Latest News
Introducing the TPA Trail Crew
BLM Uncompahgre Field Office Travel Management Public Comments
CDPHE Regulation #87 Dredge and Fill Control Proposal Comments
DOGE Legislative Bundle Comments
BLM Finalized San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan
Happy Holidays from the TPA
Rampart Timber Comments Draft EA - Lower North-South Vegetation Plan
2024 Fall Newsletter - November
Shoutout for Jerry Abboud: The Father of Colorado's OHV Program
UPDATE: USFS Seasonal Hiring and Budget Guidance Comments
What we do & who we are:
The Trails Preservation Alliance (TPA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with its principal goal focused on preserving the sport of motorized single-track trail riding. The TPA regularly supports all forms of Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) recreation. The TPA acts as an advocate for OHV recreation and takes the necessary actions to ensure that both the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management allocate a fair and equitable percentage of access to trail riding on public lands, educating user groups on trail etiquette, and supporting the establishment and operation of local, off-road motorcycle clubs.
Purpose of the TPA
The primary purpose and focus of the Trails Preservation Alliance is to preserve motorized, single-track trail riding. The TPA supports and works to preserve all forms of OHV recreation including ATV’s, UTV’s, 4WD’s, snowmobiles, etc. However, the TPA’s foremost commitment is to preserve motorized single-track trail riding.
Volunteer Centered
The TPA is a volunteer-centered organization that partners with federal land managers to preserve the sport of trail riding. The TPA solely depends on donations to fund its activities and when required will involve and employ the services of attorneys, engineers, biologists, and other specialists to best represent, defend and maintain motorized access on public lands.
To accomplish its primary goal, the TPA will
- Attend meetings and provide written responses to the Travel Management Plans, Resource Management Plans throughout Colorado and Rocky Mountain Region.
- Represent motorized recreation on the wide range of legislative issues that arise including Wilderness Proposals and Monument designations.
- Assist in the development and implementation of operations for local, Colorado off-road motorcycle clubs.
- Coordinate with state and local elected officials to develop and preserve motorized vehicle recreation.
- Hire consultants who are well qualified in motorized vehicle recreation planning and travel management to assist in TPA’s responses to the USFS and BLM.
- Embrace all appropriate actions that will “Protect Your Right to Ride the Trails.”
Why it matters
If you review the last 25 years of USFS and BLM travel management planning, you can see their focused effort to reduce or eliminate the OHV recreation areas on public lands.
– over half of which includes OHV use.
When you combine these actions with the significant increase in wilderness designation, unlimited ski area expansion, and commercial enterprises on public land, every form of leisure time activity has received its fair and equitable share of access to public resources, with the exception of motorized vehicle recreation.