weekend for a wide variety of skill levels. We are heavily involved with building and maintaining single-track multi-use trails in the North Park area, volunteers are always appreciated.

Northern Colorado Trail Riders
P.O. Box 273344
Fort Collins, CO 80527


Northwest Colorado Trails Corporation (NCTC)

We are a non-profit that works in cooperation with trail clubs, crews, and organizations in support of the trail systems in northwest Colorado; to maintain an association of persons interested in maintenance, preservation, and expansion; to assist in the development, promotion, and completion of trail services, facilities, and programs; and to increase public awareness and stimulate the use and preservation of the trail systems in northwest Colorado.

Northwest Colorado Trails Corporation
PO Box 1691
Craig, Co 81626


Public Access Preservation Alliance (PAPA)

The Public Access Preservation Association (PAPA) is a regional recreation group that supports and champions access and responsible use of public lands and encourages individual environmental stewardship. PAPA represents individuals, organizations, and business members.

The PAPA mission is to promote balanced, unbiased, responsible use of public lands in collaboration with recreational users of all interests (hiking, backpacking, mountain biking, horseback riding, backcountry skiing, hunting, trail motorcycling, parasailing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, ATV riding), advocating respect, education, and conservation of the environment.

P.O. Box 4220
Telluride, CO 81435


Rampart Range Motorized Management Committee (RRMMC)

The RRMMC is an all-volunteer, nonprofit corporation founded in 1972 to work with the Forest Service to promote and preserve the riding opportunities in the Rampart Range. We are also an AMA Chartered Off-Road Club. The present RRMMC is the result of the efforts of an unknown number of off-road enthusiasts whose commitment to the area began in the mid-1940s when local residents began to exercise their Harleys and Triumphs on the old roads and game trails. Beginning in the late 1960s, with the introduction of inexpensive Japanese trail bikes more suited to exploring the roads and trails, more people began to enjoy the area. Some of the long-time enthusiasts recognized the need to develop a plan to preserve the off-road motorcycle riding opportunities in the area. The foresight of this group led to the birth of the RRMMC, whose charter was to cooperate with the Forest Service to develop a management plan for off-road motorcycle use on the Rampart Range. A significant part of the early plan involved the mapping, marking, and maintenance of trails, and where necessary, the rerouting of trails.

In 1979, in an attempt to provide a stable source of funding for the activities of the RRMMC, the group began hosting a non-competitive poker run on the trails of Rampart for dirt bike riders. This tradition continues today with the annual Spring and Fall Poker Runs, usually held in mid-June and mid to late-September.

The current activities and concerns of the RRMMC are much the same as they were in the 1970s, but the job is much larger now. The number of people using the area and the variety of activities that they enjoy is much greater than they were 40, or even 15 years ago. The recent popularity of the ATV has forever changed the face of Rampart and our scope has had to expand to preserve riding opportunities for all of us whether we ride a dirt bike or an ATV.

The RRMMC has been fortunate to be a major participant in the OHV grant process. Money derived from the OHV registration program is distributed to the OHV community across the state through grants approved by the Colorado Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation and the OHV Committee of the state Recreational Trails Program. RRMMC has been awarded many dollars since the program’s inception. That money has gone to support the committee’s “on the ground” activities and to supplement the money that the South Platte Ranger District receives through the U.S. Forest Service.

POB 3511
Englewood, CO. 80155

Email: on website at

Rocky Mountain Sport Riders (RMSR)

Rocky Mountain Sport Riders (RMSR) is a family-oriented motorcycle club dedicated to preserving and expanding riding opportunities for our members and others who enjoy riding dirt bikes in Colorado.  We support balanced and responsible use of public lands while promoting respect, education, and stewardship of the environment. RMSR is recognized as the only entity representing and protecting the rights of off-road motorcycle users in the Vail Valley by the US Forest Service, the BLM, Eagle County, and most local governments in the Valley.

The club began to take shape in 1996 and became a non-profit, 501(c)3, in 2013.  We have over 440 members and growing.  We encourage everyone to become a member.  Annual dues are only $20 with minors under 18 free. Members receive a club logo sticker, possible discounts at local shops, and more importantly provide financial support for our activities, including trail building and maintenance as well as the management of the Dry Lake MX Park. Every dollar we receive goes right back into maintaining your off-road motorcycle privileges whether that be on our facility or public land!

Rocky Mountain Sports Riders
P.O. Box 1432
Avon, CO 81620

Email –
Facebook group: and

San Juan Trail Riders (SJTR)

The San Juan Trail Riders is a volunteer organization with its principal goal focused on preserving the sport of motorized single-track trail riding.  We act as an advocate for OHV recreation and take the necessary actions to ensure that both the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management allocate a fair and equitable percentage of access to trail riding on public lands, educate user groups on trail etiquette, and support the establishment and operation of local, off-road motorcycle clubs.

Our goals are to:

  • Advocate for Off-Highway use of public lands
  • Enhance awareness multi user-groups and public lands
  • Build relationships with land managers and other user groups

Some of our greatest accomplishments are:

  • Funding and implementation of 100+ mile Turkey Springs/Devil Mountain trail system in the Pagosa Ranger District
  • Hermosa Drainage
  • Securing motorized designation for Starvation Creek, Rampart Hills, Upper Chicken Creek, Morrison, Deer Lick Creek, Box Canyon & Gold Run Trails and development of Bear Creek Rim Trail in the Dolores Ranger District

San Juan Trail Riders
181 Hopkins Creek Trail
Durango, CO 81301


Summit County Off Road Riders (SCORR)

SCORR works with the local USFS Dillon Ranger District and Friends of the Dillon Ranger District for building and maintaining single-track trails. These are located on Tenderfoot Mountain between Dillon and Keystone with many more miles of single-track trails in the Breckenridge Golden Horseshoe area between Tiger Road and French Gulch.

Please become one of our motorized representatives by volunteering, attending workshops, and contributing to fundraisers. SCORR does not have regular meetings, rides or newsletters. Our member list is simply used to provide a group total for our grant applications. We currently have over 450 members. The bulk of our grants come from the Colorado State Parks and Wildlife OHV sticker program, almost one million dollars to date.

POB 1789
Frisco, CO 80443

Facebook Group:

Tomichi Trail Riders

We are a non-profit organization of like-minded, responsible, motorcyclists. Our goal is to protect and maintain singletrack motorcycle trails in Colorado.

Tomichi Trail Riders
PO Box 151
Sargents, CO 81248


Western Colorado Riders & Enthusiasts (WESTCORE)

We are riders and enthusiasts who have huge gratitude for our backyard. Our mission at WESTCORE is to keep our public lands in Western Colorado accessible to all user groups. Through responsible, cooperative usage, we strive to promote an atmosphere of shared stewardship and education.

Montrose, CO

Facebook Group: 

ATV Clubs

Westslope ATV

A recreational club that supplies information as well as opportunities to explore local public lands. The WSATVA maintains motorized routes for the benefit of all users, not just an entitled few.

P.O. Box 4283
Grand Junction, CO 81502

Wildridge Trail Coalition

We work to ensure sustainable access to public lands.

By collaborating with key stakeholders including residents of Eagle County, Colorado, the Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, municipalities and county government, we ensure residents have sustainable and equitable motorized and non-motorized access to public lands in Eagle County, Colorado.

Wildridge Trail Coalition
PO Box 797
Avon CO 81620


Thunder Mountain Wheelers (TMW)

The Thunder Mountain Wheelers (TMW) is a nonprofit public service organization incorporated in the State of Colorado as a 501 (C) (4) Our mission as an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) non-profit organization is to unite Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) enthusiasts and supporters in an environmentally friendly atmosphere by promoting an attitude of public service, volunteerism, and safe responsible OHV riding practices, “While Using Not Abusing Our Public Lands”.

We partner with Public Land Managers and other interested groups to encourage and practice the development and implementation of environmentally responsible methods for the construction, reconstruction, preservation, and maintenance of ATV/UTV/OHV trails and full-size vehicle 4X4 roads that lead to a 50 inch or less trail on the Western Slope of the State of Colorado. We are strong advocates of the “Multiple Use” management philosophy of our Public Lands.

POB 203
Delta, CO. 81416


State Partner Clubs

Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO)

Formed in 1987 by a group of leaders from the four-wheel drive, motorcycle, snowmobile, and ATV communities, we work to promote legislation and regulation favorable toward responsible OHV recreation. Over the years, we have established relationships with Federal and State Legislators and Land Managers to enhance OHV opportunities in Colorado. We work closely with local clubs, state and national OHV organizations, as well as other trail and recreational coalitions to promote OHV opportunities. COHVCO was instrumental in starting the Colorado State Parks OHV registration program, and still monitors the program today.

P.O. Box 741353

Arvada,  CO  80006
United States of America


Colorado Snowmobile Association (CSA)

The Colorado Snowmobile Association is dedicated to advancing, promoting and preserving the sport of snowmobiling in Colorado. As a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation, donations and member dues provide vital support toward maintaining multi-use trails and ensuring public lands remain open for motorized winter sports.

PO Box 575
Hartsel, CO 80449
United States of America


New Mexico Off-Highway Vehicle Alliance (NMOHVA)

NMOHVA is a statewide nonprofit alliance of motorized recreation enthusiasts and organizations. Our mission is to promote, protect, and preserve responsible off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreation through education and advocacy.

Responsible OHV recreation has a legitimate place on public land, alongside all the other reasons people seek outdoor recreation. We, the members of NMOHVA, are conservationists and environmentalists. We are hikers and bikers, equestrians, hunters and anglers, bird watchers and wildlife photographers and history buffs. We enjoy driving and riding for the places it takes us and the pleasure it brings us. We treasure our public lands for all these reasons and we want to ensure that public land recreation includes preserving access for OHVs, where appropriate, for future generations.

NMOHVA is committed to creating new motorized recreation opportunities in New Mexico. NMOHVA supports local groups and individuals working with city, state, and federal land managers and agencies by developing projects, participating in grant programs, and acting as a fiduciary agent where needed.

P.O. Box 23341
Santa Fe, NM 87502-3341


Ride with Respect (RwR)

Ride with Respect aims to protect natural resources while accommodating diverse recreation on public land. We reach this goal through trail/restoration projects and educational programs. In combination, these initiatives work to concentrate vehicle travel to established roads and trails.

Off-trail travel most often results from confusion. Ride with Respect delineates appropriate routes through positive and negative trail marking. We improve trail conditions to minimize their deterioration and consequent widening. By documenting the effects of our trail work, we further general knowledge of techniques that ensure recreation is a renewable resource.

Off-trail travel is also caused by ignorance. We foster conscientious use by educating through interpretive signs and personal contacts. By offering certified rider-training classes, we instill environmental ethics and safety consciousness in children.

The founders of Ride with Respect are based in Moab, Utah. They have diverse backgrounds, with motorcycling as a common thread. They represent the interests of all recreationists.

Ride with Respect depends on individual donations and public grants. Our non-profit and non-political posture enables us to work cooperatively with government agencies, often fulfilling duties that land managers do not have the means to carry out.

Curtailing off-trail travel preserves both future access to trails and the scenery surrounding them. Improving trails make travel more straightforward and enjoyable. Teaching people about their environment empowers them to act responsibly. Ride with Respect is a grass-roots effort that applies Tread lightly! and sustainable recreation concepts to practical use with tangible results.

Ride with Respect
395 McGill Avenue
Moab, UT 84532


Stay The Trail

The idea for Stay The Trail Colorado was born in 2003 when a small group of off-highway vehicle (OHV) enthusiasts decided a new approach to land management issues was needed in Colorado. This new approach was to educate the public on responsible OHV use and to develop a sense of stewardship for our public lands among OHV enthusiasts. Since our first brochure was published in 2005, the program has grown into a resource that both the public and the land management agencies can count on to educate the public and protect our natural resources in Colorado.

Our mission is to reinforce and highlight responsible OHV use, and to modify and mitigate irresponsible use in an effort to minimize resource damage on public land. We offer educational services and materials to land management agencies, OHV and OHV accessory dealers, educational and community institutions, and the general public.

Stay the Trail
PO Box 532
Arvada, CO 80001


National Partner Clubs

American Motorcyclist Association (AMA)

Since 1924, the American Motorcyclist Association — a 501 (c)(4) nonprofit — has worked to protect the future of motorcycling and promote the motorcycle lifestyle. AMA members come from all walks of life, and they navigate many different routes on their journey to the same destination: fun, freedom and adventure on two wheels. As one of the world’s largest motorcycling organizations, the AMA advocates for motorcyclists’ interests in the halls of local, state and federal government, the committees of international governing organizations, and the court of public opinion.

Through member clubs, promoters and partners, the AMA sanctions more motorsports competition and motorcycle recreational events than any other organization in the world. Through the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame, the AMA preserves the heritage of motorcycling for future generations. AMA members receive money-saving discounts from dozens of well-known suppliers of motorcycle services, gear and apparel, bike rental, transport, hotel stays and more. The AMA represents everything related to motorcycling in America.

American Motorcyclist Association
13515 Yarmouth Drive
Pickerington, OH 43147


Backcountry Discovery Routes (BDR)

BDR is a 501c(3) non-profit organization that creates off-highway routes for adventure and dual-sport motorcycle travel. The organization’s work includes promoting rider education and safety campaigns, driving a positive economic impact to rural communities, and encouraging responsible motorcycle travel in the backcountry. Through the careful investment of funds and working with land managers and other public benefit organizations, BDR seeks to keep remote roads open for motorcycling for generations to come.

The BDR relies on the generosity of our donors and the efforts of a dedicated team of volunteers and ambassadors who contribute thousands of hours each year to help carry out our mission.

Backcountry Discovery Routes
3250 Airport Way South
Ste 733
Seattle, WA 98134 USA


BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC)

The BlueRibbon Coalition/Sharetrails, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is a respected national recreation group that champions responsible use of public and private lands and encourages individual environmental stewardship. With members in all 50 states, they are focused on building enthusiast involvement with organizational efforts through membership, outreach, education, and collaboration among recreationists.

The successful Sharetrails/BRC strategy of working administratively, legislatively, and legally for effective recreational advocacy is now a quarter of a century time tested and ground proven.

PO Box 5449
Pocatello, ID 83202


The Off-Road Business Association (ORBA)

ORBA is an innovative leader providing professional trail advocacy for motorized access and directing the future of Off-Highway Vehicles (OHV).

We exist to advance the off-road community by influencing policy and implementing change with congressional lobbying and the ability to work cohesively through partnerships.

The Off-Road Business Association proactively protects recreation access and opportunities by ensuring that America’s families are not arbitrarily denied the right to responsibly recreate. ORBA provides leadership in addressing land use issues by advancing policies that conserve the environment while at the same time providing off-road recreation opportunities.

We are a professional trade association comprised of off-road related businesses including clubs, manufacturers, retail and e-commerce, racing organizations and lobbyist groups, united to promote common goals that support the prosperity and growth of the off-road industry. ORBA makes decisions and takes actions that maintain and expand off-highway vehicle recreation opportunity. ORBA works closely with its partner organizations on local, state and federal issues that have potential impacts to the off-road industry. We are dedicated to making it possible for the OHV industry to have a voice in land use issues.

1701 Westwind Dr. Suite 108
Bakersfield, CA 93301
